Repackage a current WWE wrestler


Mid-Card Championship Winner
We all like to complain about character directions for some of the roster from time to time (well, almost always) so how about taking a stab at creating a gimmick for a NXT wrestler or in repackaging someone from the main roster.

I have a gimmick in mind that would be a mix of Orton's legend killer and the Sylar character from the original run of the TV show Heroes. I'm going to repackage Adam Rose with this gimmick and have him go back to using the Leo Kruger name, complete with South African accent. The idea behind it would be for the Kruger character to be introduced after a series of vignettes similar in tone and feel to this


You want that creepy serial killer vibe to come across and to have Kruger talk about how he likes to collect things. That would lead to the character debuting and squashing a few minor wrestlers with one twist, the guy wouldn't have any finishing or trademark moves to begin with. He'd just beat his opponent senseless and pin him.

I would then move him in to a feud with Jack Swagger, have Kruger beat him down during the match but at the end lock in the ankle lock for a submission victory. The next night on Raw I'd feed someone like Zack Ryder to Kruger and again have him win by ankle lock. Give him promo time to talk about how he 'collected' the signature move from Swagger by taking it from him and go from there. The idea is to get across that every feud he enters he will look to collect a move from his opponent. You could have him face Ziggler and collect the Zig Zag for example. You could feed him legends to collect moves from, like have Edge cut a promo in the ring with Kruger interrupting to beat him down and eventually spear Edge. Kruger would then start using the spear as one of his signature spots.

The collecting idea could then segway in to a feud with a babyface with a love interest. Lets say you have Kruger fixate on Natalya and have a returning Tyson Kidd feud with him over her, think back to the Pillman v Goldust feud over Marlena. He could eventually want to collect titles then or careers (how about bringing a nostalgia act like RVD back for one more run and have Kruger retire him?). He could get cocky after beating opponents and say he doesn't need any of their moves or, and I'd love this personally, beat Chris Jericho and still Y2J's armbar off him.

It might come off as a bit gimmicky for 2016 but I think it might work. Any of you have gimmick ideas floating around that you think could work with any of the current roster?
Krueger/Rose came immediately to mind when I saw your title. I'd love to see him return to the persona, but perhaps lean a little more into the hunter side of the gimmick. Use Spider Man villain Kraven as an archetype to build off of. I used to love how he would kneel on the apron and hang his arms and head into the ring, like he was stalking his prey. I'd love the visual of him doing so with a much larger opponent like Ryback, no intimidation felt by Krueger, just the big game hunt.

To a less drastic degree, Roman needs a repackaging as well. His continued use of the Shield music and modded gear are going to blunt the impact of the inevitable Shield reunion years down the road. Girls love to look at this guy, why is he wearing a vest?! The boots and trousers do the trick and remain plenty distinct from the rest of the roster. Once again, give him a new track! I feel it's an affront to any stable when one wrestler keeps the tune for themselves. That's Shield music, not Roman's.
To a less drastic degree, Roman needs a repackaging as well. His continued use of the Shield music and modded gear are going to blunt the impact of the inevitable Shield reunion years down the road. Girls love to look at this guy, why is he wearing a vest?! The boots and trousers do the trick and remain plenty distinct from the rest of the roster. Once again, give him a new track! I feel it's an affront to any stable when one wrestler keeps the tune for themselves. That's Shield music, not Roman's.

I have to agree, and have exactly the same thing. When the Shield reunites, whenever that may be, it should be special. As it is, it just might be Reigns coming down for a match.

He has to get away from the Shield persona completely. New attire, new music and have him walk down the ramp like everyone else does. In saying that though, the last thing I want to see him in is some sort of Samoan patterned outfit.

He used to wear trunks when he was in NXT and his body is okay, but I would keep him in pants. They changed Rollins and Ambrose, Reigns needs a fresh new look.
Kruger sounds good but one name needs more of an repackaging......BUBBA RAY DUDLEY.

The Dudleyz came back in a really entertaining feud against the New Day. Then they did nothing. Now they are feuding witj the Wyatt Family. Do they feel important? Nope!

Bubba found his calling in TNA as Bully Ray. I think when WWE is lacking a top heel, Bully Ray would fit the bill perfectly.

League of Nations is cool but those guys won't draw rating's but I think if Bully Ray is booked correctly then he can carry the company in Seths absence.

Imagine Bully Ray Vs Roman, Cena, Bryan, BROCK, Ambrose and eventually HHH.
Repackage Axelmania as the god damn son of his father. But go full throttle. Curtis Axel is the son of Mr.Perfect. Not only is he the son of Perfect, he was supposed to be Better Than Perfect. How about some good old fashioned vignettes to prove it? Perfect could throw a football 50 yards and catch it himself. Have Axel throw TWO footballs and catch them himself. Perfect could hit a homerun both right handed and left handed. Have Axel...idk, just something better than what Perfect did
I think they should repackage John Cena and Daniel Bryan as a Heel Tag Team that think they are better than everyone else, only because they are with the Bella Twins. They could be the 2015 – 2016 version of the Two-Man Power Trip. They are both former WWE World Heavyweight Champions that do not need to be anywhere near the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Title picture. They both just need to be in the WWE picture, period. John Cena should be Intercontinental Champion, Daniel Bryan should be United States Champion, and they both should be WWE World Tag Team Champions.

The WWE should also create the Divas Tag Team Championship Titles, specifically for the Bella Twins, since there is an influx of Divas on the roster currently.

I think having them managed by Triple H and Stephanie McMahon would just add to the heat they would already get. Whoever dethrones them would be a made Main Event Face instantly.
Joe Anoa’i needs an acting coach to sit down with him and hash out some personality for the character he portrays on television. Roman Reigns is laying an egg out there, week after week, and it’s disturbing that no one is doing anything about it.

No! NOOO!! Roman Reigns already went to acting classes, IDIOT!!! And he’s getting better, I just know it!

Was his acting coach Carl Weathers, by any chance? You know and I know that whatever acting classes they sent him to just wasn’t enough. Personally, I think someone ought to buy him a subscription to the WWE Network so he can take notes from some of the greats that came before him, maybe even learn how a wrestler is supposed to TALK and ACT! Roman’s level of promo-awkwardness is appropriate for, perhaps, a celebrity guest host who feels like an asshole doing something as low rent as WWE Raw; but it’s not appropriate for the proposed John Cena 2.0. It’s not appropriate for a guy who’s received a steady 3-year long push to the top of the roster.

Now before you put words in my mouth, I’m not saying that transplanting a personality into Reigns is going to solve all his problems. Unfortunately, Joe still has to rely on the Creative Team to sort out the rest of Roman's issues (like his post-SHIELD get-up that screams desperation and the segment writing on Raw which is deplorable for a t.v. show in 2015). In fact, I would even make the argument that repackaging Reigns would be a waste of time, that he should just be removed from Raw altogether so they can give his spot to a guy who gets "it". But if you are asking me who needs to be repackaged, I can’t think of a more desperate case than Roman Reigns.
i like the idea of re-packaging Axel. Re-Package him as Michael Henning and have him claim he's better than his dad and have him chase after the IC title or US title. he should be known as the son of Mr. Perfect, not just some guy. also bring back the old Damien Sandow. he was great when he was an intellectual savior of the unwashed masses, let him do that only push him to a mid card title.
I would re-package Rusev in a tag team with Samoa Joe. They would become tag champs almost instantly and become the most dominant team for a long time. The team name would be Pain Incorporated.
I'd say a wrestler who needs it the most is Cesaro. He needs new ring attire, a new entrance theme music. He also needs something or someone to give his character more personality on the mic and during backstage segments. Cesaro is one of if not THE best wrestler in the ring in WWE, he just needs more parts of his character colored in.
Bully Ray in a WWE setting would get over huge. Of top heat drawing heel champions of the the past 5 years Bully Ray and Bobby Roode were my two favourites of either company because they were so easy to hate but they were so good at what they did. Rollins is probably the only WWE heel champion who people have cared about besides CM Punk.

I agree with Michael Hennig and Sandow. They talk about 'Curtis Acel' being the next generation of Hennig even when he was in NXT but they have packaged him so badly 9/10 times. Sandow I thought was just getting over as the Saviour and they canned it and put him with Miz. Then when he got over as the sidekick they canned him again. He's clearly entertaining, what don't the heads see that everyone else seems to.
Other than Bubba going to his Bully Ray character I don't see how repackaging people makes them better or get over. WWE has too many people and a lot who have been there a long time. They need new talent, not wrestlers to go through NXT but to go right to the main roster. Stop having established talent learn the WWE way on how to wrestle in NXT.
I'm another who instantly thought Leo Kruger, 100% behind this and it should happen, still absolutely amazed, they thought that party gimmick was any good.

Maybe not now but in the future, I'd like to see Luke Harper change his character, maybe not a full on repackaging but a new look and new mannerisms, basically become a badass, monster heel as I fully believe he could be somewhat like American Badass Taker, no shit, in your face, badass big heel.

I also agree with Bubba becoming Bully Ray, that'd be good to see.

And most of all, John Cena repackage him as Barney The Dinosaur and reboot that show for the kids. Of course, a show of its own.

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