Report: New Talents, Returning X-Division Talents Coming to TNA?

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
This according to PWI:

There is a lot of talk about new talents being brought in as well as some returning X-Division types. The latter may have been foreshadowed by AJ Styles' verbiage last week.

For those who didn't watch or don't recall, Styles made note specifically of former TNA wrestlers Petey Williams, Jay Lethal and—wait for it—Alex Shelley as guys who were essentially casualties of Carter's mistakes in establishing a [talent] formula for the company.

Lethal, from what I understand, has been working with ROH for a few years now, though I'm not sure he's still there. Shelley, I've heard here and there is quite happy in Japan with NJPW (I believe?) and Williams has been in and out of TNA sporadically the last six months anyway, but frankly, I'd probably welcome all three back without issue — Williams and Shelley especially.
I remember CM Punk mentioning guys in his worked shoot who never came back, and since this is a rip off of that which is an awful storyline since worked shoots don't work just watch WCW in 2000 and since TNA is broke according to rumours I don't see it happening tbh.
Lethal is indeed still in ROH.

Here's the thing: this would be what, the 95th time that we've brought back the X-Division stars in order to revitalize the division? It usually lasts about a month to six weeks and then it's right back down to where it was before. The X-Division can have Rock vs. Austin fighting for the title but if it doesn't get the airtime, it's not going to matter all that much. There are almost no stories, the whole division might get seven minutes of TV time a week, and there's nothing special about the matches anymore.

In short, I wouldn't mind seeing some of these guys back, but if it's over again in just a few weeks, what difference does it really make?
I am unsure about this so called "rumor". I am a big fan of TNA, I just want TNA to focus on what they have now, not what they might need. Re-brand, work with the talent they have now. Get structure inside the business part of TNA, then focus more on signing new talent. Whether the talent be old or new, it is not going to be the saving grace TNA needs. What TNA needs, is just an awesome show every week. Then focus on signing new talent.

Would it be awesome to see former TNA guys. Of course it would be. Shelly is a star and he is tearing it up over seas. Low Ki, he is a kicking machine that people love to watch wrestle. As for newer guys, I do not know to many indie talent. But I'd be welcome to see them in TNA. The X-Division is what used to really set TNA apart. So let us just wait for the up coming weeks and see what happens.
Lethal is indeed still in ROH.

Here's the thing: this would be what, the 95th time that we've brought back the X-Division stars in order to revitalize the division? It usually lasts about a month to six weeks and then it's right back down to where it was before. The X-Division can have Rock vs. Austin fighting for the title but if it doesn't get the airtime, it's not going to matter all that much. There are almost no stories, the whole division might get seven minutes of TV time a week, and there's nothing special about the matches anymore.

In short, I wouldn't mind seeing some of these guys back, but if it's over again in just a few weeks, what difference does it really make?

Speaking to the XD specifically, we both know why the matches weren't special anymore, and that was the mandatory three-way stipulation, which added intrigue for the first week or two, but eventually wore off quickly, leaving fans wondering why there was nothing to truly care about in the division. It's just too difficult to pull off a three-way feud, and when you do, it rarely lasts longer than three or four weeks, or two PPV matches before it goes stale.

The key is single feuds to help make the title a goal every guy in the division is after. I'm not sure what happened to Kenny King, but they were sort of establishing that with his feud with Sabin a while back before it was ruined by forcing Manik/Suicide into the mix.
More speculation it seems. The X division is entertaining at times, but it has been lagging of late. Much like the talk of improving the KO's and bringing in more women, we really don't know what's happening with these former TNA stars. Personally, I think Jay Lethal is doing better for himself in ROH than he did in TNA. And I don't know what's up with Shelley. If this give TNA a shot in the arm, I'm all for it. But if and when it comes into fruition, then I'll buy into it.
All this talk about bringing back X-Division stars and introducing new ones is nice, but it's obviously going to take more than that. Even with the short resurgence that the division received a couple of months ago, it still didn't feel like the X-Division. It feel like a regular ole' group of guys out there wrestling. The X-Division that put TNA on the map years ago was fast-paced,exciting and unpredictable. The X-Division that TNA tried to create a couple months ago felt slow and too premeditated. It felt as if the stars were hesitant or maybe even scared to do big spots when the pace of the match picked up. Nothing memorable like the division used to be.

Now I don't mean to sound like I want TNA to try and recreate its former glory, but they don't need another failed mid-card title/division (i.e. the Television Title).

Now as far as new talent is concerned, I think TNA needs to not only bring in well known indy talent, but unknown talent as well. This would provide fresh faces for the fans, as well as familiar ones.

A couple of talents that I can think of are:

Teddy Hart (familiar)- Just somebody that came to my mind while previously typing "unpredictable". He is very talented both on the mic and in the ring. Would make a great cocky, heel champion and could have some amazing feuds with Sabin, Petey Williams and even a returning Alex Shelley.

Jack Evans (familiar)- Very impressive, innovative and unpredictable. He showed some promise in the first X-Division Showcase tournament and I really wanted him to win that tournament instead of Aries. TNA could have fired out some way to sign them both.

Anthony Nese (kind of fresh)- TNA hired him before but it seemed that they weren't ready to manage all of the talent that they had signed around that time. They should rehire him. He was athletic and strong, and could bring some ambition to the division.

Trent Barretta (familiar)- Or "Greg Marasciuolo", which ever name he wants to go by. He is still young (26), and would make a fun face.
For me, it's hard to get especially excited about it. As KB alluded to in his post, it's not exactly an uncommon occurrence for TNA to attempt a revitalization of the X Division. There've been various reports popping up every so often hinting at a repackaging of the X Division, we've seen a number of half assed attempts, sometimes featuring the return of former X Division stars, which generally last 4 to 8 weeks thereabouts before management seemingly loses interest. Once that happens, the X Division goes back to generally being television filler. We've seen & heard this lots of times before, so it's up to TNA to convince fans that this time will be different and actually follow through.

It'd be nice to see some of them back in TNA but, again, it's just hard to be overly excited about it. Even though TNA has done away with the triple threat format for the X Division matches, there's still little to no rhyme or reason for much of what happens. Without personas for the wrestlers, storylines for them and rudimentary feuds; X Division matches feel like 5 to 7 minutes of random wrestling matches with random, interchangeable wrestlers.
Wrestlers really shrunk compared to what was happening in the eighties and twds the end of the anyone can be a wrestler. TNA needs a shot in the arm and they need to focus on making there core tna fans happy, i would like to see jay lethal return, not sure what people like about alex shelly.
As other posters have said, its hard to get excited about this given the numerous "re-launches" of the X-Division that TNA have done in the past, which amount to nothing after a couple of months. I really hope they are serious in wanting to focus more on what brought them to the dance- the unique, exciting X-Division.

What people forget is that there are still former X-Division talents like Daniels, Kazarian, Joe and Styles with the company, it's not only King, Sabin and Manik. If they gave the title to someone like Christopher Daniels, he is good enough in the ring and on the mic to make a feud mean something and would get more attention for the X-Division. Even Jeff Hardy, who isn't in the title picture right now could be a great X-Division champion.

However, I am definitely on board for talents like Alex Shelley and Petey Williams to come back to TV. Williams has made rare appearances for TNA recently and the fans still love him, while an Alex Shelley return would be fantastic if he came back as a face to go up against his former partner Chris Sabin in a feud for the gold. I would love to see that for sure.

There are alot of other high-flying talents out there that TNA could bring in to boost the division. Jack Evans immediately springs to mind, I have never seen anyone like him in wrestling before, the things he can do are incredible and he has made the odd appearance in TNA before. Teddy Hart is another unbelievable athlete but is well known for his backstage issues and may not be on TNA's radar.

They could look at bringing in Ricochet from the indies, one of the best flyers I have seen in a long while and maybe even looking at some Cruiserweights from Japan if indeed TNA have been in discussion with Muta and his promotion from that country. Maybe even some short term returns for former WCW Cruiserweights who are still active and still have name value.

I think the X-Division has the potential to be great again, TNA just need to make a strong effort to focus more on it, and make the fans care about the talents involved and give them genuine storylines and reasons to fight, not just "I have won a no1 contenders match and now we fight", give us a reason to care about the wrestlers and the title.

An X-Division roster of Sabin, King, Manik, Shelley, Chavo, Lethal, Williams with the involvement of Daniels, Kazarian, Hardy and Joe, plus a couple of additions like Evans and a veteran Cruiserweight name would make for a very competitive division.
The thing is, I don't think the return of former X-Division stars will signal another try at revitalizing the X-Division. I think this is an attempt to revitalize TNA with the whole Dixie vs AJ storyline. These guys will be involved in more than just one single division, in an ideal situation.

As far as people I'd like to see back? The only guy I truly want back is Shelley. Everyone else has been kind of meh to be. I never really liked Lethal, Low Ki or Jerry Lynn. I wouldn't turn my TV off when they're on, I'm just indifferent. Good workers, put on nice matches.

Either way, I'd like to see where this goes, if it goes anywhere.
I hate to say it, but TNA saying they want to revitalize the X-division is like the WWE saying they want to revitalize the tag team division. In both cases, both companies keep trying to do it, and it looks like it may work out, then all of a sudden it's like they get bored with it and drop it.

Then a year or so later, we all here "TNA is going to fix the X-division" or "HHH wants to bring the Tag team division back to glory". We all get excited, then 3-4 month later total disappointment
jay lethal slammed tna saying im more known for being on family feud then years on tna, lethal aint gonna come back unless he had a change of mind. so i dont know if i even want lethal back. as for petey williams wasnt he here months ago? was he? i cant remeber goes to show you petey aint that good.
and shelley would be a good move, but lets face it unless shelley is gonna face sabin or team with sabin i just wont be bought in. none the less thats the same way i feel about sabin though.
I'm surprised no-one has mentioned this yet but there is the potential (especially post BFG) to revitalize the secondary titles (X, KO & Tag). Why? Well, the BFG series has now concluded and the whole A&8s saga appears to be reaching it's conclusion which will open up the programming that they can invest time.

Will Shelley, Lethal, Low-Ki return? :shrug: What I do know is (should Hulk and Sting leave the company especially) TNA would have a large percentage of their current roster who can move between challenging for the World and the X-Division. AJ, Bad Influence, Joe, Hardy, Aries, Angle can all move seamlessly between the two belts. This means that the X-Division does have the potential to be a prominent part of Impact... the question is "Can TNA utilize it?"

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