Redemption: Semi Finals: Triple Threat: Stokes vs. Bratchney vs. Manzo


I Am The One Who Knocks
Daniel Stokes vs. Carmen Bratchney Vs. Hatchiyama Manzo


Newcomer Carmen Bratchney made quite the impression in the Sprint For The Spot Battle Royal. Daniel Stokes eeked out a victory as well that same match and got a second chance at the brass ring. Wheras Manzo defeated Derf to get his spot in this match. Will Stokes be able to boomerang his wa to victory? Will Carmen continue his winning ways. Or will Manzo continue to be a dominant force? Find out at...REDEMPTION!

Role Play's are to be in on Monday Nov. 24th at 11:59 p.m.
MELTDOWN Episode Fifteen said:
As they reach the ring area, Magnus stops, and Manzo turns to face him. Magnus can clearly be heard saying "Break him. Destroy him!"

Cohen: Well, I think we're getting an indication of Magnus' intentions for Eric Derf in this one.

Copeland: Yes, it doesn't sound good for... Wait, look. Look at Derf.

Taking advantage of the situation, Derf takes a run off the ropes, and dives over the top rope in a plancha. The move hits Manzo across the back, causing him to head butt Magnus. Blood begins to pour from Magnus' nose as he collapses to the floor unconscious.

Copeland: Oh My GOD! Derf put his own body on the line to take out Manzo, but it looks like the move had more impact on Manzo's manager

… The screen pauses, flickering on the face of Magnus Maximillian, blood staining the usually pristine cute of his goatee, his mouth a crimson red, bright in comparison to the glazed over look in his eyes. The camera pans outwards and we realise we are in the luxurious study of the multi-billionaire handler of Hatchiyama Manzo. The only light in the room comes from a slow burning fireplace and the plasma screen that we were just watching. Panning out further, we come to Magnus Maximillian himself, sitting in a brown leather chair, remote control in one hand and a glass of scotch in the other. His nose is bridged by surgical tape, and his mouth has a noticeable cut. But none of these are the focus. Instead, it is the wide staring eyes, focused in their single livid obsession with the image on the screen. Magnus clicks the remote, and the screen goes black, bathing most of the room into darkness bar the glittering red and oranges of the fireplace. Magnus puts down the remote and stands, his eyes seemingly returning to normality, and addresses the camera.

“Last week … Last week. Last week Derf laid his hands on me. He dared to risk my health, MY health, for an impossible win. That man went into that match knowing … knew deep in that wretched body of his, that he would not beat Manzo. Because no-one can beat Manzo. But he didn’t come out there to beat Manzo, oh no. He came out there to hurt the greatest single force in WZCW today. He came out there to attack the only person who has true power in this entire organisation. He came out to attack me, Magnus Maximillian.”

Magnus’ head lowers as he chuckles silently to himself, his head shaking from side to side. Suddenly, his face becomes a grimace of fury and disgust as he throws the scotch glass into the fire, which shatters, its contents igniting and bathing the room in a angry red glow, setting Magnus’ face awash with a demonic red, his expression angrier than any of us have ever seen him. He approaches the camera, pointing directly us as he begins to yell.

“NO-ONE TOUCHES ME! NO-ONE! I’m untouchable, I’m the alpha and omega of this goddamn business and everyone, EVERYONE, in WZCW, WILL. RESPECT. ME. Derf, you were nothing to me. You were a peonic blip on the radar that is my world, and all you had to do was stay out of my way. You think you’re world is bad now? You think losing matches and a lack of title gold around that scrawny waist of yours is your biggest problem? I am your whole FUCKING world now boy. I will be the bogeyman under your bed, I will be the fear that stirs in the shadows, and I will be the reason you never, EVER, become anything other than a pitifully lacklustre man whose greatest achievement will be breathing the same air of someone like ME

Turning and walking away, he picks up his briefcase and clicks it open, grabbing out a pad of papers in his hand, before turning furiously around holding them up to the camera.

“You see these? I’ve been carting these around with me for months now, papers that are being drawn up that will shake the foundations of your very world. Soon everything will be in place for a re-emergence of power that none of you can stop, and I swear here and now that you Derf, you will be made an example of … But not yet.”

Magnus’ face begins to clam down, as he turns his head to the side and regains his composer. He straightens his tie and coughs, before placing the files back in his case and re-addressing the masses again. It becomes apparent that the fire has also begun to die down again as Magnus’ entire demeanour settled back into the calm confidant state that we are use to.

“Not yet Derf. Right now, I have much more important things. Soon Manzo will complete his manifest destiny and win the World Heavyweight Champion, no matter what people do to try and stop him. ‘Someone’ turned out those lights with the intent of trying to slow down my monster, try and take him out of the equation so to speak, by allowing this triple threat match to go ahead. They think, somehow, that two men might succeed where one would fail? That maybe one will pin the other and bypass my mammoth altogether?”

Magnus laughs heartedly as he walks across the room to the double doors that lead out. Grabbing the handles, he flings the door open.

“They are wrong.”

Through the door we can see Manzo, standing in a huge training room; the very best money can buy. Computers and processors cover an entire wall and five trainers are all going over data readouts. Manzo himself is in a large circle, trackers placed over his body, recording every detail of his physical performance. A trainer claps, a large thick wooden pillar shoots up out of the ground behind Manzo, who yells and swiftly for a man his size turns and slams his forearm hard across the beam, shattering the pillar from the huge impact. The trainer turns and talks in a foreign language, maybe Russian, to the other trainers. More readout come pouring from the machines, and are quickly ripped off and analysed by a tall dark haired woman. Nodding and smiling as she talks, they all join in and begin congratulating one another. Magnus walks forward and the talking stops instantly, their faces returning to a serious demeanour.

“Well? I assume the results are as expected?”

“Better Comrade Maximillian. Manzo has improved dramatically since he begins learning new fighting styles. He seems naturally adept at Mu Thai despite massive size. He is probably most powerful fighter ever trained by my crew and me.”

“I don’t want probably, I want definitely. He faces three men this week to win the World Championships and I want him to do it with dominance. Second best will not do Sergi. It will not do at all. Remember our deal.”

The man, evidently named Sergi, nods slowly, and turns back to his team, yelling at them in Russian again. The quickly scurry off back to work, and Sergi turns back to Magnus.

“We will keep working Maximillian. But I don’t see why this is so important to you sir, why do we need to make him more powerful when we have …”

Maguns raises his hand, silencing Sergi instantly.

“It doesn’t matter what else we have. What I want from Manzo is what matters right now, and what I want is simple; whatever he hits, he destroys.”

Sergi nods, and rushes over to join the rest of the training team. Magnus walks over to the edge of the circle where Manzo is still stood, now throwing short calf kicks against a stone post. His legs are red raw from the beating, but Manzo is relentless with his shots. Magnus smiles and nods towards the Japanese giant before walking back towards the study. As he reaches the doors, he addresses the audience a final time.

“This week, in a triple threat match, two men step into the ring with my Manzo. If either of them can step out again, they can consider themselves lucky. An Australian that fights for a country whose monetary stability right now is worse than it has been in a decade? Right now I could buy your country never mind your pathetic little life. And the Russian? An impressive debut no doubt, and I wonder how my talent relations manager did not pick you up on his recent tour of your motherland, but nether the less your own power and size pales in comparison to my juggernaut. Manzo is unstoppable. He is unbeatable. He is unbreakable. And he is unrelenting in his duty. He will achieve any goal I set him, and he will do it no matter what anyone else thinks about it.”

Magnus reaches up and touches his broken nose once again, wincing slightly, before looking back at the camera.

“I will not be denied. Soon. Your world all ends very soon.”

He closes the door on us, his trademark laughter ringing out as the screen finally fades to black.
*The Scene opens in “Silver’s Gym”. Morning sunlight shines through the dirty windows to give a golden glow to all of the outdated equipment that clutters it’s floors. The place is almost completely empty – Almost as there are three men inside. One man is an employee of the gym; this man looks as though his best years left him long ago. The Second man is Swindle McKenzie who has never used the equipment in a gym and the third man is Carmen Bratchny, Carmen has been in Silvers so much since his win at Sprint for the spot that he now has his mail delivered to the place!

“zveri” by nautilus pompilius plays through a small CD player that sits next to a multi-gym, gasps can be heard as the camera slowly turns to show Carmen Bratchny doing chin ups on a chin up bar, Sweat pours from the Russians head as he continues relentlessly with out counting how many he is doing – Just doing chin up after chin up after chin up with no sign of fatigue, Suddenly the gym is blasted with extra light as the front door swings open and the local mail man steps in. The mail man is immediately set upon by Swindle McKenzie*

Swindle: What ya got for us? What ya got?

*the mailman hands swindle an A4 brown envelope which has been franked with the WZCW logo,
Swindle Snatches the envelope and calls Carmen over, Carmen stops his Pull upps, turns down his music and slowly walks towards Swindle, wiping the sweat from his brow as he does*

Swindle: Its here! its here!

Carmen: What is here?

Swindle: Your contract of course

Carmen: What about house show?

Swindle: Kid, After Sprint for the Spot the only matches you will be having at house shows are main event matches

*Swindle Rips the top of the envelope open and pulls out what looks like 10 pages of White paper each headed and the front page titles “Full time employment contract” – Swindle skim reads through the contract, its obvious he has seen many contracts like it in the past…*

Swindle: Right kid put your autograph on there and get back to your training

*The gym employee hand Carmen a pen and he signs the contract without reading it, Swindle give the envelope to the gym employee to throw away as Carmen walks off toward the gym equipment – suddenly the gym employee speaks for the first time*

Gym Employee: Swindle there is another piece of paper in this envelope

*Swindle snatches the piece of paper which is the card for the upcoming ppv*

Swindle: Carmen, its official… at Redemption you are in a triple threat match with Stokes & Manzo

*Carmen stops walking and turns to Swindle… he then smiles at Swindle and continues on to the gym apparatus

Swindle is slightly confused by Carmen’s calmness and feels he doesn’t understand what he is about to go up against so he goes on to talk to him*

Swindle: Carmen, You do understand this right... at Redemption, you are in the semi finals of a tournament for the WZCW world title – that’s a big thing

*Carmen sits himself on the floor by his stereo and looks at Swindle in the eye*

Carmen: I no nothing of Mr. Stoke and I know nothing of Manzo so I have nothing to say except I try to win

*Swindle looks at Carmen with complete and utter pity, he then aggressively grabs Carmen by the arm and pulls him to his feet*

Swindle: Kid, Get yourself changed, we are going to the WZCW arena and we are going to set this match alight

*Carmen doesn’t get changed but does wipe himself down with a towel & both men then exit the gym and head towards the car, the scene fades with both men getting in to swindles car…*

~30 minutes later~

*Swindles Car skids to a hold in a disabled parking space outside the WZCW arena, Swindle Jumps out, opens Carmen’s door and drags him out by the arm, both men then walk around the backstage area of WZCW, Swindle looks like a man possessed as he opens doors to random rooms, looking in then walking away, suddenly he comes to a door with a sign saying “WZCW.Com”*

Swindle: Bingo

*Swindle McKenzie throws open the door so hard it nearly takes it off its hinges, sitting in the corner is Johnny Klamor who is only seconds away from taking the first bite in to a sub, Swindle grabs Johnny by the scuff of the neck and pulls him to his feet, Swindle then signals at Carmen who smacks the Sub out of his hand, the sub hits the wall at pace and before Johnny can nurse his hand Carmen thrusts a microphone in to it*

Swindle: Are you ready for an exclusive you son of a bitch

*Swindle then steps back from Johnny and straightens up his jacket as he and the Russian look directly at a camera man, Johnny Stands nervously in between the two with the microphone in his hands.*


Swindle: Well interview us and hype us for redemption then!!

Carmen: Now!

*Johnny gulps and looks in to the camera, he then brushes the front fof his hair out of the way of his face and begins to talk*

Johnny: Johnny Klamor here with another exclusive for – with me is Redemption semi finalist Carmen Bratchny and his manager Swindle McKenzie..

*Swindle grabs the mic of Johnny and begins to talk*

Swindle: Correction Johnny, this is WZCW employee, Future WZCW Champion and current Redemption semi Finalist Carmen Bratchny with manager to the stars “The” Swindle McKenzie – now ask me a question Johnny

Johnny: So… ummm How…how… I have nothing prepared… ummm.. how have you

*Swindle grabs the mic of Johnny again, Carmen then pushes Johnny to the floor*

Swindle: Lets stop messing around and get to the point! – How has Carmen prepared for the semi final? He has spent every hour since his win at Sprint for the Spot training in a gym that’s not fit for cockroaches! What does Carmen expect from his opponents? Cries for mercy! What’s does Carmen do every third Friday of the month? Ah screw it lets just get the punchline! Carmen Bratchny isn’t in the semi finals by luck, Carmen Bratchny isn’t in the semi finals to be a punch bag, Carmen Bratchny isn’t in the semi finals for work experience, Carmen Bratchny isn’t in the semi finals as a new idea to a stale product, Carmen Bratchny is in the semi finals to do one thing and that is to progress

*Swindle throws the mic at a shocked Johnny Klamour who is still routed to the floor, both men then leave the room*

*Scene fades*
*The sun is rising in the outback. There is Daniel, doing nothing in particular, just standing there gazing at the glory of the outback. There are trees and some plants about, but nothing remarkable about the place.*

Daniel – No more chances this time, ‘ey? This will be the final needle that comes out of a haystack the size of this place, for a long time. I need to win. I need to fulfil my dream. I need to put Australia on the wrestling map. Truthfully, I only just made it through to get to this second chance right now. I went for a sprint, and in the race I barely made the finish as I came in together with a human powerhouse from Russia. Focus, maybe something the stereotyped Aussie lacks, but it’s time to change that – for me at least.

It is time for some change to the way I look at a match – this match especially. Training harder than ever before, to a whole new level of intensity. Learning about my opponents’ styles, learning about my opponents’ histories ... finding out about all the details that I wouldn’t think useful in winning a match. I am willing to do everything and anything to win this title, this being true blue proof to that. Every little detail mates, you can count on that.

*Daniel reaches forward behind the camera and grabs a water bottle – he takes a sip out of it.*

Daniel – Training harder than ever before. Since the close cut before, I have come to realise that I can’t get by from my natural abilities. The thunder needs momentum before it can raise volume in the sky.

*Daniel looks behind him as the camera follows his line of sight. There is a long dusty dirt trail that reaches over the horizon. It may be early, but the sun is blazing in the sky and the heat is noticeable as a drop of sweat runs down Daniel’s face.*

Daniel – Conquering the outback is a good place to start. I will run until I know - UNTIL I KNOW – that I am able to go the whole way by winning that match at Redemption. When I finish running I will drop to the ground and push my own body weight and then some until my strength can rival that of Carmen’s and Manzo’s. I may not have any fancy training facility like Carmen and I may not have an overpaid trainer like Manzo, but I don’t need that. I have the wild, the outback. The place where real men and made and formed – the outback has more experience to train a man than any gym or trainer in the world.

*Daniel begins to run and he doesn’t stop. He travels over the horizon, still running his Australian heart out.*


*Dark and desolate. A large run down building stands over an open plain. A sign saying “-_/.’-_ State Prison”; the first word had been scratched off over time; hangs at the front gate.*

Daniel – Like I said before, every little detail – including history. And that is why I am here.

*Daniel walks strongly over through the front gates of the prison; the camera stays where it is and Daniel appears to get smaller as he makes his way to the door and pushes his way into the darkness inside into the prison. The camera cuts to inside the prison, as he is seen making his way to a cell that is near by.*

Daniel – Well Carmen mate, something like this place may seem familiar to you.

*Daniel moves inside the cell, and as he is behind the bars, it gives an illusion he is locked inside it.*

Daniel –
You know what this feels like don’t you Carmen? You know what it feels like to be trapped inside with no escape. You have been put inside of a hell without anything to cool you down, and you know how the burning inside you makes a bead of sweat drop. First one hits the ground, and you look down wondering where it came from ... then you feel your forehead start to moisten. My ancestors went through it all, so I can know how you have felt at times.

You know what else my ancestors went through Carmen? Death. They witnessed other people in front of their eyes die mate ... so have you. Seeing someone so close die is painful isn’t it? I’m glad I don’t have to speak for myself here, but I’ve heard stories about the mind torment people went through, not being able to do anything about it. Still having to watch as a loved one’s life is taken away. I will put you through that torment again, I promise.


*Daniel is in a room that no ordinary man could afford. The place is spotless, with fine furniture and a recently redone paintjob. Daniel is sitting at the table, which is covered in an expensive looking table cloth. There is some red wine in a glass that is sparkling in the light; it is on the table as Daniel is lightly stroking it with his fingers.*

Daniel – Well the past is certainly good to look at, but there is no time like the present mate. Yeah Magnus, you are one of those fine dining, wine sipping worms who has never had to do anything for themselves ... well guess what? That’s not the real world Magnus! You can sit on fancy chairs, eating luxurious foods but it does not bloody make you the better man. Working hard and having experience at the down sides of life makes a real man, and mate, I am all man.

Money can’t buy you everything in this world Magnus, and damn well can’t buy Magnus a title. No money in the world will be able to take away from me that title that I desire so much. No money in the world will want me to step away from the wrestling ring. No money in the world will EVER take away the pride I have for Australia, and that is it.

*Daniel picks up the wine cup delicately and has a sip – he immediately spits it out and the red stains the table cloth.*

Daniel –
Terrible. How can anyone possibly enjoy this stuff? It’s gotta be XXXX for me mate. Now Manzo, I don’t know if you can understand me, but try your best, because you are going to want to here what I have got to say. You can beat up everyone, but last week Derf showed me that you yourself can be beaten, and you know what? You will be beaten. It’s something so simple, but no money Magnus can put on the table can buy off your loss. I guess you could say that you winning is priceless – money can’t buy it.

Well Manzo and Carmen, there is a storm coming. Don’t you hear it in the sky? The thunder is loud and furious. Don’t you hear the thunder? It’s coming. At the end of the match you will be left like me and this wine; with a bad taste in your mouth ...

*Daniel throws down the glass to the floor, and it breaks into hundreds of tiny pieces.*

... and shattered.

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