Report On The Future Of The Tag Team Division


According to a report originally sourced from, WWE is going forward with the tag team division. The tag team division was being built well during the latter part of 2012 but was put on the backburner, as a whole, during WM season.

According to the report, The Usos victory over the PTPs on Raw this past Monday and various other reports are stating that The Usos are being pushed to be The Shield's next opponents. Over the next several weeks, the report goes onto say that several undercard talents might be paired up for use in the tag team division.

If WWE ultimately goes into booking the tag team division, overall, in a way that generates some genuinely exciting feuds & matches, like they've done with The Shield & Team Hell No over the past several months, then I'm all for it. I don't expect every team to be great or anything, but if WWE can use The Shield to elevate other teams to prominence while ultimately maintaining their own, then it's all good as far as I'm concerned.
This is great news. We have too few tag teams and too many low to mid-carders with nothing to do. One thing that needs to happen is to split up Team Rhodes Scholars (for good this time). Creative have gone back and forth so much over these two I don't see them building any momentum.
These reports on WWE wanting to update the tag team division sure seem to come up a lot. Are they actually going to go through with it this time? They have plenty of wrestlers on the roster who can be put into random pairings to increase the number of teams chasing the giant pennies. As long as The Shield do not get dethroned by some random team that wouldn't be believable in beating a group of rookies who are in the midst of one of the best first year pushes I have seen in ages, then I support this should WWE decide to go in that direction.

We already have at least 6 teams currently on the roster:

The Prime Time Players
The Usos (even though I can't fucking stand them)
Brodus & Tensai
Epico & Primo
The Shield

Then there's a few guys on the roster they could add to the division since they seem to have nothing better to do:

Alex Riley
Bo Dallas
Curt Hawkins
Zack Ryder
Evan Bourne
Ezekiel Jackson
Ted Dibiase
Justin Gabriel
Tyson Kid

If each of them got put into a random pairing then that adds 5 more teams to the roster. So we could have over 10 teams in the same division. If WWE actually went through with any of their plans for the tag team division then I would support it. I loved Team Hell No's run, but they are inevitably going to split. The Shield also cannot be on top forever. They need a division that will still be there when these teams are moved further up the card. With that being said, I hope the report is true this time around and that they actually go through with it. I'd like to see more names added to the division such as the wrestlers currently having nothing relevant to do onscreen.

Why not start building the division back up and give them something to do at the same time? The federation would be killing two birds with one stone if they go that route. Build up the other teams and have them take turns getting title shots against The Shield but at the same time keeping them looking strong enough to be able to maintain the division after The Shield's members move further up the card. That's what I would do. I doubt it will happen, although my fingers are crossed. They have enough names on the roster to make a decent tag team division again if they just go through with it already and do not change their minds in the middle of reviving the division.
So the remedy to improve a talentless division is to pair up lower card talentless wrestlers together so they can wrestle other talentless wrestlers? The division doesn't lack teams, it lacks quality. The tag-team division's nicest time was when WWE had a max. of 4 team that mattered. Team Xtreme, Dudley Boys, Edge & Christian, Jericho and Benoit (kind of, they had good matches). 4 teams.

Moreover, not only did all of these wrestlers go on to have a lot of success as singles guys (except for poor D-Von), they weren't randomly thrown together. Jeff and Matt are brothers, Devon and Bubba came from ECW, Edge and Christian have always been together, Benoit and Jericho have known eachother from day one and toured the world together. Other teams like Kane and Undertaker, Two Men Powertrip, APA and even 2 fucking Cool were all talented wrestlers on their own, minus Grand Master Sexay. Scotty had some success as a singles guy and he was hella entertaining. Even the damn Hollys had redeeming qualities. 'Fuck does Jay Uso have?

It didn't take 10 teams to have it be entertaining. It took 3-4 teams with some talented guys in 'em. That's it. Having more teams does nothing for its entertainment value. Only two things improve it:

1. Good storylines
2. Good matches

The qualities tag-team wrestling used to have! How about that shit?!

The first will come from the writers. Or more likely - it won't. It is not in WWE's style to book good storylines for mid-card and low-card people. They don't book anything special for singles guys who actually are pretty damn good, let alone this. The only time you'll get some sweet sweet lovin' from the WWE writers is when you come in after a hiatus, are a 90's superstar or hold the WWE Championship. I seriously doubt WWE will produce anything of quality in the storyline departent. Remember, children, having a storyline is not the same as having a good storyline. It's the same as having no storyline.

The second will come from the wrestlers. Can they do it? Will they do it? Will WWE let them do it? The answer to two or all three of these questions is likely "no". Lower carders are lower carders for a reason. Do Titus and Black Cena have any talent on their own? Hell no. And they don't have any together either. The same goes for the USOs. Cool entrance, though. Then they walk into the ring and scream some more.

Whether the report is true or not is irrelevant. WWE promises are as useless as an episode of SmackDown. I don't even know if they plan things with any intent anymore. It's like "We'll make the division better!". Okay! Cool! Make it be-oh wait, you've no fucking idea how to, do you?

Hope they do, otherwise .... otherwise nothing will happen. It's already a ball of shit so knock yourselves out.
I was watching Royal Rumble 1990 last night and one of the lower tier matches was The Fabulous Rogeaus vs The Bushwackers. Not two groundbreaking teams by any stretch, but the match was good and the fans were into it. The action was good and you had Jimmy Hart outside of the ring providing some entertainment there as well. My point is all of the teams do not need to be putting on 5 star performances for it to be interesting. Even the lower card tag teams back in the day were good. I honestly think Vince and creative needs to pop in some old tapes from the 80's and early 90's just so they can see that building the division should not be that hard of a thing to do. THe match the other night with The Uso's and PTPs was good. They just need to keep giving us matches besides the match for the tag titles so we keep getting exposed to the differenbt teams from week to week. Once we see the teams and get to know them then maybe they can even do a lower card storyline involving two or 3 teams. Exposure is the key here, and not just giving us one tag match a week with the title on the line. I am glad they are still moving forward with the division, it is something I always have been a fan of. I just hope they do a good job of it this time around.
Nothing to stop them pairing up extra teams, even if they only use them as jobbers.

Hunico recently returned from injury. Either use him as a team with Camacho or put him in a mask an pair him with Sin Cara.

Christian has a lot of experience as a tag team, someone young like Justin Gabriel could learn a lot from him.

Then there's the Wyatt Family. Harper and Rowan are the NXT tag champions.

So there's plenty of options for them, just comes down to booking, creative and giving them long enough in the ring
I actually really like the Usos and feel like they are used poorly. I think they could be super powerhouse team if they stopped with the smiling and jokling around and came across as a serious team. It is similar to what they did with Rikishi....guy was always smiling and looking like a clown. I would LOVE to see Paul Heyman pick up the Usos into his stable and lead them to gold. Id like to see them attacking singles competitors together etc.
It is no secret how high Heyman is on these guys and has tweeted a bunch of times how much potential he sees in them.
Id also love to see Rikishi come back with them. He needs to drop the dance routine, lose the shades, and cover his ass cheeks. Id like to see him come in as a darker figure with the Usos
With WWE bringing the Wyatt Family up from NXT, it certainly looks as if they intend on pushing forward with the tag team division and even if Team Hell No split up, You will Still be left with The Shield, The Uso's, The Wyatt Family, The Prime Time Players, Rhodes Scholars, Primo and Epico and Tons of Funk. Sure teams like Primo and Epico are never going to set the Tag team division alight, but the WWE are going to need teams to job and makle the other teams look strong. Also there is a lot of undercard tallent sitting around doing nothing at the moment, so pairing them up would give them something to do and make the division look stronger at the same time.

As far as pairings go there are a lot of intresting pairings out there that WWE could try and below is a few that I though might be intresting

Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder
Both men have taged before and won the tag team titles when they were part of La Familia and if given the chance could go on and do so again.

Christian and Tyson Kidd
Christian and Tyson kidd's best work in the company has come as part of a tag team and with both guys being canadian they would make for a great anti american hell team.
All I can say is thank God! I thought they were losing sight again, but WWE have gone for it again. I hope it works for the better this time round, and there are some good teams involved. This is typical WWE though. The WWE push something or someone, and then, out of no where it is dropped again. Superstars, divas and tag teams. All the same. Lets hope WWE continues with it this time.

WWE are in a good position for this. The Shield are looking great, but personally I would have liked to have seen the Freebird Rule executed, just to add more intrigue to every match going in, not knowing who will defend the titles. Regardless, The Shield are WWE's hottest property right now and they should use them to elevate other tag teams while bigger stars help elevate them.

Teams like Epico and Primo, The Prime Time Players, Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara, Team Rhodes Scholars, Tons of Funk and The Usos should be looking for a good run in the division. All are WWE Tag Team Championship candidates, and if pushed correctly, can become part of the reason fans tune in. They are talented, hard working and athletic, so people want to see them. They should be used correctly. With the Wyatt Family coming, the future looks bright. I can see new teams forming as well with superstars such as Evan Bourne, Justin Gabriel, Kofi Kingston and Tyson Kidd. They want and need exposure and the fans appreciate what they can do. I hope WWE realize this.

If the WWE can create a stable tag team division with at least six or seven good, full time tag teams, it will thrive. The WWE can throw in the occasional "shake-up" team, like Team Hell No, and this adds more intrigue and desire to watch with top-billed stars involved. It is a wonder why WWE haven't tried sooner as the potential is there, but fail to take advantage of it.
I would love to see the tag division rebuilt. One thing that would be nice would be if the tag titles are used as sort of a stepping stone to bigger titles. They could start to use that with Daniel Bryan, who should be getting a huge push soon. They could use that with other teams, wanting the same success as db. This could be a great to get over guys like Tyson Kidd, Justin Gabriel, among many others who have potential.
Re-Form the New Hart Foundation. None of those guys were doing anything, their split made no freaking sense, and really, they make sense. They are not a slap together tag team. They are solid in the ring, have a legacy, between them can cut a decent promo and would add some quality, from guys that are currently either jobbing or unemployed.

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