Report: Possible Plans For Adrian Neville


According to the WON, after The Ascension, Adrian Neville is the next scheduled star from NXT to be brought to the main roster. WWE creative has reportedly been working on a gimmick change for Neville and if this turns out to be correct, let the hating begin because I have a feeling it's gonna be awful.

According to the report, there were suggestions this week of putting a mask on Neville and making him a kids character based on Mighty Mouse. Yep...:wtf: :wtf: :wtf: Mighty by God Mouse....

However, all hope isn't lost as the gimmick isn't set in stone and that they're working on ideas for him. This just happened to be one of the suggestions made. The report doesn't say exactly who came up with it, it could be Vince's idea or it could be an idea from someone who was asking himself "What would Vince McMahon like?"

However, if this is ultimately the direction they go with Neville, then his time in WWE will have already been wasted from the moment he's brought up from NXT and he'll be relegated to the same level as Adam Rose once any interest in him fades, which probably won't take long at all. Again, if this is true and if this is what they go with, if I were Neville, I'd ask to either be released or let me stay down in NXT.
ffs, if this goes ahead I'm done with the main roster, I'll stick to NXT. I pray to god Triple H puts the foot down and tells whoever came up with this shit to "get fucked".
I think Neville is going to struggle on the main roster whatever they do with him. Personally, seeing how WWE have had a lot of success with 3-man groups in recent years, I'd bring him up just after Mania in a group with Hideo Itami & Finn Balor. I don't see Itami doing particularly well on his own either. But add them to a group and aling them with Balor and they'll be somewhat protected and eventually in this modern era of WWE they'd find their audience and establish solid positions within the company.
Why does everybody assume 'Mighty Mouse' means going all the way with tights and cape and prosthetic mouse ears? I mean, judging from the reactions, that's GOT to be what everyone is thinking. Say 'Mighty Mouse' and they think cartoon character. They're gonna turn Neville into a freaking TOON. I know Creative is down the shitter right now, but really?

Take the Mighty Mouse phrase as an adjective of sorts and it displays a manlet with near superman powers, Rey Mysterio on Steroids. Neville's certainly BUILT for it; he's a Brick Shithouse in Daniel Bryan's frame. He's explosive, he's smooth, he gets great hangtime, he's not afraid of performing stunts you'd see with cruiserweights back in the heyday... it's a cliche babyface role, sure, but it's not a fucking TOON.

It's just a Short-and-Sweet phrase to sum the guy in less than ten words, perfect for a sound bite.
Ok, kids, he is rumoured to be a "Mighty Mouse" type character, not "Mighty Mouse". There will be no mask or cape. He is going to be a small guy who is known for his strength.
Ok, kids, he is rumoured to be a "Mighty Mouse" type character, not "Mighty Mouse". There will be no mask or cape. He is going to be a small guy who is known for his strength.

NO! NO! NO! We want him to be mighty mouse, cape, mask and mouse ears! If he isn't and it ends up working out how can we complain about it? We would have to find something new to complain about.

But in all seriousness, this is spot on. He will be a small guy (height) who is built like a brickhouse and is stupidly strong but also agile and high flying. Basically a daredevil who can also clobber you with his strength, think John Cena combined with Rey Mysterio.
He's kind of boring gimmick wise anyway. He was carried by the far more interesting and charisnatic Sauk in their feud and mostly let his ring work do the talking for him before that. That's fine in NXT but it won't work on Raw. A mask is fine, it will sell more merch and make him interesting. Plus his ring style fits a lucha-esque character well. Im a mark for masks and over the top gimmicks so I may be biased.

There is the article if anyone hasn't read it.

So after all the work he has put in NXT and triple h has gotten him over as THE CHANCE for what, a year?
They want to put him in a mike mouse esq character and ruin him completely? He will be stuck in the lower mid card forever with this gimmick, he'll I wouldn't be surprised of he just became a jobber after a few months. DONT RUIN Adrian Neville!

Heres an idea! He could be the replacement they've been looking for of Rey mysterio, not in the Mexican angle but in the "small underdog but can kick some ass with exciting moves" angle then he can get over the main basically keep him the same!
I swear to God this is Vince McMahon's way of crapping all over the NXT guys. What a ridiculous idea and Neville should be as someone else said, either asking for his release or staying where his is. At least he's appreciated there.

Shit like this should put the fear of God into every NXT wrestler as they see what happens to them after all their hard work. They work their asses off to become part of the Exotic Express.

Here's an idea. Neville might be small but known for his strength. Why not pair him up with another guy known for the same thing, Cesaro and make a tag team out of them. The tag team division could use it, and it wouldn't stop Neville from also doing singles matches until he gets his feet under him. They worked together in NXT didn't they, so it might be a natural fit.

There is the article if anyone hasn't read it.

So after all the work he has put in NXT and triple h has gotten him over as THE CHANCE for what, a year?
They want to put him in a mike mouse esq character and ruin him completely? He will be stuck in the lower mid card forever with this gimmick, he'll I wouldn't be surprised of he just became a jobber after a few months. DONT RUIN Adrian Neville!

Heres an idea! He could be the replacement they've been looking for of Rey mysterio, not in the Mexican angle but in the "small underdog but can kick some ass with exciting moves" angle then he can get over the main basically keep him the same!

With all due respect, reported on or by the cited site may not mean it's entirely researched. I'd assume that this is a case of lines not being read between and that the premise of Mighty Mouse, small with big strength, will be the route, and not a mask and cape.
Hold on a sec
He is a character who is supposed to be for kids? A superhero-esque character?! Who wears a mask?!?!

Nine times out of 10, he won't literally be the mouse version of Hurricane Helms.

Mighty Mouse in that he's "small but strong" but now it'll be with a Mask so he'll likely just be the British Rey Mysterio.

I know WWE's top brass is hard to trust sometimes because stupid ideas are churned up there but I'm sure they know that turning him into a literal mouse would be basically admitting they are assholes that love to sabotage talent.

Trust me though, if that IS what they do then I'll probably go apeshit on it a couple times.

However, making him the British Rey Mysterio could have an upside in that it forces the audience to pay more attention to his wrestling and physique (for Vince's sake anyway) and allowing it to become a selling point for it like it would have in ECW.

Also, if you had him and Kalisto in opening matches to wake up the crowd or in an undercard feud period...we'd be in for a treat.
I would like Neville's gimmick to "just be a good wrestler"... a la Daniel Bryan, but I don't know if he has the charisma to carry that after the Red Arrow and so forth lose their brand new luster. The truth is he will be pitted up against much bigger guys and has to stand out somehow. He has ran his course in NXT and done all that he can do there though so it is time to go.

I don't think the "Mighty Mouse" rumor alludes to an actual caped character, or at least I seriously hope it doesn't for Neville's sake. It will be very interesting to see how this pans out, because I honestly saw them bringing him and Sami Zayn in simultaneously with a feud to be the "real more deserving WWE Superstar" or something to that effect.
Guys... you're missing something seriously easy here... an underrated character, exceptionally strong and a high flyer... who is kid friendly... now where have I seen that bef....oh wait...


It makes a lot of sense if they haven't unmasked the Bunny to have it be Neville, he can go straight into a feud with Rose and base it on... "I was NXT champ AND being the only reason you were still on RAW"... Once he beats Rose have him go against increasingly bigger opponents and stun them... THAT's what they mean by "Mighty Mouse" not literally dressing him up as a superhero.

If they went "lucha" with him it would be a shame, cos he has done good work on his character on NXT, I doubt they;d bin all that but he might change how he dresses to be more colourful.

Personally I think the best thing he can do is hook up with Regal as a manager, have Regal leading an NXT invasion type thing. Put him with Barrett as he was the first NXT winner... Regal as the mouthpiece and Acension to take on the tag ranks... There's a lot they could do with that.
If the reports are indeed true & the gimmick is just very loosely based on mighty mouse in the sense that he is a good guy that is kind of small in size but is still really strong & can essentially "fly" with all his cool aerial moves, then I'm totally cool with it & it sounds exactly like the kind of gimmick Neville could excel in.

On the other hand, if Neville actually comes out in a super hero outfit dressed as a mouse, has his named changed to something mouse or mouse like & the commentators actually start to reference a 1940's cartoon character... well I guess then we will really know just how in touch Vince is with today's culture.
I highly doubt he is going be a SuperHero type with a Mask and Tights to boot.

Mighty Mouse strikes me as more like how Daniel Bryan is portrayed, and honestly, IF Daniel Bryan is far from a return, maybe just maybe, Neville could be thrust into such a role with such a gimmick which just screams of him being an Underdog with a Big Heart more than anything and not anything to do with a mask and tights...
There's more info on this from The site states that multiple sources have confirmed that officials have talked about bringing Neville to the main roster with a kid friendly gimmick based on the Mighty Mouse character.

These sources also allege that while the character will be inspired by Mighty Mouse, Neville won't be wearing some sort of mouse costume and the character is being described as more similar to that done by former WWE star, the late Crash Holly. In a little bit of trivia, the report mentions that WWE initially had a Mighty Mouse inspired gimmick in mind for Chris Candido back in the 90s before ultimately making him one half of The Bodydonnas team instead.

I'm not really seeing how Mighty Mouse and Crash Holly are at all similar. Holly's gimmick generally revolved around him being a deluded little guy who said he was a super heavyweight. In all his intros, he was introduced at weight at "allegedly weighing well over 400 pounds."

I honestly don't understand why Vince wants to sabotage the most promising high flyer WWE has seen in many, many years with such an idiotic character.
Cos it's Vince, and he has no clue how to handle non American talent...

If they are going to do ANY kind of gimmick like this, they should just make him the new British Bulldog... that gimmick taps right into the exact same stuff as the "mighty mouse" crap, being tough, strong, never saying die etc... Bring Harry back and have then team... even let them bring a Matilda type Bulldog to the ring if it must be kid friendly...
There's more info on this from The site states that multiple sources have confirmed that officials have talked about bringing Neville to the main roster with a kid friendly gimmick based on the Mighty Mouse character.

These sources also allege that while the character will be inspired by Mighty Mouse, Neville won't be wearing some sort of mouse costume and the character is being described as more similar to that done by former WWE star, the late Crash Holly. In a little bit of trivia, the report mentions that WWE initially had a Mighty Mouse inspired gimmick in mind for Chris Candido back in the 90s before ultimately making him one half of The Bodydonnas team instead.

I'm not really seeing how Mighty Mouse and Crash Holly are at all similar. Holly's gimmick generally revolved around him being a deluded little guy who said he was a super heavyweight. In all his intros, he was introduced at weight at "allegedly weighing well over 400 pounds."

I honestly don't understand why Vince wants to sabotage the most promising high flyer WWE has seen in many, many years with such an idiotic character.

meh, that sucks if true.

Hopefully, he is allowed to do his high-flying stuff, and get still get over in spite of the possibility of a crap gimmick being given to him for the main roster.
I'm not even sure what to think about this. Neville has the potential to be one of the top midcarders easily, but this gimmick from the sounds of it puts him in danger of being reduced to being a comedy jobber. Someone with Neville's abilities should not be portrayed as a joke. I'll give it a chance to see how it goes, although I must admit I do not have very high hopes for it. Neville had low odds of making it to the very top in today's WWE due to there only being one World Championship now. This gimmick reduces those odds to being significantly lower if it's anything like what it sounds like. Who knows, maybe it ends up being a cool superhero gimmick like Hurricane. Or maybe it sucks and he turns into a comedy jobber. At that point he may be better off going back to NXT like Tyson did when his main roster run went nowhere. Neville could be best off as an NXT mainstay, working with that show's top guys continuously.
While you're in NXT with HHH you're a wrestler but when you get called up you're an entertainer and Vince decides what you are, even if it's a cartoon character.
Neville should debut and team up with Wade Barrett. They can do the whole "British Invasion" gimmick and just be a solid tag team.

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