Redemption: Steven Kurtesy vs. Steven Holmes

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
A month ago, these two were part of a deadly stable known as The Crashin Movement, now they face each other in the ring as tensions have risen between Holmes and Kurtesy since Doug Crashin was removed from the WZCW. With personal issues reaching breaking point, these two will no doubt blow the roof off the arena when they compete against each other for the first time. Which Steven will rise above the other?

Deadline is Tuesday 7th June 23:59 EST
We open with absolute darkness. Nothing penetrates the black veil that surrounds the screen; that is until we here the click of someone’s fingers. Suddenly, a desk lamp comes on. We can see two hands together, both belonging to one man. There is a light, eerie chuckle. Then, a male’s voice begins to speak.

Voice: It happens once in a lifetime for most. That one moment, where you feel like no one can stand toe-to-toe with you. That one moment where you feel as if you’re the God of the entire world and no one can oppose you. You feel as if you’re the greatest of all time. But for me, that moment occurs every single day of my life.

The man once again chuckles.

Voice: For me, I feel as if I can be beaten by no man every time I take a breath. I feel this all the time. Why? A good question for sure. There’s no real way to describe it. You could say I’m born better. You could say I’ve honed my skills to the point of absolute perfection, or you could believe it is fate. I chose to believe it was always the case that I was better. Not because I was born into, no. I know I’m better than either of my parents. The reason I am so great is because I realise that no one man, woman, child or even God, can equal my talents. Natural abilities, God-given talent, whatever, it doesn’t matter where they came from; the fact of the matter is I have them and no one else does.

There is another click and the light of the lamp goes out. There is a pause for a brief moment. Then suddenly, a whole array of bright lights come on. They shine down revealing Steven Holmes, sat behind a desk in a massive office. It is not the length that is huge however, it is the height. The room is adorned by the powerful lights, some of it coming from glorious chandeliers, other sources of the light are coming from planted stage lights, and all of them display Holmes in all his glory. Holmes has a tremendous grin stretched across his face.

Holmes: Some may call me cocky. Some may call me arrogant. Those are the people who have blinded themselves into believing that Steven Holmes isn’t “The Elite”. Those are the people who have deluded themselves, pulled the wool over their own eyes. Those are people like Chris Beckford.

Beckford walked to the ring without a care in the world on Meltdown. He felt as if Steven Holmes was a mere stepping stone to his own greatness. What he didn’t realise was that Steven Holmes IS greatness. He didn’t realise that Steven Holmes IS the greatest wrestler the world has seen.

He didn’t realise that I was able to destroy him in the way I did. Blade certainly helped me, however all his interference did was speed up a process that was already well under way. All Blade did was make reduce the amount of time I had to make Beckford pay for his insolence. So Blade will not be receiving any thanks, not that our EurAsian Champion would want any of course.

Holmes’s grin has been replaced now with a much more serious face. He truly believes in what he’s saying. He continues.

Holmes: I did more damage to Chris Beckford than the masses would believe. My victory not only broke him physically, but also mentally. I mentally defeated him, leaving him prime pickings for Blade afterwards, and like the vulture he is, Blade picked at the weakened Beckford, leaving him unable to compete for the foreseeable future, let alone in a major championship match.

My mental superiority isn’t just over Chris Beckford though, oh no. That superiority should be apparent to everyone as I hold it over every single wrestler on the WZCW roster. Whether your name is Michael Winters or whether it’s Gordito or even our World Heavyweight Champion Ty Burna, I hold supremacy over them. Which is why it should come as a surprise to no one that I hold this domination over my former friend, my former partner and my former mentor; Steven Kurtesy.

The mention of Kurtesy’s name has got Holmes’ grin to return once more. He laughs diabolically and he shows off his bright, white teeth. Slowly his facial expression returns to the serious look it had before.

Holmes: Steven Kurtesy has never faced anyone like me. Kurtesy’s never faced a man who holds a mental edge over him like I do. I have him by the throat as he himself will admit. I’m the first man to really dig into Kurtesy’s psyche. I’m the first man to really get under Kurtesy’s skin. I’m the only man who has ever been able to shake his faith in himself.

Kurtesy’s never met anyone as dangerous as me. He’s never face a man that has total and utter control of himself when it comes to wrestling. You see, most people seem to believe that when you truly let go, become filed with rage, anger and hatred that you become truly dangerous. Those people believe that when you become insane you’re at your most dangerous. Oh no. What those people don’t realise is that it is when you are in total and utter control of yourself that you turn into a truly dangerous individual.

When you know every fibre of your being and have the upmost confidence in yourself is when you can truly realise your potential and turn yourself into an absolutely terrifying foe. I am a man who has total belief in himself. I am someone who knows that I am able to tear any man limb from limb. I know that I am the best in the world today. I know that I am the best ever, and no man can ever make me believe anything different.

Holmes now has a straight, serious look on his face. He nods, showing his own self-belief.

Holmes: I am the one and only. I am in a league of my own. I am the greatest of all time and the only person who can say any different is myself. No one person can make believe anything different. I know it’s true and soon, it will dawn on everyone that I am the best ever. That all starts with the defeat of Steven Kurtesy. That all starts with the execution of Steven Kurtesy at Redemption. Milwaukee will only be the first to realise it, as soon everyone shall come to realise that I am the man.

Holmes’ serious look is swallowed up by the large grin that was on display earlier. Holmes begins to chuckle again, before it turns into something much darker, a cackle. It echoes around the large room as Holmes clicks one final time and every source of light is extinguished leaving only the howls of Holmes to fill the darkness.
A single door opens at the end of a long corridor, illuminated only by the reflection of the moon that pierces through the glass of the window. Keys rustle as two people exit from the room: Dr. Steven Kurtesy wearing casual clothing and Dr. Sandy Deserts in her uniform. Sandy continues playing with the keys until she finds the right one whilst Steven slowly walks down the hallway, looking at the moments he has plastered along the walls to remember his career. He stops at a framed piece of artwork that holds a fake Mayhem Championship along with a replica Baez mask, commemorating the time where Steven and the Movement sought out to destroy Mayhem. He opens the box as Sandy locks the door, taking out the mask and holding it in his hand. Sandy walks over and puts an arm on his shoulder as Steven holds the mask firmly in his grip, staring at it intently.

There used to be a time where I’d symbolically hide myself behind a mask such as this. My personality, my beliefs, my own being... I threw away to become this other person where I wouldn’t have to deal with the pain of my problems. I did not want to feel the pain that shot through my body when my best friend left me for another, forever. So, I created an alternate persona whose traits would allow me to forget my past and establish myself from the bottom up. What I should have realised was where this alternate persona was going to lead me, yet I did nothing to stop myself from turning into someone I did not want to become. I did nothing to stop the formation of the Movement where I would not only cause havoc but create an individual that would become more dangerous than the group itself. His name... Steven Holmes.

Steven scrunches up the mask in his hand. Sandy looks at Steven with interest, beginning to rub his shoulder so he can feel relaxed about opening up.

Like I did with myself, I placed such a mask over the head of Holmes and transformed him into something similar to an android, capable of completing tasks that I did not want to perform because my conscious got the better of me. This is why we revealed Steven Holmes as the man who stole the belt from Baez because I had no intention of destroying a division that brought joy to others, despite my beliefs against the use of weapons. Along the learning process, mistakes were made by Holmes but we rectified that... slowly making him into someone who had control over his new self. He became dangerous yet somehow controlled, so we harnessed his power and installed it into the tag team division where we finally achieved something... tag team gold.

Steven and Sandy walk over to the next case that holds the titles that Holmes and Kurtesy once wore.

We lost the championships not too long after to a better team but Holmes could not accept the fact that people were better than us, so he sought for revenge. I saw the fire in Holmes’ eyes and I did not like the look. I decided to avoid all situations and go after something the whole group would benefit, the KFAD briefcase... slowly allowing me to remove that mask I wore. Holmes wanted revenge and took Crashin along for the ride... but they did not succeed, forcing Holmes to put the blame squarely on Doug’s shoulders. Initially, I thought Holmes was doing something good by ending this Movement that turned him into a monster and removing the mask, allowing us to become real friends with our real persona’s... but I was wrong. His masked persona fused with his real persona and together they became a threat, something I was unaware of until Holmes viciously attacked me.

You don't have to go through with this match at Redemption Steven... if you are accurately describing what you did to Holmes, then he will unravel himself on his own terms. You can't force him to change.

I must Sandy, it's the only way. I have to unmasked the beast we have unleashed and I am the only person left who knows how to expose it. I have to take down Holmes at his own game and prove to him that I was the one who held together the Movement, not him. If I can take that knowledge away from him... he will become less dangerous and the balance will be restored.

I don't understand...

I don't expect you to Sandy, nor do I expect anyone too. I have to end this battle before the war begins. I have to take away the Redemption that Holmes seeks at the aptly-named PPV that I face him at. I have to eliminate the hate Holmes possesses at all costs, or else.

Steven walks off with the mask still in his hand, turning the corner to leave Sandy standing there dumbfounded by the spiel that Steven delivered, confused at what he means.

Or else?
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