Regarding The Flip Off Incident From Last Night


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As you may or may not know, last night there was what's being called a controversy during the Super Bowl halftime show. Singer MIA flipped off the camera for no apparent reason. Cue our old buddies the PTC to basically say the end is here because of it. I was reading an article on IMDB and this is one of the comments:

So people tackling each other and risking serious injury while people jump around yelling and chugging beer is fine but a performer throwing a hand gesture that a small child would hardly recognize (and if they DID recognize it and know what it meant surely they'd know it was a rude gesture and not repeat it) is unacceptable? Not to mention the content of Madonna's songs and the interaction with backup dancers, etc. All of that's perfectly family friendly, yeah? These people do not have their priorities straight at all.

Amen brother man.
To be honest, the first time I watched it, I barely noticed it. She wasn't exactly doing it right in front of the camera, she was pretty far back. Oh well, what's done is done. She's British, get used to it.
I didn't watch the halftime show myself, but MIA is a talentless piece of shit who shouldn't have had the honor of performing at the show in the first fucking place. I guess the NFL deserves some of the blame for even letting that bitch get on the stage, but still... all this is, is MIA being a cunt and the blame should lie solely with her.

Also, the fact of the matter is, the middle finger in America means "Fuck you." That's a fact. And for her to point into the camera and do it while millions of kids are watching is just plain wrong. Yeah, a hand gesture in this country shouldn't be that big of a deal, but it is, and MIA knows it is and she did it anyway. Nobody should try and stick up for her.
I agree that's it's probably not that big of a deal nor that offensive, but we all know that the production committee in charge of the SB halftime show has been on a tight leash ever since the Janet Jackson incident a few years ago. That's where all this commotion is coming from, due to the fact that there's a "deja-vu" type of feeling coming from this.

Those running the halftime show must be in shock... for years after the Jackson incident, they go ultra-conservative in their acts- McCarney, Petty, etc., and then they get a little more adventurous this year with Madonna & M.I.A., and M.I.A. makes them look like idiots.

Next year we'll probably be treated to Faith Hill reading Bible passages.
It's television who cares? If you don't like what you are seeing change the fucking channel.

Shit argument, if I'm watching Max and Ruby with my younger cousins and all of a sudden someone says "fuck" me changing the channel won't change the fact that they heard it.

Though a lot of that comes from my opinion of M.I.A. being just an atrocious lyricist in every way imaginable.
I didn't watch the halftime show myself, but MIA is a talentless piece of shit who shouldn't have had the honor of performing at the show in the first fucking place. I guess the NFL deserves some of the blame for even letting that bitch get on the stage, but still... all this is, is MIA being a cunt and the blame should lie solely with her.

Also, the fact of the matter is, the middle finger in America means "Fuck you." That's a fact. And for her to point into the camera and do it while millions of kids are watching is just plain wrong. Yeah, a hand gesture in this country shouldn't be that big of a deal, but it is, and MIA knows it is and she did it anyway. Nobody should try and stick up for her.

Must spread.
No one noticed it, until the media started blastering it. Infact no one noticed the super bowl either. First off they only had a handful of comercials the rest were either bout the NBC tv shows or ones we saw already. Halftime show was horrible. Who the hell wants to go to Indiana? Just sayin. If it wasnt for ESPN or NFL network I dont think I would of known when it was on.
No one noticed it, until the media started blastering it. Infact no one noticed the super bowl either. First off they only had a handful of comercials the rest were either bout the NBC tv shows or ones we saw already. Halftime show was horrible. Who the hell wants to go to Indiana? Just sayin. If it wasnt for ESPN or NFL network I dont think I would of known when it was on.

Yea, besides those millions of people that did.
I was wondering who that other cunt was. I didn't even see it. :shrug:

I didn't think the halftime show was all that bad but then again, I'm not a mindless drone. It could have been a magnificent halftime show and everybody here would still be shitting on it.
Superbowl controversy, what's new?

Then again according to Eric Bischoff controversy creates cash, which is what brought me here:shrug:.
Maybe, here's a thought, NBC, maybe if you want to avoid controversy during your half-time shows, you should not hire talentless, classless, poor excuses for "artists" to perform during it, namely, MIA.

I mean, seriously, NBC, how hard is that to figure out? You want to have a family friendly halftime show, fine. Maybe you hire a family friendly act to do it.

Does it ever blow anyone's mind that there are literally people making millions of dollars who apparently do not have the foresight to figure this kind of thing out?
I would suggest that MIA knew exactly what she was doing. So extreme is the American media's response to such insignificancies as a wardrobe malfunction or inappropriate gesture that it almost makes it a certainty to happen again given the potential publicity of being involved
Madonna and C'Lo Brown were pretty good. Everyone else was a steamy pile of shit. So glad I pay no attention at all to main stream music. Have no idea who this MIA chick is, all I know is she sucked. Hopefully she fades away into obscurity.

And no one should be defending her. She's a dumb cunt for doing what she did, and I hope the FCC has the power to come down on her hard.
There was honestly no point in anybody but madonna being on stage last night. Didn't even know who MIA was until this whole thing but she is honestly pure garbage. Heat of the moment my ass, other wise I saw no problem with the halftime show.

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