Reigns VS Big Show - worst feud of the decade?

Reigns vs. Big Show - worst feud of the decade?

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Creepy Old Man

Championship Contender
Reigns can't quite get over. So the best thing to do is place him in an interminable feud with a wrestler whom fans, quite clearly, wish would retire. Big Show's constant face/heel turns, as well as pathetic crying segments and comedy skits, have rendered him a joke character from whom nobody can piggyback to greater things. Even if Big Show were a credible and compelling character for Reigns to face, the feud would still be completely stale. According to the Internet Wrestling Database, the pair have faced each other a total of 23 times on television and pay-per-view, including five singles matches on free TV in the last four months. Why would anyone pay to see their match at Extreme Rules? Why would anyone even want to watch it for free? Seriously, this feud isn't helping Reigns at all and I consider it a lock for the Wrestling Observer's "Worst Feud of the Year" award. I actually hoped Big Show's career would be on the line in the match, but instead it's merely a Last Man Standing affair.

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In terms of the lousiest of the lousiest feuds over the past decade, this doesn't even rank in my top 40.

When I try to think of some of the worst feuds over the past 10 years, some of the programs that spring to mind are Hornswoggle vs. Chavo Guerrero, Kane vs. Big Daddy V, Big Show vs. The Authority, DX vs. The McMahons, The Great Khali vs. Big Show, Santino Marella vs. Umaga, Wade Barrett vs. Ezekiel Jackson, etc.

While this feud doesn't really have me excited, those feud I just mentioned makes Reigns vs. Show seem like Cena vs. Punk circa 2011. Truth is, I haven't really found it to be all that horrible. It hasn't been great, but it hasn't really been bad either. I don't see Reigns gaining anything from the feud, nor will Big Show for that matter. It just strikes me as one those programs that's simply there just to give someone something to do, a reason for them to be on television until something more prominent for Reigns comes along.
Dude. Roman's feuding with the winner of the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. Umm, that's a major headlining type of opponent!! Big Show just headlined the Wrestlemania Pre-Show, LOL.
Talk about hyperbole. Is Reigns v Show worse than Lawler v Cole? McMahons V Michaels and God? Rose v the Bunny? Batista v Del Rio? Khali v anyone he feuded with?

There's a lot worse feuds that have happened. I feel what the OP is saying, even with his Andre trophy win, Big Show is dumbfoundingly stale and lacking credibility. To the casual fan though, Show just came off a hot win and had the evil Authority behind him. I actually like Show as a stooge, he should be in the suit guarding Rollins, not retired midgets. He certainly shouldn't be involved in upper card feuds

Going off Raw reactions, Reigns is getting more cheers now that he's out of the World Title scene. Reigns has a long way to go. The lack of heels with genuine heat really hurts Reigns. Triple H needs to put Reigns over in the ring sooner than later. All the storylines have been positioning Triple H and Stephanie as too heels. Anyone else is lacking credibility.

Worst feud of the decade? Probably not. Stale feud with no where to go? Yup. Reigns needs to absolutely manhandle Show. I mean massacre, Brock Lesnar style. Show gets in little to no offence and Reigns does what he does best, look strong, quick win. Reigns needs to move past this feud and look to the future. WWE needs to bring in some heat magnets to work with Reigns and get Show out of the main event/upper card.
With the exception of Batista/Del Rio & DX/McMahons, I'd say Jack-Hammer & Vanilla Midget are spot on. They each named a whole bunch of feuds that are WAY worse than Roman Reigns/Big Show. Reigns/Show really isn't that bad of a feud at all in my book, I'm just not a huge fan of Big Show & I wish Reigns had something better to work with coming out of his epic main event match with Lesnar.

Think about some of Hornswoggle or Santino Marella's feuds, Cole & Lawler's WM debacle, The Great Khali & his reign as "Champion", the numerous amounts of Divas matches/feuds that were garbage, The Corre & their forgotten feuds with the likes of Santino & Vladmir Kozlov, the pathetic attempt at "reviving" ECW that spawned very few good feuds & all the awful gimmicks like: The Bunny, 3MB, Anonymous RAW GM, The Boogeyman/Little Boogeyman, the ECW Zombie, etc.

Ultimately I don't Reigns/Show would even make it into my Top 100 Worst Feuds of the Past Decade.
Roman Reigns vs Big Show is a great feud. Its been going on since December which makes it really heated. Roman Reigns beat Big Show by count-out, but had to be thrown over table on SD afterwards. Big Show lost to Reigns by DQ for throwing steel steps into him, but then he suffered a spear leading to those steel steps falling on top of him. Reigns ended up eliminating Big Show at Royal Rumble. Then he finally pinned Big Show on the live SD. Big Show pinned him back next Raw thanks to Seth Rollins. They both pinned each other. While Roman Reigns was building himself up for the WM Main Event battle with Brock Lesnar, Big Show was building himself up for the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal. Big Show ended up winning the trophy at WM in a career highlight. Roman Reigns proved the doubters wrong later that night when he took a beating from Brock yet still managed to hang in and then make him bleed. Clearly these 2 WWE Superstars are big names. Big Show cost Reigns a title shot and then chokeslammed him onto a car the next week. Roman Reigns once again got back up just like he's been doing. Back and forth battles with no clear winner; The only way to settle it is in a LAST MAN STANDING match! Top MEGA-Superstars with on-going hatred between them are going to end things once and for all through any means necessary at the most hardcore ppv of the year in one of the most brutal matches in WWE= Great Feud
No, being "the worst of the last decade" would at least make it interesting. Reigns v Big Show is the most nothing feud of the last decade. Which is way worse.
Nowhere near the worst feud of the decade but nowhere near the best feud either.

Big Show only really works for the casual and young crowd who don't know how much credibility he's lost over the years, even though he's also won many titles and awards. Yeah, he's a former WWE Champion but that was more than a decade ago. Yeah, he just wont the Andre The Giant Battle Royale but if anything that was done because Big Show IS under contract for a while longer and WWE needed to do something to try and raise Big Shows credibility so they gave him that win and now they are using it to try and be a big deal in his feud with Reigns.

Best thing for Reigns is to power through this feud in hopefully no more than 2 months and be seen as a "Beast Killer" and move on to a feud that has something new to offer.

I heard Big Show is singed for another 5 years I hope that's not true.
I've sounded off on this one numerous times, and the feelings have never changed. While it isn't the worst feud ever as others have pointed out, it is certainly the worst one going right now. Or the most boring, take your pick.

The thing that has me so up in arms is the fact that if you are trying to push someone like Reigns into the main event, is Big Show the one to get him there? I would say no. After winning the Rumble and with the fans turning on him, the WWE did what they always do, stick their heads in the sand and let this travesty of a feud continue. It did nothing for Reigns at all, and while it might have helped Big Show, he wasn't the one who needed the help.

Now instead of seeing the error of their ways, their heads are still stuck, up their asses this time, for keeping it going. No one gives a rats ass about Reigns/Big Show. If you look back, Reigns best matches were with Rollins, Orton and Bryan, you know guys who move faster than molasses. The longer Reigns stays stuck in the mud with this feud, he might get the fans behind him, but it's doing nothing for raising his stock. Big Show should be putting newer talent over, not fucking winning Battle Royal's, main eventing PPV's, and being on TV as much as he is.

I hope to God he's not going to be around for the next 5 years, at least not on TV.
Not the worst feud of the decade. We can't put it in that way but it certainly is and will be the worst of feud of Roman Reigns' career.

First I'll tell you why it isn't even the worst feud of 2014/15. Do you remember there was a feud between El Torito and Mini-Gator? Can you even imagine worst feud than that??

As far as Roman Reigns' career is concerned it certainly is the worst feud. To be honest, the singles career of Roman Reigns is a fallacy already. He never got into any feud, have he?

When Seth betrays the shield he went to chase the WWE-WHC title instead of trying to get his hands on Seth Rollins And he had a two week segment with Randy Orton to face him in a PPV. Other than Big Show he never had any real feud with but unfortunately his only feud in his singles career is his worst feud.

If WWE keeps on putting him into irrelevant storylines we might can see more worst feuds of The Powerhouse!!

This match has swerve written all over it.

WWE creative isn't as inept as the IWC would like to believe. Don't be surprised if we see Roman turn heel. People have mentioned in this thread that WWE lacks heels with credibility. Roman Reigns could fill this role.
Reigns just come off as main eventing the biggest ppv of the year. They also wanted to keep him out of the title picture. Big Show is the best available option for him at this point. It's really just a filler upper card match that will probably only take up 15-20 minutes of the show. I think fans should lighten up and take it for what it is. With the amount of programming and ppvs that we have it's going to be predicable and repetitive at times.
That's the problem with Big Show. Every single one of his matches is filler and it takes up the upper card. Because he's big.
That's the problem with Big Show. Every single one of his matches is filler

That I would agree with you on, problem is the person he's feuding with is supposed to be the "next face of the WWE". You would think that someone who is or was getting the push Reigns got deserved a better opponent to help get him over. Which Big Show didn't by the way.

Reigns might be getting fans back on his side, but you have to ask yourself is it only because of who he's feuding with right now? And will they stay with him when he moves onto his next feud, whenever that is?
Reigns-Show is a useful feud......more so for Roman's benefit than Show's.

At this point, WWE is trying to perform the difficult task of tearing Reigns down in order to build him back up again.......without making it too obvious they're tearing him down. Of course, that doesn't include having him lose to people like Zack Ryder, but rather beating people at a lower level than he's been fighting in recent months. He has to gain the needed experience they hoped he'd have by now, and throwing him right in with perennial main eventers like Daniel Bryan and Brock Lesnar wouldn't accomplish that......not at this point.

So, Roman has to take a step down.....and that's exactly what people like Big Show are there for. At this late stage of his career, I doubt Big Show has title aspirations; he's a talent enhancement performer, and probably happy to be doing just that.

Still, his size presents him as a dangerous opponent and while he no longer wins high profile matches as he goes from week to week, that damn (illegal) punch in the mouth of his still casts him as a tough guy to get by....and he delivers it enough to make fans realize that his opponents shouldn't take him likely.

At Roman's stage, that's just what the doctor ordered. If he and Show have a series of matches, perhaps Show can even take a match before losing the series.

Big Show's presence is still formidable enough to prevent this from being a disaster, much less worst feud of the decade.
Reigns-Show is a useful feud......more so for Roman's benefit than Show's.

At this point, WWE is trying to perform the difficult task of tearing Reigns down in order to build him back up again.......without making it too obvious they're tearing him down. Of course, that doesn't include having him lose to people like Zack Ryder, but rather beating people at a lower level than he's been fighting in recent months. He has to gain the needed experience they hoped he'd have by now, and throwing him right in with perennial main eventers like Daniel Bryan and Brock Lesnar wouldn't accomplish that......not at this point.

So, Roman has to take a step down.....and that's exactly what people like Big Show are there for. At this late stage of his career, I doubt Big Show has title aspirations; he's a talent enhancement performer, and probably happy to be doing just that.

Still, his size presents him as a dangerous opponent and while he no longer wins high profile matches as he goes from week to week, that damn (illegal) punch in the mouth of his still casts him as a tough guy to get by....and he delivers it enough to make fans realize that his opponents shouldn't take him likely.

At Roman's stage, that's just what the doctor ordered. If he and Show have a series of matches, perhaps Show can even take a match before losing the series.

Big Show's presence is still formidable enough to prevent this from being a disaster, much less worst feud of the decade.

The Big Show's role on the card means that he Should be the Ideal opponent for Roman Reigns at this point in order to help rebuild the latter again after the Mania Main Event without dropping him right back down the card to a jobber role of sorts.

However, problem is that Big Slow is boring, and thus, there is very little anticipation for his segments regardless of who he goes up against, and thus, If the plan is to try making Reigns 'likeable' to his naysayers, is a feud against the Big Slow really the best way to go? Personally, I just hope that Reigns beats the living daylights out of Big Slow at ER and actually does retire him for the forseeable future. But, we all know the feud won't be finished come ER, don't we? :) ... RUN!

On another note:
I'd so love if Big Slow was retired as I said above, Kane has his face turn... and assuming WWE are intent on continuing with the Authority, I'd love to see both BNB and Sheamus/Harper be the replacements for Slow and Borane.
I wouldn't say it's the worst feud. Worst feud I'd have to say is John Cena vs. Big Johnny back in 2012. They tried so hard for that to be like Austin vs. McMahon but it never took off.

Show and Reigns, I appreciate more now because it gives Reigns an opportunity to work with a future Hall of Famer and grow rather than being thrown in the fire like he was with Brock.

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