Remaking WWE Announcing Team


Pre-Show Stalwart
I think WWE's announcing table sucks right now.Not only pair up's are bad the other and more important thing is blurring heel/face lines.Splitting of heel and face makes wrestling more fun to watch and you can see the other side of the story.I couldn't stand for Don West when he was face but since he turned heel I started to appreciate his work.Right now WWE announcment table is just boring.You watch an event like a legimate sport.While play by play announcer telling the match the only thing color commentor does is supporting the play by play announcer.

I have an idea to remake WWE announcing team.What if JBL returns to RAW as color commentor for Lawler's replacement.First of all even JBL is golden on the mic and when he was color commentor on SD he was I think awesome.It also creates heel/face lines in announcing table again.I always find JBL/Cole as a great team.It was funny to watch JBL shouting to Cole,mock him and call him a moron.It'll be without a doubt better than Lawler/Cole.

Lawler should go to SD with his old heel King persona.King and JR for me was the best announcing team ever.So returning back Lawler to SD is also good for Lawler.First of all he could spend more time for himself and I think Grisham/JR is not a good team.The best thing is returning back of hilarious good old Jerry Lawler.I really missed that persona so much.

The last announce team that I want to remake is ECW.I don't see a big problem in that team and Striker is carrying the team well but I think it is still early for Matthews to be play by play commentor.Grisham should go back to ECW and Striker should be heel commentor.

I think the pair ups that I make would work better than WWE's pair ups right now and splitting announce teams as heel/face again have always been more entertaining to watch.What do you think of WWE announce tables?If you want to remake it how would you do it?
So what you are saying is you want things to be like they were 2 years ago? Honestly, I'd much rather see Lawler and Ross retire together and get someone else in there who can develop. The writers make these announcers out to be tools and it ends up irritating the fans to the point that they hate the announcers.
that is right they need to retire JR and King and bring Matt Striker to Smackdown put JBL and Cole on Raw they are a great team. they do make them as tools. and if they were to change this it would improve the show greatly. the announcers are the guys who are suppose to get you to care about the show.
I really like the Matthews/Striker team. I'd even go so far as to say it's the best of the three announce teams right now, and one of the best things ECW has going for it.

I very much don't want to see that messed with. The other two though, yeah. Fix that. Is VKM above the whole commentating thing now, or would he be an option? He was fantastic, once upon a time. JR/JBL and Vince/Lawler would be my ideal choices. Gotta say I'm not a Cole or Grissom fan.
I agree that Striker and Matthews are a great commentating team, Striker and Grisham were great together too. JR and Grisham have done really well together, I'd say them and the ECW announce team are the best currently.

I like Lawler and Cole too, well Cole at least.

Anything is better than the TNA commentating team, though since becoming heel Don West has become a bit more tolerable.
None of the proposed changes in pairings will amount to a damn thing unless Vince McMahon changes his ideology with the entire style of commentary that he dictates.

Given the current style of today's announcers, one color "analyst" being swapped with another "analyst" won't accomplish anything at all. All of them pretty much have the same style, as dictated from above. All of them are there simply to talk about the background of each of the talents, put over some of the moves in the ring, and if there is a feud going on ... to talk about that, as well. That's pretty much it.

That is why I don't think switching anyone around with the way things currently are, is going to amount to anything at all. Vince needs to give the Green Light to go back to Face/Heel announcers, if he wishes to provide for a more entertaining broadcast.
i loved the heel lawler back in the day and when he was paired with JR reminded me of bobby heenan and gorilla monsoon from the late 80s-early 90s
The anouncers of today are working harder and harder to become more unnoticed, the WWE is attempting to have the talent stand out more then the on air talent in the brands due to the fact that they do not want the matches overshadowed by the anounce team which IMO is a good move.

The Reason JR became so beloved is due to the fact that McMahon pushed him to the forefront with his firing and attempted heel turn, non of which worked as JR became the on air face of the WWE anounce team having fans go nuts after him and giving instant credibility to heels who either broke his arm (hhh) or tore him apart (Stone Cold), nowdays the anouncers are rather heard and not seen, Vince continues to push JR aside in hopes that he can work another announcer into the main position in hopes that the person who is chosen by Mcmahon can work and the sad truth is no one has come close to that point.

But IMO i like the current take on anouncer it is much better then TNA's over the top crazy fest anouncing which is making me hate Don west and Mike Tenay, or Ring of honors sports fest anouncing, but i wouldn't mind seeing actual color guys then just JR, king and striker working that side, we need more heels also to actually make both points valid nowdays everyones on the faces side which for me doesn't add a proper valid view point.
The announce teams arent what they use to be. They sucked big time. JR/grisham are one of the worst combinations for commentary, they are boring. King/ cole are decent but they are not good. Striker/ josh are alright but josh sounds like he isnt trying. I like striker/grisham way better. Vinces needs to get his head out of his ass and fix the commentary. Commentary used to be good, now its garbage. It pisses me off that this is what announcers are reduced too. stale and boring. That is one of the reasons why WWE is in bad shape. WWE is slowly dieing and losing fans. I used to love commentary but now all I can do is just turn my head.
Out of all my concerns about talent in the WWE, the announcing area is probably the lowest on my list. Matt Striker is currently the best at what he does, and Grisham compliments well his commentary. As for more defined heel/face characters on the announce table, I think what they have today is fine. To have an commentator consistently assert that he is a heel can be extremely annoying.

"Here comes Rey Mysterio! Haha, fuck that bitch, Edge will mop the mat with his stupid mask!" Well, it probably won't sound like that, but you get the point. Really the announce teams are fine where they are right now, and I see little need to change them in the near future.
What was the name of the wcw guy Bobby the Brain, the tna guy and who? anyway fire cole and hire him. Besides that I agree with wrath.
Just dont fire Matt Striker he is enterning
What was the name of the wcw guy Bobby the Brain, the tna guy and who? anyway fire cole and hire him. Besides that I agree with wrath.
Just dont fire Matt Striker he is enterning

Tony Schivone? Ugh. That guy was irritating. Or were you talking about Larry Zybisco. I liked him.

Either way, I don't think either of them are around anymore.
i loved the heel lawler back in the day and when he was paired with JR reminded me of bobby heenan and gorilla monsoon from the late 80s-early 90s

I couldn't agree more...... Heenan, Monsoon, VENTURA, Tony Shiavone was always a favorite... even McMahon himself... the announcers now leave a lot to be desired
Wasn't there a similar thread on this topic not long ago?? Neway I do like what was said earlier in the thread about having JBL come in on Raw and moving King over to SD. Grisham should just go back to do doing backstage interviews and maybe getting his ass kicked by the heels every now and then. But like what Lord S said earlier, Vince just needs to change his way of thinking regarding the commentary to make it entertaining again. The commentators are the ones who really need to try to make the fans care and engage the audience into watching more of the show but by being completely robotic and not even showing any emotion at all, it's not working. Whoever thinks the commentary is good needs to pull their heads outta their asses. The commentary is f**ked at the moment and anyone of normal intelligence will accept that. The WWE is not meant to be a legit sport because its always been about the bad guy v the good guy. You can't have two morons on the announce team just agreeing with eachother, they need to bring back the heel/face commentary and try to get the audience to actually care about what the commentary team is saying. Like I said, the commentary plays a key role in the fans wanting to see more of the show. Yes we want to see the wrestlers but it's the announce team who were listening to throught the show and their role shouldn't be under-estimated. Making the commentary good will definately have a positive effect on the product, no doubt about that.
....Michael Cole may just be the worst thing about the WWE right now. I can barely stand the Raw product these days and it's due in large part to having to listen to 90 minutes of Cole's stupidity each and every week. I hate Michael Cole more then fat people hate dieting.

Lawler every once in a while cracks a decent joke, but he's getting fairly lame as well.

Grisham is doing his best, Josh Matthews still needs some work, and Striker is probably the best option they have right now. Jiggly boobs Layfield would be a welcome addition back to the broadcast table, but only to the table. His in-ring career needs to be over.

JR is the best WWE announcer there has ever been and to me his voice just sounds like wrestling.

Other possible options would be to move an active wrestler to the table like a Tommy Dreamer, Golddust (minus the st-st-stupid ass stuttering gimmick), or even Santino, though his antics are also getting very tired and lame.

I do enjoy Don West as a heel and Tenay...well, he's a lot of Michael Cole w/ more knowledge of the product.

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