Remembering 9/11

El Rev sXe

If you have ghosts...
No, I'm not talking (in this case, writing) about 2001 in the United States. I'm talking about an event that you may or may not be familiar with, the chilean coup d'Etat.

September 11 1973, Salvador Allende was the elected president, a left wing oriented president. Latinoamerica was going through a phase where marxism and socialism was really strong in politics, Bolivia, Chile, Brasil, Argentina are some of the countrys that were having a left wing oriented government. Needless to say, this wasn't an idea that the US was very fond of.

That being said (and kind of making this a short post and not an alternative history lesson), Nixon, Ford, the CIA developed a plan named "Condor plan". Basically this plan was a plan to take out all the left wing goverments through coup d'Etats supported by national army of each country.

In the case of Chile, in 1973, Augusto Pinochet starting the coup that ended with an air raid against presidential residence klling this way Salvador Allende and also started a dictatorship that lasted almost 20 years.

So why is important to remember this event? Until this day many, many organisations are still claiming for justice. Pinochet died a couple of years ago unpunished. Artists, activists among others were persecuted, tortured, killed and even disappeared (until this day some corpses haven't been found). We also see a chilean constitution that was result of this period of dictatorship where even students are affected.


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