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Repackage a wrestler-TNA Edition

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Getting Noticed By Management
About a week ago i made a thread about repackaging guys in the WWE with new characters and/or taking established characters in new directions. Now as you have probably figured out im creating the same thread but involving TNA guys. TNA is defiantely in more need of fresh new characters as opposed to WWE. So what ideas do you have regarding the repackaging of wrestlers on the TNA roster? Ill start with a simple ideas i had:

Jimmy Rave- make him a singles competitor in the X division-this boosts the x division and allows you to get rid of lance hoyt who sucks horse dick. One of the most important aspects of a character is their entrance and Jimmy Rave could have a rave style entrance with wild strobe lights and intense techno music. This gives the crowd something to get behind as i can easily see a lot of fan interaction with this entrance. The crowd dancing and such. Obviously since he is having a rave entrance he should have a rave gimmick and i think is could get reasonably over and combined with his in ring ability would be the best way to generate interest into Jimmy Rave. He has the proper look for it as well.

Kevin Nash- make him a commentator. He fuckin rules on the mic and then we wont have to listen to don west, then ahve mike tenay replaced by Roadd Dogg and uve got one hell of an entertaining announce team.

Sonjay Dutt and Abdul Bashir- two possibilities, either pair them together both as bashir's gimicgk of an anti american terrorist OR make them middle eastern pop starswhich would be fuckin hilarious- this gimmick was inspired by the epic youtube video Benny Lava(watch it right now).

This is just one example there are many many more possibilities and now i leave it open to you. Abyss will most likely come into this conversation at some point just becuz of the different possibilities his character offers.

O and please try to refrain form parodies of old hacks please....
I would turn Joe into a psychopathic tweener leaning towards heel.
Heres how it works: Joe got taken out by the MEM, and upon his return his seeks revenge. First he goes for Steiner, and leaves him a bloody mess and starts to attack any MEM member as they are going to the ring or even during matches. AJ gives him a whole long talk about how hes a father now and needs to let his actions show loyalty and respect so that his daughter can watch him and learn. Joe snaps right there and attacks AJ leaving him a bloody mess. The next week goes around and now Joe blames AJ for not stopping the attack and effecting the first few days he could have had with his kid. Joe then goes on to start beating down every member of the frontline, and eventually goes after foley. This leads to a series of hardcore matches between the two, and lets Joe return to his beast of a gimmick.

I'm sorry to say it but other then that the only other thing I would do is return AJ into his original persona where he would just go nuts and let him use his full arsenal. AJ is their future and if he cnt do the spiral tap, springboard 450 and hit the clash hes not as versatile. The pele is not a finisher and he needs to be put into matches to show off his ability because he needs to be the front man of the company.

And this goes to repackage every wrestler, LET THEM WIN MATCHES WHEN THEY HIT THEIR FINISHERS

Last, your Jimmy Rave idea is ok but it would lead him to be a jobber when he is very talented and the gimmick would be a raving version of Matt Bentley
I think making Jimmy Rave as a top X-Division competitor would pay off, he was impressive at Genesis, and he has more ability than alot of the X-Division competitors.

Nash should work his best asset: His Mouth, more often, make him the MEM mouthpiece, or a commentator when the MEM/Frontline feud dies down, he fucking sucks in the ring at times, but he kills everyone on the sick, hands down

As for anyone else, Abyss needs to stop being shown as a fucking pussy, let him go psycho, hit people with stuff, not prancing around in a jumpuit, crying and getting his fat ass kicked
I'd have a few things in mind, right off the bat.

Christopher Daniels: Bring him back. Period. I don't know who's idea it was for 'Curry Man' to be brought it. Maybe Daniels got drained of the 'Fallen Angel' gimmick, maybe T.N.A. wanted another 'bright character', I simply don't know.. but it's over now. Daniels needs to come back.

And while I'm not saying repackage him to the point of doing anything vastly different, just bring back the 'Fallen Angel' and make him a Heavyweight contender. During his final monthes as the 'Fallen Angel' he had eye make-up, and a kinda stupid ending. I didn't like that version.. I want the very original, that was feuding with A.J. Styles over the X-Division title.

Kaz: I know Sam would greatly disagree, but I liked the original Kaz. Drop this 'Suicide' crap. (assuming that's him) And give Kaz another chance. Joe is currently making it without a personality, why can't Kaz?

Fuck, if personality is what he lacks.. do what W.W.E. does to their personality/charisma-lacking Superstars.. put a chic on their arm.

Abyss: Add a third level. Don't go back to the nut-job Abyss, that's gotta be controlled by someone. Get rid of the "emotional" Abyss that's a puppet to Morgan. And add a fucking third degree.. pure nut-job.

Have him flip his lead, and start going psycho on EVERYONE. Make him uncontrollable, but do NOT give him a master/manager. Let him, and only HIM be in control of himself for once. Give him the opportunity to be the crazed, heelish psycho he has the potential to be. It'll work, and he'll be leaps and bounds beyond the guy everyone believes he's mimicking in Kane.
Thank you will! I've been saying this since he got this emotional shit started. I liked it at first him comming out and saving people. But he needs to snap more and more often. He needs to run a muck in the company, and start taking more people out. He's a fucking great hardcore worker. And he needdddds to go back to that, good lord tna why change somthing that fucking works! Abyss was a good heel and it worked. Now all thoes matches and shit have basically been undone, and abyss looks like a pussy. Thow him a lead pipe and half the x devision and let him go apeshit.
Some of these would have to be set up over time to make more sense but I think they could be entertaining...

Rhino, MCMG, Kevin Nash - This isn't so much a full repackage, but I think they would make a good stable. Upon his return Nash could cut a promo saying how with all his time to watch and think he found a couple young guys he could respect; the Guns. He'd base it on how unlike Lethal, Creed and them they didn't just roll over and become followers of AJ and Joe at their request. They did their own thing and looked out for themselves and didn't try to hide that fact from anyone. During the end of the feud since so many guys are out right now Rhino could make amends with the Guns based on their shared Detroit heritage or something to get them reinvolved for Lockdown, and the relationship could continue from there.

I think Rhino playing the straight guy to Nash as a manager and the Guns being more cool and cocky and joking around could make for good entertainment. As far as a name goes I would call the group "Made in Detroit". This gives Rhino a way to continue his current push to an extent and working with the Guns and Nash would be a new thing for him, and we all remember the epicness that was Papparazi Productions; Nash, Shelley, and Sabin are simply an awesome pairing.

Dutt and Bashir - Pair them together with a paranoid, borderline conspiracy theorist, anti-Western gimmick (similar to Bashir now). The could be blaming the West for the violence in India and the Middle East; saying it's being caused so the West can profit from selling weapons to both sides of the conflict. Call them the Kashmir Coalition or something if they need a name.

Petey Williams - Drop the Steiner look and mannerisms and tone down some parts of the Maple Leaf Muscle gimmick, and give him a submission finisher to emphasize his strength more along with allow him to be able to legitimately beat opponents who can't take a Destroyer (like Steiner). He does the Sharpshooter so they could have him use that or some variation of it.

Beyond this like other peole have said bring back Daniels and Kaz in their previous gimmicks, and add some of the monster back into Abyss. I'd like to see someone else don the Suicide costume and continue it but ignore the whole "from the iMPACT video game" thing. I like the entrance, music, and stuff for him though so it could be cool to see it, just use it for someone who needs the gimmick to get over though. Kaz can get over on his own.
Repackage Sharkboy, hes barely used now a days, and I would give him a run for the X Division title seeing as how he is a great competetor. Hes small though so he probably wouldnt hold the title for long
Here are some of the repackaging ideas that I have.

Sharkboy- Give him a serious gimmick instead of one that nobody really gives a damn about. He's a solid competitor without copying Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Nash & The Guns- Put these guys back together again in a stable that represents Detroit. It would at least not make Nash wrestle again.

The entire or most of the Frontline- First off I would not make them look like a bunch of *****es & actually make them get the upperhand every now & then. Some if not all the members need some personality into their characters.
I'd repackage Jimmy Rave. It's really a shame that he's a jobber with a stupid gimmick. I'd get rid of Lance Rock change Rave's gimmick and make him a top contender in the X-Division. He's really too talented to be stuck as a jobber. I've never really heard him cut a promo, but in the X-Division all you need to do is be able to pull off a spot and you'll get over.

As many people have said I'd also repackage Christopher Daniels. He had been almost forgotten toward the end of his run as Curryman, and nowhe's stuck as Suicide. I say bring back the Fallen Angel and have him join the Frontline, he was after all a true TNA original.
instead of changing a bunch of guys, how about tna just sticks to a program for a while? get eric young someone to have a real true well put together feud, the beer money guys are perfect, storm and roode are a perfect heel team, lax is perfect the way they are, they just need a real ongoing feud like they had with styles/daniels. or break them up and put them against each other, who would everyone go for? why would the fans pick that wrestler, and either way they both get over, you could even have homicide win and make it for the x title, hernandez can move so you know he could hold up his end, make it ultimate x and have homicide take the belt because x division heels come out and screw hernandez over. the point im making is that the characters are mostly fine, just used poorly.
Matt Morgan--Make him just kick everyones asss. Turn him into the monster a 7 footer should be. Also, anyone remember what the big guys in wwf (Big john Stud, King Kong Bundy, Andre) used to do when they pinned someone? MAKE THE REF COUNT TO 5!! It shows that they beat the guy so badly that he wasn't getting up.
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