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Report: Backstage Talk On Christian Possibly Retiring


On Raw this past Monday, Christian suffered that's being called a minor concussion during the fourway match to determine the #1 contender for the Intercontinental Championship. This makes Christian's second concussion within the span of a year.

The report from the WON alleges that, even before he suffered this second concussion, there'd been a good deal of talk about the future of his in-ring career coming to an end. According to the report, speculation began around Christian retiring when his current deal expires and the fact that he's officially 40 years old, he'd been having injury issues for a while and that there were no real plans for him. Since the concussion, the stories and talk started up again with the notion that Christian would be a great trainer for NXT.

Take this for what it's worth, but a few things that are definitely true include Christian having issues regarding injury for quite a while and creative not really having any sort of solid plans for him. At age 40, it's pretty obvious that Christian's not being looked at as a long term, top level star in WWE and he's been plagued by injuries for the past couple of years. I think there was a possibility of that happening 8 or 10 years ago, but those days are long gone. Christian has long been one of these guys who seemed to rarely get injured in his career, and it was usually nothing serious on the rare times he did, but time's catching up to him like it does for anyone with a job requiring a very high degree of physicality.
I like Christian, but he needs a character overhaul and he needs to change his style. It's too late in the day for that and he's not really a big enough star to coast on what we associate with him.

Give him a Booker T type deal. He's around and appears on TV and will wrestle when needed.
I wouldn't be shocked by this at all, given the past 2 years or so. I feel like this was a missed opportunity by the WWE; Christian was a great heel when he was in his Captain Charisma phase back in 2004 time frame, but they never really seized on it, presumably because McMahon thought he looked "rat-faced"....what the fuck ever, Vince.

Anyways, with the influx of talent that the WWE has right now, they're having a tough time getting guys onto TV and into meaningful feuds as it is. Christian is taking up a spot that would probably be better used by a guy like Sandow, Kingston or one of the NXT guys.

This is also where more managers and tag teams would extend the life of some talent. Christian used to be dynamite on the mic, and I could've seen him become a heel manager in a different era...the kind who could still take some bumps. Similarly, he could've been paired up with a younger guy and they could've been a tag team for a year or two.

Oh well...
I've always liked Christian, but more in a team than as a single. The support he provided both Edge and Chris Jericho in their tag team efforts was valuable and his character always did best when playing off someone.

That said, I was surprised at the number of people who thought he was better than Edge as a performer and I was never able to fully appreciate what others were seeing in him. He's a good ring worker, but not great.

Still, he's been a useful performer......when he's there. Given the enormous amount of time he's been sidelined with injury the past few years, I would have to think the company would love to see him voluntarily retire. You can say what you want about injury not being the wrestler's fault, etc etc etc... but the fact is that a performer who is on the sidelines, yet still receiving his full salary, is hurting the company since he's draining financial resources while providing no production.

At 40, I think Christian's time has come. Retire and save yourself more injury, Jason. We'll look forward to inducting both you and Edge into the HOF in a few years.
He has been overhauled in WWE alone so many times. I don't know what else you can do. There just always seems to be more ambivalence toward him than true love or hate. If he is healthy enough and wishes to continue his career fine. If he wants to move to other things fine too. I'd barely notice.
Given Christian's concussion, I say give him a similar storyline to Shark Boy's in TNA where Shark Boy woke up thinking he was Steve Austin. In Christian's case, have him wake up and think he's a true-super hero. IE. CAPTAIN CHARISMA. Maybe make the nurse play along and become his super hero side kick.

This is what Christian needs.

Jason Reso,aka christian is someone who's body can no longer take the massive beating pro-wrestling takes on your body.. As far as a concussion goes,there is no such thing as a minor concussion. The Minor ones usually take the longest to heal. But injury after injury he has sustained over what now 3 Years? Its time,for him to retire and save his health. I enjoyed christian both as a singles star and tag team champion.

He isn't like Mysterio hogging the spotlight and refusing to step aside. Christian needs to retire,sign a legends deal and be a trainer on NXT. He has a lot of knowledge and his services would be invaluable
Christian should retire and become an NXT trainer. It would be cool if they did an angle with him where he trains a protege that adopts his wrestling style. He had a lot of classic moments with Edge and will go down as one of the best Tag Team wrestlers in WWE history for being involved in all those innovative matches against Dudley Boys and Hardy Boyz. It's fortunate enough for him that he was able to become a two-time World Heavyweight Champion in the WWE (although I still do count the ECW title as a world title). He had some memorable matches against both past and present stars and he's always been an all-rounder type wrestler. It's just too bad that his injuries have mounted over the years and that his body can't stay in consistent health, because he hasn't slowed down at all in the ring. Well, if and when he does retire, I do hope he makes a retirement speech and Edge comes out. The guy deserves to at least go out with praise.
Would be a shame really, he can still go in the ring and put on great matches. His matches with Orton for example are always awesome, the whole Sheamus thing while stale due to it's constant repetition and being so 1 sided, has all been good matches, his performance in the EC was also great, etc etc. And it would be just plain sad to see him retire before some of the other guys on the roster,(you people know who I mean) seriously Christian looks like a young guy from NXT compared to some people we don't expect to be retiring anytime soon.

On the other hand having a guy of his talent can only benefit the guys on NXT, so at least there's a upside to all this.
For a guy who never seemed to have a major injury (as far as I can remember) when he was younger they seem to be catching up with him now.

As to what Christian should do. Retiring before you permanently damage yourself would certainly be a option for him.

He could certainly be used elsewhere. He'd be a great trainer for NXT. And his mic skills would make him valuable either as a manager or commentator.

Regardless Christian should look out for his health first and foremost.
To be honest this concussion will make the decision for him.. He's a new father, so doesn't need more injuries of that type and he wasn't going to win the IC at Mania, lets face it. He was probably going to get "taken out" before the match or it turn into a Four Way on the night...

He's had his run, the fans are still behind him but it's like Edge, leave em wanting more...

As to what he does, I actually think he has a pretty good shot in NXT but I would like to see him used on the Network too, not sure commentary is right for him although he could be great in that role. I think more hosting shows about the Attitude era, a regular "Roundtable" contributor and perhaps even co hosting the talk show rumored for Coach... those two always had some pretty good chemistry back in the day. On camera there is a lot he can show up for, do and go home rather than keep trying on the road... One concussion is bad luck, two in a year... time to start making plans to stop cos the 3rd will finish you...and most likely your shot at a good retirement.
Christian is ageless in the ring, you can't tell he's forty. I always forget how much tread Christian has on his tires. Same with Edge, sad how is career got cut short, but I don't think it was too short, I believe he was considering retiring in a year anyways at the time he was told by doctors he had to shut it down. Edge and Christian have twenty year careers under their belt. That's a lot of matches, and a lot of wear on their bodies. If Christian does hang it up soon, I just hope WWE gives him a good send off with some good fanfare. I would him have go on a run for "One More Match," working his way up the latter for one final World Title match, then have the stipulation be that if he doesn't win the title, he retires. It doesn't need to be a year long storyline. In all honesty you could hot shot it and have it wrap up in two. My point being if he's ready to hang it up, it's completely understandable, I just hope WWE does something good with him to send him off right. Oh and of course before he leaves, for the benefit of those with flash photography, he needs to give us one last five second pose.
After the Authority story line dies down, he could make a good "general manager" for either Raw/Smackdown. He makes a good face and a snarky heel and would easily be better than the GMs we have now that serve no other purpose than to get yelled at by HHH/Steph/Vince.
If Christian does hang it up soon, I just hope WWE gives him a good send off with some good fanfare. I would him have go on a run for "One More Match," working his way up the latter for one final World Title match, then have the stipulation be that if he doesn't win the title, he retires. It doesn't need to be a year long storyline. In all honesty you could hot shot it and have it wrap up in two.

I like it! It's a sad circumstance for it to come about, but the whole "One More Match" slogan virtually lends itself to a retirement match. In order to protect the man, though, I'd hotshot it as one night.

I'd have Daniel Bryan (assuming he's champion) hype whatever feud he's involved in, a humble Christian comes out, apologetically inturupting; "I always ask for one more match, but this time, I mean it." Daniel Bryan gives him a match for that very night, out of respect. During entrances, no surprise, Edge is in Christian's corner. 15ish minute match, Bryan wins clean, shakes Christians hand, Edge and Christian left for a feel-good conclusion to Raw. "Thank-You-Chris-tian!" chants, no doubt.

It's not armchair booking when the scenario writes itself.

For a post-ring role, I'd like to see him on commentary. I don't know if I'd have him and JBL at the same table though. No table should ever have two colour commentators. As for an NXT trainer, I don't see why not, but we're not well informed enough to make that assessment. Christian is well rounded and excels in several criteria as a performer, but it's difficult to say whether or not that translates well in the trainer role. It's a completely different skill set.

Edge had it easy, and has said so himself. The doctors made the decision to end his career for him. I don't know if Christian has that luxury. I'll cautiously respect his decision to stay, and regretfully respect it if he hangs 'em up.
I'm a long time fan of Christian and he's been one of my favorites, but it seems that his time has come. And he can retire with no regrets, he's accomplished almost everything there is to accomplish other than winning the WWE Championship. But he had a nice run as WHC in 2011 and some great matches with Orton in that feud. He's been IC Champ, Euro Champ, ECW Champ, Hardcore Champ, and not to mention he's one half of a top 10 tag team imo in terms of all-time rankings. It always kinda bugged me that they didn't have him go against Edge for the WHC at WMXXVII instead of Del Rio. I think that would've made a hell of a story if they had Christian turn on Edge. Not to mention, that was Edge's last match and I'm sure if he knew ahead of time that he only had 1 more in him, he would've wanted it to be with his best friend.

As far as how he should be booked before retiring, I think a great way to do it is have him face Jericho (if he reaches a deal w/ WWE) at SummerSlam in a retirement match. Both guys are older and it would be believable for either one of them to have to hang up their boots. Other logical opponents could be Goldust, Mysterio, Big Show, or Mark Henry. It would have to be somebody who's been around for a while to make a convincing story.
I always felt like Christian was the more talented all around performer than Edge and got less recognition. He has always been underrated and under utilized because those in WWE feel he isn't a star. For whatever the reason, it doesn't seem to be any different since his return in 2009. He hasn't been able to have a consistent run thanks to injury and WWE will probably never use him. I'd say he was at his peak in 2003/2004 and WWE missed the boat on building him as a top star. With him being older now, I don't think he'll be able to be a WWE Superstar for much longer due to injuries. His luck his been especially awful since his last return from injury and it seems to be one after another. I'd say let him wrestle until his contract is up and if he cannot go after that, keep him around as a trainer or agent.
Make Brad Maddox and wrestler. Make 1 general manager since there's no more brand separations. Have him join the authority. Make him like a Managing Supervisor or something like that. He has great promos but that doesn't necessarily means he will he great on commentary. I think the commentary area is good already. Even on NXT. Christian still has a good following and is still relevant. I say they capitalize on him getting as much tv time as needed. That way u can still make some money off of him. From a health standpoint you don't want anybody in the wrestling world forced to retire cause he doesn't know when to hang em up. He's best whether heel or face. Why not
Being a huge fan of Captain Charisma and sad as I am to admit it, maybe he should retire.

He can't stay healthy and every time he seems to take a big step forward,
he gets knocked back 3 spaces back.

He's definitely a HOF.

As some of you have mentioned, being an NXT trainer could be great for upcoming talent,
given his knowledge of the business.

It would be great if when he makes a retirement speech/gets inducted by Edge
Story Of The Year performs his theme song.
Christian's 40. He was half of arguably the best tag team ever. He was part of The Attitude Era, the hottest period in wrestling. He got to work with the best talents in the industry over the last 16 years. He won two world titles (six if you include his NWA and ECW runs), and just about every other important title. Heck he just last month headlined a pay-per-view competing for the world title.

Not a bad run. To be honest I think he overachieved, given his look and lack of X factor.
Christian is one of my absolute favorite wrestlers. I've always loved his work in the WWE and when he jumped to TNA, I started watching TNA. When he came back to the WWE, I stopped watching TNA. He's a great in ring talent, he's great on the mic, and he knows how to build a proper feud and tell a great story. In my opinion, he is superior to Edge, but only just.

It's a shame he can't stay healthy. He can still wrestle great matches, no doubt. His match with ADR at Summerslam was excellent and he performed wonderfully in the Elimination Chamber. While I still want to see him win the WWE title or even enter a solid program for the belt, I know that's not going to happen.

He'd make a great trainer in NXT. He knows so much about wrestling and how to put on a great match that the young bucks in NXT would be foolish not to pick his brain. He's done just about everything in the business and is an obvious candidate for the HOF.

I'm surprised no one has mentioned being an agent. If he still wants to travel, he'd be great backstage helping the on air talent piece together their matches.

Whatever he does, he's had one hell of a career and has earned everything he's gotten and more.
Christian is probably one of the best vets WWE has. I'm a HUGE PEEP but at his age having that many injuries is dangerous and he needs to retire. If WWE had any sense they would let him rest up for 6 months and have a retirement match for him at TLC 2014. TLC 2009 is my fav match of his.
While Christian is a good in ring worker and mic worker there is not a thing about him that gets me excited to watch. He's imo stale and always seems to have the same thing going on.

I don't dislike the guy I think he's actually better than several WWE guys being used prominently today but the fact that he is seriously injury prone is a factor that I look at and think man lets just hope we don't see the story of Edge play out with him too.

I think he's suffered way to many concussions as of late and thats not a good thing in any aspect you look at it, before anything else happens I think Christian could get one last run with the IC title while his contract is still valid and drop it once its expired and retire on that high note.

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