"Refund" and "Bullshit" chants after last night's PPV


Mid-Card Championship Winner
I certainly wouldn't have reacted that way. After a live event, I'm always happy I came out to see the action. So I can't imagine being so pissed off by a fake wrestling result that I'd demand a refund.

That said, some of these people seem to be. And that would make this the second PPV in a row where there has been serious talk of refunds in the aftermath. Even though I don't think in those terms, it seems some people do. Yes, morons are people too.

a) Do you feel they're in any way entitled to a refund? I don't, but maybe someone here would like to stick up for the morons.

b) At what point is WWE's current main event booking doing more harm than good? I get that the idea behind a dusty finish or a non-finish is to build heat for another pay day. But that doesn't seem to be working here. It seems to be garnering the bad kind of heat. I lay the blame on Randy Orton. Guy's good. He's just not that good.

c) Ought WWE cave to refund demands in order to quell a somewhat restless fanbase, or would they be better off waiting for this to blow over?
People are complaining about a Dusty finish in a PPV where the major storyline was the Rhodes family getting their jobs back?
People are complaining about a Dusty finish in a PPV where the major storyline was the Rhodes family getting their jobs back?
Stuff like this never would have happened back in the golden age!
People are complaining about a Dusty finish in a PPV where the major storyline was the Rhodes family getting their jobs back?

I'm not so concerned about a dusty finish, as much as I am about a shitty PPV whereby absolutely nothing happened, no storylines were progressed, and only one match on the card was any good (and that was the Rhodes match).

I rarely complain about the product and wouldn't chant "refund" or "bullshit", but I thought that was one God awful PPV.
The funny thing is that this is nearly the same storyline that we saw back in 98. Back than, Austin got pinned by both Taker and Kane at the September ppv, the title was vacated, Austin was the ref for the Taker/Kane title match at the October ppv which ended much like Battleground, the title remained vacant until the 98 Survivor Series. I don't think anyone was complaining back than, so why all the hate now?
No, they don't deserve a refund. This is storytelling. Sometimes stories don't end the way people want them to. Vote with your wallet or deal with it.
They're doing that by demanding refund, arent they?
No, that's pissing and whining, since they aren't about to get it. Voting with their wallet would mean no longer watching WWE programming, as a significant portion of their income is derived from advertising sales.
No, that's pissing and whining, since they aren't about to get it. Voting with their wallet would mean no longer watching WWE programming, as a significant portion of their income is derived from advertising sales.

Ooooh, but if a refund were on the cards, would it then be considered voting with your wallet? I dont get business.

I mean, I didnt, nor will I see the show, so I cant comment on the quality, but I understand the impulse at least, we dont all have cash to burn, so you might cost WWE a tiny bit of dosh by not tuning into Raw tonight (which costs you no more than whatever tv deal you've got to watch anyway) but the money you wasted on what you think was a subpar PPV you'll never see again.

Like "Haha, fuck you WWE, I am £40 down but YOU'VE lost a viewer!" In the mind of Joe Average, you're still the bigger loser. Although I am sure most of the chanters feel suitably embaressed today.
Fuck 'em, they paid to see wrestling, they got it. The rest is what comes for buying a ticket to a B-PPV. If you buy a ticket to a football game and it ends in a draw you don't go to the Premier League looking for a refund. You get what you're given.
Football is a competitive sport, you label your product 'Sports Entertainment' and dont provide the entertainment, a Backlash (sorry, Extreme Rules) should ensue
The fans don't have a legit gripe about getting a refund, but they do have a legit gripe about the PPV being complete shit. The Cesaro Swing and the ending of the Rhodes match were the ONLY highlights from last night. Even Punk's match was average at best.
The funny thing is that this is nearly the same storyline that we saw back in 98. Back than, Austin got pinned by both Taker and Kane at the September ppv, the title was vacated, Austin was the ref for the Taker/Kane title match at the October ppv which ended much like Battleground, the title remained vacant until the 98 Survivor Series. I don't think anyone was complaining back than, so why all the hate now?

I was at that September PPV, and no... no one was chanting for a refund. It was awesome.

Plus you had stuff like talk of a couple new jobbers that called themselves the Hardy Boys hanging out in a bar down the street after the show... seeing McMahon's limo trying to get back into Copps Coliseum after the show... Road Dogg and X-Pac being so high they didn't notice some guys yelling out "Oh you didn't know" down the street, then chasing after them when they noticed the two walking down the other side of the street... and us kicking ourselves for not showing up the night before the show, because apparently half the roster stayed at our hotel and Austin was drinking in the hotel bar all night.
See, when you compare the travesty of last nights show, which I didnt see, to whats been mentioned above, which I cant really remember, its a wonder there wasn't there wasn't riots. Refunds would've been the least of my demands, bloody fucking vengeance is what I'd have a thirst for!
Is this going to become the norm now? People are going to ask for refunds every time they don't like how something plays out?

I get that people are upset with the ending and that's fine. That doesn't entitle you to get your money back.
If I go to a movie and I don't like the ending should I get a refund? No.

I'm actually going to watch Raw tonight to see what happens with the whole title situation.

I have a feeling the majority of people shouting refund will be watching tonight too.
Do you think it's too late for me to ask for a refund for my WrestleMania 28 ticket? I was pretty disappointed when Cena lost.
The fans were stupid enough to order/ go to a filler PPV. WWE was their usual stupid self. Only people with visibility issues should ask for a refund. Or if their feed died. In which case, you get the next PPV free. And it will also die off.
Can i get a refund for No Mercy 2007? No Cena (how dare he get injured), WWE title changing three times for no reason, HHH being on screen for over 50 minutes, that punjabi prison :disappointed:
Just finished the show. It wasn't good.

If WWE starts caving to the demands of the challenged and immature, we'd see nothing but Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk... for a few months. Then those same idiots would hate them as well.
If WWE starts caving to the demands of the challenged and immature, we'd see nothing but Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk... for a few months. Then those same idiots would hate them as well.
I could go for that. Only because I want the "Punk vs Bryan in an Ironman match for the WWE Championship at WMXXX!" people to be as miserable as the rest of us.
Why can't a main event be a 1 minute 30 second match? Maybe Sting is that superior to Hardy?

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