Refs and NXT confusion


Getting Noticed By Management
I hope this is the place for this.

I am confused with the refs and their responsibility given the events of NXT the last 2 weeks. So last week during the Diva 4 way it was reported that the ending was flubbed. Emma got the pin, when she wasn't suppose to win, when her opponent (sorry blanking on the name) forgot to kick out. WZ said the ref was not in trouble because they are told to count the pins no matter what. Fast forward to last night, Eva Marie forgot to kick out but the ref stopped the count anyway.

So what is going on? What is a ref's responsibility? Confused
actually emma wasnt supposed to kick out, the pin was suppsoed to be broken up by one of the other divas. they messed up. I dont know about the Eva marie one though
Emma pinned Becky Lynch in what has been reported as a botched finish. Once the official counted the three there was obvious confusion by all parties involved. It took a few seconds for the bell to ring and a winner to be announced. Initial reports claimed Lynch was late kicking out. A few later reports said the pin was meant to be broken up by Charlotte or Brooks. The official in this case went along with his kayfabe responsibilities and made the count. In reality he was probably just as confused as everyone else when the match didn't play out as scripted. It happens from time to time and should be taken as a learning experience. Luckily it was during a taping and not a major live event.

In the case of Eva Marie, I'm not sure of the filming order, if a botch occurred the referee might have been cautious of counting the three because of the above issues.
I suspect that just like the superstars in NXT the refs down there are learning too, NXT is there for people to make mistakes and learn from it before they get to the main roster so they can see how their mistakes effect things and better themselves before being seen to make a mistake by Vince and just fired instead.
It's pretty simple: Eva Marie does not belong in a wrestling ring. As long as she is in the squared circle, she is a danger to herself, her opponent, and the integrity of the business. She wants to use WWE's stage as a platform for her future endeavors (no pun intended), and either WWE plans to piggyback on her "success", or they are just plain stupid. They better have her embrace the heat from the live crowd for the sake of her character because she doesn't have the brain to handle it. Look what happened when she came out on NXT to talk about her future plans: the moment the crowd chanted "You can't wrestle", she completely lost her train of thought. Then on last night's show, she forgot to kick out, probably because she forgot what number the ref's count was at. She sucks! She's barely wrestled, yet there is already a 2+ minute YouTube clip ("WWE Eva Marie - Botching/Worst Selling and funny conversation") of her "work". How about the Terminator commercial for the new video game? I would of loved to have heard what the director said to Eva before filming. "Eva, what I need you to do is face the jukebox, pretend like you're humping it, and then whip your head and hair around." If you're going to keep her around, put her in a dress and heels and have her do backstage interviews or have her do company appearances. If she is the future of NXT, they're doomed.

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