Report: Concerns For Taker VS Lesnar Causing WWE To Rethink Things?


According to the WON, in an article that's mentioned on the WZ main page and others, there's concern in regards to the proposed Taker vs. Lesnar match at WrestleMania. The most obvious threat is that Lesnar works such a physical style that there's a risk of injuring Taker. The report also goes onto state that another reason for concern is that, over the years, Taker & many of his opponents for WM have gotten together to extensively plan out their match and practice it. The concern here stems from not being certain if Lesnar is willing or not to put in a lot of time.

IF the report is accurate, then it's basically the same concerns that numerous fans have had whenever discussing a Taker vs. Lesnar match. Lesnar more than simply works a really physical style, the guy's downright sloppy at times. He either doesn't take enough precaution to protect his opponents, doesn't care about protecting them or simply doesn't have the necessary ability.

Another report from the WON claims that Taker wants to work with Daniel Bryan at WrestleMania XXX, but doesn't mention if it's being discussed internally. It's hard to know if any of this is at all accurate as the WON continues to assert that Cena vs. Wyatt is planned whereas other sites & writers are saying it isn't. So, who knows at this point?

As a fan, I love the idea of Taker vs. Lesnar or Bryan. As a human being, I'm concerned about Taker's safety against Lesnar. Taker's in rough shape and, personally, I don't have confidence in Lesnar to not fuck Taker up, even if it's accidental. Taker vs. Lesnar MIGHT be bigger draw, depending on where things go in the next few months, but Bryan has the ability to help protect Taker and help make up for whatever physical limits he has.
I agree, while Taker vs. Lesnar would be an amazing match, Taker would have a much higher risk of being injured than if he faced Bryan.

Taker in his current age and physical well being could actually be forced to retire if Lesnar doesn't take the proper care with him rather than choosing to retire when he wishes.
Personally if they won't do lesnar vs taker then they got to do cena vs taker it would be even bigger that lesnar vs taker because cena is more believable to break the streak
If this really came from someone connected to WWE it is great news. The annual Taker's health/well being story is basically a confirmation that he is going to compete at WM.

Like everything else that comes from dirt sheets it can all be taken with a grain of salt. I'm sure Brock Lesnar isn't going to kill The UT. He's not the careless monster some like to pretend him to be. He's a professional. I think the rest is all bullshit meant to lower expectations so that the build to WM can feel more like an ascent as opposed to long drawn out journey to mediocrity.
Let's be honest, if you were watching Lesnar vs. Undertaker at Wrestlemania, and Lesnar threw Undertaker full force into the crowd barricade, could you really enjoy it? I'd be terrified that Undertaker is getting badly hurt. Hell, according to reports, Lesnar banged up Punk pretty badly. And Punk is in the prime of his life. Undertaker will be 49 by Wrestlemania.

Daniel Bryan vs. Taker would be much, much safer for Taker. Taker wouldn't be slammed on his back or hips. He would have to lift 200 pounds rather than 280 pounds, which becomes very important when you have 49 year old knees. He just has to endure getting kicked in the face and chest, and getting stretched. Hell, the stretches might be good for Taker.

Bryan would get a great match out of Taker, and he'd be much safer. To me, it's a no brainer.
Excellent points made by the previous posters. In my opinion, if there ever were a perfect opportunity to put over Daniel Bryan as a talent, not just a catch phrase, this is it.

Another thought - How is Taker "banged up physically"? I understand he's not getting any younger, but with all due respect, he is down to 25-30 minutes of in-ring "competition" a year, with 5 of those minutes walking to and from the ring. I understand he may be limited in the ring now, but if he can't go, then maybe it's time to push other talent (for better or worse), or possibly end the streak. Put someone over, or an idea I have is have him work a program with Kane, concluding with a Casket Match at WM 30. Taker puts Kane in the casket, wins the match, lights go blue/arena goes dark as Taker drops to a knee when he hears Paul Bearer somehow (with the help of past audio - R.I.P.) call his boys "home", the minions come out, lining all the way down the aisle with flaming torches in hand. The other minions open the casket, "invite" him in, he gets in, and the Brothers of Destruction are carried out of the arena under the flames.

I actually do think Lesnar is out of control most of the time he's in a ring. Besides, have people blocked out the fact that Taker vs. Lesnar is another case of RematchMania. We've seen these two several times, plus they were both a lot closer to prime condition.

I'm sorry I know people don't buy it, but I get really excited at thinking about WM where there are a bunch pro-Taker signs and then the entire crowd going "YES! YES! YES!".

I think WWE and Taker want to get as much mileage as possible out of the streak so I think we're going to get Taker vs. Bryan. Man, I'd like to think he'd end the streak but I think nobody wants to find out what that would mean for someone's career because it's a one-off. No one will ever have a streak like this because it's not believable the second time around.
I was never interested in seeing Taker vs Lesnar for this exact reason, plus the fact that I've already seen it three times. Sure, it would be a big money match but if there's a risk that he could injure Taker and put his health in jeopardy then it's really not worth it. Cena vs Taker would be a bigger draw and I still want to see that main event Wrestlemania this year. As for Lesnar, personally I wouldn't mind seeing him take on Daniel Bryan for the WWE Heavyweight Title. It wouldn't draw as big as Lesnar vs Taker or Cena and some people might be put off by the idea cause of the size difference, but I'm sure these two could put on a helluva match with each other and I think Bryan has the explosiveness and precision to credibly beat Lesnar. DB vs Taker and Lesnar vs Cena/Batista/Orton for the title sound like great options too, so anything but Taker vs Lesnar is fine with me.
The Undertaker is a tough bastard, and I have no doubts he'll put on his big boy pants to battle Brock, if it happens. The wrestling fan inside of me wants to see Lesnar VS Taker, but it's hard to ignore concerns for Taker's health. I think back to the Wrestlemania 29 match with CM Punk. Taker/Punk was more tamed than Taker's matches with Triple H and Shawn (especially the HIAC match with HHH), and you have to believe Taker's reaching a point, where he can't handle those poundings anymore. I think back to this past Monday's Raw, where Lesnar man-handled Mark Henry, a man who weighs a legit 400 pounds and then some. Then I think to myself, could Taker really handle that now?

Bryan VS Taker? We all know there's no chance in hell of anyone buying Bryan as a legit threat to The Streak, but I'm sure Taker and Bryan could deliver a great match. With the way things are now, you get the impression Bryan is turning heel. The timing is perfect, because we're in the middle of Mania season now, so Bryan will have time to develop the new character before Mania, and the fans won't cheer Bryan over Taker. It's not going to happen.
Bryan VS Taker? We all know there's no chance in hell of anyone buying Bryan as a legit threat to The Streak, but I'm sure Taker and Bryan could deliver a great match. With the way things are now, you get the impression Bryan is turning heel. The timing is perfect, because we're in the middle of Mania season now, so Bryan will have time to develop the new character before Mania, and the fans won't cheer Bryan over Taker. It's not going to happen.

Why not Daniel Bryan vs Undertaker? We have a new dark side in Bryan joining the Wyatt's and Bryan is good enough to lead a match, protect taker, and put another 5-star WM Undertaker match. The psychological pieces are there for a classic. I don't think we worry so much about a legit threat to the streak, because we will get that during the match. No one thought Punk was a legit threat with size, but the psychological story leading into the match and the match itself made you think every time we got to a pinfall count of 2 that the streak could end. I welcome Bryan v Undertaker
Why not Daniel Bryan vs Undertaker? We have a new dark side in Bryan joining the Wyatt's and Bryan is good enough to lead a match, protect taker, and put another 5-star WM Undertaker match. The psychological pieces are there for a classic. I don't think we worry so much about a legit threat to the streak, because we will get that during the match. No one thought Punk was a legit threat with size, but the psychological story leading into the match and the match itself made you think every time we got to a pinfall count of 2 that the streak could end. I welcome Bryan v Undertaker

Eh, did you actually read my post? I have no objections to Bryan VS Taker, at all. But if you're comparing legit threats, Brock (for obvious reasons) is the better choice, and it's not even close. And yeah, I get what you're saying about Bryan and The Wyatt Family. That's why I said the timing of the heel turn is perfect, because the fans are not going to side with Bryan over Taker at Wrestlemania of all places.
Eh, did you actually read my post? I have no objections to Bryan VS Taker, at all. But if you're comparing legit threats, Brock (for obvious reasons) is the better choice, and it's not even close. And yeah, I get what you're saying about Bryan and The Wyatt Family. That's why I said the timing of the heel turn is perfect, because the fans are not going to side with Bryan over Taker at Wrestlemania of all places.

I don't know Mitch. The last two WM crowds have been ridiculously pro-Bryan to a painfully smark extent. Throw in Bryan's current popularity and WWE's inability to get heels over as heels especially to the most wrestling educated masses. I think the fans may cheer anything and everything in this match making it a psychological mess.
I don't know Mitch. The last two WM crowds have been ridiculously pro-Bryan to a painfully smark extent. Throw in Bryan's current popularity and WWE's inability to get heels over as heels especially to the most wrestling educated masses. I think the fans may cheer anything and everything in this match making it a psychological mess.

Not to mention even last year, the crowd was decisively split between Taker and Punk at times. Punk was a full blown heel at this time too. I don't find it completely out of the realm of possibility if we were to see a similar split if this match were to take place.

As physical as Lesnar is. I have no doubt that as somebody said, Taker would put on his big boy pants and go up against the physical force of Brock Lesnar. I mean, HHH and Taker put a very physical match only a few years ago. I think if Taker really wanted to, he could do this one match with Lesnar. Taker just has to express to Lesnar not to friggen kill him. But Lesnar can be fairly reckless so who knows how much of that would do. I think Taker would be fine. Remember these are only concerns from WWE officials, not from Taker himself. As long as they don't go crazy overboard, I think the match could go fine with a few minor injuries but hopefully nothing too serious.

Back to Daniel Bryan though. I've never actually considered this match at WM, to be honest. I think it would be a fantastic match and probably the highlight of the night and the more I think about it, the more I actually desire to see it. I in no way, think Bryan would actually come out on top and I'm sure smarks and casuals alike would feel the same way. I have no doubt in my mind though that, despite the outcome; it would be one hell of a contest and I actually kind am kind of hoping it happens now. Time will only tell though.
Man, everytime I see Taker vs Lesnar, all I can think of is about their HiaC match and how brutal it was... I know their possible match at Mania won't be inside the Cell, however I do think it is going to be brutal to work with Lesnar, after seeing how banged up ended CM Punk, HHH and Cena, well Taker is fucked. I seriously think for Taker's health that is a great NOT to have a match against Lesnar.

On the other hand, agaisnt Bryan? A great example of a technician? Yes (pun intented). I think it would be pretty safe for Taker, plus, as some other poster said it, it would be alot easier for Taker to lift 200 pounds. My concern would be about the storyline, how can the WWE make Bryan an actual threat for the streak? Don't get me wrong, I would love to see the match between these two, but I'm not totally sold on the possible storyline, you know Bryan being an underdog and having to prove himself...

But definitely Taker-Bryan over Taker-Lesnar.
If taker vs lesnar cant happen then taker vs cena is only logical option this is biggest wrestling event ever and deserves big main event.
Actually must_kag the only logical option is Daniel Bryan. The only reason why you would turn Bryan heel at the height of his popularity is to face the Undertaker @ Wrestlemania. There is a lot less reasons to turn Bryan heel over Cena so the only logical reason the WWE is doing this is for him to face taker. (Or at least the option) Also having Cena face Taker would be a mistake. You think Cena gets boo'd now? All the casual fans who will be watching Wrestlemania with friends will see the WWE's biggest star getting boo'd & thats not good for business. And biggest event ever? Not by attendance & my guess is the show won't come close to what's regarded as the best PPV of all time. Which is Wrestlemania 17. Hell Wrestlemania 10 & 20 were both OK at best.
I was a firm believer that Taker shold face Cena at Mania until I watched Lesnar manhandle Mark Henry on Raw this past Monday. That was fun to watch as it was the most believable brawling I've seen in a while. All I kept thinking while Lesnar drove Henry through the barricade and delivered the F5 was, "Man, that needs to be Taker in the ring with Brock at Mania."

Now, if they decide to put Brock in the title match, I for one will be all for it. I would love to see him win the championship one more time. And maybe, though I doubt it, they could even work out Brock vs Taker, streak vs title.

I think Cena and Lesnar are the only 2 options. That goes for this year and next. We all know the streak isn't going to end, but we all still want a great opponent for Taker who gives believability that he can pull it off.

I would not look at Daniel Bryan and believe Taker might go 22-1. Plus, I don't think it would be smart to put Taker up against someone as popular, if not more popular than him. There's a real chance the crowd could be on fire for Bryan and boo Taker every time he took control of the match. Maybe even boo like crazy once Taker delivered the tombstone and got the win.

Then there's Sheamus who has been the latest rumor or a possible opponent for Taker. Physically, he would make sense, but then again, so would Ryback. If you turn Sheamus heel again, that would be a start. I somewhat liked him as a heel, but completely despised him as a babyface. I don't know, Sheamus is just a guy you throw in there if you don't have anyone better to put in the ring with him. But they do. Realistically, Undertaker probably only has 3 WrestleManias left in him. I can't imagine a better venue for him to retire in than WM32 in front of 100,000 or more fans at Cowboys Stadium, in his home state of Texas. His last 3 opponents should be elite stars. Sheamus is not in that category.

This is my short list of the guys who deserve (or eventually will deserve) to share the spotlight with Mark Calloway on the grandest stage of them all...
Cena, Lesnar, The Rock, Reigns, Wyatt, and possibly even Kane one last time (I wouldn't count that out as the retirement match for both of them). Taker isn't going to be around for much longer. They need to take advantage of every opportunity to book the best opponents possible for him.
i like bryan vs taker. Right now bryan not involved in title picture. He already told to get a fair chance after cena win the title. At wm bryan vs taker will be huge for wrestling fans. Streak is greater than wwe title at wm.
Lesnar vs taker is a huge match but cena vs taker is greater than lesnar vs taker
That has been my issue with Lesnar vs Taker for a long time other then the fact everyone of us here would know VKM would never let the streak end to a part timer. DB is better for taker even if he isnt going to wrestle another match. If Brock gets sloppy he could hurt taker to the point it would greatly affect his quality of life from that point foreword. Not to mention there would always be the chance DB could end the streak as small as it would be it still is more then a part timer would have. No brainier to me just in terms of the risk to taker.
Yeah I wouldn't want Lesnar vs Taker for the reasons outlined by a few forummers here. There's a lot of money in Lesnar v Batista or Lesnar v Orton anyway so I'd rather they go with one of those two matches, preference being vs Orton for the title.

I really want Cena vs Taker at Mania but it looks like 2014 won't be the year we get that so I guess Bryan is as good a holding match as any. Honestly though it won't sell PPV orders or tickets as the outcome isn't in question and it won't do Bryan any medium term good to fail at Wrestlemania. It will give him a nice pay cheque though and he will be able to protect Taker more than most so if we aren't getting the Cena dream match they may as well go with it.
Yeah I wouldn't want Lesnar vs Taker for the reasons outlined by a few forummers here. There's a lot of money in Lesnar v Batista or Lesnar v Orton anyway so I'd rather they go with one of those two matches, preference being vs Orton for the title.

I really want Cena vs Taker at Mania but it looks like 2014 won't be the year we get that so I guess Bryan is as good a holding match as any. Honestly though it won't sell PPV orders or tickets as the outcome isn't in question and it won't do Bryan any medium term good to fail at Wrestlemania. It will give him a nice pay cheque though and he will be able to protect Taker more than most so if we aren't getting the Cena dream match they may as well go with it.
What gets me is that people say this but yet they would like to see lesnar vs taker or cena vs taker. Do you guys really think VKM would let the streak end to a part timer or to cena a man who would be the WORST option to have end the streak. Cena ending the streak would be like a billionaire winning the lottery. Cena is already a all time great and his legacy does not need the streak. If the streak is to ever end a guy in Bryans position would be the best type. Someone who is a up and comer and who could use it to boost them into the main event for the rest of their time in WWE.

Granted i doubt they would let DB have the win nor do i think he really needs it. But if the outcome not being in doubt is a issue then we dont need Lesnar or Cena vs taker as those options at least to me are not in doubt.
How can Daniel Bryan win the title if he is in a match with the Undertaker. No thanks to that match. I would rather see him become champ.
How can Daniel Bryan win the title if he is in a match with the Undertaker. No thanks to that match. I would rather see him become champ.
I dont think he is going to have that choice. Its looking like Lesnar or Batista are the main options to face Orton at WM. If HBK decides he wants to stay retired then really what do they have for Bryan? Cena vs DB without the title really doesn't mean much as Bryan already beat him. Add to that Punk is looking to be working with HHH going into WM then yeah Bryan is going to have to take what he can get even if its to feed the streak.
What gets me is that people say this but yet they would like to see lesnar vs taker or cena vs taker. Do you guys really think VKM would let the streak end to a part timer or to cena a man who would be the WORST option to have end the streak. Cena ending the streak would be like a billionaire winning the lottery. Cena is already a all time great and his legacy does not need the streak. If the streak is to ever end a guy in Bryans position would be the best type. Someone who is a up and comer and who could use it to boost them into the main event for the rest of their time in WWE.

Granted i doubt they would let DB have the win nor do i think he really needs it. But if the outcome not being in doubt is a issue then we dont need Lesnar or Cena vs taker as those options at least to me are not in doubt.

Lesnar wouldn't be allowed beat Undertaker for sure but Cena is the only guy left who I think would potentially be allowed do it. Lesnar would still get a lot of casual fans interested in watching the show though, in a way that Daniel Bryan simply wouldn't. Older fans would also remember that Lesnar dominated their series on Smackdown in 2002 and that could get some of them back.

As for Cena not needing it, well I'm of the opinion that he probably does. For whatever reason Cena hasn't really had his stand out Wrestlemania moment. He's beaten the best in guys like HBK, Rock, Triple H and Batista but I really don't think any of those matches have given him a moment like Hogan beating Andre, Austin refusing to submit to Bret Hart, HBK beating Bret Hart, Rock beating Hogan etc.

I'm of the opinion that Cena still needs something that will define him at Wrestlemania and beating Taker is about all that's left for him to accomplish. Throw in the fact that Cena is favourite to win every match he's part of and that Cena is hyped as something of a big game player and I think Taker vs Cena is huge money.
It's a genuine concern, and a valid one. When I remember the way Brock and Triple H were knocking each other around, I wonder how Mark Callaway could possibly stand up to it. If 'Taker's body was bruised after fighting CM Punk, what happens if Brock can't sufficiently pull his punches?

On the one hand, it seems an unnecessary risk to put these two in the ring, despite the attractiveness of the match-up. On the other hand, Brock managed to not kill Punk in their match. I find it encouraging he was able to soft-pedal it, yet make it look real.

One of the reasons there are a limited number of match-ups for Brock is because his MMA fighting background poses a danger to guys who don't have the bodies to take the pounding. John Cena and Triple H had little to worry about; they have the size and rugged bodies to stand up to the real punishment Brock delivers.

Undertaker? That's iffy, and what a shame to even have to consider something like this. The man was a true tough guy during his early career and it seems a pity to have to worry about someone's style being too dangerous for him.

But that was then, and this is now.

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