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Redemption: Ty Burna vs. Showtime Cougar vs. Austin Reynolds - World Title

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
The World Heavyweight Championship will be contested in one of the most highly anticipated Triple Threat matches of all time as Ty Burna will defend against Showtime Cougar and first time challenger Austin Reynolds. Now these three men have an interesting level of history between them all that they won't be expecting to hold back in this match. Will Ty's reign continue to dominate or will there be a new champion appearing on the horizon?

Deadline is Tuesday 7th June 23:59 EST
We see Austin and Hayley walking into an elevator in the ground floor of the Chicago building where Austin and Hayley are based along with his agent, Dominic. Since Dominic’s devastating injury at the hands of John Constantine and David Cougar prior to the Lethal Lottery, Hayley had been taking care of Austin’s affairs from the same office. Press conferences, house show attendances, dinner meetings with sponsors, they had all been arranged here first.

While Dominic had been released from hospital and finally been given the all clear, he wasn’t allowed back to work. It was something Austin and Hayley had enforced on him. It was an unpopular decision on their part but they had resisted so far.

So it was with great surprise that when they walked into the office, they saw Dominic sitting on the phone apparently working on a few things at once. He had a phone to his ear and was tapping away on his laptop while also sending a text from his Blackberry.

So much for avoiding stress. He has been out of hospital for two days. It was like he had never been away.

“Dom, what the hell?”

“Just a sec.” He puts down the Blackberry and switches the phone from one ear to the other. “No that isn’t going to be good enough. You can either book him on the prime time slot or you don’t get him at all......Yeah, come back at me.”

He had a beaming smile on his face. He was clearly delighted to be back.

“I’m booking some local and national press interviews. We need to get your name out, now you’re on the main event level. I’ve got you booked for autograph settings through the week, TV stuff is booked around your company stuff.”

Dominic passes his diary to Hayley, who reads it and shows it to a stunned Austin.

“What the hell is this? This is booked solid? When am I going to have time to breathe? Or shit?”

“You’ll have a few seconds for that?”

“Dom, this is too much mate.”

“Look, since I’ve been gone, your schedule has gone out the window.”

“I’ve done as much as I can.”

“You got lazy!” Dom points accusingly and his shout brings out his gruff Scottish accent.

“BS! We were worried sick!”

“You used it as an excuse!”

“Guys! Guys!” Hayley gets in their way as they begin to get in each other’s faces. “Dom, we were so distracted that we didn’t know whether we were coming or going! We did get a little lazy but it was done for you.”

“It turned you into a softie!”

“Dom, relax please?”

Dom goes back to the desk and pulls out a thick, worn book file.

“Look I’ve gone over everything. All of the facts and figures. I’ve watched every match you have had since Christmas and you know what I realised? You lost your focus. For the first few weeks after the Lethal Lottery, ratings were down, your movements were off and you got sloppy.”

“Do you remember why we chose WZCW? You remember what we set out to do? You’ve abandoned it all for hope of a World Title pipedream. You beat one guy in a match at Kingdom Come and the success goes to your head. You faced Ty and yeah I admit you did a great job but you lost.”

He pauses for a second if only to consider his words.

“I think you should forget about the World Title and go back to being the most entertaining thing on the show.”

Austin’s reaction to those words is instantaneous. He slams his hand onto the desk loudly and kicks a chair over.

“Dom, I had to get into the main event at Redemption. I have to know if I can get to the next level. There is no better place to be leading the ratings than at the top of the show. The main event is the right place for me to be.”

“It’s too crowded.” Dom seems stuck firm in his belief, defiant and obstinate.

“Then I need to stand out don’t I?” Austin is equally resolute but tries to gently persuade his best friend. “Isn’t that what I’ve been trying to do? I can’t be in a match with Cougar and Ty if I don’t stand out. I know I am the right choice in this match because the people want to see me kick Showtime’s ass and also take the fight to Ty and be a credible challenger to the World Title.”

Austin’s attempt to make a reasoned approach calms him down. He picks up the chair from the floor. Hayley steps forward, eager to make way for a calm talk between the two friends.

“Dom, you and I both know that Austin’s stock is going to sky rocket once he appears in the match at Redemption. That night he becomes a true main eventer and everything that we do for him becomes that much more valuable.”

Austin smiles as he sees Hayley’s comment break through Dom’s stubbornness.

“That night the entire company gets put on notice. If I win then the entire company gets shaken up from top to bottom and I can say that I am a big time player. Nobody will doubt me if I win on Sunday.”

“And if you lose?”

“Then I don’t stop, not until I have achieved just that.” Austin is determined that his enthusiasm will break through Dom’s obstinate rearguard to make his friend believe in him again. “I got revenge on John Constantine for what he did to you. I didn’t give up then, why would I give up on this now?”

“Well you can have all the fight in the world but it doesn’t guarantee that people will want to tune in. The thing with Constantine was good, I am proud of you and all.” Dom stumbles over his words a little as he hints to his injury. ”But imagine how good it could have been if you had faced Showtime instead of Constantine. Look back at the facts like I have, the crowd reactions and all the ratings and stats tell me that the crowd didn’t buy into Constantine as a threat to you. Why should they? He was a pawn all along.”

Dom pushes the file to him and Austin begins to flick through it with a little disdain.

“And now what, you’re in the title match. That’s great and all but to win the World title, you have to beat the two men who have been on such a roll in recent months that they have been nigh on unbeatable and you are supposed to beat them both in one match?”

Go on, say it Dom.” Austin stands up and looks Dom straight in the eye.


“Tell me it’s going to be impossible. Tell me it isn’t doable.”

“It’s............ not impossible....not if you get your shit together and you can start by kicking Showtime all over the arena. Treat him like you did Constantine at Kingdom Come.”

The shock on Austin’s face is clear. Dom sees this and beams a wicked but friendly smile.

“This is the guy that has taken everything that could have been yours. The Elite X title, the Lethal Lottery win, the main event of Kingdom Come 3; it was all meant for you. He can’t take it, he can’t accept that he is old and boring and ready to be replaced. All these mental problems are the result of having success and not being ready or able to cope with it. But you are ready for it.”

Austin is still in shock and can barely get his words out.

“I know I am but you said.....”

“I know what I said. Look, you are definitely ready. Ever thought that I came back to put a rocket up your ass for old times’ sake? You know, just because I can? I didn’t think the timing was bad honestly.”

Austin looks at Hayley and back at Dom with utter bewilderment.

“Look, I know I caught you off guard. I just want you to focus on the match. Every interview, every press bit that you go to, I want you to talk it up, build it up. It’s the biggest damn match of your career but talk up Cougar and Burna because the pressure isn’t on you, it’s on them.”

“Nobody except us really expects you to go in and leave as Champion. Ty has all the momentum that you would expect from being unbeaten for so long and Cougar has to try and make up for his failures.”

Dom comes around and puts a brotherly arm around his friend He clearly to make up some of the ground from their fierce exchanges earlier.

“What you need to do is not let either of these two get in your head. They have both tried to fill your head with their own spin on things and I want you to get past it. Ty in particular is trying to expose you. You don’t need to get obsessed by all the rhetoric.”

“That’s all well and good but I have to respond. Cougar says that I don’t deserve another shot. From him of all people!”

As Dom speaks, a spark fires up in his eyes and it is reflected in Austin’s wide gaze.

“Then you do it in the ring. That’s where you need to focus. Every time that you get ribbed by something he said, I want you to remember one thing – at Kingdom Come 3, you left victorious – you won your match and backed up your claims as the true draw in WZCW. I don’t want you to think about the past battles, all the crap that he has pulled. Instead just think of how this is a fitting way for us to meet once again. Wouldn’t it be awesome to drop him on his head, pin his shoulders to the mat and win the World Championship?”

“But you will need to grow eyes in the back of your head. David Cougar is a snake and Ty can turn on you in a second.”

“Oh I know that. Cougar is a twisted wreck but Ty...... he is a weird one. He gives it all the I am the Almighty with these rousing speeches and I respect him for all that he has achieved but I don’t trust him. There’s just something about the guy, I can’t put my finger on it.”

Austin is now beginning to sense the opportunity in front of him and the possible responsibility that it presents.

“Ty gives me the creeps.” Hayley hands both men a cup of tea. Austin smiles at her as she shows her concern for him.

“That’s the point sweet. He allows you to be caught up in his theatrics. You lose your focus and get caught up in his words. He has been remarkably successful with it. No one has been able to get close to him, including me the other week and Showtime at Kingdom Come.”

“Exactly. He claims confidence, focus and desire is needed. What can you do to show him that you have it in spades? No one will ever be good enough to replace him as champion.”

Austin sighs. He seems reluctant to acknowledge that being accepted as a successor for Ty may in fact be the most difficult task.

“But if I want to call myself WZCW Champion then what else can I do? I’ve been tested and dragged through a personal and professional hell and I emerged the other side all the better for it. And if the lengths that I had to go to at Kingdom Come isn’t good enough then nothing will be.”

“Exactly Austin, he is trying to play you and throw you off. Look...at Redemption, the man who will leave as WZCW champion has to be the absolute best. Well the best is looking at me square in the eye, six foot, 190 pounds and telling me that he can do it, he can be the absolute best. You need to go to the show believing it more than Cougar and Ty do.”

In fully supporting his best friend, Dominic has set his stall and is doing his best to reassure Austin. Any semblance of a negative attitude has gone and only positive and optimism remain.

“Ty has become so successful because he wins the mental battle before the physical one begins. Ty knows that if you instil that fear and dread, it’s half the war won. It’s a remarkable quality really.”

“But I’m not afraid of him. I don’t see the man who destroyed Vengeance and cast him adrift from WZCW. I don’t see the King of Darkness. I see a hard working champion but not one who is really humble and appreciative for what he has.”

Dominic nods. For the first time in months, the two best friends are in absolute agreement and the happy and confident smiles that they share are absolutely unmistakeable.

“He keeps telling me what I need to do to become World Champion but I....”

“But you don’t need to tread the depths like he has. You don’t need to sell your soul or sacrifice your pride like he says. Just test him, if you don’t win, make sure that you give him no leeway. Showtime is going to give everything – it’s in his nature - but it won’t be enough, Ty knows what is coming from him as they know each other backwards. You can still show him something that can shock him and that could be enough. I could have booked you out twice over this week because people want to talk to you and see if you think you can bring it and cause this shock.”

“So you think I can?”

While no-one in the room wanted to admit that Austin winning would be a shock, it was undeniable that emerging as champion would be an incredible moment that would go down in WZCW history.

“I am absolutely bloody certain of it mate. The fans want to see a new champion and you would be the shock to the system. A true can’t-miss moment and it would totally define you as the must see man to watch. It’s something you claim to be so why not use this to back it up and shut the doubters up.”

Dom’s immensely positive reaction sends chills of confidence and positive reinforcement through Austin.

“Ty can’t claim to be the man any more. He needs to understand that Redemption is his first true test because he is going to be facing two men who will do whatever needs to be done, it will be done. No matter the cost, no matter the pain. Being World Champion will be the shot in the arm that this company needs. It would be my crowning glory and the ultimate Ratings Winning moment.”

Dom puts down his tea, places his hands on Austin and looks him dead in the eyes again.

“You and I both know that we would love to see a repeat of KC, with Ty kicking his ass all over the arena again but this match is called a triple threat and you are in it for a reason. I dare Ty & Cougar not to take you seriously.

Dom speaks slowly, so that his methodical choice of words can sink in.

“Because you can be the man to do it all. You can show the world who is the real Show and you can bring light to the King of Darkness. But above all you can take the World Heavyweight Championship away from them both.”

Austin’s fist clenches through pure motivation. He wants Redemption to come around already so that the biggest match, the most significant opportunity of his career can present itself.
The scene opens to a broken down chapel. Brick walls crumbling down around themselves surround an opened room, torches illuminating the dismal surroundings. In the center, a single woman sits, her hair ragged and her clothes patchwork. A white mask adorns her face and a black violin in her grasp. She lifts up her bow and begins playing a slow and haunting melody, filling the chasm of silence within the temple. Heavy foot steps suddenly echo amid the tone of the violin. The camera turns towards the foot steps and reveals Ty Burna standing in front of an altar, the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship resting upon it. Ty's head is lowered as his arms are spread out and his hands pressed down firmly on the altar.

Ty: On this eve, I await those that wish to claim my WZCW World Title. They speak their ill intent towards me, saying they will steal my title, they will prove they are better than me, in fact I believe one may claim he is already. Their words represent a confidence, confidence that they know is required in order to face down the very darkness that envelopes them even as they claim to be in perfect position to defeat it. Do you feel it, Austin? And does the same go for you Showtime? Do you feel it is your moment to ward away the darkness? To dispel the illusions you have decided are nothing more than parlor tricks? Will it be your time to rise up and lead WZCW into a new day, a new era, and to bring light upon the shadows that alliterate your demise?

The a cappella of such voices carries no bass, therefore they are weak and drowned out by the power of the rhythm.

Redemption, a mere term, yet an ideal that may bring out the best in those that wish it, and also an ideal that may bring out the evil in a man's heart. What path will my two opponents choose? Will they walk the dark path, entering my very realm where I claim dominion over all that I see? Or shall they walk the razor thin line above the rift of eternal fire? At what cost will they reach out, merely for the opportunity to take what I have destroyed countless others for? For you see they do not understand the balance! They believe themselves to be the yin to my terrible yang, yet they forget. They forget that I am in perfect control, that their fates have been chosen. The die cast, they await what the Ouija has directed. But yet, it is foolish they claim! Foolish to believe in a mere "toy", yet they understand nothing of its accuracy. I have been down the same path ever since Unscripted last year, I have been down the same path since winning the Eurasian Championship, and that path is the journey to becoming World Heavyweight Champion.

Ty lifts his head up, his eyes glowing dark red as he stares into the camera. He raises his arms into the air, palms upward into the air. The violinist continues playing her dark melody, her bow moving vigorously across the strings as it calls out to every corner of the room.

As the daylight falls, and the night sky rises, will the maestro take charge of the orchestra, leading the audience through the hills and valleys of a tale told so many times before?

Two opponents, both fallen under the pressure of facing the greatest WZCW World Champion. Showtime was to be my greatest threat, and while he did everything in his power, it was all in vain as I broke him yet again. Reynolds, a man who believes himself worthy of facing me for the World Title, yet in his first match in a bid to claim that right, he failed. The risks he took were too much, and soon he was under foot once more, begging to be released from the suffering I inflicted. Everything to lose, and yet all I have to gain is yet another victory over warriors that have proven to be less than adequate against my assault. I will not be taken so lightly gentlemen! As you can clearly see I my focus is only on keeping this.

Ty reaches down and lifts up the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship, slowly raising it high into the air. The torches flicker as if an unheard breeze enters the temple. The violinist's pace suddenly slows, the drawn out chords tantalize the open air as she lowers her head, tears of blood coming down her white mask before slowly dripping down onto the floor.

As it is, I am neither the hero nor the villain in this charade. Reynolds may have the fans attention now, yet it is my unyielding will that has gained my followers. It is those followers that have seen the dominance, the unbreakable warrior trumping all enemies, and their loyalty undying. Reynolds, what will it be like when you falter, when your fans, your friends, when everyone abandons you as you never gain the glory you seem to believe yourself deserving of? They are your weakness, just as Constantine and Showtime proved over and over again. As you watched your loved ones fall by the wayside, your mind unraveled, your glory sapped away by a mere peasant as Constantine, and I find it humorous, a man who needs to threaten to run a man over in order to win a match takes offense to me helping him win a match the way I did? Such hypocritical stances angers me Reynolds, something you certainly wish to have no part of.

The cadenza will showcase one of superior skill, rendering mute the rest of the sections. As the performer stands tall among his peers, they have no choice but to bow in reverence to the master of the instrumental.

Ty slowly walks around the altar, the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship still in his grasp. He slowly walks down the aisle, his voice deepening in tone. The torches continue to flicker at a steadier pace, casting shadows along the crumbling brick walls. The violinist continues to stare down at the floor, the tears of blood continuing to drip down the mask. The violin's pitch lowers, keeping in tone with Ty's voice.

Of course, I must mention my dear friend Showtime. We have done this dance far too many times, and the ending chorus has reached it's final breath. This must end at Redemption David. I grow tired of your incessant babbling and your alleged psychosis. What is the matter David? Have I finally broken you to the point of no return? Are there no more pieces to pick up and put back together? Well then let us shatter what remains of your fragile psyche, and see what nonsense we can expect from you. Just remember, even as you fake taking those pills, it will be those same pills that will be your only solace as you drift away into the miasma of Chaos. Even as your friends create false hope inside your mind you continue to deteriorate until you are nothing more than my puppet, a mere figure that will dangle in the wind, until the final cut is made, and you are lost to the darkness.

And as the crescendo rises, in altissimo does the true champion awaken, rising above the octave that the meager wallow in.

My reign over WZCW has become the standard for which all others will gaze up to. They will ponder, contemplate about how I could bring down destruction upon all my enemies, how no matter the circumstance I end up as the victor. Redemption will be just the same, another chapter in a book that has repeated the same ending over and over again. As the fallen wish for the pain to subside, and as the vanquished curse my name upon demons, I will stand tall, the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship in my hand. It is not in order that I reign supreme, but in the Chaos such a match as this will create. It as it was at the Lethal Lottery, Gordito and Barbosa forced to watch me as my hand was raised in victory, their bodies broken and their egos crushed. A lesson both Austin and Showtime should take due diligence in studying. I simply do not die. I refuse to lay down and watch as a false prophet, a false savior takes away my most cherished prize. Your threats fall upon the emptiness that surrounds me, the Chaos laughing at your supposed ideals of showmanship and honor. There is no honor to those that fight with such, only those that the choir of flames speaks through may claim ultimate and complete control.

Ty continues walking down the aisle until he stops in front of the violinist. The violinist slowly turns her head towards him as Ty leans down and wipes away the tears of blood. The mask remains stained, yet the remaining blood begins to swirl on the mask, moving towards her forehead and soon begins to form an all too familiar symbol.

The audience watches in sorrow, as the lamentoso composition begins to draw out the story of the fallen challengers, forever complementing the magnifico rhythm created by the champion.

And so it is thus, they have found no other capable of defeating me. Test after test I have passed, even as they put the only man who could defeat me in my way, I scaled all obstacles. Now they have no choice but to put me in a disadvantageous position, to once and for all end my reign. Austin Reynolds, and Showtime Cougar, two men of their own accord. Jealousy, envious, proud, and boastful. Traits that I will soon reveal to be nothing more than fallacious confidence, they have proven nothing against me. Time after time I have victimized Showtime, driven him to the lap dogs of insanity, only to watch him return as the gnat he truly is, biting at my ankles and hoping for me to pay attention. Even going as far as kidnapping Serafina and turning her against me, yet it has mattered not. You have nothing left Cougar, your one major plan failed as I made you tap. As for you Reynolds, you wish to take out your own redemption, no, revenge against Cougar. You want to take the title away from him more so then taking it from me. You walk with a sense of entitlement, knowing full well that I will unleash a hell you have not been through. You have only seen the beginning of my powers Reynolds, you have not seen what I am truly capable of when you wish to take away what is mine!

The blood completes its art, the chaos symbol begins to glow violently atop the mask of the violinist, her bow suddenly dropping to the ground as she leans over limp, her hair falling all around her. Ty looks down at her as he continues to speak.

The sins that weigh heavily on your soul will be washed away in despair. As Showtime's Lust and Greed get the best of him, I shall be the savior that makes you repent for what you have done. Reynolds' Envy and Pride will become his undoing once more, and I will be more than satiated in humbling him and forcing him to realize the error of his ways. As both you lay under my foot, your necks cracking under the pressure, you will hear nothing but the crack of my laughter, my own sins being manifested into physical torture as I stand over your whimpering corpses.

Ty leans down once more and places his finger under the chin of the violinist, slowly raising her head and she slowly stands in response. She stares dead into Ty's eyes as the Chaos symbol continues to glow brightly.

Redemption will truly reveal to the world what we all stand for, and it will reveal who is the only one worthy of being WZCW World Heavyweight Champion. The Ouija has already spoken, neither of you have earned the right to the very title I hold in my hand. You have both earned the right to receiving the disillusion of defeat, and your own false images dispelled in patches of your own blood. I, however will be revealed to be

Ty suddenly lifts the mask off the violinist, revealing to be Serafina. The torches all go out simultaneously and the screen goes black.

The King of Darkness

Thus it is written.

The torches erupt in columns of flames as Serafina and Ty stand in the middle of the burning temple, Ty holding the WZCW World Heavyweight Title.

So it shall come to pass.

The feed cuts out.

This Sunday at Bradley Arena, WZCW presents Redemption live on PPV. Hot off the heels of the companies biggest PPV of the year, Kingdom Come, the WZCW wrestlers are bringing their high energy show to the wrestling fans in Milwaukee. Main-eventing the show is a triple threat match for the WZCW championship. Our lead sports columnist, Dan Taylor, was able to get to get an exclusive over the phone interview with one of those competitors. He is one of only 2 men to hold 3 different championships in WZCW, as well he is the host of the Emmy nominated variety talk show, The Show, Showtime David Cougar. Dan was able to speak candidly with Showtime about life on the road, juggling his growing film career with his professional wrestling career, his real life aliment, as well as his match this Sunday in Milwaukee and his thoughts on his 2 opponents and their history together.

Taylor: Showtime... the people of Milwaukee would like to know. What are you doing right now at this very moment?

Showtime: If I were on camera, I'd probably say something ridiculous like snorting drugs off a strippers belly. In reality I'm sitting in a limo in Los Angeles on my way to the airport having just left a hotel room doing that very same thing. Boom. Still got it. From there I will by flying to the great city of Milwaukee to promote Redemption. Redemption is going to be the biggest thing to happen in Wisconsin ever. What's up Green Bay. That's right you heard me, the Super bowl winning Packers ain't got nothing on the show we'll be doing in Milwaukee and the fans there will be talking about it for many more years to come. I guarantee you Dan it will be a very memorable night in Milwaukee.

And we here in Milwaukee are hoping for the same thing. It's been over a year since WZCW last came to Milwaukee and for us to be getting a PPV sized show. Not only that but the PPV following Kingdom Come, WZCW's biggest PPV of the year, what should the Milwaukee faithful expect this Sunday?

Never want to give too much away Dan. If you want to stay on top of this profession we are in, as well as any sort of form of entertainment, you have to keep the fans guessing and wanting more. I can say that the PPV will be a non stop grudge match, featuring feuds we've had brewing since before Kingdom Come. There will be a lot of hard hitting matches and I think the fans will feel more like they came from a mixed martial arts competition than your standard wrestling show.

You haven't missed a show in WZCW since your arrival more than 2 years ago. As such your probably more accustomed to being asked about your match than about the other matches on the card. Speaking to the wrestling fan inside you, what match are you most interested in at Redemption?

My match, of course. Aside from that I am really looking forward to Constantine verse the legend Titus. Gonna be cheering my home boy John in that match. Man is due for big win.

How has WZCW evolved from your arrival when you invaded and took over the scene to now as you head into this Sundays match against Austin Reynolds and Ty Burna?

Well the company has grown to heights never scene before and the product has never been better. And that’s not public ass kissing talk that is the real deal. You look at a rival company of ours, WEE, World Episodic Entertainment, and they have literally started taking the word wrestling out of their product as well as the very essence of it. It’s turning into some sappy soap opera now. I’m not saying that we aren’t performers as well and as such there isn’t some performing going on, but this is a wrestling company first and foremost. We bring the most exciting form of wrestling you can find anywhere on Earth and our roster is as talented as ever.

When I first arrived in WZCW there was maybe 18 wrestlers on the roster and half of them would be gone within 6 months. I was able to use the opportunity and make a name out of myself. I made sure to stand out amongst the competition and give that exciting edge to the product. Within 6 months of my arrival the roster ballooned to the point where they needed 2 shows to showcase the product and the talented wrestlers, guys like Blade and Ty Burna, decided to make WZCW their home. I’m not saying I’m the direct reason, but you better believe that I was part of the revival of the best damn wrestling company today.

Your character has always stood out uniquely amongst the rest of the roster and has been praised often by your peers. Your talk show, The Show, has managed to garner quite a vast amount of attention outside the wrestling community and really solidified your character in WZCW in the beginning. Where did the idea arise from?

It was really kinda sudden. If you can believe it I’ve never been a huge fan of talk shows. Don’t know if I’ve sat down and fully watched one through. But in the beginning I was having trouble connecting with the audience and I assumed it was the different settings. The backstage made me look so ordinary. So I found a large chair to sit in front of and then it all came together after that. Soon I was playing Plinko with Milenko and throwing all sorts of sexy parties. It was the talk of TV and it worked perfectly for me as I was finally able to come face to face with my audience and engage with them.

After last years Kingdom Come you became a face for the first time in your career. How do you feel about playing either side and which do you prefer.

Heel. Clearly as someone whom adores being cheered for I have this knack on getting under peoples skin and my overbearing cocky character. But like you mentioned I’ve always stood out uniquely. For at least 3 months prior to Kingdom Come I was feuding exclusively with heels so the decision to turn me face was long coming into play. The positive reaction I got in Big Dave’s home country for our match is what had me going, okay maybe I am a face. You know they’re both interesting characters and don’t get me wrong at the end of the day it’s good to hear the fans cheer your name. But I get more of a kick hearing them shout out insults and death threats, means I’ve gotten them really emotionally involved.

Recently your character has gone through a bit of a change where it has been revealed that he has long been suffering from the disorder called schizophrenia. Our readers may be shocked to know that this is not just some sort of story line as you have been for years receiving treatment for symptoms of schizophrenia. Do you think this has raised awareness to the audience about those who suffer from schizophrenia?

I think we may have exaggerated certain aspects of it, but the message has been clear that those who suffer from the disorder should seek out medical attention. Many people who suffer from schizophrenia are living out what we do in the ring every day. They are making up their own story lines and sometimes are being misguided or harassed by things they can’t control. I came up with the idea as both a way to feud with Ty and I think the response to it has been positive.

This Sunday you compete in a triple threat match verse Austin Reynolds and the WZCW Champion Ty Burna. A lot of history you have with both men. What should we look forward to in this match?

Just about everything, but most importantly me walking out of Milwaukee, champion. In all seriousness I view this match as a way of closing the book on 2 feuds that I’ve had over the years. Me and Ty are legendary. We’ve had more matches verse each other than anyone else on the roster. We don’t talk ever talk before the match cause we both have that kinda sense in the ring about what should be done next. But we’ve never had a clear cut ending to any of our feuds. This should be that final chapter. Reynolds was my favourite feud in WZCW. The promos we had were some of the best ever done in a ring. And the Iron man match. I figured I would’ve been facing him at Kingdom Come before I shocked the world at Lethal Lottery. This match is a good way to introduce Reynolds to the feud and maybe we’ll see me split off against him after.

Eurasian Champion, Mayhem, Elite X. Winner of the 3rd Lethal Lottery match and in the main event at Kingdom Come III. What left is there for Showtime David Cougar?

Easiest question for last Dan. The WZCW Heavyweight Championship. Until I win that championship you will not be hearing the last of me. Hollywood may be knocking at my door, but until I hold above my head the biggest prize in this industry, everything else can wait. At Redemption, the fans of Milwaukee just might be able to see that legendary moment.


Scene opens the day before Redemption at the Bradley Arena. Becky Serra is standing waiting patiently to interview someone. A limo rolls up and Showtime David Cougar emerges from the limo. He greets Becky with a smile.

Becky: Welcome to Milwaukee Showtime.

Thank you Becky. At least you’re better looking than the cow who welcomed me at the airport. They weren’t kidding about Milwaukee being the fattest town in America. They say the camera adds 10 pounds. I’d say for these guys it probably adds close to 50.

Becky gives a fake chuckle at Showtime's joke, clearly noticing Showtime’s baggers as well as some of the crew are overweight Milwaukeeians.

I was surprised that you wanted me to interview you again Showtime. I figured you would’ve wanted Johnny or Leon for your big match.

Becky you know you're my favourite one right. Besides I really liked how out interview went last time. I think I got a good feeling about tomorrow night.

Becky smiles at the long of determination in Showtime’s face. She nods her head and they both enter the arena.


Ladies and Gentleman I am here with one of the two challengers for Ty Burna’s WZCW Heavyweight Championship at Redemption, Showtime David Cougar.

Showtime appears next to Becky. A smile adorned on his face as he has his hands clasped and rubbing against one and other. Showtime is dressed is usual suit and shades. Behind Showtime with his hand on his shoulder is Trent Stonewall, unseen by everyone except Showtime.

Showtime what do you have to say about your two opponents, both of whom you have had lengthy histories in the past with.

Showtime takes off his glasses and ponders before answering.

Stonewall: Tell her how you will dismantle and shred every last bone from their bodies to the way side.

Lengthy history? Becky this ain’t no kinky three way video you might be hoping for. Head out of the gutter. You know what. Both my opponents say that all I do is talk too much. So lets here what rational thoughts they might have first okay Becky.

Um, sure David if that’s what you’d like to do.

Please, call me Showtime.

Why do you insist on being called Showtime.

Because I’m always on Becky.

And awkward silence emerges. Showtime smirks out load to break it causing Becky to put her hand over her mouth for a moment to cover her smile.

Okay... Showtime if that’s what you’d like to do.

Thank you Becky. Now Ty... Ty... Ty Burna. Let me guess. Concrete or maybe brick walls crumpling down. Torches lighting the room, that’s a given. Haunting music filling the background. Some sort of alter or symbol symbolizing Ty’s dominance or powers he wishes to possess. Talk of fear, darkness, lessons to be learned. Lessons upon lessons upon never ending... lessons. Ty always has a lesson to teach he always explain. Ty babbling on as endlessly as me about possibilities, metaphors, and symbolisms. About how our emotions will get the better of us and our weaknesses will be his for the picking. How darkness has cast upon us and chaos fills his mind and how my sins somehow should be punished while nary a hand be laid on Ty for his sins, so he endless reminds us that his magical Ouija says and predicts about, that no one else but Ty seems to have the powers to read from. Ty wrapping himself in the self satisfaction that he has beaten me before and everyone else and thus he has no more challenge left in WZCW or in this world for that matter. Does this sound about right so far Becky?

Becky nods her head.

Ty is a fake, a fraud cast in shadows pretending to be darkness.

Ty is a fake, a fraud cast in shadows pretending to be darkness. Ty reads like a dreary romance novel. It has been the same shit from him since day one of his championship reign. Ty babbling on about darkness, babbling on about sin and chaos. Babbling on about how he is superior to all and how we all should be in fear of him. And when someone stands up and says he is not afraid, he tells them they are only trying to be brave. And when someone shows him no I am not afraid I really do want to fight you. Then oh no the Ouija says it’s not in your destiny and you will lose to Ty. Thus it is written by Ty, it shall come to pass according to Ty.

Break his Ouija into 2 we will. Maybe 3. Tell her how you’ll lock Serafina into a never ending Commercial Break as he cries over the lose of his Ouija.

Ty the fans are sick of this same old talk of darkness and destruction from you. It’s about time someone put your decades old routine to bed, or more accurately, it’s time to bury it forever. You’re boring Ty. The fact remains that you can tell us all a good tale of wrath and destruction around a camp fire, but none of that means a dick when we step into a ring. That’s why I’ve beaten you from both pinfall and submission before. That’s why you refuse to admit or acknowledge any sort of victory or gains I had upon you, because it wouldn’t fit well with your story. Because you can’t depict yourself as weak by any means or else your opponents would finally have that glimmer of hope that maybe they could beat you. And then the world would finally see that Ty really is man and thus he can be beaten. Ty Burna, in sport, in film, in just about every walk of life, sometimes it takes only one man to make a difference. Ty Burna is was not my destiny to take you out at Kingdom Come. You have already depicted yourself as King and it would have been wrong to defeat you in your Kingdom. Ty Burna it was my destiny to get redemption upon you and the tides of fate have steered us towards that very same PPV. Ty Burna take away the darkness, take away the scenery, take away the music and the mood, will stand a man as human and ordinary as any other man. At Redemption I will prove that to the world that Ty is human. No heaven or hell will steer me away from writing that ending. So it shall... come to pass.

Showtime stops to chuckle for a moment.

I bet he used that line too.

Yes he did. He’s got a new T-Shirt coming out with that slogan.

Of course, catchy right. As if he haven’t heard it out of his mouth a million times.

Do we have time to hear what you think about Austin Reynolds.

Oh yea about him. Congrats Austin on the recovery of your assistant and friend, what’s his name. Domino right?

Tell them how you’d like to run over Dom again and make sure he never gets up again.

Austin is a kid on a sugar high. He is tasting the sweet fallout that comes from winning a big match at a big PPV. Believe me I know. I never felt higher after my win at Lethal Lottery and that’s most likely what has gotten me into this whole ridiculous scandal about schizophrenia and mental health. Ha. Could you believe me crazy? Ha.

Tell here how crazy you’ll really be at Redemption when you Ratings Crash Austin off a ladder and then Final Act him off a Titantron onto his Hailey.

A little much...

What was that?

What I was saying was a little bit of what Austin needs to learn still is how to play with the big boys. Austin may have gotten a win at Kingdom Come, but it was against John Constantine. No disrespect to Constantine as he’s got my vote, but lets face it, amongst his most high profile victories includes a win verse Doug Crashin so that means he hasn’t beaten too many others. Austin is as always in way over his head. He thinks he draws in ratings? I’m the reason we have 2 shows. I’m the one who caused the ratings to explode here in WZCW. All of this happened after I arrived and well before he arrived. I’m not worried about him taking my spotlight or some fear that I’m being replaced. I look at it that I’ve already done everything before he’s even attempted it. There is nothing that he can touch that I haven’t already touched. Except maybe that WZCW Heavyweight Championship.

And that’s the one reason I’m worried about Austin. He’s the wild card. Anything could play out. If it were a straight one on one against Ty again I know I would beat him. Austin wants me to feel inferior to him. I suppose it gets him and his Domino friend off or something. That is why he is sticking his nose in the title picture. Austin is as hungry for gold, but not as hungry as I am, and certainly not as hungry as his buddy Domino is. I figure Austin would be full of himself leading up to the week, but he seemed more distracted by his friends health, concerned maybe after Ty had put him in his place. One things for sure I didn’t let Austin Reynolds get in my way of winning the Elite X Championship and the Lethal Lottery and I sure as hell won’t be letting him get in my way this time.

Tell them how you’ll spike Austin ratings down and that he’ll never get up from the broken neck he shall receive.

I’m going to spike Austin’s ratings to the ground if need be. I have proven myself smarter in the ring than Austin and an even better wrestler. Austin has no business being in this title match. He lost to Ty Burna when the title wasn't on the line. I don't think he has beaten someone who has won a title since winning the Elite X championship, excluding that screw job over me. Of Course. Austin should be no issue for me and as long as I don’t let one of the two pin the other on me I should be walking out of Redemption, Champion.

Any last words you want to say about the match before we wrap it up.

It will be a blood bath. No man will be left standing! A ha. Cough Cough.

This match is the climatic end of 2 feuds. Austin has still not learned enough from the lessons I taught him in our Iron Man match at AON and now he will either be left helpless to watch or himself admit defeat as I win the WZCW Heavyweight Championship. And Ty Burna. We have fought countless times no man has ever stood a clear winning. We’ve fought over titles, women, light and darkness, I hope that at Redemption that we can fight to the end at last. And a new day will hopefully begin next with a new light of a new champion.

Tell Ty we will pull his heart out upon his broken body and hold it all for the world to see that Ty is no more.

Becky looks at Showtime as he continues staring straight off into space.

Showtime? Showtime? What are your final thoughts on this match?

My thoughts... nothing that can ever be spoken out load in front of a camera. Mark my words gentlemen. You have no idea what kind of wrath I would like to lay upon you at my... Redemption.

Showtime nods his head to the camera and leaves.
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