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Redemption - Scott Hammond vs. The Killjoy - Mayhem Championship

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

On Meltdown 37, The Killjoy was announced as the No. 1 Contender to the Mayhem Championship in a straight up Mayhem Rules Match. However in the same week, it was announced that the title will placed under 24/7 Rules, but the reigning champion Scott Hammond managed to escape unscathed and will meet The Killjoy in this match. With The Killjoy looking to be the first man to hold the belt for the third time against the man who essentially took the belt from him, who will define themselves as the top man of the Mayhem Division with the rest of the roster sitting in wait?

Deadline for this match is Tuesday 20th April 23:59 EST
The scene opens live at a WZCW House Show. The arena seems packed as we get a shot of the fans in attendance. Over the PA system, "Goodbye" by SR 71 plays. The new theme song for The KillJoy.


The KillJoy makes his way down to the ring alone. Alisha isn't with him. He grabs a mic and gets in the ring. You can see tapping over the top of his head. He looks around acknowledging the fans as they cheer for a bit.

The KillJoy: Alisha isn't here. She's having... "That time of the month". But I just wanted to come down here and address the members of my "State of the Union". You know, to let you guys know that I am breathing and still standing. See Scotty tried to pull a fast one on me Saturday. Me and my teammates won the tag team match, but that sneaky little S.O.B. got sore and hit me with a chair on the top of my "wittle" head. He tried to take me out... But... I'm here standing ready to fight. Redemption is coming and I can feel the change in the wind. You do too, don't you?

KillJoy points to the crowd as they can be heard a little louder than before.

The KillJoy: You get that sensation that something good is coming and no matter what, it won't be stopped. I like that feeling. It gives me gas. But anyway, Scotty! You'd better be ready. On Sunday you're gonna get yours. See people refer to you... Or better yet, you refer to yourself, as the "English Enigma". When I'm through with you bro, you'll be carrying a new moniker. Yup. Scott Hammond. "Mr. Potatohead". (With a bad british accent)"Bloody hell! I misplaced my testicles!"

KillJoy wiggles his head as the crowd pops for the joke.

The KillJoy: Its pretty obvious you aren't fit to wear the Mayhem Title. You complain about the 24/7 rule. You talk about bringing honor and prestige to the belt. Dude! Get a clue! This division isn't about honor and prestige. Its about blood, sweat and showing you have a pair (KillJoy grabs his crotch) of these! Do you need a GPS? Turn left at the corner of "Stupid Street" and get out of town. Sunday night, I become the first ever 3 time Mayhem champ while you kiss tea time goodbye.

Suddenly "Falling On" by Finger Eleven hits as Meltdown Law, Chuck Myles struts down the ramp with a smile and a mic at hand.


Chuck Myles: Oh I can't wait for the match at Redemption! You have a 50/50 chance to win. I, on the other hand, win no matter what. If Scott wins then that means you'll continue on your little downward spiral of misery. But if you win, ...God forbid... , that means I get to make your life personally miserable by ordering wrestler after wrestler on you. Courtesy of Vance's new 24/7 rule. You can do nothing about it. But to be honest, that 50/50 is really more of a 99/1. You really have zero chance of beating Scott at Redemption. Unlike yourself, he has class. He's above your petty comments and insults. You're just afraid because you knows he has the, how would he say? "Bullocks" to take you down and out.

The KillJoy: What? No tea to go with that hot steaming pile of crap? You'll choke if you're not careful. But let me get this straight. "Bullocks"? You're that far up your own ass that you're afraid to use more "subtle" words like "testicles", "balls" or "cohones" boss?

Chuck Myles: I don't need to explain my vocabulary to you, you ignorant excuse for a wrestler. Scott will do my work for me at Redemption. Where the Mayhem belt will finally be dignified by him defeating you. Ahh... Buck up, boy. And try not to kill yourself after Redemption.

KillJoy looks at the crowd a bit while Chuck smiles. Turning his back in the process. KillJoy grabs something from his pocket and pull it out. It looks like a very small tube. KillJoy extents the tube to reveal what looks like a short bo staff.

KillJoy swings but Myles ducks in time and dodges it. He then waves for security to come down as he gets out of the ring.

Chuck Myles: Security! I want you to take The KillJoy out of the building! I don't want him near me or any WZCW venue until Redemption!

Security tries to grab KillJoy, but he attacks with the staff. Swinging it in a karate-esque style while doing Bruce Lee like taunts. He knocks down all of security before swinging the staff into a martial arts stance.

The KillJoy: Whaa!!!! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Heroes In A Half Shell... BAM!!

Chuck Myles looks pissed at the top of the entrance way. Meanwhile KillJoy reaches under the ring and grabs a chair. He tosses it in the ring where a few of the security guards lie motionless. He grabs one of the guard's and places his head in between his legs while raising the steel chair.

The KillJoy: This one's for you, Mr. Potatohead!!

KillJoy then smashes the chair in between his legs and against the guard's head. The crowd pops huge for it.

The KillJoy: DING-DONG!!!

The Crowd In Unison: Ding-Dong!!!

KillJoy drops the guard and begins to make his way up the entrance way. Myles walks away and KillJoy begins to look up to the screen.

The KillJoy: Your bell rings Sunday night at Redemption, Scotty. The night were Revolution is televised. Now with surround sound. See you there, champ.

The scene closes as KillJoy's theme hits.
(The camera pans into a small clinic in west London. A sign on the door says 'Dr Jacobs - Psychologist' and as the camera fades into the room, we see a man dressed in a shirt and tie, sitting across the room from the Mayhem Champion Scott Hammond. Hammond is lying on a comfy leather sofa with his arms crossed, and his title on the side in its own chair)

Dr Jacobs: So tell me Mr Hammond, how was your childhood in Hounslow?

Scott Hammond: Rough, to say the very least. My mother, for the most part was hardworking, she worked as an air hostess, but after a string of affairs she left my father.

Dr Jacobs: And what about your father, was he a good role model?

Scott Hammond: You ask that question like you already know the answer Doctor. Of course he was a terrible role model. He drank...heavily and constantly put me down with my accomplishments. He had no soul and quite frankly, he deserved everything that came his way. You know, there was one night that I came home after a party, a night that could well have been the turning point for me, I was 17, I had just come home from a bar, I had been thrown out for instigating a fight with three separate men and putting them all in hospital. My father was waiting at home. He had been drinking, and waddled up to me talking about how everything I had done in life had no bearing. He made me feel worthless. He had just finished hitting my mother and was looking for someone else to take out his anger on. Now I know I am one of the many that can tell the tale of parental abuse, but the difference with me was that I did something about it.

Dr Jacobs: And what was that Mr Hammond?

Scott Hammond: Do you really want to know?

Dr Jacobs: Yes of course.

(Just as Hammond re-adjusts himself a buzzer goes off in the far corner, indicating the end of Hammond's hour. He slowly gets up as Dr Jacobs begins writing on a piece of paper)

Dr Jacobs: Right Mr Hammond, here is a prescription for your insomnia, this should get you some rest, and about that 24/7 thing, you cannot let it run your life, a good nights sleep is more important than anything else.

Scott Hammond: What the hell would you know what is good for me.

(Hammond walks out slamming the door behind him and begins walking down the hallway. Out of no where, Leon Kensworth appears behind him with a cameraman and microphone)

Leon Kensworth: Scott, Scott could I get a moment with you before next week's Redemption PPV, and your match with The KillJoy? Last week on Ascension, you escaped a grueling six-man tag team match in which you own partner, John Smith tagged in and tried to defeat you for your Mayhem Title. What are your thoughts coming out of that match?

Scott Hammond: Leon, I'd like to think that you and I have built quite a rapport over the few months that I have been here in WZCW. You of all people should know not to ask such droll questions. But for the sake of the 'fans' I shall give you your answer.

(Hammond walks into a small courtyard outside the clinic and looks around taking in a breath)

Scott Hammond: You know Leon, many years ago, my father stabbed me in the back. Not literally, but emotionally. He took my mind to a place that it had never been before. I went numb. Last week on Ascension, through the lessons I have learned in life, I was able to take full advantage of John Smith turning on me like I knew he eventually would. Being intelligent, I also knew that nobody else in that match was going to just let Smith pin me for the three count. And once again, I was right. I came away from that match, head held high and with my title.

Leon Kensworth: But your team lost the match.

Scott Hammond: Leon, come on, I lost nothing. That silly boy CardiffCam tagged himself into the match at the last moment and paid for his misjudgment. He made a schoolboy error, believing that I did not have things under control, and he forced his way into the situation between The KillJoy and I.

Leon Kensworth: Looking forward, you are pitted to face The KillJoy one more time at WZCW Redemption, this will be your first PPV title defense, how are you preparing for this Mayhem Rules match?

Scott Hammond: Leon, let me take you back. Back to my first ever match here in WZCW, I faced Milenko, a man who was allegedly the expert in Mayhem Rules matches. I beat him to a pulp before stepping over his bloodied carcass into the ranks here in WZCW. If that isn't a sign that I was meant to be Mayhem Champion, I really do not know what is. The I compare my debut to that of The KillJoy. He wrestled John Smith at Meltdown 34 and was beaten...clean. And then, we come to the magical night at Kingdom Come where I became the Mayhem Champion for the first time. A great night for me and WZCW. Now to be fair to The KillJoy, I did not pin the man, but the rules in that match stated that I didn't have to. You see, I've been getting alot of negative stick for wearing this title. People are saying that its a battered title that nobody but a loser would want. But I see beyond how the title looks. I see the joy in wearing such a unique piece of metal. It may be battered and broken, but that does not make it any less worthwhile to fight for. To top of this little story, The KillJoy then got me one-on-one for the Mayhem Title and STILL got beat fairly. Now he wants to be the one to challenge me. In my opinion he should have moved to the back of the line after I won our match. But no, instead he is allowed to prance out on stage and call me 'Mr Potatohead'. Really KillJoy? Is that the best pot shot you have? Making a laugh and a joke about how well pronounced I am? I was bought up in London, a place of distinction, and even though I had it rough, I never lost my manners. I'm sure that that is something someone from their inner sanctum wouldn't really understand. What you received last week after our little confrontation is nothing compared to what you should expect at Redemption. This chapter of your career is coming to a very abrupt end KillJoy, and, laugh and joke all you want because come Redemption, you will be the joke. See you soon.

(Hammond stares into the camera before walking off, as the scene fades to black)
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