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Reigns return conflicting with Bryan's?


Pre-Show Stalwart
So Roman Reigns will be out several months. It's almost October. Daniel Bryan is somewhat scheduled for a December/January return.

I'm worried about this. I feel the returns will be at a similar time, and one's return will take the spotlight off the other. Probably around Royal Rumble time.
Clearly Roman Reigns is WWE's next poster boy so this has me worried about a lot of things.

Who knows. They might even try to force a Daniel Bryan heel turn with the "no's" and all that.

Something to think about. Something to maybe worry about.
One of these guys is going to be forced to return early the other will return and win the rumble. I wish reigns will return soon just so he can get practice and get better and have bryan return and win the rumble. I am worried that bryan will return early and get fed to lesnar to make reigns a seem stronger but we will all see in do time
One of these guys is going to be forced to return early the other will return and win the rumble. I wish reigns will return soon just so he can get practice and get better and have bryan return and win the rumble. I am worried that bryan will return early and get fed to lesnar to make reigns a seem stronger but we will all see in do time

I'm all for seeing Daniel Bryan get fed to Lesnar as long as it's a one sided squash match. It would make no sense to have Lesnar destroy Cena at Summerslam only to struggle with a feather weight like Bryan. With that said, i'd only do this if the goal was to show the WWE fans where Bryan's place on the card is. If they do want to push him they should keep him away from Lesnar.

As for who comes back early... If Reigns is a lock for the Mania main event he shouldn't come back until January. My only real issue with this is the match up itself. Reigns vs Lesnar sounds just plain awful to me. If somebody held a gun to my head and told me I had to put the belt on Reigns at Mania I would go out and get the Rock. Put the WWE title on the Rock around the same time Reigns comes back and have his cousin put him over. Reigns vs Rock has better marquee value, makes for a better Wrestlemania moment and just sounds like a better match to me.
A week or so ago on an unrelated thread, I made this post:

<<If WWE truly has no intention of keeping Bryan in the title picture long term, or in even considering him to overtake Brock, then their best bet is to have him make his comeback at the Royal Rumble...win...and, over the course of the next month, have him demand his title shot "sooner" since he "never lost".
Then...he can challenge Brock at Elimination Chamber, lose, and no one can claim that he was "denied" his opportunity.
Meanwhile, Reigns wins the chamber match and begins his Wrestlemania program with Lesnar.>>

This scenario can still work, with some tweaks....

Perhaps Bryan and Reigns BOTH make their returns at the Rumble, end up the last two in the ring and there's controversy over the finish.

Or, Reigns wins and Bryan justifiably demands an earlier shot since he never "lost".

I also think there's a rift coming between Lesnar and the Authority. There's still been no explanation or motivation behind the Authority wanting the belt on a free agent that they, ultimately, won't be able to control.

There's room for some good stuff...if the writers are given room for boldness.
A week or so ago on an unrelated thread, I made this post:

<<If WWE truly has no intention of keeping Bryan in the title picture long term, or in even considering him to overtake Brock, then their best bet is to have him make his comeback at the Royal Rumble...win...and, over the course of the next month, have him demand his title shot "sooner" since he "never lost".
Then...he can challenge Brock at Elimination Chamber, lose, and no one can claim that he was "denied" his opportunity.
Meanwhile, Reigns wins the chamber match and begins his Wrestlemania program with Lesnar.>>

This scenario can still work, with some tweaks....

Perhaps Bryan and Reigns BOTH make their returns at the Rumble, end up the last two in the ring and there's controversy over the finish.

Or, Reigns wins and Bryan justifiably demands an earlier shot since he never "lost".

I also think there's a rift coming between Lesnar and the Authority. There's still been no explanation or motivation behind the Authority wanting the belt on a free agent that they, ultimately, won't be able to control.

There's room for some good stuff...if the writers are given room for boldness.

Perhaps Reigns and Bryan return #29 and #30 at the Rumble. Reigns eliminates Bryan and Bryan goes all crazy Bob Backlund on him. At Elimination Chamber have Reigns vs a now heel Daniel Bryan for the WM title shot then have Reigns go over. Bryan's anger issues were what got him over. Now he's a vanilla midget with a "Yes" chant. With Cena and Reigns Bryan as a face is sort of left out. Might as well use him for something interesting.
Daniel Bryan and Reigns should return at RR, with Daniel Bryan winning.

As said earlier, Bryan could demand an earlier match at EC, because technically he never "lost the title".

Daniel Bryan has to lose to Lesnar at EC with Reigns winning the contender's EC match. Then have Reigns vs Lesnar at 'Mania. Have Reigns win, and as soon as Romans' music starts to play, Seth Rollins comes out and cashes in his contract somehow.

This sets up a solid Rollins vs Reigns feud.

This way if the Trips' feels that Reigns just isn't ready for the championship yet, (especially with his recent injury to knock his momentum) it can still make Reigns look good in the long run.
If it comes down to them returning around the same time and the result being that the spotlight winds up being taken off of one of them, I think Reigns is in trouble. Even though some WWE officials might want Reigns to be the next guy, he's still a VERY, VERY long ways off from being at that level. When it comes to fan interest and response, the simple fact of the matter is that Roman Reigns isn't remotely close to Daniel Bryan's level. As a result, I'd be extremely surprised if fans didn't rally around Bryan and want to see him pushed instead of Reigns. There are some fans who're already turning on Reigns because of reports that he's someone that management really likes. What that means is that, in the minds of some of those fans, Reigns has a better physical look, the kind of look that Vince prefers, and will want him pushed ahead of others who said fans might not only like more, but who feel are just much better and more talented than Roman Reigns. I'm not saying that to hate on Reigns, I'm a fan of Reigns and have been since the earliest days of The Shield, but facts are facts. Reigns' popularity isn't anywhere near Daniel Bryan's level and Reigns, as of right now, is going to have to develop quite a bit over the next 6 months before I buy into him as an interesting and legit challenger for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

If WWE officials wanted to badly enough, they could completely ignore the interest and wishes of fans and demote Bryan down the card by booking him to look bad week in and week out. Eventually, even the hardest of hardcore fans will get tired of hoping, wishing and wanting WWE to push Bryan; they'll realize that it's a futile effort and move on. The problem, however, is that there's absolutely ZERO logical reason to do this. Bryan's very well liked and respected by producers, key members of WWE management and the other wrestlers in the locker room, both male and female. He's reportedly known as a pro's pro who conducts himself like a pro, treats everyone well, never acts like he's above anyone else. An example of how much of a pro Bryan is was when he stayed on Raw, despite being obviously shaken up and barely holding himself together emotionally, to do the segment with Kane on Raw just hours after learning that his father suddenly passed away. He's among the top in-ring wrestlers in the world today and really has been for the better part of a decade. Segments & matches centered around Bryan from post SummerSlam all the way up until his injury were almost always the most watched portions of Raw or SmackDown!. Bryan's merchandise is second only to Cena's in terms of sales. Fans both WANT to and LIKE cheering for Daniel Bryan. They tried turning him heel early this year and we all saw how that went down. Bryan's something of a rare breed these days in that he's someone that pretty much everyone across the board likes to openly cheer for. Men, women, kids, average fans, hardcore internet fans and everyone else in between enjoy cheering for Daniel Bryan as a face. As with any wrestler, not everyone is a fan of the guy, but that's just how it is. There's probably no single wrestler to come along to the WWE roster in years that's as close to being universally over as Daniel Bryan. As a result of all this, and these are facts, there's no reason for Bryan to be pushed down the card because there's absolutely no reason for him to be pushed down the card. If he flunked the WWE Wellness Policy, if he behaved like an asshole backstage, there'd be genuine cause for him to be punished by being buried. If Bryan didn't draw ratings and make a lot of money for the company, there'd be justification in his push being killed and being pushed down the card. I mean....it goes completely against all forms of logic to punish an employee for doing exactly what you want and hope he can do.

As none of those things have happened and no one has come remotely close to Bryan's popularity in his absence, including Ambrose & Reigns, there's no reason to believe Bryan's popularity has faded.
If it comes down to them returning around the same time and the result being that the spotlight winds up being taken off of one of them, I think Reigns is in trouble. Even though some WWE officials might want Reigns to be the next guy, he's still a VERY, VERY long ways off from being at that level. When it comes to fan interest and response, the simple fact of the matter is that Roman Reigns isn't remotely close to Daniel Bryan's level. As a result, I'd be extremely surprised if fans didn't rally around Bryan and want to see him pushed instead of Reigns. There are some fans who're already turning on Reigns because of reports that he's someone that management really likes. What that means is that, in the minds of some of those fans, Reigns has a better physical look, the kind of look that Vince prefers, and will want him pushed ahead of others who said fans might not only like more, but who feel are just much better and more talented than Roman Reigns. I'm not saying that to hate on Reigns, I'm a fan of Reigns and have been since the earliest days of The Shield, but facts are facts. Reigns' popularity isn't anywhere near Daniel Bryan's level and Reigns, as of right now, is going to have to develop quite a bit over the next 6 months before I buy into him as an interesting and legit challenger for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

If WWE officials wanted to badly enough, they could completely ignore the interest and wishes of fans and demote Bryan down the card by booking him to look bad week in and week out. Eventually, even the hardest of hardcore fans will get tired of hoping, wishing and wanting WWE to push Bryan; they'll realize that it's a futile effort and move on. The problem, however, is that there's absolutely ZERO logical reason to do this. Bryan's very well liked and respected by producers, key members of WWE management and the other wrestlers in the locker room, both male and female. He's reportedly known as a pro's pro who conducts himself like a pro, treats everyone well, never acts like he's above anyone else. An example of how much of a pro Bryan is was when he stayed on Raw, despite being obviously shaken up and barely holding himself together emotionally, to do the segment with Kane on Raw just hours after learning that his father suddenly passed away. He's among the top in-ring wrestlers in the world today and really has been for the better part of a decade. Segments & matches centered around Bryan from post SummerSlam all the way up until his injury were almost always the most watched portions of Raw or SmackDown!. Bryan's merchandise is second only to Cena's in terms of sales. Fans both WANT to and LIKE cheering for Daniel Bryan. They tried turning him heel early this year and we all saw how that went down. Bryan's something of a rare breed these days in that he's someone that pretty much everyone across the board likes to openly cheer for. Men, women, kids, average fans, hardcore internet fans and everyone else in between enjoy cheering for Daniel Bryan as a face. As with any wrestler, not everyone is a fan of the guy, but that's just how it is. There's probably no single wrestler to come along to the WWE roster in years that's as close to being universally over as Daniel Bryan. As a result of all this, and these are facts, there's no reason for Bryan to be pushed down the card because there's absolutely no reason for him to be pushed down the card. If he flunked the WWE Wellness Policy, if he behaved like an asshole backstage, there'd be genuine cause for him to be punished by being buried. If Bryan didn't draw ratings and make a lot of money for the company, there'd be justification in his push being killed and being pushed down the card. I mean....it goes completely against all forms of logic to punish an employee for doing exactly what you want and hope he can do.

As none of those things have happened and no one has come remotely close to Bryan's popularity in his absence, including Ambrose & Reigns, there's no reason to believe Bryan's popularity has faded.

Is that a prediction that he won't be pushed down the card or an argument for why he shouldn't be? Because I fully expect him to be pushed down the card. The WWE didn't start pushing Reigns to replace Bryan. They had their minds made up on that long before Bryan got hurt. So it really doesn't defy all forms of logic. Because a logical argument could be made based on long term potential rather than trend. And if the WWE is looking for something more marketable than a short skinny guy with an out of control beard and no identity as a face beyond his unusual look and his "YES" chant that doesn't seem so illogical. It's their gamble to make. Bryan turning heel makes perfect sense if the WWE doesn't plan on using him as a top baby face.
I'd think or at least hope that the WWE isn't so dumb as to even consider Reigns' return being met with more fanfare than Daniel Bryan.
Both are injured, but Bryan has been out longer, and was way more over when he was present than Reigns.

Couple that with the fact Reigns' singles push has been all over the place with no real proper build for fans to get behind him.... it would be logical if the WWE make sure that both guys are brought back at different times and be placed in completely different programmes so that the max benefit can be had from both their talents and overness.

I don't believe for one second that Daniel Bryan will be demoted to being midcarder at all as the wide exposure of Brie Bella and the constant reminders of her marriage to him can attest to that. (To besides, BNB is more a midcarder, how often is he mentioned now? Yep, not at all.)
Also, as is very evident now due to Reigns' injury, the Top babyface cupboard is bare and will continue to show until both Reigns and Bryan can return, thus enabling some hopefully good feuds for Mania season(A fan can dream, can't he? ;) :) )

As for Reigns;
They mention he will be out "Several months", however, the more realistic timetable seems 4-6 weeks(He is still being advertised for the UK tour in Nov), thus he will more likely make a return before Daniel Bryan in any case.
If it takes longer, then his most likely return feud will probably be Triple H and then provided he has momentum, Brock Lesnar.

As his fan, I'd gladly take Triple H vs Roman Reigns at Wrestlemania itself, if this injury causes him to be out until 2015.
What I would do is have them both return at the rumble. Have Bryan enter #1 and go the distance with him and Reigns being the last 2 in the ring. Have Reigns go over. The end result is they both come off looking like a million bucks
Reigns is still not ready not Main Event WrestleMania against probably Brock Lesnar. I would put Reigns in a match against HHH.

As for Bryan, I believe he NEEDS to win the Rumble. The Authority will be all over the place avoiding Bryan getting a rematch, so the most logical booking would be a Rumble win. If they booked Bryan beating HHH, Orton and Batista in the same night, he might as well beat Lesnar.
Is that a prediction that he won't be pushed down the card or an argument for why he shouldn't be? Because I fully expect him to be pushed down the card. The WWE didn't start pushing Reigns to replace Bryan. They had their minds made up on that long before Bryan got hurt. So it really doesn't defy all forms of logic. Because a logical argument could be made based on long term potential rather than trend. And if the WWE is looking for something more marketable than a short skinny guy with an out of control beard and no identity as a face beyond his unusual look and his "YES" chant that doesn't seem so illogical. It's their gamble to make. Bryan turning heel makes perfect sense if the WWE doesn't plan on using him as a top baby face.

Well.... they didn't plan to have him as the top baby face earlier this year but me and .....a whole bunch of people made WWE change their plans..... just saying. Underestimating the power that Daniel Bryan has with his connection with the fans is something WWE or anyone really can afford to do again.

If you want to push Roman thats fine, but it cannot be at the expense of Bryan. Fans will feel that that corporate is trying to force someone down their throat again and rebel against the plans WWE puts in place.

As far as a heel turn.... You're telling me that fresh off a return from a major injury you want to turn Bryan Heel? Thats just crazy. Theres is a lot of money to be made off the Yes movement as it is and I suspect the fans would turn him back face like they did in the program between Bryan and the Wyatt Family.
For the last few months all the talk has been about who wins the Royal Rumble: Daniel Bryan or Roman Reigns. Both men seemed poised to take that win with Bryan´s return being scheduled for December or January, perfect for a triumphant return to win the rumble and main event Mania, winning the title that was taken from him due to injury. On the other hand Roman seems poised to be the next hand picked GUY in WWE. with rumors suggesting a main event title match against Lesnar in his future.

Earlier this year we witnessed The Yes Movement turning Daniel Bryan face after merely 2 weeks. People can say they bitched and complained until they got their way or that they caused change cause WWE didn't give them what they wanted. End result was Daniel Bryan beating HHH, Batista and Orton to win the belt at the Main Event of WM. Unfortunately he went down with injury and had the title taken from him. During this time we've seen the rise of Roman Reigns but he also was taken down with injury a few days ago.

Now Bryan and Reigns seemed poised to return at around the same time. WWE might want Reigns as their poster boy but pushing Reigns over Bryan or at the expense of him might be a mistake. If the Yes movement feels like Reigns is being shoved down heir throat "not their choice" we could see Reign´s boos increase exponentially.

Reigns missing for 2-3 months (Actually missing any time) will kill some of his momentum so.... can he really compete in the cheers department against a returning Bryan? TBH i don't think so...

This is where WWE comes in. They need to make a decision. How badly do they wanna push Reigns and where do they want Bryan? Lately Bryan´s critics simply say Bryan will get his way because his fans only bitch and moan. True or False its irrelevant. They want to cheer for Bryan and boo whoever stands in his way. This could force WWE to scrap any plans they have in order to avoid being embarrassed for multiple shows once again....

Does WWE have to fear the Yes Movement?
I actually don't know what direction they will go in if both of them come back together. You can almost guarantee though, creative will be so overwhelmed that they will screw someone over.

Also this would have been a problem even if both men hadn't gotten injured. Daniel Bryan would have stayed champion and Reigns would have still received his push. That's pretty obvious from Reigns strong showing at the Rumble last year, 3 months before Bryan won the title at Mania. They would have let Bryan hold the title this year and continued to push him for next year.

Now none of us know how the injury to Bryan will play out. We know that Reigns will be out for about 2-3 months, but we still don't know when Bryan will return. And I think it's safe to say that Bryan's injury and subsequent rehab is worse than Reigns. I don't know if Bryan can even make it back to the main event, do any of us know that?

If he does come back stronger than when he left, then he deserves at shot to get his title back. But I still think the highups want Reigns in the top spot over Bryan.
I think that Vince McMahon is afraid of the Yes movement. Vince thinks that the Yes chant is more over with the crowd than Daniel Bryan himself is. I mean could have Bryan gotton over without the Yes or No chant? We all saw the origin of the chant but no adays Daniel Bryan doesn't even use the word Yes during his in-ring entrance. Only whenever he's on the mic doing a promo or something than Bryan uses the Yes chant. But to answer your question no the WWE should be afraid of the Yes chant. It's just another "What" chant.
I think they should >< the "what chant" is still around, can you imagine in a few years when anybody Bryan was connected to still gets a Yes chant. It's like CM Punk chants during AJ matches, is she over because of herself? Or because she's married to Punk? In seriousness I know it's her ability and just her overall but I mean.

Could they have slapped anyone else with the Yes chant? Could we all be cheering Yes for Heath Slater if the cards were played differently? Who knows!?

I think the problem was that it was built up for too long. It's not even a problem but...okay imagine you're a kid and you want pie, you're waiting and waiting for pie and after days you get your pie! But you have 1 piece and it's gone...that's what I'd compare Daniel Bryan to. We still want our pie! When we get our pie, yea it's going to be amazing but within a few pieces we'll be ready for something else.

The point of my pie rambling? Daniel Bryan won't be spoiled his whole career, everyone loves pie but if you have it all the time it gets old, so let Bryan come back and win the Rumble(I don't think Reigns will be ready personally) give him till at least SummerSlam with the belt and let him put someone over. Imagine next year, Bryan v Reigns. Then he can feud with someone else! They have no reason to be afraid, they just need to give in for now and start building us up for some cake ;)
I'd think or at least hope that the WWE isn't so dumb as to even consider Reigns' return being met with more fanfare than Daniel Bryan.

For sure. Reading the entries in this topic, I keep thinking that if both guys return at the same time, it's a hell of a nice problem for WWE to have. People have been kvetching about several of the really important people being on the injury list, so if we get a chance to see both come back at approximately the same juncture, it's nothing but good news.

But it's true that Daniel and Roman are in two different places. Daniel has scaled the top of the mountain while Roman is presumably still far short of it. I doubt either man will be in the sights of Brock Lesnar by Royal Rumble time. Reigns likely wasn't going to be ready by then even if he hadn't been injured, while I'm not convinced Bryan will ever be a good match-up for Lesnar, given the disparity in body sizes. Surely, WWE can accept both guys back and find paths that keep them out of each other's way.

The Rumble itself? That's a different problem. I don't know that Daniel Bryan needs to win it; he was the world champion when he went out for surgery; I don't see what winning it again would accomplish. As for Reigns, I'm not sure he needs to win it either; he was battling near the top of the card already, having cleanly defeated Randy Orton at Summerslam. If the company wants to accelerate his path to a world title match at WM31, I suppose they can have Reigns take the Rumble, but I'd rather see someone else win it. As always, a Rumble win is a handy-dandy way to insert someone into the title picture.

In all, if both guys are ready to return at the same time and WWE has to make a decision which to feature, I would think they'd say to Reigns: "Hey Roman, why not take a few weeks more of down time. We just want to make sure you're 100%, okay?"
Is that a prediction that he won't be pushed down the card or an argument for why he shouldn't be?

I generally don't like to make predictions regarding events that are pretty far off. Any number of things can come up between now and then that can blow whatever plans, assumptions or predictions from anyone out of the water. It can, however, be an argument for both Bryan not being pushed down the card and shouldn't be pushed down the card. WWE's a business and the goal of business is to make as interesting of a product as you can so that people will want to spend their money to watch it. When take in all the factors regarding ticket sales for televised shows, house shows & ppvs with television ratings and merchandise sales, Daniel Bryan is, overall, probably the 2nd biggest draw in WWE behind John Cena. Cena's overall bread & butter, money wise, are merchandise sales, as Bryan's matches & segments have consistently outdrawn Cena's whether it be in the middle of the show or in the main event spot. If Bryan draws money and fans wanna see him do his thing, I see no downside for WWE because money talks and bullshit walks.

They had their minds made up on that long before Bryan got hurt. So it really doesn't defy all forms of logic. Because a logical argument could be made based on long term potential rather than trend.

While I can't say for 100% certainty, that isn't what reports I've read over the past 6 months suggest. Prior to his injury, WWE was planning to push Daniel Bryan as being one of the top 2 babyfaces in the company, alongside John Cena. When it was announced that Bryan's injury would keep him out for a while, you'll notice that WWE didn't rush to take the title off him as doctors were evaluating Bryan's condition and closely monitoring his progress in physical therapy. One it became clear that Bryan was going to be on the shelf for several months, we started seeing a ton of emphasis placed on The Shield, such as their feud with Evolution, their continuing feud with The Wyatt Family and the general focus on their situation after they broke up. After said break up, WWE started giving Reigns a noticeable singles push. Now while they didn't push Reigns immediately towards the title picture, it's pretty obvious that's the direction they were heading. The reason Reigns wasn't pushed towards the title is simple: he's not remotely ready for that spot. As time passed, that may well have changed and changed in time for WrestleMania season. Now that Reigns himself is injured and may well be out for the rest of 2014, he can't continue to progress to the point where WWE officials feel he's ready to be champion. Bryan, on the other hand, as has been evident, has long since been ready to be champion. I'm not saying he won't be pushed down the card, anything's possible, but there's more money to be made, at this point in time, with Daniel Bryan in a title feud against Brock Lesnar, or whomever is champion come WrestleMania XXXI, than there is with Roman Reigns.

The problem with calling Bryan a trend is that it's long since been debunked. Daniel Bryan's popularity as a heel or babyface has been consistently growing since the summer of 2011. Bryan won the WHC MITB ladder match, he was the true dark horse of the match, and people started paying attention to him. He cashed in MITB at TLC in 2011 and embarked on a heel run during which he became one of the most over heels in the company. He spent the entire first half of 2012 either wrestling as a World Champion or wrestling to become a World Champion. When his singles run ended, he was paired up with Kane and despite initial misgivings that I had and I'm sure a lot of other fans had, he & Kane turned out to be a highly entertaining tag team and the most relevant tag team champions WWE had seen in years. Personally, and I'm not the only one, I thought the anger management segments were hilarious and had no clue that Bryan & Kane could have that kind of natural chemistry together. I'm not saying Team Hell No will be thought of as one of the all time great tag teams or anything, but they could go down as the first team to bring any level of relevance back to the WWE Tag Team Championship in a good many years. The Yes/No chanting isn't something that started over the past year, it was something Bryan started doing around the same time of his initial singles push. After his run with Kane ended, he embarked on another singles run and his popularity just kept growing. People liked him in the ring, they liked seeing & hearing him do his thing and he was drawing money. His program at SummerSlam 2013 that lasted through WrestleMania had people invested. People were genuinely upset that Bryan was being "screwed" and even if Bryan's big push wasn't intentional in the beginning, WWE saw that they were throwing away money by not having Bryan involved in the WrestleMania main event. Otherwise, they'd have stuck to their guns and gone with Orton vs. Batista. Trends typically come and go, lasting a matter of weeks or months, maybe even a year in some cases. A pro wrestler making the most of every opportunity given with the fans lapping up each & everything he does for over 3 years, however, is not a trend or a fad. You want an example of a fad, look at Zack Ryder.
I've been thinking the same thing. I've been in favor of a D.Bryan Royal Rumble return, over Reigns winning it. But once reigns got hurt it made me think WWE will definitely go with him returning at the rumble and winning. So after some thinking I came up with. . . . what the hell do them both! Think about it, Reigns makes a surprise return at the rumble, he looks unstoppable, everyone will expect him to win it! Then number 30 hits and YES! YES! YES! YES! Bryan returns. I feel like the crowd would blow, and it would create a moment where it would be really tough to predict who would win it. Or they could promote ahead of time that one will make their return at the rumble, and then make the other a surprise.
Look at how Bryan was being used before he got injured. He was humiliated pretty much regularly, made to look weak even with the title, and now his girlfriend's cheating on him.

Look at how Reigns was being used before he got injured. A super-powerful destructive force of revenge who was actually chipping away at the authority.

They're gonna push Reigns over Bryan. There's not even a question.
Or... Reigns comes back with a new gimmick in which he always has Bryan riding piggiback on his shoulder and they fight as one wrestler. Like those big dudes in every videogame ever.

Money just waiting to be made guys, I tell you.
For sure. Reading the entries in this topic, I keep thinking that if both guys return at the same time, it's a hell of a nice problem for WWE to have. People have been kvetching about several of the really important people being on the injury list, so if we get a chance to see both come back at approximately the same juncture, it's nothing but good news.

But it's true that Daniel and Roman are in two different places. Daniel has scaled the top of the mountain while Roman is presumably still far short of it. I doubt either man will be in the sights of Brock Lesnar by Royal Rumble time. Reigns likely wasn't going to be ready by then even if he hadn't been injured, while I'm not convinced Bryan will ever be a good match-up for Lesnar, given the disparity in body sizes. Surely, WWE can accept both guys back and find paths that keep them out of each other's way.

The Rumble itself? That's a different problem. I don't know that Daniel Bryan needs to win it; he was the world champion when he went out for surgery; I don't see what winning it again would accomplish. As for Reigns, I'm not sure he needs to win it either; he was battling near the top of the card already, having cleanly defeated Randy Orton at Summerslam. If the company wants to accelerate his path to a world title match at WM31, I suppose they can have Reigns take the Rumble, but I'd rather see someone else win it. As always, a Rumble win is a handy-dandy way to insert someone into the title picture.

In all, if both guys are ready to return at the same time and WWE has to make a decision which to feature, I would think they'd say to Reigns: "Hey Roman, why not take a few weeks more of down time. We just want to make sure you're 100%, okay?"

I'd think that situation will be an either/or situation for the WWE.
This is one time, where, if the plan is to keep the title on Brock, then his 'conqueror' at Mania needs to be chosen carefully, in a way that when Mania comes around, Brock has a high level of heel heat and his challenger has a high level of goodwill from the crowd.

Like you, I am not a fan of Daniel Bryan being the one to take Brock down as I believe, if Mania31 is Brock's "last dance"(His contract ends at WM31) then whoever beats him should be a genuine tough guy and not one who requires a last gasp 'luck' shot(if you get where I am coming from).

That said; Daniel Bryan will still be very very over whenever he returns, and that is the 'blessing' of his long injury, in that, it gives him a second bite at a Big moment which won't be met with disapproval by the majority.
Coupled with the fact that neither Ambrose nor Reigns is even close in overness, there is a possibility that if both Reigns and Bryan are ready at the same time, and it happens to be the Rumble, then one has to be held back, so they can get the maximum benefit of the returns.

Right now, the Rumble does seem the most likely return time for both, and thus, they'll be the favourites to win it.
Hindsight however, will show now, that by Not having Daniel Bryan win it last year, they have given themselves the same headache this year again, only now, Roman Reigns could unfortunately(for his fans, myself included) be playing the Batista role, with the rumoured Roman Reigns-Brock Lesnar showdown probably having the WWE WHC title on the line.

Programming is at a low right now, but I feel it will surely pick up, going into 2015. Stay tuned.
I hope bryan comes back and wins the rumble. And wins back the title from lesnar.
Anyone can be a better champion than lesnar.
I still don't why lesnar has the belt. but its bad booking.
Reign needs to be sent to nxt. Or back to development. Bc he sucks as a wrestler. He has no character, no charisma, no mic skills or wrestlings. Like seriously what is his character. All he is using the shields popularity as his character.
I don't understand what people see in reigns. Too me his a mid carder at best
We see this all the time a wrestler(s) is sidelined with injuries and when he is returned has to start all over again cause of the Authority and that wrestler(s) are pushed down from main event status to mid card status . Like I said before way toooo many benchwarmers in wwe who collect paycheck to sit on their ass!

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