Report: Backstage News on Evolution Getting a New Member


Pre-Show Stalwart is reporting that there is still talk of having a new member of Evolution when Batista leaves to do promotional work for his movie. Evolution is planned to remain on television after Batista leaves.

One name that continues to be mentioned is Sheamus, who has had some history with both Triple H and Randy Orton.

Personally, I love this idea. Sheamus is as bland as can be as a face. The man is a natural, ass kicking heel. This turn and being added to Evolution could be the jump start his career needs right now. WWE needs more viable heel options to feud with Daniel Bryan. Sheamus' turn could also serve as a catalyst for Batista to actually be viewed as a babyface. Triple H and Randy Orton turn on Batista, Sheamus come out and Brogue Kicks him away for a few months. Upon his return, Batista feuds with Evolution.

Based on some of the comments I've read regarding this, I know some of you don't necessarily believe that Sheamus is the best pick for this spot.

I'd like to hear your thoughts on whether is it a good thing or not that Sheamus may join Evolution. If you don't think it's a good thing, state what/who would be a better idea.
In addition to sheer dominance, Evolution is all about sophistication and style, two things that are the antithesis to Sheamus' character. I guess seeing him trade in his FELLA shirt for a thousand-dollar suit would draw some nice heat, but he just seems too odd of a choice to me. The image of Sheamus in a limo surrounded by champagne with women all over him would make me chuckle, though.

I think they should bring in a promising up-and-comer to reinforce the main idea behind Evolution: The best of the past (HHH), the best of the present (Orton), and the best of the future. Two guys that immediately come to mind are Roman Reigns and Cesaro, but the former kind of hates Evolution's collective guts and the latter is already managed by they guy who managed the guy that ended Undertaker's 21-0 Wrestlemania streak.

This would be a GREAT way to introduce an NXT star. I don't watch NXT (BOO! *hiss*) so I don't really know who's kicking ass there right now, but debuting as a new Evolution member could do wonders for that guy; the same way it did for Orton and Batista.
I'm not a Sheamus fan, and I'll admit a hint of bias before I say this. Sheamus has been given every advantage since he was called up to the main roster, and look where he is. As Sean said, he also doesn't fit the Evolution mold. However, if Evolution just absolutely has to have a new member, go ahead and keep up the Triple H buddy club tradition. I'm just against the idea entirely.

The Evolution reunion should be a limited thing. It should be kept special. Shoehorning in a new member and keeping it going just to keep it going will spoil it. The new member may or may not get the desired rub, but either way it will water down the stable in my eyes. Not that that's what's important, of course. If a new guy or floundering vet can get new life from this, so be it. Personally, though, I say close the book on Evolution and forge new ground. There must be more creative ways to retool Sheamus, but as we all recognize creativity is not always WWE's strong point.

This is all rumor, but if it comes to fruition my eyes may roll out of their sockets. I'd like to keep my eyes. My mother gave them to me.
I hate idea to hell. Sheamus is NOT at all an evolution material character. In my opinion, add no one! This is how past stars or teams in this case get their names tarnished, by adding in New people or a new twist to them. Them returning as evolution is awesome and the only thing they should do is have maybe Batista and orton turn on triple h as pay back for how triple h turned on them. Yea Batista turned on evolution back in the day but it was bc of how H and flair treated him is kinda weird imagining the usual imagine of Evolution being tanned, handsome, high class guys and then inserting the super pale, rough-looking and prefers to get down and dirty Sheamus. But Batista's role in the group was the big enforcer and Sheamus fills that role easily. I do hope that he drops the US title before joining, I would really hate it if it got stuck in yet another faction going undefended just because the champ is too busy with his faction's business.

I know this been said already but assuming Evolution sticks around for a while it would be nice if they added the "future" part of the group, I'm sure thre's plenty of NXT guys to choose from.
Definitely not liking the idea of Sheamus in Evolution. I agree he needs a heel turn but that's it. If Vince wants another man in Evolution then I'd rather see the likes of Sandow and O'Neil get more of a look in.

Hell I wouldn't be surprised to see Bo Dallas join. Bolieve in Evolution
I think it's a good move, the Sheamus heel turn is in the making & if anything will confirm it & get him heat, joining Evolution is it.
I read about this a couple of days ago and I'm even less sure as to whether it's legit or not than I am regarding most reports/rumors. On the exact same day I read this, I read another report stating that Sheamus was going to be among the top babyfaces pushed in the company over the course of the rest of this year.

On the surface, Evolution does seem like a bit of an odd fit for Sheamus but, at the same time, Evolution has...well had to evolve I suppose since their return in 2014. During their first go around over a decade ago, there really weren't any other factions going on, at least none that were any type of a threat. Evolution members today are over a decade older, one of their former members is in his mid 60s & is no longer medically cleared to wrestle and they're up against another 3 man faction that are every bit their match inside the ring. Apart from Triple H due to his role as C.O.O., you don't see Evolution riding in limos, wearing expensive suits, sitting in fancy eating establishments surrounded by gold diggers, etc. With Batista leaving soon to begin promotional work for Guardians of the Galaxy, maybe not even coming back if there's any truth to the various reports about him being "screwed" by WWE management, they need someone to step in and fill Batista's role as the bruiser of the group.

In that respect, Sheamus strikes me as a good choice. Also, and I think I'm not the only one, it's time to alter Sheamus' character to something more along the lines of how he was when he first showed up rather than a jovial, good natured Irish galoot. Is Sheamus an ideal fit? Not really, when you consider the whole evolutionary motif of Evolution. A decade+ ago, Ric Flair represented the past superstar, Triple H was the present while Randy Orton and Batista were the future. Now, Triple H strikes me as more of the legendary superstar of the past with Orton as the present star, so they're missing someone to step into the role of the future. Ideally, it sounds like a role that'd be tailor made for a member of The Shield. If the reports of The Shield staying together are true, however, then it's not gonna happen. It's not out of the realm of possibility that someone from NXT can be brought up to the main roster and join the group, though that depends on how long the group will be around. More the likely, Triple H will probably hang up his boots until WrestleMania once SummerSlam is over, so it's possible that the group could still be continued with him stepping into the role of a mentor while inducting several new members into the group alongside Orton and Sheamus.
A New member works... but not Sheamus, if he was going to change look accordingly, shorter hair, clean shaven, even god forbid go onto a sunbed etc then he might fit but he also would lose his USP.

There are others on the roster like Kofi who have been there as long and not "moved up" who would benefit just as well from the role. Kofi in a suit makes a different image, he'd have the chance to talk and perhaps get away from the same old, same old that has pinned him to the midcard. If he hadn't gotten hurt Darren Young would also have been a good fit.

If you're gonna do NXT guys this is tailor made for Adrian Neville... unique style and the others would help him "learn the ropes" and cover the mic while he learns with them.
Personally, I would love to see Sheamus become a new member of Evolution. I think he would be a great fit with that group, and I think he would fit in really well.

His face run has gone quite stale, so I think a heel turn would definitely be in order. Aligning him with Randy Orton and Triple H would instantly generate some heel heat. I could easily see him getting involved with some of the Shield guys, and even Daniel Bryan again, as a member of Evolution. I also think seeing him come out in a suit, as opposed to a T-shirt, would be an interesting change for him, and I think it would work out quite well. WWE could even exploit his supposed friendship with Triple H, and the career advantages that allegedly have accompanied it, to gain an even greater adverse reaction for him.

With Dave Batista supposedly ready to go promote his new movie, and with Ric Flair too old and drunk to go in the ring anymore, they need to add someone if they have any plans of maintaining Evolution at all. I could easily picture a new Evolution, 2014 version, featuring Triple H, Randy Orton, Sheamus, and some new diamond in the rough from NXT. Wrestling has always been cyclical, so why not try to do again what worked so well previously, a heel faction in a position of power and authority, featuring the past, present, and future.

Not sure where the concerns about his look is coming from. He pulls off a suit pretty well.

That being said, I don't really see the point in adding Sheamus to Evolution. When Batista leaves, Evolution should be done. Sheamus could just turn heel and align himself with Triple H and company. Same end result, pretty much.
With batista leaving.... They should END evolution reunion...... They need to get better opponents for bryan for after payback. So just have evolution win at payback then continue the daniel bryan-authority storyline with triple h trying to get the title off bryan
I cannot understand the resistance to having Evolution "evolve" and add a new member. They need to continue their feuds and stay relevant at the main event level and adding a new member would do that.

I'd have no issue with Sheamus joining the fold though I don't think he'd best fit the group because he's already established. It would make more sense to pick a guy that's either new or in the mid-card that's ready to take the next step.

Putting a suit on a guy does wonders for his look and for his charisma. Del Rio was more over when he came out in his suits and scarfs compared to his current BS. JBL was a legit champion when he dressed the part (even if he was hated).

Imagine the Four Horsemen not adding replacement members because it would "dilute the group?" Benoit fit just fine and he definitely didn't look the part. Hell, Mondo even fit and he was a joke of a wrestler.

As for who I'd like to see join, that's a different story. I know Cody would fit well, but his body just doesn't seem to add bulk and he already has history with Orton. Kofi's character could "evolve" and he looked much more legitimate in a suit battling Orton than he does currently. Bo Dallas could add something to the group, though his grin makes me want to smack him and they'd need to dump his "Bo-lieve" stick. Even a guy like McIntyre could be repackaged again and start back up the ladder.

Just give it a chance.
That would also tie in to Bryan. Sheamus beating Bryan in 20 seconds or whatever is what really kicked off the incredible fan support for Bryan.

Stephanie and HHH could have lots of good, smug promos about how Sheamus was the guy, and that's why he squashed Bryan.

Personally, I love this idea. Sheamus is as bland as can be as a face. The man is a natural, ass kicking heel. This turn and being added to Evolution could be the jump start his career needs right now. WWE needs more viable heel options to feud with Daniel Bryan. Sheamus' turn could also serve as a catalyst for Batista to actually be viewed as a babyface. Triple H and Randy Orton turn on Batista, Sheamus come out and Brogue Kicks him away for a few months. Upon his return, Batista feuds with Evolution.

Based on some of the comments I've read regarding this, I know some of you don't necessarily believe that Sheamus is the best pick for this spot.

I'd like to hear your thoughts on whether is it a good thing or not that Sheamus may join Evolution. If you don't think it's a good thing, state what/who would be a better idea.
Sheamus getting added to Evolution would work, but I just don't like it. As others have mentioned, he's already a credible character for the WWE. When Batista leaves, the remaining Evolution members will be HHH & Orton. Those two kind of fill the roles of Flair and HHH from the original Evolution (HHH moving into Flair's old position, and Orton taking HHH's position). That leaves the door open for a younger less established guy, or possibly even two of them. To me, it would be a waste to add Sheamus, a guy who is already over with the fans.

Personally, I'd love to see Ambrose jump ship to Evolution. He'd be a perfect fit with them, and it would continue Evolution's feud with The Shield. Then again, maybe The Shield would have to add another member. I don't know, maybe Ambrose joining Evolution would make things too complicated...I just know it would open a lot more creative avenues than The Celtic Warrior would. Either way, I'm all for shuffling the deck a little bit.
Sheamus doesn't need Evolution at all, so I really don't see the point in him taking the 4th man spot. He's a former world champion, and he's still capable of delivering good matches. The problem with Sheamus is his booking has been terrible for the past couple of years. Too much goofy comedic bullshit, a lengthy and tedious feud with Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow, and putting the WHC on him in a squash at WM 28 against a fan favorite was a monumental mistake. Sheamus is on the right track now. He needs a consistent storyline and a few worthwhile feuds, and he'll be fine.

I'll stick with Wade Barrett and Big. E as my picks for guys, who could use the Evolution rub, and with the way things are going now, I'm leaning towards Big. E more. The Evolution rub needs to mirror the paths of Batista or Orton: someone with a positive upside, who's a few steps away from super stardom, but they need another push.
Now I know it will never happen but I think it would be
Interesting to see Bryan and cena with the Bella's battling
Evolution just to see Bryan drop title to hhh with cena
And Nikki turning heel and joining evolution if they plan
It right that could be a shock that we rarely see in that
We don't see it coming
Sheamus does not fit the mold of the old high class Evolution. But Evolution has changed. They've dropped the suits and limos most of the time (we did see it the week after they officially reformed) but Evolution still is and always will be a couple of guys beating the hell out of people. And if there's one thing Sheamus likes to do, it's beat people up. A slight character change would be good for Sheamus. He's a much better heel. And it wouldn't be hard to make him more high class and civilized. And it would work as a heel. Everyone hates a hypocrite, so just turning on a dime and becoming something else would make people hate him more. Not bad.

If it's not Sheamus, I would say Titus O'Neil is a good choice. The guy is fantastic on the mic, and he's big. Give him a few wins over the next few weeks to make him seem like a winner, and boom you got your next member. Though I would prefer Evolution to not add a member and just stick to its originals, if done right, I wouldn't mind either of these choices.
A full-blown heel turn for Sheamus would freshen things up on TV, and there is a real-life friendship there w/ HHH, but I just think that spot should go to someone "on the cusp" and not someone who has already been a main event player. Although, with Batista leaving for a while, and the feud with the Shield not ending till at least Summerslam, they may want a "big-time" guy to join the group so it still comes across that hey have the advantage over the Shield, at least as far as experience and past success goes.
When I first read this report, Sheamus made perfect sense to me. Evolution would still look formidable and Sheamus finds a good story to be in. To me that's win-win, so if they go that route I won't be too pissed.

But on the other hand... I really wish they'd go BIG risk/big reward with the Real Deal Titus O'Neil. I want thm to give O'Neil a shot. Since his heel turn, he's shown to be as much a brute as Sheamus. Don't procrastinate any longer, just give Titus his turn.
Whilst I am totally for a Sheamus heel turn, I am against him joining Evolution.

To start with the guy's 36 meaning he's older than Orton so he's hardly an up and coming talent.

Secondly its already been mentioned that Sheamus looks like a big ass jar of Mayonaisse and is far from a handsome young guy who'd have models clamouring to get on his arm.

I think this is a perfect opportunity to call a talent up from NXT and the first person that comes to mind is Bo Dallas. He's a brilliant heel and whilst he maybe doesn't have the agressive, he's recently been called up to the main roster, working house shows. I think the best thing to do would be have him debut on a live show, get a few cowardly heel wins under his belt, one week give him a match against a big face and have Evolution come in and attack the face then drop a promo on why they want Bo to join the stable
If you're gonna do NXT guys this is tailor made for Adrian Neville...


Sheamus is a fine fit. Former World Champ and can fill Batista's spot as the enforcer. If not him, Drew McIntyre going back to his old role works, or maybe Big E.
The only reason sheamus is being considered for this spot Is because he is buddy buddy with triple since he was signed. so many other people could have won the US title that deserve it and need it but hunter gave it to sheamus.
Its pretty much set in stone that hes joining, its gonna a fresh face as a heel hopefully they do it right.
While this gives Sheamus something to do, I'd much rather see Reigns turn on The Shield to join Evolution.

Sheamus has never been particularly interesting to me. Reigns joining Evolution and being the true high school asshole jock pretty boy heel (and the heel that Daniel Bryan's reign desperately needs) sounds a lot better.
Sheamus doesn't need Evolution at all, so I really don't see the point in him taking the 4th man spot. He's a former world champion, and he's still capable of delivering good matches. The problem with Sheamus is his booking has been terrible for the past couple of years. Too much goofy comedic bullshit, a lengthy and tedious feud with Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow, and putting the WHC on him in a squash at WM 28 against a fan favorite was a monumental mistake. Sheamus is on the right track now. He needs a consistent storyline and a few worthwhile feuds, and he'll be fine.

I'll stick with Wade Barrett and Big. E as my picks for guys, who could use the Evolution rub, and with the way things are going now, I'm leaning towards Big. E more. The Evolution rub needs to mirror the paths of Batista or Orton: someone with a positive upside, who's a few steps away from super stardom, but they need another push.

I would absolutely love to see Barrett be the addition to Evolution if there has to be one at all. Sheamus wouldn't be as terrible as some would make it sound but I will agree his image doesn't really fit in with them, his only real connection is his reputation and star power. But you bring Barrett in with all the momentum he's got right now and tie it in to the Evolution storyline then you help both of them out and get BNB on the right track for the world title picture.

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