Redemption: WZCW World Heavyweight Championship Six Pack Challenge

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management

The dream of becoming World champion has started off very rocky for "Showtime" as he will be defending the championship again at the PPV but this time he will be up against 5 different opponents, 3 of which will have separate qualifying matches to gain the opportunity to compete for the title. The 2 remaining competitors, former World champion who has invoked his rematch clause, Steven Kurtesy and, the man who defeated Ty Burna in a Hell in a Cell match, Barbosa are automatically qualified for the bout. Can Show somehow push through the defenses and keep his championship or will one of the many challenger he has to prepare for take his glory and win the title?

Deadline is Wednesday, July 25th at 11:59 PM Central Time.

Showtime, Steven Kurtesy, and Barbosa will submit their RP's in this thread. The six competitors in the qualifying matches will only need to RP once in those respective threads. If they qualify for the Six Pack Challenge, their RP from their first match will be used in regards to voting in this match.
*The door opens to an interview room to admit Barbosa being escorted by two orderlies. However, Barbosa is not restrained by handcuffs or a straightjacket. As his escort waits by the door, he walks to the centre of the room where the only other occupant of the room is seated behind a desk.*

Dr Rivers: Mr Barbosa, it is so nice to see you again. I was worried that after you walked out of here last time thanks to your mystery benefactor that I would never see you again.

*The doctor gestures to an empty chair across from him.*

Dr Rivers: Please take a seat.

*As Barbosa moves to the seat, Doctor Rivers continues on.*

Dr Rivers: I am afraid that due to the suddenness of this meeting, Doctors Crawford and Harrigan will be unable to attend. I also hope you will forgive the presence of security but even though you have come here today by choice, you past behaviour provokes the need for such measures.

*Barbosa merely nods in consent.*

Dr Rivers: Now, while I have all of your records here in front of me from your previous 'visits' to us and some more information you provided before today, I am curious as to why you have asked for this meeting. The very notion that you have chosen to return here even for a meeting demonstrates that you are far more compos mentis than you were when you were whisked away in that limousine a few weeks ago.

Barbosa: I feel nothing.

Dr Rivers: Please explain.

Barbosa: No anger, depression, fear.

Dr Rivers: And you have not been experiencing any blackouts?

Barbosa: The intermittent spells of catatonia have also disappeared.

Dr Rivers: That is excellent news.

Barbosa: Is it? It is really?

Dr Rivers: How can it not be?

Barbosa: I told you, I feel nothing. Nothing at all. That is not normal.

Dr Rivers: You must understand that 'normal' is a subjective term but your lack of emotionally-fuelled outbursts suggest that mentally you are far more healthy than you were before. If this is truly the case, then it marks this is an almost miraculous recovery. Perhaps worthy of being published in a journal of some sort. It could even usher in a new era of treatment for the kind of illnesses you have been afflicted with.

Barbosa: But it has gotten me nowhere.

Dr Rivers: I do not understand. Are you not sleeping better? Thinking clearer? Even in your professional life, you said that since this breakthrough, you have been all the more successful in the ring. You even defeated this…

*Dr Rivers looks down at his notes.*

Dr Rivers: …Ty Burna in a cage match and now have a world title match at Red Ensign.

*Barbosa does not answer this, staring blankly off into space.*

Dr Rivers: Mr Barbosa?

*No response.*

Dr Rivers: Mr Barbosa, are you okay?

Barbosa: I am directionless.

For more than a year, I had the dual ambition of being World Heavyweight Champion and getting a 1 on 1 match with Ty Burna.

And after climbing over the disgarded and mangled corpses of Hunter Kravinoff, Wasabi Toyota and Big Dave, at Meltdown 66 I realised the first of those ambitions. It may not have have lasted as long as I might have hoped but for those few short weeks, I was the World Heavyweight Champion.

That left one other Burna ambition and through numerous machinations from trying to win back the title, helping him get to Kingdom Come, butchering his allies, to just simply punching him in the face, I got that match. Inside Hell in a Cell no less.

People bandy about the phrase "be careful what you wish for; you might just get it." The act of getting what I want was not my problem. It is where it has left me afterward.

You mentioned that I had beaten Ty Burna. I did indeed pin him 1-2-3 despite realms of interference. But where has it got me since? A disgrace of a match in which no matter what I did, I would come out as both the winner and the loser.

Now others would baulk at my complaints seeing as how I have a shot at winning the World Heavyweight Title again at Redemption but this match is just another part of the problem. Another disgrace of a match.

No, I may have beaten Ty Burna but it has not extricated me from the web that our esteemed boss weaves to ensure that everyone under him remains a puppet.

I am directionless. Purposeless.

Dr Rivers: But surely a mere temporary lack of purpose or direction is worth the more stable mental health you are experiencing now?

Barbosa: Am I really that stable? Just last week, I walked straight into the ring and attacked the WZCW champion with no provocation; I stared at one of the interviewers backstage; I tried to join the commentary team during my own match; I even wondered about backstage at a show that I was not even on and attack two random men, all to find some purpose.

Dr Rivers: While I cannot condone violence against the innocent, dare I say, that to have such doubts about the future and harbouring resentment towards your boss is 'normal.' It bears all the hallmarks of a mid-life crisis.

*Barbosa fails to answer.*

Dr Rivers: Maybe you should focus on your big match as a way of distracting yourself from your current problems? Perhaps you will find some purpose in preparing for it by…

Barbosa: Distract myself? Have you not been listening? Mental distraction might be possible if that big match did not remind me of everything that I would be trying to distract myself from.

Dr Rivers: How so?

*Despite the level of his voice staying the same, the language of Barbosa's answer betrays a level of emotion that has been missing for months.*

Barbosa: It is a complete clusterfuck; a clusterfuck that reminds me that despite beating the mighty Burna, I am still at his mercy to be made a fool of; whether it is ridiculous stipulations or making fun of me by messing with my entrance.

Kylie and Change might have played their part in the past but entrance music is meant to reflect he who is entering; it would be better if there was silence to reflect how my recent run of victories, regardless of their stature, has signally failed to extradite me from manipulation and cast me into the pit of nothingness.

*That grim view puts a damper on the positive attitude of earlier in the conversation. Desperate to dig his patient out of the funk he is clearly in, Dr Rivers returns to a technique that had worked with Barbosa in the past.*

Dr Rivers: Tell me about this disgrace of a match at Redemption. Tell me about those who you will be facing.

Barbosa: Why?

Dr Rivers: You were good at breaking down your opponents before. Do you still have that aptitude for critical thinking? Or is that a skill you seem to have lost during this… consolidation.

Barbosa: I am still as strategically and tactically astute as I always was. It is one of the few things that remain.

Dr Rivers: Well, could you tell me something about each of your next opponents?

Barbosa: How long have you got?

Dr Rivers: I'm sorry, I don't understand.

Barbosa: There are eight different names.

Dr Rivers: You have annoyed that many people?

Barbosa: No, just one.

Dr Rivers: Mr Burna?

*Barbosa only nods in the ascent. Dr Rivers then looks at his watch and deciding that hs has time for this impromptu counselling session, encourages Barbosa to continue.*

Dr Rivers: Well, tell me something about them all anyway.

Barbosa: Two of them we have spoken about before - Robert Morales Junior and Steven Kurtsey.

Dr Rivers: Ah, the good doctor. You have another match with him?

Barbosa: Yes, only since last time we spoke he has taken to calling himself 'Professor' - I do not know if it is a genuine title or not.

Dr Rivers: From what my colleague Dr Crawford stated last time, it sounds possible that he might has ascended to that lofty position. However, I will make a note of it and if he is practicing under an assumed title, I assure you he will be stripped of it.

Barbosa: It is not the only title he has taken for himself only to be stripped of it. Since we last spoke of him, 'Professor' Kurtsey has won and then lost the WZCW Championship.

Dr Rivers: Adding to an already impressive resume.

Barbosa: He still uses the attributes of his medical resume as his greatest assets in the ring - psychological control and strategising regarding his opponent. He has also been able to garner something of working relationship with one perhaps two of the other potential opponents. However, while I have yet to triumph over him one on one, I remain convinced that his reliance those same traits whilst juggling his two separate careers and now alliances with others will bring about his defeat in this match.

Dr Rivers: And Mr Morales…

*Dr Rivers quickly flicks through his notes.*

Dr Rivers: He goes by the name Baez and wears a mask.

Barbosa: Not anymore.

Dr Rivers: Excuse me?

Barbosa: He gave up his mask and changed his name to Matt Tastic - ridiculous choice really - but not before trying his best to perpetuate the stereotype of the "thieving Mexican" by stealing something very important that belonged to me.

Dr Rivers: Isn't he Puerto Rican?

Barbosa: Stereotypes are not always correct, Doctor Rivers.

Dr Rivers: Perhaps he should be in here if he is having something of an identity crisis.

*Dr Rivers gives something of a s****** at his own 'joke;' Barbosa remains unmoved.*

Barbosa: Despite the loss of the mask and change of name, Matt Tastic is still the same man who for a time dominated the Mayhem division and has given many of the top names in the company as much as they can handle.

Dr Rivers: What of the other potential opponents that we have not spoken about before?

Barbosa: There are two others that I have had trouble with in recent times: Titus Avison and Drake Callahan.

Dr Rivers: Wait, Titus Avison? Titus Avison the Oscar-winning actor? He is a wrestler now? I had wondered where he had gone. I loved him in…

*Barbosa interrupts the fawning doctor.*

Barbosa: Good, so I do not need to go into any detail regarding the potential melodrama that is a Hollywood actor. However, Titus is far from just an actor. Not only is a two time champion, including taking that title from me, in the past he has shown an uncanny ability to put himself in my shoes. I believe that that positive has dissipated somewhat since my… consolidation but that does not diminished the threat he poses.

Dr Rivers: And who is this Drake Callahan?

Barbosa: A threat; someone who has gotten the better of me on two separate occasions; however, his threat has waned now that he has decided that the reason for his lack of advancement is due to some kind of conspiracy.

Now, in the past I too have cried 'conspiracy' and with our current leader I might inclined to believe that ulterior motives determine who moves up and down the ladder but that is not the case with Callahan.

Dr Rivers: And why is that?

Barbosa: He's a drunk who, when he is not off mentally torturing some young lady with his lack of social graces, exhibits the confusion, mood swings and paranoia associated with alcohol abuse.

Dr Rivers: And he is still cleared to wrestle?

*At the suggestion that someone's mental state might prevent them from performing in WZCW, Barbosa gestures towards himself. Rivers gets his meaning and drops this line of enquiry. However, Barbosa's next utterance seems to suggest that the bringing up of mental deficiencies has stirred something in him.*

Barbosa: Now SHIT, it is most like me.

*Rivers is taken aback by this sudden personal attack.*

Dr Rivers: Mr Barbosa, I thought you had a much higher opinion of yourself. Are we seeing a recurrence of some of your passed depression?

Barbosa: SHIT is one of the competitors.

Dr Rivers: But you said "it"…

Barbosa: Yes, he is a robot. Scale Humanoid Industrial Technology.

Dr Rivers: … And why is someone thinking he is a robot like you?

Barbosa: He lacks emotion.

Dr Rivers: He too sounds like he could do with some counselling.

Barbosa: SHIT is still only really developing his own style as a wrestler. Since his debut he used his opponents' own techniques against them. However, he has gradually begun to put his own moveset togther. This development of his own style has coincided with a marked improvement in his performance. Hence this opportunity to become champion.

He might also have an ally in James King. They are… or should I say were members of the aforementioned Ty Burna's Apostles; that chaotic house of cards appears to caving in on itself.

Dr Rivers: And does that misfortune of Mr Burna bring you pleasure?

Barbosa: It will only mean something to me should it affect my current position. Ty Burna losing his position as head of the company may give me direction as a new regime comes in but his suffering and disappointment mean nothing.

*Dr Rivers makes a few notes before encouraging his interviewee to once again continue with his dissection of his opponents.*

Dr Rivers: And what about this Mr King?

Barbosa: While he has had success in the tag team division, he is largely untested as a singles competitor, particularly in the upper echelons of the company. Indeed, a real cynic might suggest that King is only in this position of potentially challenging for the world title as he has gotten caught in the slipstream of SHIT's rise to prominence and in the chaos of Ty Burna's regime.

Personality wise, there is very little else to say about James King, except that that might not even be his real name. He is an amnesiac and in some way that lack of knowledge makes him more of a threat than his stature might suggest. And before you ask , Doctor, I am sure he is receiving medical help in recovering his past and if he is not, I am not going to give him your number.

*Dr Rivers, who was clearly going to ask those exact questions, clears his throat.*

Barbosa: Then there is David Cougar: the current WZCW Champion; a title he would not have had it not been for me. On two occasions I have beaten him to a pulp only for him to leech off my destruction of others, most obviously at Kingdom Come where he stole what should have been my #1 Contendership.

Dr Rivers: But he went on to win the title by himself?

Barbosa: He does have some positive qualities as a performer, whether it be his technical abilities, high-flying prowess or general charisma.

However, there is just one factor that negates much of this.

Dr Rivers: Which is?

Barbosa: He is a talkshow host.

Dr Rivers: And why is that important?

Barbosa: Aside from the parasitic nature of his success that I have already alluded to, it means that on the outside he can be benevolent and personable but his deep core is a self-centred one of superficiality and selfishness. The world revolved around him long before he garnered the title of World Heavyweight Champion. His recent turn around in attitude is a perfect example of that. Months of berating the fans gone and forgotten in an instant for the gratification of adulation.

Dr Rivers: So you think he is a beatable champion?

Barbosa: David Cougar is always vulnerable - vulnerable to what exactly is another question. In an instant he could pull off a dramatic and devastating move that takes out several men but in the next he has crashed and burned so hard that he leaves himself and his title reign in pieces.

Dr Rivers: Interesting. You said there were eight potential opponents. Who is the last man?

Barbosa: There is no last man.

Dr Rivers: So there are just seven…er… six men and a robot?

Barbosa: No, there are six men, a robot and a woman. A dangerous one at that.

Dr Rivers: Aren't all women dangerous?

Barbosa: Not like this one, doctor. Celeste Crimson was born into a world of fighting, with both her parents being prevalent martial artists in the Soviet Union. Besides her mental and physical training, she has the added 'benefits' of a genetic defect that allows her a high pain threshold.

She is also an idealistic crusader against all that ills WZCW, at least that is what she claims. The fact that she is still after the world title despite it not being around the waist of Ty Burna or any of his former flunkies suggests that while she may see the world in black and white, she is not being completely truthful with her fans, friends and allies.

Dr Rivers: Why do you think she is deceiving those closest to her, perhaps even herself?

Barbosa: Diamonds might be a girls best friend, but gold is a close second.

*The seeming poignance of that final statement lingers in the air as Dr Rivers slowly nods and makes a few more notes, while Barbosa muses about how, in the past, part of him would have rebelled at such a feeble phrase.

Where was the anger? The hate? The cynical derision?

Barbosa is snapped out of his musings by Dr Rivers clearing his throat once more.*

Dr Rivers: Mr Barbosa, between robots, talkshow hosts, amnesiacs, Oscar-winning movie stars, conspiracy-spouting drunks, a doctor posing as a professor, an identily confused Puerto Rican and a Russian female with a 1 in 25,000 genetic mutation, I can see why you might think that this match is nothing but a sideshow brought together to amuse some higher power and denigrate those involved. With such a hostile and eclectic working environment, I am surprised that you have made any mental progress at all.

However, as to your complaint about a lack of direction, I am afraid that there is nothing I can do to help you, but advise you that rather than see this as a detriment, you should see it as…

*Dr Rivers continues to wax lyrical about Barbosa's 'recovery' and suggest that he accept this new consolidation as a giant step towards the normality of others. However, despite continuing to give the occasional knowing nod, Barbosa has zoned out; retreating into his own mind; focusing on just one word of Dr Rivers' prognosis.


How apt.

Nothing can be done for such a violent case of nothingness.

The same kind of nothing that was within his mind, before his eyes and in his future.

However, suddenly, from that nothingness a flicker of something awakens in him.

What was it he had said?

Not that blethering idiot, Rivers, who clearly liked to hear himself speak.

What had Barbosa himself said about gold…?

Perhaps winning some gold could bring back some purpose.

Better than that, perhaps becoming WZCW champion again could provide him with the mental stimulation of happiness to reverse this horrid consolidation.

It had happened before. On several occasions, severe emotions, whether they be anger, disappointment and even happiness, had sparked a change in his crippled psyche.

Perhaps once more…

Barbosa stands and moves to leave. He has gotten to the door when he is stopped by a shout from the doctor.*

Dr Rivers: Wait!

*One of the orderlies places a hand on Barbosa's shoulder, who immediately turns to stare at it, as if trying to burn it with laserbeams from his eyes.*

Dr Rivers: What about our paper? Your progress needs to be documented!

*As the orderly realises that Dr Rivers only wants Barbosa to stay for his own selfish ends, he removes his hand from Barbosa's shoulder, perhaps not realising what he has avoided. Without looking back towards River, Barbosa stalks out of the room.

He had purpose to find; nothingness to fill; Redemption to obtain.*

Throughout time, it has been either one of the most peaceful sounds you'll ever hear or a fearful experience, anxiously waiting what could potentially happen. I always try to put myself in the former category when silence bestows upon me as the anticipation causes me to stress somewhat, which isn't good for anyone's health. I've always become accustomed in gearing my life in a direction where chaos and war simply do not exist. I can say that I am quite satisfied with how things have turned around, especially with the Apostles finally seeing the light and turning on the harbinger. Although it wasn't at my hands despite the effort I've poured into the removal of Ty, I can temporarily take solace with the fact that Ty's last form of power is being contested by a man who knows more about Burna than I ever could, turning to the side that I single-handedly created many months ago. There is no man that I can claim to be my enemy nor is there anyone who wishes to point that finger at me; the only person who could remotely be considered a rival would be the man who took the title away from me but that is something which is completely understandable. It's normal for a competitor who was the greatest in the world to feel negative emotions towards the man who defeated him for that title... right?

The silence transitions into noise as the sound of my cars' breaks rattles my ears as I park my car at the monestary's pebble parking area, reminding myself to get my car serviced. However, something seems to be amiss as I spot a very familiar motorbike stood near the entrance: Sandy's bike is here. Usually she lets me know of her arrival as this is place of sacred spiritual prayer and outsides normally aren't welcome unless a member they personally know is already there. How did she get permission to walk inside the walls? I exit my car and lock it, proceeding over towards the entrance. This is probably Master's doing: he has recently taken a great interest in the psychological side of reading a person's mind... probably expanding his knowledge as a Master. Commendable.

Surprised to see me here?

As I am about to reach the door, Sandy's voice comes from behind me. I turn around and see Sandy indeed standing behind me, wearing her leather jacket and jeans combination with helmet in hand as protective gear for riding her vehicle... where did she come from though?

Currently I'm shocked I didn't see you as I was walking up to the entrance but yes, what are you doing here?

She smiles at me and gives off a chuckle.

Like you haven't figured it out: the Master contacted me to see him. He said he had some important things to discuss with me. That's why you're arriving at the same time I'm leaving.

Sandy puts on her helmet and adjusts the straps as she turns to leave.

What do you mean important things?

Sandy turns her head back around with the face protector pulled up so her face can be seen partially. She smiles once more before pulling down the protector and heading over to her bike. I wanted to go after her and ask her myself but if the Master caught on that I researched this visit before I met him, his trust in me wouldn't be high. I let her leave on her bike as I enter the gates of the monastery. As usual, the brothers of the monastery are waiting for me and escort me to the Master. Although his personal room isn't too far away from the entrance, the Master always believed in making sure whoever he sees must attend... but for some unknown reason, my escorting member pass the Master's room and continues along down the path to a single building with one door and no windows. I've never been in this place before... and by the fact that the brothers stop at the foot of the small structure, neither have they. I pass them and up a few stairs to reach the door, entering into nothing but darkness. The shut the door behind me and try to adjust as best I can to the lack of lighting but unfortunately, it does not work. I got to open the door to increase visibility but unbeknownst to me, the door has already been locked.

Great... I'm trapped.

Why did I just say that out loud? Why didn't I scream for help instead of sounding sarcastic? I could've said that to myself... however, the Master has a plan for me to be inside this dark void; I should figure it out before I start hallucinating. What could be inside this place that is so important? Slowly, I move away from the wall, carefully feeling the ground with my tips of my feet to see if it is safe to continue forward. I keep my arms forward, trying to navigate for any incoming obstacles that my feet cannot detect. There is nothing until I reach the other side of the room. That was relatively quick: from the outside this structure looked much bigger and the capacity to hold much more than this. I should do another sweep in the darkness before I judge, slowly moving to the opposite wall again... only taking less than a minute. This is starting to confuse me.

Would there be someone else in here by any chance or is this a solo expedition?

No response; kind of what I expected. I guess I'll have to keep trying...


It has felt like hours have passed but with the inability to see anything and having no way to tell the time I cannot be sure. I only signs I have to measure and compare is by my bodily functions: I don't feel the need to eat or use the bathroom although a small drink couldn't hurt. I sit slumped against the walls which I have bumped into many times trying to find another exit... at least I think they are walls. This whole scenario could be a figment of my imagination but if it were so, I'd be out of here by now. From what I know, there is only the one door and that was the one I came through, which is now locked. I've traced around the floors and there is nothing existing in this room above the ground apart from me.

And the silence.

I jump. Another voice? Where did it come from? I cannot see anyone else and to my recollection there was no-one else in here.

Who goes there? Show yourself!

Ah, dear friend... I am one who cannot show themselves to you. You are the one who must show myself to everyone.

That voice... it very sounds familiar.

I wish I could help you there but I have a problem, you see. I'm kind of trapped inside this dark room and I haven't the slightest clue how to get out so even if I wanted to help you, I'm physically unable to right now.

The other voice laughs.

But you need not the physical sense to exit this room; it is your mental state that requires your assistance.

I retort with a laugh of my own.

I'm pretty sure I've got the current mentality of trying to escape. I just physically can't open the door. It's locked.

And that is what your brain is comprehending, Professor. Your mental state is relying on your physical state to do your biddings so your brain can form a lazy opinion; its own warped reality.

Well then why don't you try and open the door then?

If I was in the physical state, I would attempt so... but I am in the spiritual state.

A spirit? What kind of mockery is this?

Who are you?

I am me.

What type of answer is that?

Who is "me"?

That is a question that only you can answer.

Look, I'm tired of your games and riddles. If you don't mind, I would love to get out of this place and return to the monastery grounds for training. I have a huge match to prepare myself for and I cannot miss it because I've been stuck inside this box.

For a moment, there is nothing but silence as I begin to feel a bit angry from this so-called spirit playing me like a fiddle. I knew the spirits existed in these mountains but nothing like an evil spirit. Why would the Master send me into a room where an evil spirit resides? Does he wish to test my skills and make me fight the demon? I don't have any demons to fight...

Not in the physical sense, anyway.

Can he hear my thoughts?

How do you know what I ponder?

I've already told you.

Wait a second... no, it can't be.

You're me?

Very good, professor. You're catching on a little slower than I expected but at least its progress.

Why am I in a dark room talking to myself?

The other voice chuckles.

You're the one who used to take care of patients. You should know by now that the human psyche cannot last in a small, cramped, dark room without resorting to discussing with oneself.

I meant with you.

You ask me in search of answers? Do not forget that we are the same person here.

Smart arse.

Then why are you playing games with yourself and making me feel like Barbosa? Why not end this torture for the both of us and be done with this?

Because then this whole situation will be done for nothing. Why would I want to punish you like this then let you go with learning something new?

What is there to learn?

There is always something new to learn, Professor. Your knowledge may comprehend most issues but you will never know everything. From birth to death, everyone will have the opportunity to learn whether it be an interesting fact, life skills or even something about yourself.

The first two I can agree with but the latter is irrelevant. I know everything there is about myself. I've climbed the highest mountains and travelled on the longest journeys so I could find out what my limits and capabilities are. I've been through the darkness and into the light; I've had to deal with enemies and become stronger because of it. I've dealt with Chaos in person and survived. Hell has seen me multiple times and I always escape, taking a piece of it with me. I understand myself in the physical, mental and spiritual sense.

Then why are you still trapped inside a room filled with darkness?

Because I can't go anywhere!


A moment of silence as I try to put the pieces together.

You deemed that the end of your journey was when you defeated the almighty Ty Burna on the grandest stage of them all, defending your championship from the man who wanted it the most. It was an excellent performance of mind, body and soul to overcome the odds... but after Kingdom Come, after you have succeeded in completing the journey, you felt absolutely nothing and since then you have not won a single match. You failed to defeat the Apostles alongside Celeste Crimson.

It was a four on two handicap match, what did you expect?

You lost the title to Showtime.

He was the better man that night.

And then you fell to the hands of your old partner, Steven Holmes?

He's been on a winning streak.

Listen to yourself! You are making up excuses for your losses and continue believing in yourself that you have completed everything you wanted. The truth is, the journey of taking down the Chaos may indeed be over but the journey of Kurtesy continues on and you are throwing it away! You have went from being the angel of light; a man who defiantly stood up to the most powerful person in the industry and took on everything he dished out at you to take him down and yet you can't even take down men who you have demolished before with ease? Just because you feel lost right now doesn't mean that has to reflect on your career by losing every match. This can still be turned around, Steven. You've got another chance at glory and become the greatest warrior that has lived by re-capturing the World title.

That's why I came to the monastery in the first place; I need to train.

And this is your training. You are at your physical peak; there is nothing more that you can do to improve your body. Excellent stamina, a great pain threshold and the most deadliest submissions expert in the game. Whatever else you do is like adding a cherry on top of a cake; only there for decoration.

Then what do you suggest?

I need you to mentally prepare yourself for such a huge match and get yourself spiritually sorted. How can someone as gifted as you are physically head into a match without getting themselves in the right frame of mind and not believing in themselves and win?

I do believe in myself!

Prove it to me.

You already know the answers! You know my history with the likes of Barbosa; he is a volatile and dangerous individual who cannot control his emotions or figure himself out yet he walks into the ring as a competitor of wrestling? No matter how determined or how focused he manages to get himself; no matter what type of match we are fighting in; no matter what is at stake: Barbosa has never been able to defeat me. Even if I am in a crisis, my mental capacity still and always will be much more stable than his.

Yes, this is good.

You know fully well that despite who may win their matches and qualify for the World title challenge, all of those competitors weren't good enough in the eyes of Ty for them to be granted a championship opportunity. They must earn their way by beating each other: not only will the winners be already tired from their previous encounters but they have to go up against five other competitors in an elimination style match where the three freshest men will be painting a target on them. Despite my views on Barbosa, he's still too much to handle for those who have already been mentally and physically drained from another match. James King and S.H.I.T have been hidden in the shadows of Chaos and protected by Ty for way too long to even know what singles success is like. Tastic is a man whose greatest moment has been the Mayhem division and cannot amount to anything higher than that. My former friend Callahan has the ability to go through different phases of his life. At first, you could distract him by dangling a bottle of alcohol in his face, then it was a toy pony or anything related to the show, and now its a conspiracy theory. He cares too much for inane details; sacrificing him to focus on the main picture. I've proven to Titus that I can defeat him without worry and the mindset of him having to deal with the man who took the title away from his will be a heavy burden... and Celeste...

Celeste Crimson, the friend who has stuck by you since her return and agenda to take down the Chaos.

... she is a noble warrior and I will give her credit where credit is due but even she, with a slighter higher determination than me to destroy the Chaos, couldn't even contend with Ty Burna. How can anyone expect someone like Celeste to compete for the World championship when she can't even complete the goals that she set for herself.

A bit harsh, don't you think?

When it comes to something like the World title and becoming the best wrestler in the world, there are no friends and being harsh is the only way to survive. That's what I have to do when it comes down to Showtime and I.

You are confident that it will be the two of you standing across each other as the last two competitiors?

Of course. This match was meant for Showtime and myself to settle the score but the madman in power was jealous of our success over him that he decided to through us a stipulation of adding many more random and questionable people. It isn't going to a stroll in the park but Showtime and I are going to be the last two men remaining when the dust has settled. He wants that situation to occur and so do I. Showtime will want that moment so he can finally cast me off his list for a good while because a win for me against me will solidify him as a true World champion. He will have the opportunity to beat me for the title and retain it against me. That's what every World champion wants, isn't it? To prove they are the best? This is the exact mentality I have for Showtime. I know that I can beat Show as I've done it once before but that was when I wasn't distracted. The last few times... I concede that you are right, I was distracted and this cloud of darkness I have around me is proof.

Thank you.

No, thank you for helping me understand. I have been a fool for the last few weeks to doubt myself spiritually and mentally. I know I have the gift of being headstrong and I am going to use that as my weapon against Show. He has already achieved what he's always wanted to do: become the World Heavyweight champion and even better, he got the bonus side-quest of defeating Ty Burna once more but this time as the champion. Not many people can accomplish these life goals in such a short time. This match is more or less a novelty until he faces me. Well, whatever Showtime has prepared for me I say bring it because I am not the man he faced only mere weeks ago. I have the ability to communicate with my own freaking spirit and to perform feats of physical punishment that no man has ever seen before, even for a man who has held every title and wrestled against every type of person in history. The time has come for me to reclaim my championship and prove to everyone that I had a minor setback and that Show was only there as a transitional champion. I will become the 3rd 2-time World Champion and go on to defend the title as my pride and joy. At Redemption, I will rise to my best form, defeat everyone who stands before me and become the greatest wrestler in the world.

I am almost panting from being out of breath due to all that talking and hyping myself up. Although the darkness does not allow it to be seen, the biggest grin is on my face. I am happy with myself.

Try the door now.

I immediately get up and slowly make it towards the door, despite me not knowing my position inside that darkened room. I grab the handle, turn the lock and success... I enter back to the outside world where the bright sun hurts me eyes, taking some time to adjust. Outside, I see the Master and Sandy both smiling at me... but didn't Sandy just leave? I go to approach them and Sandy gives me a hug with the Master continuing to smile.

Did you see the light, Professor?

I turn back to the structure that I spent so long inside to see that the room filled with darkness is now brightened by the light. I turn around to the both of them and smile.

Yes, I did.
Showtime: Okay let's begin.

Scene opens in a large lounge area backstage at WZCW studios. Showtime David Cougar and his assistant Allen Lewicki are both seated in large white cushioned chairs separated by a long glass table. Allen has papers laid out on the table and a pen in hand. Showtime has a glass of brandy in one hand and has the WZCW World Heavyweight Title draped over his shoulder.

Lewicki: First confirmed opponent, Steven Kurtesy.

Former doctor of the mind, now a professor on the spirit.

He's about 6'2" and 228 lbs. Two time WZCW Tag Team Champion and former WZCW Champion. The majority of his moves primarily focus on the head and neck.

Cut off the circulation, disrupt the pathway to the brain, destroy your opponents mind.

Good, you understand what he is capable of doing. You have competed against one and other in three singles contests. The first ended as a count out victory for Kurtesy. The second ended in a no decision. And the third ended as a pinfall victory for yourself, thus capturing the
WZCW Title there.

So momentum is on my side.

But what about retribution and retaliation? Kurtesy could easily come back stronger.

Kurtesy is well versed in the ways and behaviour of the mind. He knows what dark places he may need to travel to gain this advantage after defeat, and he will not go there.

But you can't underestimate him. He did beat Ty Burna.

But he did not beat me. Take away a mans accomplishments and glories and what is there between me and Kurtesy. Our record against one and other. Who he beat before, what prize he won. Irrelevant. I beat him, I have the confidence in me to know I can do it again. He will not go
down the dark path he needs to stand a chance because he knows what will become of him.

And what if he does anyway?

Showtime pauses and takes a sip of his brandy. He nods his head and tilts the glass towards Allen.

I will consider that outcome. Now let's continue to the next one.

Barbosa. 6'1. 237 lbs. Built like a tank though.

A wild and caged animal.

A past that is as tortured and damaged as Ty Burna's. His moves are designed to break bones and damage ligaments.

This is the one that I've been waiting for Allen.

If you mean the one you've been waiting for to die to then I think you're right.

Showtime smirks back at Allen and his lack of faith.

He's Bane, uncontrolled. And we all now what happens to him in Batman.

Aww don't spoil The Dark Knight Rises for me. I still haven't seen it yet.

Well regardless Batman does defeat Bane in comic and in real life. Bane is not Batman's greatest villain, but he was one who inflicted great pain upon him. Barbosa dropped me on my head at Lethal Lottery 3. Could very well have broken my neck if that were what he was truly trying to do. I still got up and won the match. What I never got though was a chance to face him again after he nearly ended my career. I finally got a chance to face him at Kingdom Come, but the whole battle brought Black Dragon into the mix and the beast was removed from the match still before I could slay him. I may not be getting the one on one match I'd prefer to have against this monster, but I'm not letting him walk away this time without defeating him for trying to put me out.

I guess then there is no need for me to list out the people he has defeated, or the amount of pain he is capable of causing?

I'm well aware of the dangers that he presents in this match Allen. I know I will have to be at the top of my game to survive this match, let alone defeat Barbosa. Next opponent.

We begin with possible entrants. First... Drake Callahan. He is facing Matt Tastic.

Former alcoholic who made Barney Gumble look like a sober judge. Now that he's cleaned up a lot he's become a conspiracist.

5'10" and weighs 215 lbs. Former Mayhem and EurAsian champion. You've fought him in three previous matches. The first time defeating him for the Mayhem Title with Milenko in your corner. The second match defeating him in record time for the EurAsian Title. And the third match you lost cleanly to him by submission. This occurred two weeks before your WZCW World Title match.

It's similar to what I said about Kurtesy. Drake has decided to change who he is to better himself verse me. It worked in our last match, I won't let it happen again at Redemption.

Drake will now have strong confidence against you should he advance to the 6 Pack Challenge.

Drake is too distracted by the 'conspiracy' it will lead to his downfall.

How so?

Drake is a former alcoholic who had the attention span of a nat. Since sobering up he's been able to focus more, but a match like this and with all that he's lead himself to believe, he will not be able to focus on the true task at hand, winning. He will instead be focused more of when he loses and furthering his idea there is a conspiracy against him.

He did defeat you, so he has reason to believe he is being held back.

He defeated me. Yes, that is acknowledged, but that doesn't mean he just gets to jump to the front of the line and be handed this title. I have nothing at all against defending the title against Drake. He did earn a chance to face me for the title and now he has one, but that doesn't mean he should be champion, or be handed anything. Drake is forgetting that a lot of what it takes to get here is hard work. Drake has strung along a bunch of wins since his return, but against who. He beat Phoenix twice, but as we've seen, Phoenix was far from the threat he once was. A few handicap and tag team wins here and what else... a bunch of losses on the biggest stages. Poor showings at Lethal Lottery and Kingdom Come. You can beat every guy on Meltdown or Ascension, or even Aftershock, but if you can't win and give your all when the big events come up, than you don't deserve to be champion. Next...

Matt Tastic. AKA The Killjoy. AKA Baez.

The underdog.

6’2” 223 lbs... what are they all going to be around this weight? Sorry, anyway four time Mayhem Champion. Seems to have undergone a bit of a move change. Seems a tougher attitude than the earlier Matt Tastic.

I like this kid, I think that he can go places. He became the face of a division soon after he joined WZCW. People look there noses down at the Mayhem division, but you have to respect someone who willingly stays there and makes a name for himself there. Truly one of best Mayhem champions. Matt Tastic thinks his best days are behind, but his best days are soon to come. Redemption won’t be it though.

Why is that?

He’s like a snake, not in he’ll bite you sense. In that he always sheds his skin every so often and looks different. The name changes, the costumes, the look. Matt Tastic continues to change his appearance because... he views himself as a failure, and feels with change it will help him get better. He has to accept who he is and when he does he will be ready. Next...

First S.H.I.T. It is facing Celeste Crimson.

The wild card.

6‘ and 230 lbs. Guy dressed up in a cardboard cut out robot costume who thinks that he is a robot. Straight up can’t be told otherwise and acts perfectly like a robot.

Underneath it all though, he is just a man.

His move set includes ripping off everything you know.

Like fighting a mirror.

Been in one of those?

I’m too good looking to strike my reflection. S.H.I.T. is unpredictable, a robot told to destroy is never a good thing. I’m thinking about trying a strategy called poor wrestling.

Poor wrestling?

If S.H.I.T. mimics me, then me wrestling poorly may cause him to behave and such and when he does something poorly, I’ll catch him off guard.

Really... that’s your plan.

Hell no Allen you gullible fool. S.H.I.T. is a robot programmed to wrestle, but he’s outdated and probably would not be able to handle wrestling five others at the same time. Let the numbers distract S.H.I.T. Next.

Celeste Crimson. 5’10” 165 lbs. Veteran fighter. Has been trained since the age of 3 in martial arts. Has also done extensive training in jujitsu, sambo, judo, and grappling. Quick in the ring and one never to be shy with words. Showtime she sounds like she could pummel the shit out of S.H.I.T.. I mean you should look at the number of black belts she has. Showtime?

Showtime hasn’t said a word yet about Celeste. He takes another sip of brandy before speaking.

Allen... she is a wonderful wrestler, but not a winner. All her black belts and her experience. Not one thing to show for it here. I’m prepared to take her down if need be.

Showtime smirks at Allen. Allen smirks back and turns the page over.

Last qualifier. First James King. He is facing Titus.

Do we even need to talk about this one?

That is the most lopsided match on the card according to Vegas, but miracles do happen. James King. 6’1” 250 lbs. Former Tag Team Champion with Dr. Alhazred. Member of Ty Burna’s Apostles of Chaos.

He’s only here so Ty Burna has more members that can qualify for the match. King’s won nothing on his own. I think I can find enough material on this one. Bring on the last one.

Titus, o Neil!

A crew member stops in front of the almost closed door outside the room. He pokes his head in though the door.

How much longer till they’re ready to go Neil?

Neil: About five minutes I think.

Okay when your done come back and bring a water and two aspirin.


Thanks Neil... sorry. Anyway, Titus is 6’2” 225 lbs, no surprise there either. 2 time WZCW Champion. 1 time Elite X Champion. Lethal Lottery winner.

Tell me something I don’t know about him.

I heard he once wore a mask and saved people.

I’m sure that was a movie.

Maybe he could win a fifth oscar by portraying Red Mask in a movie.

An actor starring in a role that he himself invented in real life. That’s genius... I should text in to him right now.

Showtime whips out his phone and quickly sends a text to Titus.

In all serious though. Titus is someone I too respect. Titus weakness is also easy to spot. He’s over the hill, been playing the wrestling thing for too long. Too inconsistent. He’ll put on a great show though. Always count on that from him.

Assistant:We’re on in two minutes Showtime.

Showtime and Allen stand up and stretch.

Always leaving it to the last minute Show.

Only way I know how to prepare.

Showtime looks around the room, clearly nervous.

Haven’t done one of these in a while. Having this belt, being the champion. It’s all I’ve wanted, even the pressure that comes with it.

You’ll do great out there.

No shit man. I always shine in the spotlight.

Go get’em.

Showtime and Allen slap hands and Showtime leaves the room. He walks down a hall and meets up with Neil. He takes the pills and water from him in mid stride and takes them back. He continues to walk down the hall and then turns into a black draped area. He stands near the edge and waits by some personal. He takes another sip of water and hands the rest to a stage hand. Showtime bounces up and down a bit as he is being introduced.

Announcer: Ladies and gentleman. The star of The Show. WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Showtime David Cougar!

Showtime walks out on stage. The audience cheers loudly and chant his name. Showtime waves the crowd and lifts the WZCW Title of his shoulder. He holds it high above his head and the crowd cheers louder and louder. Showtime encourages them to get even louder and they do. Showtime lowers the belt and drapes it over his shoulder.

Thank you, thank you. Thank you all for being here tonight. This is exciting. This is the first episode of The Show I am doing as your new WZCW World Heavyweight Champion.

The crowd again gears up and starts cheering loudly again. Showtime has to wait for them to quiet down before speaking again.

Yes, it took a long time get here. Three years we’ve been together building our way to this moment. What a ride it has all been. The drama, the action, the suspense. And now that the hero has finally gotten the prize that he’s been long after, everyone’s already wondering when it will go down hill for him again. From up here it can only go downhill right? Well I proved the first set of doubters wrong when I defeated Ty Burna at Meltdown 76 to retain the title.

Now I’ve been booked next to defend my title in the most unpredictable match to ever call. A 6 Pack Challenge at Redemption where three of the possible opponents will be determined in matches to occur earlier in the night. Numerous possibilities. So many things to consider. When it gets right down to it. It’s three more guys who have already wrestled, competing against three other guys in a match where everyone will be slugging it out amongst themselves. Stamina will be a key part and those three will be at a disadvantage. It’s really a triple threat match with active mines on the playing field.

A video screen behind the stage lights up and an old arcade style game pops up with three stick figure characters walking back and forth dodging little pixelated bombs. Two of them get hit while the other makes it to the end.

I suppose I should be complaining though. I was put into a title match two weeks after winning the WZCW title and am now defending it again in a match with five other wrestlers two weeks later. Not defending against the man I beat the title for, or a monster I want to destroy, or challenger who thinks they are as good as me. No another staked card against the star of the show. How I look at it though... is that I wouldn’t have it any other way.

The crowd cheers and Showtime nods at the idea as if he needs to warm himself up to it.

No one goes out and tries to accomplish things like this in their title reigns.’re supposed to play it safe. Ride it out slow and get some victories over the same old competitors. This is exciting... this is entertaining... this is suspenseful. The audience doesn’t know what to expect out of this match because they don’t know who the final three entrants will be, but what they should know, is that Showtime David Cougar is going to walk out of Redemption as champion.

Showtime taps on the title as the camera zooms in on it. The crowd chants Showtime repeatedly and then quiets.

Redemption has not been too kind to Showtime’s career. At Kingdom Come 2 I lost the EurAsian Title to Big Dave and then lost my rematch to him at Redemption in a Best 2 out of 3 Falls match. Heck, I didn’t even get a pinfall or submission. Dave DQ’d himself the first fall. At Kingdom Come 3 I lost to Ty Burna in a WZCW World Title match and then lost again at Redemption to Ty Burna. Was booted clear into next week from him too. This year... it’s not about redemption. Not about titles lost or times of defeat. At Redemption... it’s about redeeming myself and showing the world I am ready to take the full stage. No more second guessing or tripping over lines, Showtime is the World Champion baby and he’s here to play. A match against the best, a match against the baddest, a match against the strongest, the quickest, the smartest, and the newest. That describes some of my determined and possible opponents. I plan on taking them all down at once. Hitting Ratings Crashes and Backstages. Knocking them out with the Final Act or making them tap to the Commercial Break.

The only two I truly need to worry about in this match up are Steven Kurtesy and Barbosa. The rest could be big players or background characters. James King and S.H.I.T. they are only in it because of Ty. King especially has done nothing to deserve this opportunity, his only claim to fame been riding the coattails of better partners. He provides hope to a lot of the boys in the back like King that they might be blessed with this opportunity. S.H.I.T. has done a little bit more to deserve this spot, but with a name like S.H.I.T. I don’t think I need to explain what he’ll be like in the ring verse me.

In there though are some veterans on the WZCW circuit. Celeste Crimson and Titus. If they qualify they will add years of experience to the match and could pose the greatest threat. However that is also countered by the fact that their time has passed. Love Titus and have much respect for Celeste, but their best days are now behind them. I mean yes they could perform Randy Couture's’, but it’s more likely they would perform Tom Watson’s. Dramatic effort. Every fan loved it. Came up short because it’s no longer their time.

The final two are known as the cusp players. Drake Callahan and Matt Tastic. Shame only one will be in the 6 Pack Challenge. They both seem new, what with their recent comebacks and reoccurring changes in appearance, but they have both spent years with WZCW. Both champions of the Mayhem division. Both could potentially be the greatest threat among the six possible entrants to the match. However, it won’t be their time, not this time. Drake is so consumed with the idea there are forces out there preventing him from attaining what he thinks his, he’s been unable to enjoy any of the victories he has had, or the time he has spent with others. Drake is consumed with something that isn’t there and while it has made him somewhat dangerous, it has also made him distracted. That distraction would be his downfall in the match. And Matt Tastic, while I won’t deny that I think he is a hell of a fighter who continues to surprise those who think he’s lost it, Redemption will not be his night. A man cannot win when he himself cannot accept who he is. Matt is closer than he gives himself credit, but every time he feels like he falls short, he tries to change who he is again and start over. Once Matt knows exactly who he is... then he will be champion. Until then though... he will continue to perform well in defeat.

Showtime walks around on stage. He ponders for a minute before speaking.

This match is about me and Steven Kurtesy and Barbosa, and finishing what we’ve all started. After all, it was Barbosa who set of the hot potato that became our WZCW Title, until Kurtesy picked it up and held it past Ty Burna, until he faced me at Ascension 50. We are the last three people to defeat the once unstoppable Ty Burna. Three men defeated a God almost successively.

Barbosa for years here has been a loose cannon. Unstoppable, yet unable to control. At the drop of a hat he can go off and all around him is unable to do much to prevent his onslaught. I should know as he nearly broke my neck in one of our few encounters. Meant nothing to Barbosa. Nothing seems to anymore or even ever maybe..... Some things though mean a lot to me. This title, these fans, everything there is in this industry means a damn lot to me and to see deranged wrestlers try to take that away from others with no regard at all. Well.. I think I found my new Ty Burna.

I don’t much care at all for it Barbosa and in this match I am coming to take you down a level. I won’t let you break or tear apart another body again. I’m going to do all that is within my power to give you the beating you deserve and pin you. The spotlight is going to shine down hard you and show the world that monsters can be defeated.

Showtime paces back and forth on stage. He rubs his neck. Sore not just from Barbosa’s attack or even Drake’s attack more recently, but sore from years of wrestling.

And then there’s Steven Kurtesy. A man who proved himself to be a great champion. He fit so many stereo types I’ve placed on others for years. ‘Can only win with people behind him.’ ‘Right places at the right times’ He broke out of those stereo types. He won the title and did it all himself. He defended the title successfully and against all odds. I have respect for Kurtesy. I would’ve been more happy to defend against him at Meltdown 76 over Ty Burna. But as great as Steven Kurtesy has become, I proved that I am better. I know that I am better. I have reached the top of the mountain that Kurtesy has reached and I am ready to take it up even higher. Kurtesy will have to do something above and beyond what he is capable of doing to ever pose a threat to me again and I don't know i he has it in him to go that far I know in a straight contest, I would beat him again, but this is not a straight contest. This match reads cluster fuck all over. I may not walk out as champion, there is probably a greater chance that I will lose the WZCW Title at Redemption, but I promise that I will not leave Redemption without putting on one hell of a match.

The crowd begins to cheer loudly again.

You know what I will promise I will walk out victorious. Showtime is finally champion, his redemption is finally here, and in the most unpredictable match in WZCW history, Showtime will do the unthinkable and walk out the match still champion. Whoever I defeat, Steven Kurtesy, Barbosa, Drake Callahan, Titus, Dumbo, Mark Hamill, Space Man Frank, Kemit the Frog, it doesn’t matter because The Show is here to stay.
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