Report: MVP Signs With TNA; Part of the "New Investor" Story Line?

Hard Hit Prince

Not really working as a

Dave Meltzer of The Wrestling Observer Newsletter reports that MVP is scheduled to debut for TNA in a few weeks. He could be part of the new investor storyline.

This news really comes as a surprise to me and I actually think it's yet another good addition for the TNA roster. I don't really know the specifics of contractual rights for the "Montel Vontavious Porter" aka "MVP" name, but I'm assuming that he'll be able to use his name, as he previously did in New Japan Pro Wrestling. At 40 years of age and a good list of accomplishments MVP seems to be the biggest singles star TNA has reportedly signed in a long time. He had a cool character and he was not that bad of a promo guy, but what really gave him light is his passion for the wrestling business and go as far as one can in "working" a match. He could work very well with guys like Gunner or even Magnus that needs that seasoned veteran once in a while to develop their skills and characters.

As far as him debuting as a part of the new investor storyline, I think that it makes sense. It shows "power" from that new figure by bringing this new known wrestler, so therefore it gives credibility to the angle. What you guys think of this "reported" signing?
They're about 5 years too late with MVP. If he'd quit WWE a year sooner and had joined TNA short time later he could've been a real asset. But his main and bet run in wrestling was 6.5/7 years ago. He's a has been and seems like a low-rent signing.

Though I'll just pretend it's 2006 and look forward to him having that long awaited feud with Kennedy/Anderson.
He's better than most of the talent that currently takes up space on their roster. I give TNA credit for some of their real and rumored talent excretions. I'd like to see them bring in and develop some entertaining guys but WWE has such an edge in that department. MVP can entertain somewhat. At least he doesn't come off like someone going through the motions or someone who is uncomfortable in front of the camera.

TNA's segment are in general too long for the skills of their talent. Even Sting was never the kind of guy I wanted to listen jibber jabber for too long. If they keep that to a minimum they may be able to keep me from changing the channel.

But yes, MVP is a good signing. I hope he plays heel and pushes Dixie off TV somewhat. Maybe they can be in both a financial and physical relationship. Rockstar Spud can be completely jealous or they can go totally taboo and make ECIII completely jealous.
This reminds me, a bit, of the same thing that was done in 2010, when Hogan and Bischoff came in and brought in all new talents of their own. Difference being, the ones being brought in here are actually worth it, and worth caring about. They aren't Sean Morley and the Nasty Boys.

I haven't followed MVP's career over to Japan, so I'd never claim to know what kind of shape he's in, or how much he's maintained or fallen off, but I do know that I enjoyed him quite a bit back when I was still watching WWE. Good talker. Fine worker. Good look. Recognizable name. Works for me.
Tooooooooo late. Nobody cares about this guy anymore. Unless he's amped up his game and is something really special, it's insignificant.

Now I do have to give it to TNA for getting a guy that's at least not 50. It's just not going to force me to watch weekly. Maybe MVP's debut will get me to put TNA on the DVR for that week... so I guess that's something.
MVP was a name in the late 2000s but I never really got the big plus side to him. I found him to be ok in the ring and charismatic but nothing more than that. However, this is starting to address TNA's biggest concern: the need for some fresh faces (as in people, not good guys). THe roster TNA has is decent but they're running out of matches they can have against each other. Bringing in names like the Wolves and MVP isn't going to solve these problems but it might alleviate them a little bit.
Great signing by TNA sure it's been awhile since he's been the forefront of wrestling in the West but he's still a great talent and had main event potential even when he was in the WWE. Of course that losing streak and WWE was too PG at the time so they were scared in giving MVP a push he never reached to that point.

The guy has a great package in terms of talent and I will be excited in what they do with him.
MVP was a name in the late 2000s but I never really got the big plus side to him. I found him to be ok in the ring and charismatic but nothing more than that. However, this is starting to address TNA's biggest concern: the need for some fresh faces (as in people, not good guys). THe roster TNA has is decent but they're running out of matches they can have against each other. Bringing in names like the Wolves and MVP isn't going to solve these problems but it might alleviate them a little bit.

Which is a solution. It may not be the best possible one, but the "best possible one" is also an entirely subjective discussion. If you posted a thread this morning about who you think TNA should sign, you'll get 100 different names, easily, over the course of the week. Most users would probably stick to the bigger free agents like John Morrison, Carlito, etc. and then the indys and overseas watchers would start line listing names American's can't pronounce. And all I'm insinuating by that point is that "the right" answer is different depending on who you are asking.

I've been saying for a couple weeks now that TNA has needed to hit the reset button as a concession to the fans who've had to sit through a lot of the brutal stuff going on in the company the last two years. The steps toward that began with releases — the Hogans, Prichard, D’Lo, Devon, York, Morgan, D.O.C., Brisco, Bradley, etc. And now apparently Baby Bisch and Knux will follow. That's a lot of warm bodies out the door, so naturally they need to be replaced.

They've also done a great job of getting some of the guys they have under contract back and under new characters (Zema, Samuel Shaw, Spud, Magnus), and have also added a fresh face in EC3.
It depends what they think they have.

If they're looking at him as a guy who was on his way to the top in WWE, someone who can boost ratings and sell tickets--and paying him that way--then it will fizzle, much like all the others. IF they're paying him what they wouldn't pay AJ Styles, then it's a bad move.

IF they see him as a piece of the puzzle, one of ten or twelve guys in the main event/upper midcard, then it's a good signing. If they're paying him what they're paying James STorm or Austin Aries, then that fits.

More specifically: If MVP debuts like the American Wolves as a "new investor" signing, then it should work out. If he's supposed to be the "new investor", it probably won't.
Well I guess MVP (or what his name is going to be) has burned his bridge with the WWE now. Because they told him when he had left to go wrestle in Japan that the open was always open for him to return to the WWE, but if he were to sign with TNA the door would be closed on him. But hey it's MVP's decision at the end of the day, and I think he made a bad one here signing with TNA wrestling when it was the WWE that made him the star he was 5-6 years ago. To each is own I guess? MVP did wrestle in TNA years ago in matches against Monty Brown. I guess he's getting back to his roots?

May God bless/help him.
Well I guess MVP (or what his name is going to be) has burned his bridge with the WWE now. Because they told him when he had left to go wrestle in Japan that the open was always open for him to return to the WWE, but if he were to sign with TNA the door would be closed on him.

Where do you glean this information from? I never heard anything of the sort. And WWE have welcomed several guys back from TNA before. Booker, Truth, Christian to name a few. Why would it be any different for MVP??

I missed the MVP period in WWE, but I've heard good things, and he's a step above the usual signings for TNA. New angles, new matchups, why not.
Where do you glean this information from? I never heard anything of the sort. And WWE have welcomed several guys back from TNA before. Booker, Truth, Christian to name a few. Why would it be any different for MVP??

I missed the MVP period in WWE, but I've heard good things, and he's a step above the usual signings for TNA. New angles, new matchups, why not.

Well MVP himself just said via Twitter that he's NOT signing with TNA wrestling and it was only a rumor. So I guess there's nothing further to discuss on this subject. Have a nice day :)
MVP was a name in the late 2000s but I never really got the big plus side to him. I found him to be ok in the ring and charismatic but nothing more than that. However, this is starting to address TNA's biggest concern: the need for some fresh faces (as in people, not good guys). THe roster TNA has is decent but they're running out of matches they can have against each other. Bringing in names like the Wolves and MVP isn't going to solve these problems but it might alleviate them a little bit.

Unfortunately, TNA is incapable of creating stars of their own. Signing MVP is just another example of Dixie Carter bottom feeding off of Vince McMahon's has-beens and left-overs. Only now, any has-been or left-over with any shread of star power left (outside of Kurt Angle) is gone.
I never really cared much for MVP in WWE until I had personal interaction with him and he was really awesome. Then I kind of started rooting for him.

I was kind of hoping TNA would be bringing in some younger guys to make stars.
I mean he's already 40 so there isn't a whole lot of time there to build him up. He would almost need an instant push when he came in. If he actually does come in.

I know some guys wrestle into their 50s and stuff but let's not fool ourselves. MVP isn't exactly a Sting or Ric Flair type name. He probably wouldn't get the same response long term that those guys get even in their older years.
IF this is true it's a decent signing for TNA But it is 2014 so for me personally I have little interest in MVP. Being "apart" of the storyline would be fine, but if he IS the new "investor" that's a bit of a letdown, of course TNA are pretty good for letdowns...
Well MVP himself just said via Twitter that he's NOT signing with TNA wrestling and it was only a rumor. So I guess there's nothing further to discuss on this subject. Have a nice day :)

Yeah because MVP would go on Twitter and just admit he signed with TNA. Use your brain, that doesn't mean anything, and Meltzer saying he signed with TNA means nothing to. These people like Meltzer give false information all the time and TNA obviously wouldn't want MVP to give away on twitter he signed with them, especially if they want to keep it a secret.
MVP was ok as a performer around '05/06, but I wouldn't say he was a major factor in those days either. Would I welcome him to TNA? Sure, why not. TNA appears to be trying to make some moves for the future. I can see MVP being apart of the investor plot as well.
MVP could be good signing for TNA. This could lead to bigger names signing with TNA in the near furure. Did follow his work in NJPW. Hope he brings the energy he had there. I'd like to see him work with Kenny King in the near future. Could be a good pairing IMO. Throw in Willie Mack could be a cool stable of wrestlers 2 good young guys with veteran leadership. Wishful thinking on Willie Mack. Would like to see what he bring to the table. Been a Willie Mack fan for years
They're about 5 years too late with MVP. If he'd quit WWE a year sooner and had joined TNA short time later he could've been a real asset. But his main and bet run in wrestling was 6.5/7 years ago. He's a has been and seems like a low-rent signing.

Though I'll just pretend it's 2006 and look forward to him having that long awaited feud with Kennedy/Anderson.


This would have been amazing RIGHT after he left the WWE.

Decent in-ring, and a very charismatic dude with an original gimmick and great on the mic.

IMO, he suffered from WWE having too many stars (although he could have easily been a World Champion on Smackdown but whatever, spilled milk).

But now? He's 40 years old and I don't think it'd be logical to base the company around him. However I definitely would enjoy seeing him on TV.

If he's the new "investor", cool. Don't know how that would kayfabe make sense since he never had the gimmick of being rich but it's better than Dixie.

TNA needs to sign John Morrison. Great with promos, could be the face of their company in a crossover capacity, could do movies and whatnot, and not that old.

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