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Report/Rumor: Diva On Thin Ice?


According to Dave Meltzer, there's talk going about that WWE Diva JoJo might not have much of a future with the company. Various sources, according to Meltzer, suggest that it's a bad sign that JoJo hasn't been part of the recent television tapings and that she didn't have nearly as much focus on her during the second half of the Total Divas reality show.

When comparing JoJo with the other newer Divas featured on the show or even on Raw, like the Funkadactyls and Eva Marie, I don't see anything particularly special in her. She doesn't have the athleticism of Naomi and Cameron and, to me, she doesn't have the sex appeal of Eva Marie. Don't get me wrong though because Eva Marie is pretty damn worthless as a female wrestler but, as I alluded to, she does have sex appeal going for her. She does have a great look and that has to be the only thing keeping her around. It's the only thing she's got but, to me, it's still one thing more than JoJo has. Both of them strike me as the kind of Divas that've made women's wrestling a laughing stock in WWE. With Triple H in charge of WWE's developmental system and when you compare Eva Marie & JoJo with the likes of AJ & Natalya on the main roster and with a good number of other Divas down in NXT, they seem like remnants of when Big Johnny was running things.
She's much too small to take seriously anyway. Even AJ towers over her. I'm surprised she's made it this far.
My initial thoughts upon seeing this thread were "Uh oh, I hope that's not AJ or Natalya!"

My initial thoughts upon reading the opening post were "Who in the hell is JoJo!?"

Seriously. I have absolutely no idea who this diva is. If she gets future endeavored I won't miss her. I have no reason to if I've got no clue as to who she is. As for the work she may have put in on the divas show, I have yet to watch an episode and no plans of ever doing so. As long as they have AJ, Natalya, Kaitlyn, and a significant amount of opponents for each of them, the division should be fine. It will not shake the foundation of the divas division to the core if JoJo gets future endeavored as I imagine few would make a big deal over the loss of her. I'd feel bad obviously if she lost her job, but it's not like she was an important part of the roster. It would be like if JTG suddenly got future endeavored. She's about as important as he is until she can make a name for herself, which it looks like she might not. Best of luck to her elsewhere if this is it.
I have noticed her absence lately but wrote it off as the whole age limit thing.
If the report is true I would not be surprised. She does not have anything that makes her stand out. At least Eva has that certain IT, JoJo doesn't.
I don't really care about the divas division (minus AJ of course) so if she stays or goes isn't a huge concern. However, I thought she was in a relationship with Randy Orton. If she is, then that is pretty great form of job security. If not then, oh well, not a huge loss.
Is she the one Orton is boinking? That name does nothing for me. I don't watch the Divas show which is why I guess. Don't think many will miss her.
Could you give me one reason why any of us were meant to care about JoJo as much as WWE tried to make us care for all of two minutes?

No? Anyone? Well then, let's move on. She was nothing to me anyway. At least Eva Marie has a decent body.
It's the case with most Divas, and the same goes for JoJo: I'm sure a lot of people won't care or notice, if WWE releases her. I just don't see anything special in JoJo. With the other Divas, you can't point to their looks, and justify an "eye candy" spot, and from what I've seen on the show (and the Raw appearance a while back), JoJo doesn't bring anything special to the table, when it comes to personality. In fact, she's pretty dull and boring.
I honestly have no idea why the WWE didnt put women on Total Divas that they had taken a certain amount of time to think how they would use them and figure out would they be able to help pick up the divas division instead of wasting time putting divas on to the main slots of a show and giving them a push for absolutley NOTHING.. there are divas like the likes of Paige who i imagine are only dying to get on to the Raw slot but yet arnt and instead have the likes of Eva Marie and Jojo taking their places. In fairness to Eva Marie she has drawn alot of heat which even though is heat is still attention, and in the WWE any attention is good attention. Although, i absolutely CRINGE when she is in the ring she needs to be trained ALOT and if was used in a good storyline i imagine she would work well in the WWE. Feel a bit sorry for Jojo at the end of it all though
That honestly makes me legitimately disappointed. Say what you want about her not being able to wrestle (which, in her defense, is reasonable seeing as how she's practically fresh out of high school), but Jojo was one of the most likable diva WWE ever came across. Maybe it's because she's just young and innocent-looking, but I was much more inclined to like her as opposed to Eva Marie, who everyone backstage and in the crowd hates, which leads me to wonder why they'd keep her and ditch Jojo. Makes no sense to me...
she doesn't have the sex appeal of Eva Marie. Don't get me wrong though because Eva Marie is pretty damn worthless as a female wrestler but, as I alluded to, she does have sex appeal going for her. She does have a great look and that has to be the only thing keeping her around.

Eva Marie looks like white trash (or the hispanic equivalent which would be "cafre"). I still don't get how anyone can be attracted to her.

Look at her without make-up:

She looks like The Boogeyman. I banged hotter girls in college.

Eva Marie adds NOTHING, not even the supposed sex appeal you see in her. WWE has much hotter divas (like Summer Rae who is fucking gorgeous).

There is no need to keep her or Jojo. But I remember reading that Jojo was dating Randy Orton. If that's true I don't see her going anywhere.
She shouldn't have been there anyway. WWE has THEIR OWN RULE that says you can't compete on TV until the age of 21, so why is it that she at the age of 19 is getting all this airtime, yet girls like Paige, Emma, Sasha Banks and the like are stuck in NXT, just because they want to promote their reality show.

If they wanted to have a 'Total Diva' who was old enough to wrestle, maybe they should have picked someone that was actually of the right age. They must have auditioned for this show, not as if they just shouted out into the street 'First two girls in here get to be on a reality show'.

Get her out of here, sooner she goes the better
Eva Marie looks like white trash (or the hispanic equivalent which would be "cafre"). I still don't get how anyone can be attracted to her.

Look at her without make-up:

She looks like The Boogeyman. I banged hotter girls in college.

Eva Marie adds NOTHING, not even the supposed sex appeal you see in her. WWE has much hotter divas (like Summer Rae who is fucking gorgeous).

There is no need to keep her or Jojo. But I remember reading that Jojo was dating Randy Orton. If that's true I don't see her going anywhere.

"Hot Girls" is 99% foundation, 1% natural looks. IMHO, Trish Stratus was the last good looking diva. Had the brains, and beauty

Cut Jojo some slack. First of all, she's WAY to young...barely 19 years of age. Quite frankly, I don't think WWE should expect too much outta her. I think she should've attended college first before considering such a huge move, but that's my two cents. If she get released on good terms, I wouldn't be shocked if she comes back, taking over as a ring announcer. She certainly has the voice for it.
Eva Marie looks like white trash (or the hispanic equivalent which would be "cafre"). I still don't get how anyone can be attracted to her.

Look at her without make-up:

She looks like The Boogeyman. I banged hotter girls in college.

Eva Marie adds NOTHING, not even the supposed sex appeal you see in her. WWE has much hotter divas (like Summer Rae who is fucking gorgeous).

There is no need to keep her or Jojo. But I remember reading that Jojo was dating Randy Orton. If that's true I don't see her going anywhere.

She looks pretty hot in that pick, so I don't know what you're talking about. If you banged girls hotter than her, you must have done so in the AR game Second Life. Either that or the 'girls' you were banging had drivers licences with names like 'Steve' and 'Frank'.
Summer Rae is too much of a Barbie doll to have any sex sppeal. Blondes are bland and do nothing for me. Eva is 10x hotter then Summer on Summer's best day, especially without makeup.
She looks pretty hot in that pick, so I don't know what you're talking about. If you banged girls hotter than her, you must have done so in the AR game Second Life. Either that or the 'girls' you were banging had drivers licences with names like 'Steve' and 'Frank'.
Summer Rae is too much of a Barbie doll to have any sex sppeal. Blondes are bland and do nothing for me. Eva is 10x hotter then Summer on Summer's best day, especially without makeup.

Yeah you're crazy, go bang Kamala if that's what you're into. I'll stick with Summer Rae.

Frankly, I think Jojo is even hotter than Eva. And I'm not the only one who thinks so...


^FYI everybody, if the WWE World Heavyweight Champion has anything to say about it, Jojo is not going anywhere.
Why is everyone still thinking that Orton is still dating Jojo? She's dating some dude from Tough Enough now, I think his name is Jeremiah. And another thing, Orton is not following Jojo on his twitter page. The relationship WAS planned for Total Divas and that picture of them together? That was for that E! party for the show, some WWE Superstars and Divas show up there.
Am I the only one who doesn't see the appeal of Eva Marie? She looks like her pants are crawling with disease.

Anyway, I have no idea what WWE doesn't want to keep Jojo, she's not as mind-numbingly horrible as the rest of the Total Divas. Indeed, Jojo is downright likable compared to the rest. Remember Survivor Series? Jojo, this 19 year old girl, green as grass, got in the ring with Tamina and lasted longer than 10 seconds. And the audience actually started to get behind her a little bit. They sure as hell didn't get behind any of the other Total Divas.

Honestly, if I was WWE, I'd be treating her differently from the rest. Give her a decent trainer. She's 19, she's got loads of time to become decent in the ring if she puts the work in. That, coupled with the fact that she's the only Total Diva who's tolerable, and you might have yourself a decent wrestling diva for the future.
The rare times she does wrestle she sucks and is pointless, she needs to be gone and the there needs to be less Bella Twins on TV. they are terrible in the ring and on the mic and have terrible acting skills. And if the Slammy's weren't rigged AJ would've won Diva of the Year not those 2 embarrassments to wrestling. Only reason WWE keeps them is cause theyre in relationships with D. Bryan and Cena
Yeah you're crazy, go bang Kamala if that's what you're into. I'll stick with Summer Rae.

Frankly, I think Jojo is even hotter than Eva. And I'm not the only one who thinks so...


^FYI everybody, if the WWE World Heavyweight Champion has anything to say about it, Jojo is not going anywhere.

Had there been another 2-3 year age difference, I would say Orton is robbing the cradle.

B-Lad Buttybox said:
Am I the only one who doesn't see the appeal of Eva Marie? She looks like her pants are crawling with disease.

You're not alone. Eva Marie is the LIVING EMBODIMENT of everything that is wrong with the Divas division.

*Can't wrestle her way out of a paper bag
*Can't cut a promo worth a darn
*Hired because of her looks instead of her talent (or lack thereof)
*Has all but made it clear she's in WWE for a shot to fame and not for a wrestling career
*Has a god-awful look (the bright red is an eyesore)
*Isn't really that hot (I've seen hotter, more natural looking women working at Walmart)
*Got hot-shotted to Raw, SmackDown, and Main Event before the Divas working and training in NXT
*Consistently shoved down our throats despite the fans not liking her all.

AJ Lee's pipe bombshell last summer is Eva Marie in a nutshell.
Had there been another 2-3 year age difference, I would say Orton is robbing the cradle.

Dude, Orton and Jojo ARE NOT dating. Look at their twitters, Randy is NOT following her anymore and Jojo posted a picture of her and some guy that is her real boyfriend on hers. That picture was taking at a WWE/E! Entertainment party few months ago, that picture don't mean that they're dating. They posing for a picture like everyone else.
Meh, it's a diva getting in trouble, this happens all the time and every time the same "we don't care if they get released" and "she's what's wrong with the divas" comments show up. Stop treating it like it is news and it won't become news in the future.

Now to completely contradict what I said before and post some thoughts on this JoJo person: she's 19 (Jesus Christ she's my age!) so just be patient with her, even trish was pretty bad at one point so you can't point at someone with little to no experience and say that they're going to be terrible forever. She's also pretty good looking (for a diva) so you've really got nothing to complain about when she's on screen. Lets look at the three scenarios where you'll possibly be watching her: if she's giving a promo it's likely going to involve AJ Lee so it'll still be not shit half the time, if she's in a match then it's probably against AJ Lee and it will only last for 3 minutes, and if its Total Divas well then you change the channel and punch yourself in the face until the stupid gets knocked out of you. There, not so bad having little JoJo on your screen now is it? And there's always the option of not watching the divas like everyone else if you can't take it.

Tl;dr JoJo: can't complain so I won't complain.
TBH, I consider Jojo to be more like a manager, maybe for Justin Gabriel, Because.........Well, THEY WERE IN LOVE IN EPISODE 6 OF TOTAL DIVAS!

Eva Marie.........I don't really see her doing anything. In my opinion, she either needs to go to NXT or get released because I don't see her doing anything in the future.

JoJo > Eva Marie.
I cant see her lasting much longer myself, but if she does get fired she'll end up in tna anyway so she wont be sad for long

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