Report: Batista Flips Out Or Heel Turn?


There's an article at reporting that Batista was legitimately pissed over the crowd's reaction to him winning the Royal Rumble last night.

As he was heading up the ramp, Batista got into an altercation with a fan that flipped him off. You could see it up on the big screen and Batista was telling the fan that he could snap him in half and then flipped the fan off. Batista then mockingly did the "Yes!" chant at the top of the ramp while he was barraged with boos. Batista did the "Yes!" chant while holding his middle fingers up rather than his index fingers, essentially flipping off the entire crowd.

I find myself wondering if Batista ultimately did a big heel turn or if he was genuinely upset. If you've ever read Batista's book and if all the various stories we've read about him backstage over the years are true, the guy's a egotistical asshole who thinks the sun rises & sets in the in the crack of his ass, so it's not difficult to think that he was genuinely mad because fans aren't worshipping him like the god he thinks he is. But, at the same time, you can't help but think that WWE officials KNOW how over Daniel Bryan is. Was this a reaction they were hoping to cultivate by purposely leaving Bryan out of the Royal Rumble? After all, it isn't the first time that fans have ultimately hijacked a match or segment chanting for Daniel Bryan and I find it difficult to believe that they couldn't see it coming.
I think you answered your own question when you said "the guy's an egotistical asshole." Roman Reigns had the crowd in the palm of his hand, and Batista couldn't handle that. There's really nothing more than that, in my eyes. I'm sure that reaction was the last thing WWE officials expected or wanted. Nobody would write it like, "Let's just hope the crowd hates this SO MUCH that this guy screams at a fan and flips everybody off!" At least not in this case.
I didn't see the Rumble... but did any of that happen on the PPV, or after it went off the air?

From early reports I've read, in the ring after the win, he seemed genuinely surprised by the reaction he was getting... and based off of his past, I'd have to wager that it was him legitimately flipping out because he was surprised at the reaction he got, and he wasn't smartened up that this could potentially happen.

If all that actually did happen on screen to close out the PPV, then I'd say storyline and heel turn, with them planting the seeds for Bryan being included in the WM main event.

Judging on how the Internet's blown up over the PPV though, I'm guessing that this all happened after it went off the air though, and actually raises an interesting question.

Are the boys in the back starting to resent Bryan for how over he is, and how the fans keep hijacking everything they do for him... or are they going to start resenting HHH/McMahon for allowing this to happen by stubbornly refusing to put Bryan in the spot the fans are demanding he be in?
I'm pretty sure we've been here before with Batista and him not reacting well to fans when they trash him, I think it's just that he can't handle criticism that well and, judging by comments on how he views the business, he'd definitely have been pissed that the fans chose Daniel Bryan over him

I also think that if this were part of a storyline that would be running with it on their front page
Once a huge fan of Leviathan, he came to the WWE and made a huge impact. The because he thought he had acting talent Dave Bautista decided to QUIT the WWE and move on to doing crappy movies and showcasing why he lacks talent.

4 years later he comes back to the WWE, were the fans don't cheer you because you used to be something. Now he is pissed because he got a semi pop when he came out vs Orton. Note: his promo was crap and found myself laughing at him.

People like Roman Regins and heel or not Regins is the future barring he stays healthy.

Bautista is just another quitter who has returned to the WWE, He wrestled in 0 Matches leading tot he Rumble and then his weak sauce came out late in the Rumble. This is part of his contract to Headline wrestlemania.....WWE better scramble now......Bautista vs Roman R. is the only chance the WWE has of using Bautista as a headliner. Anything else is a waste of time.....Orton v Dave ,.....Boring......Cena v Dave......Lame....

Dave is not the Rock, Nor Stone Cold, not ever close to Hogan.....He has limited drawing power. World title match just fell to a mid card fight.
The cameras were off. Batista was just having fun with the crowd. Until he does this on camera give the guy a break. He was playing to the crowd and giving them what they wanted.

I cant believe this is even a talking point. Some people are so naive.
i cant answer with 100% proof because i didnt see the incident, but if i had to guess, it's more of a flip out, though i dont think it was a huge flip out or it would've been talked about more. i dont think it's a heel turn because i dont expect WWE to turn Batista heel UNLESS they realize that they NEED to push Bryan and push him now, but i dont think WWE does that. they believe that their way works and they feel that it's not Bryan's time and it's Batista's time and as for why the fans are booing Batista, it's like because one of these 4 reasons......1) they want to see Bryan face the Champion.......2) they dont like how Batista just left the first time.............3) they want a younger generation to win the title (Reigns, Wyatt, Bryan, others) and/or 4) they dont like how Batista comes back and is right away put into a title match. i like Batista, but for me, i just want Bryan to win it. he's red hot, has NEVER had his proper run with the title and needs to get it before the pops start to die down.
I'd call it a flip out, but nothing worth people getting so upset about. CM Punk's done worse and he didn't catch as much heat for it as Batista appears to be getting here. It's just a case of Batista not taking crap from fans, a lot of whom wanted him back in the WWE. I watched it last night and he seemed to get a decent pop out of the crowd when he entered, it was only when people realised Daniel Bryan wasn't entering that they turned sour. I'd rather Reigns or Bryan won the Rumble, but I'm not going to crucify Batista over it.
Was this actually on the air because i was pretty tired by the end so could have missed it? Without seeing it its hard to say if it was a genuine flip out but i couldnt help but notice when he did the annual cheesy winner pointing at the wrestlemania sign thing he did not look very happy at all and im not surprised the boos where louder then his music lol
This is why i dont like Batista,he thinks the sun rises and sets because he is alive. The guy is a ego maniac and the crowd was indeed pissed at the outcome. SO was I and i saw it coming especially after Bryan was not going to enter.

I think batista yet again got butthurt that the crowd didnt worship and bow at his feet. Batista is an asshole IMO and left the business for the better part of 3 years because he didnt like the PG era but likes the money aspect. I really think the WWE didnt quite expect the crowd to just turn on batista on a dime,but there fully aware of how popular Daniel is
As someone who was there, he flipped out, and acted like a petulant child.

Based on his mostly positive reaction from last week, I think he was expecting the same when he won the Rumble. And while we were happy to see him, I think I can speak for the majority of the crowd when I say that while we may have been happy to see Batista, none of us desired to see him win the Royal Rumble.

As he was leaving, he got into it with two people on the non-camera side, one who challenged him to a fight. Batista almost hit/piefaced/handwashed the guy, only to pull up just short and flip him off. He continued to jaw with fans and flipped a second one off.

Then, as he was leaving and at the top of the ramp, he mocked the fans with Yes chants, using his middle finger instead.

I don't understand his mindset. You have Cena and Orton, both who had a perfectly good match, but were booed and heckled by a crowd who doesn't understand wrestling psychology, I suppose. Yet they acted like professionals and had their match, and while Orton looked upset at times, he held it together.

Compare that to Batista, a man who is SIX days back with the company, and the petulant child doesn't get the reaction he wanted/expected, and instead of sucking it up and walking offstage, he forced them to CUT the feed to the PPV early, at least, that's how it appeared from our seats. And why? Because he acted like an 10 year old who just struck out. I suppose I don't understand the mindset of a wrestler, because had I won, I wouldn't have cared what others thought of me. I would simply be thrilled to have won the match and a headliner once again.

Grow up Dave. You've given plenty of fans now yet another reason to NOT want to see you headline Wrestlemania.
It sounds like Dave being Dave he was and is only interested in the business for money that's why he gave up and tried mma and movies we need to see more people who care about the business and love it guys that have it in their blood whether its family or just a love of the business you either have it or not you also have to know when its time and put the next generation over like Jericho's last run
Wow! I'm surprised Batista would do that. He'd be a great heel though. I can't see him headling as a face
I almost feel sorry for Batista. I think his return was meant as a surprise which would have been so much better. If Batista simply appeared, unexpected then people would have cheered. Unfortunately, he didn't and people were rooting for Bryan. It was all about Bryan and the crowd wanted him to win.

Funnily enough, he got a massive pop when he first came out. Then the sheep realised they were meant to be booing. It wasn't anti-Batista rather pro-Bryan. Batista, however, probably thought the people hated him which, to an extent, is true. Of course he is going to act angrily but I reckon there is little that can be done.

I'd rather have Batista as a heel but I'd also have preferred someone else win the Rumble. Batista playing himself (ego-maniac) works very well and so would him part of Evolution. I'd have loved to have seen an Evolution reunion at Wrestlemania. Give Punk, Bryan or Sheamus the Rumble win; Cena or Lesnar champ and it would be a Wrestlemania card that I'd much prefer to see.

I don't think Batista is turning heel. It was his sheer frustration that people were not cheering him.
It's not good as he apparently already had heat for his tweet burying the roster... I can see a scenario where he loses his shot to Bryan quite quickly or goes heel and they build this into the match rather than use Orton.

This is the problem with sweetheart deals... Some guys like Jericho get it, they are well paid to basically lose a lot and don't mind it... some like RVD are smart to "suck it and see" and others like Brock are smart enough to limit their appearances for the maximum dollar... These aren't guys who do it to promote something else, but cos it'd good for them to be involved in the WWE cos it helps them in other things or is what they want to do.

Batista, Rocky, Hogan if he returns are not in it for those reasons. Batista is back because he is raising his profile before the Marvel movie comes out pure and simple. As much as Rock was into it (and he did give nearly 3 years back remember) he was wearing shirts with Fast 5 type logos etc... he was there to promote his movies as much as to wrestle...

Remember this isn't "Dave" who used to be a bouncer and washed out of the Power Plant or even the one who came off worse and looking like an ass for lipping off to Booker T. This is "Hollywood" Dave Bautista who has been in a Tarantino produced movie with Russell Crowe and is is part of the Marvel/Disney fold now and is buds with the new boss on a sweetheart deal... He's going to have an "attitude" say stupid shit backstage because his money is guaranteed... at worst they don't use him as many times as they can and he gets paid - he still won the Rumble and come Summer when Guardians comes out more mainstream people know who he is.

Dave really can't lose whatever happens... unless he let's WWE pussy him out... in which case he can lose a lot so he'll act the tough guy, run down Bryan et al and be as much of a Diva as he can... anything less and it damages his "hollywood" image. Hell they can even play off it as an evil "mirror" of the Rock...
He did a similar thing at the Hammerstein Ballroom when he wrestled Big Show a few years ago and the crowd took a crap on them. Show handled it like a pro but Batista acted like a brat, he's never had the ability to take criticism the way Cena does.
Batista has always come across as a self centered piece of shit. He's really not at all a good wrestler. He's what the IWC thinks Cena is. Cena can tell a story in the ring and gives a shit about the business. Batista doesn't. He was a body builder who went to the WWE, got pushed, then took his ball, pseudo fame, money, and ran. The smark strong crowd at Mania will get worked by Cena, and will work Batista into looking like a jackass. It's going to be awesome, and Batista will quit again.

Oh, and his movie is going to bomb. The super hero landscape is pretty saturated and there aren't enough fans of his movie. Even if it is a moderate success, he's not a big enough deal in the movie. Nobody gives a shit about Dave Batista. He's a 15 seconds guy.
I remember going to a house show in Burlington around 2006 and I had made a sign that said unleash the beast with the un xed out and he stared a hole through me I also had on that said edge was robed this was when edge was injured and khali had won the title in the battle royal but I got stared at and flipped off my step brother and dad just looked at me and went did batista just flip you off yup I loved it I got more heat than khali every did his whole heel time lol the funny part was at the end of the show went to Denny's and who walks in khali I asked for his autograph and got told by him and the guy he was with who I didn't recognize that Batista actually went on a rant because someone had a sign against him and I was like yeah that was me the best night of my life when the face wrestler who you had a sign against rants about you funny to hear that
I think maybe the idea was having Batista win it would sooth the crowd a little for DB not being in the RR. Nnnnnnope.
Batista forgets it is all a work, and in real life he cannot fight to save himself. He is a big unit yes, but his in-ring skills are average, he stumbled around in the Rumble. Imagine that mess in the main event of the biggest PPV in history, Mania XXX?????? Jesus Vince Snr would be rolling in his grave. Batista has been given the golden ticket so Vince gets a return on his investment, ie, paying the huge prick heaps, he wants to get his money back. The only way I see Batista being utilised decently is to have him turn heel and put over a guy like Roman Reigns at Wrestlemania XXX, somebody who would benefit from eating a former multiple time champion, and the level of skill between Reigns and Bautista would be glaringly obvious to all punters, Vince included.

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