Redemption: Titus vs. James King - World Title Six Pack Qualifier

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management

Just before James King turned on his former Master and disbanded the Apostles of Chaos, he was given the opportunity to take Big Dave's place in the World title qualifying match against former 2-time champion and WZCW Legend Titus. These two men will have to go through each other before they make it to the six pack with the winner competing in two matches in the same night. King could potentially be receiving his first World title shot whilst Titus could be the first in history to become a 3-time champion. Who will prevail?

Deadline is Wednesday, July 25th at 11:59 PM Central Time.
James, you need to calm down!

We see Leon Kensworth in a locker room standing next to James, who is still raging from Chris KO's footage that he showed the Apostles. He instantly turns his focus to Leon, his body shaking with anger, taking deep breaths in a attempt to talk.

James: You don't tell me what I have to do!

At the last word, James turns and punches a locker, severely denting the door. He leaves his fist indented in the locker, as he turns back to Kentsworth, his eyes have a crazy look to them.

James: Kentsworth, you're going to deliver a message to Mr. Burna.

He spits out the last two words, but the others are eerily calm. Leon takes a tentative step forward as James removes his hand and shakes it.

James: Tell Ty that I'm going to conduct my own little investigation. And if I find that the video Chris showed was true...

James sits on a bench and makes it obvious that he has said what he wants. He takes a few breaths, then looks up to notice that the interviewer has not moved.

James: GO!

The former Apostle's outburst is enough to make Leon rush out of the room. James sits for a moment without moving, then viciously slams his fist into the bench, the area around the impact groaning under pressure. He takes a few more deep breaths before rising and walking towards the door.

James: Push it away for now. You have a big match soon. Release then, not now.

He opens to door and runs into someone standing in front of the door. The man puts his hands on James' shoulders and pushes him back into the room.

???: I know what you said, James, but I had to check on you after-

James pushes the man back and takes a step forward before he realizes who it was and calms considerably down.

James: Father, what are...

The two men embrace, then Richard leads James back to the bench. James has mostly calmed down at the appearance of his father, while Richard looks at the carnage that his son made.

James: I'm sorry for how I acted last time. I was...

Richard holds his hand up, silencing his son.

Richard: It's fine. You weren't yourself then. I understand.

He looks back at the locker James punched earlier, then down at the younger King, who has his head in his hands.

Richard: James, I know what you're thinking, but you must focus on what's important at the moment.

James looks up at his father, confusion painted on his face, pain in his eyes.

James: What's important? The only person I could truly call a friend was attacked by a person I thought I could trust, and that's not the important thing?

James rises from his seat as his voice raises with every word. His father raises his hands in an attempt to calm him back down. James takes a few ore deep breaths, then returns to his seat.

Richard: James, you know that's not what I meant. Alhazred was a good man, despite the fact that we didn't get along that well. But, you have the biggest match of your career at Redemption, we need to focus on that for now.

James looks up and nods, now stone-faced with determination. He rises as the two go to leave, but James stops at the door, and looks back. He takes one deep breath, then turns and leaves as the video fades.

We come back in to a very familiar area: The King household. James is sitting in the living room, a laptop on the couch next to him, and the television is playing matches of the former two-time world champion, Titus. He sighs and leans back as Richard walks into the room, two bottles of water in his hands, and a confused look on his face.

Richard: Scouting already?

James looks up and takes one of the bottles from his father. Richard moves the laptop and sits next to the younger King.

James: If there's one thing that really got hammered into me from Chris and Ty, it's to be prepared for anything. Titus is not someone to be taken lightly, especially at this time.

Richard motions to the television, which is replaying the 5v5 tag match from Kingdom Come 4.

Richard: But, you know for the most part was he has, you've faced him in this match. Plus, he's only won two matches since Kingdom Come. Is he really that much of a threat?

James chuckles as he pauses the match and lifts the laptop up, typing something while shaking his head.

James: First, I was eliminated before Titus came into the match. Second, he's faced tough opponents, and he's only had four matches. Third, everyone's a threat to me now.

He puts the laptop down and rises from his seat, his hands behind his back.

James: When I cut my connection with Mr. Burna, not only did I lose all the power I had over the roster, I believe I also had made the biggest enemy I've ever had. Ty is the most powerful person in WZCW, and he can only get stronger. The biggest thing is that he didn't regain the World title last week.

Richard warmly smiles as he stands to join his son, who has not moved since he rose. The elder King puts a hand on his son's shoulder and pats it.

Richard: The same title that you now have a chance to gain. You have a chance to make yourself known in this business.

James looks at his father, a smirk on his face.

James: Like I didn't when The Forgotten Powers went undefeated from our debut until we lost the tag titles. Like I didn't when I joined what was the most powerful group in WZCW history. Like I didn't when I split from said group.

He turns, his face stone, but his eyes intense.

James: Father, my name is already well known in this company. I can only progress from where I am.

He shrugs off his fathers hand and takes another step forward to the TV.

James: And seven people will stand before me, blocking me from my goal.

He takes the remote from on top of the television and pushes a button. When he does, the screen splits off into six mini videos, each one a different possible opponent. Richard returns to the couch and picks up the laptop. He glances at the screen, then looks back at his son.

Richard: Six men?

James laughs, a different sound from recent times.

James: For the match, there is. There are ten opponents that must be planned for, all together.

Richard stares at James in disbelief, while James keeps a stone face about his last comment. He moves towards a window, while Richard remains where he was, looking at the TV.

Richard: Wait, if there's ten possible opponents, why are there only eight on the screen?

James motions to the laptop on the couch, then turns and walks to the set.

James: One can be crossed off the list now, as I know all about it.

He leans over the laptop and pulls a piece of paper out from under it. He looks at it, before handing it to Richard to look at.

James: The robot was given a qualifier as well. I know it, and it knows me. If it makes it on, I might be able to get through it.

Richard puts the paper down, then looks back at the television.

Richard: But who else is missing?

James again motions to the laptop.

James: Another is on the laptop. The one who I feel is the wild card.

Richard again glances at the laptop, as surprise spreads on his face.

Richard: Tastic?

James nods, then returns to the window.

James: Matt is in the same position as me. He is getting his first chance to get to the world title. He's done so much, but the greatest title in the company has eluded him.

James turns his head to look at his father.

James: Drake and Celeste both have experience over us. The four guaranteed in the match have experience over all of us. But, nothing is impossible.

He returns and takes a seat on the couch, takes a deep breath, and picks up the laptop.

James: But the person with the biggest influence isn't in the match.

He looks up from the laptop, and stares dead into the television.

James: Ty trained a demon, and he better wish that he loses at Redemption. It was kind to me last year, and it will be the same all around. Redemption will be gained not only for the company that I helped him destroy, but for the ones who did it personally.

He rises and walks to right in front of the television.

James: I will first stop Titus from being able to make history. Then, I will go make history and win the World Heavyweight Championship. Finally, I will watch with glee as Chris KO restores the greatness of the company by locking Ty in his own prison.

James takes a deep breath.

James: I was taught the Gospel of Chaos, but now...

He turns to the window as the video fades.

James: This is all for the Book of the King.
Playing is a selection of clips and trailers from the career of famed actor Titus. There is no noise save for the voice of the former champion.

Titus: You've heard legend of that person, how he took the world by storm. Many try to play down these exploits but winning four Oscar's is no mean feat. A washed up actor wrestlers claim, yet the legend you know...he was on top of the game.

Next it cuts to Titus being interviewed by Becky Serra at the first ever Meltdown, this is followed by various clips of Titus wrestling including him making an appearance whilst Mohammed Hasheem is running his mouth.

Titus: You've heard legend of that person, how he plunged into enemy territory and took him on. They play down his first run with the company yet it sowed a seed.

Keystone News Network is shown with various Superhero style reports. Red Mask is shown stopping various robberies, kissing babies and greeting crowds.

Titus: You've heard legend of how he saved his homeland and made that place a better place yet he had to return. Wrestlezone Championship Wrestling was holding out for a hero and a hero they got.

The next clip goes very fast and you see Titus winning various matches, the Elite X, two world titles and the Lethal Lottery. The whole thing is over within about 10 seconds. The screen blacks out as the camera pans out to reveal Titus stood there facing the screen with his hands on his hips shaking is head from side to side.

Titus: I bet you're getting sick of legends. There's a legend of a girl who was at the lowest level of poverty, mocked by her family she ended up as princess. The reason that happened was because she didn't look back, There's another legend of a woman who turned into a pillar of salt because she longed for the past. Everyone likes to hear the stories of old through rose tinted glasses, how things were better then than they are now. I've got something to tell you...

Titus turns round to face the camera, his face has an air of intensity about it.

Titus: It's not.

There is a brief pause as Titus clasps his hands.

Titus: It's time I stopped resting on my laurels and show the world what I can do. I want that, the boss wants that and I'm sure the WZCW universe wants that. Unprecedented.

Another pause by Titus as he removes his hands from each other.

Titus: It's not a word used often these days in WZCW there's not much to do, we've had Tag Champs, Elite X, Eurasian, Mayhem, Lethal Lottery, KFAD, the World Title, Triple Crown winners and all that jazz. What would be unprecedented? A three time World Champion, it's never been done.
He lets out a huge sigh

Titus: It's not going to be easy, it never is easy but in a month that's seen me defeat former champion and rival Steamboat Ricky as well as his former mentee Big Dave and then finishing it off with a win over Austin Reynolds I'd like to think the ball is in my court. Step forth James King for it is your serve.

Again silence followed by a very slow clap of his hands that cuts through the stillness.

Titus: Well done Mr. King, ace shot there. You broke from the shackles of oppression. You struck the devil with an incredible Alpha bomb leading to others to capitalise on this. A sea of blood creating a Red Mask, I couldn't have wanted anything better to happen to him. His grasp is gone, no more Apostles. What do you call a leader without any disciples? A crazy man taking a walk by himself.

Titus chuckles to himself rather loudly.

Titus: I guess you mean you will expect a pat on the back and a job well done? Wrong!

The 'Wrong!' echoes round the room, delivered with such gusto.

Titus: You've been one of the men to make my life hell for months, everywhere I go it's one of you. You got me on Meltdown whilst my back was turned, tried to do what you'd end up doing to Ty Burna. Well that's it, enough is enough. Yeah I know what you're thinking you've always seemed to come out on top but here's a thing Jamesy boy: we've not faced off in the ring. Oh what's that we did at Kingdom Come? Your team may have defeated mine but I've got news for you: your team is no more.

Titus begins pacing up and down the room.

Titus: You and I one on one? I said some things aren't easy earlier on but believe you me King this will be very easy.

The pacing gets quicker.

Titus: Then where does that leave me? After defeating a man who's took every opportunity to stop me I take a step forth. I get in the ring for the second time that night and I look at my opponents.

He's still pacing with his breathing getting more angrier.

Titus: Then where does that leave me? After defeating a man who's took every opportunity to stop me I take a step forth. I get in the ring for the second time that night and I look at my opponents in the eye. Starting with the men they call Barbosa 'Oh we can beat him' 'For sure we can' 'yeah he's a small fool' 'he's already fought tonight'.

Titus mocks the various tones of Barbosa.

Titus: He'll think that he has the advantage because I'd already fought that night but I'll have the advantage because I've already beaten him. Twice. Then what? Do I prepare against the man that for months and months failed at beating me? Taking your mask off and changing your name means nothing. That's if you can defeat Drake. Will that be my biggest challenge? Drake Callahan? I remember when he walked through that door and stumbled his way into Bateman's office yet he showed the world what he could do. Just like Celeste did and that retched robot. I doubt it really matters which of them gets through as well all know what the champion is capable of.

We are plunged back into darkness as the screen starts up.

Meltdown 66 said:
The referee begins to count both men as they lie flat on the mat. It is Titus who is first to stir and rise in spite of his injuries. “Showtime” is to his knees now which is the perfect position for Titus to unleash his signature kick to the head. Titus goes quickly for a cover. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Looking to maintain his advantage, Titus backs off before running and dropping a knee onto Cougar. 1...2...KICK-OUT! The damage is still not enough, but Titus is gaining ground. This time he brings Cougar to his feet, where he locks in a sleeper hold. Cougar flaps about, trying to escape from the submission, but can’t quite make the ropes at first. He instead goes for a different route and backs Titus, inured ribs and all, into the turnbuckle. The first hit does not break the move, but a repeat does. Titus is once again in significant amounts of pain, and as he clutches his ribs, “Showtime” grabs him for a second attempt at The Ratings Crash. This time it succeeds. Rather than go for a cover however, Cougar decides to pull his foe into the centre of the ring where he applies his submission finisher; Commercial Break. Titus struggles, but it is in vain as he taps out with the pain too much for even him to withstand.

Titus: Like I said some things are never easy.

Fade to black.
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