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Redemption: Michael Winters w/Jones vs. Sam Smith w/Phoenix - Elite X Championship

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Winters and Smith left Kingdom Come on a high with a championship belt and a title opportunity in their grasps, now they collide paths and one of them will be the Elite X Champion once the smoke settles. This match has been built up around such controversy that Chris Jones and Phoenix have become heavily involved that they will be in the corners of the competitors, will this change what is already set to be an intense match? Is Smith destined to win the Elite X Championship or will Winters overcome another obstacle?

Deadline is Tuesday 7th June 23:59 EST
From the Notes of Dr. Alice Cotten

As time goes by, I find myself more and more disturbed by Jones' thought process. Or rather, my inability to figure out what it is. Ever since the Elite X title match for Redemption was announced, he's been walking around with a giant grin on his face, like the cat that ate the canary. I tried to find out just what secret he was hiding...


*camera cuts to backstage area, with Jones laying on a couch and Alice sitting on a chair beside him, notepad and pen ready*

Jones: You know, I can't help but get the strange feeling we did this before...

Alice: Of course we did this before, it's my job to monitor your mental state.

Jones: So you choose to remind me every week. So, doctor, what's the subject du jour?

*Alice glares at Jones in response to the sarcastic comment, but sighs and continues*

Alice: So, you're involved in the Elite X title match at Redemption, but you're not actually competing for the title. How does that make you feel?

*Jones turns his head and stares at Alice for a few moments, a look of disbelief on his face*

Jones: Really, Alice? "How does that make me feel"? Geez, what else are you planning on doing today? Hypnotherapy? Dream-reading? Making me look at ink blots?

Alice: It's an honest question.

Jones: It's an incredibly cliched question. C'mon, Alice, you're better than that.

Alice: Would you just answer already?!

Jones: *sighs* I feel cheated, in some way. I go out of my way to prove what an inept wrestler Sam Smith is, and what happens? He gets a title shot. I ask you, where's the fairness in that?

Alice: Are you saying you want a title shot?

Jones: I certainly wouldn't have minded, but that's not the point. The point is, Smith is getting the shot and he doesn't deserve it. He has shown nothing but disrespect and undeserved arrogance, and he gets rewarded for it! And you honestly wonder why I go on about how corrupt the world is.

Alice: Maybe it's because there are bigger problems than just someone getting a title shot in a wrestling company.

Jones: No, you're just having difficulty looking at the bigger picture. People look to this business for inspiration. If they see people being unfairly rewarded by the higher-ups, they'll apply that to real life. This, in turn, will push the corruption further, which this business will mirror, and the cycle will continue. I have to stop it here.

*Jones lays back, grin returning*

Jones: And that is where my dear friend Michael Winters comes in. He sees the corruption as well as I, and will do anything to eliminate it. He understands the situation better than I had hoped. With the two of us out there, the title will not fall into the hands of Smith. This couldn't be going any better.

Alice: It's not like it'll be just you three out there. Smith will have help too.

Jones: *sighs* Yes, yes, the almighty Phoenix will be out there too. Yes, he'll be a big threat if it comes to that. I'm aware of all this. I'm starting to think that Phoenix is mostly hype. People like to think he's something more, some sort of higher being that they can aspire to be. These people need to be firmly grounded in reality, and I'm more than happy to do just that by taking care of Phoenix.

Alice: So...just to recap, you're perfectly fine with Winters defending his title against someone else and not you? And you're willing to help him do this?

Jones: *grins* Why wouldn't I be?

Alice: Because you can't seem to wipe that smile off of your face, Cheshire Cat. What's your game?

Jones: Solitaire. Why do you ask?

*Alice frowns, then closes her notepad and tosses it aside, leaning forward to get into Jones' face*

Alice: What. Are. You. Planning?

*Jones stares at Alice, then chuckles slightly*

Jones: Cheshire Cat. I like that I have a pet name now. It's nice that we're getting so close, Alice.

*Alice growls, getting to her feet and marching out of the room. Jones watches her go, chuckling slightly as the camera fades to black*


From the Notes of Dr. Alice Cotten

It seems like every step forward I make with Jones, he swerves onto another path and I get lost trying to follow him. I can't get that constant grin of his out of my mind. He's up to something, and I have a feeling no one, not even his so-called "dear friend", will be prepared for it.
The scene opens to a quaint, upper class neighborhood. Emerging from a black SUV is Sam Smith, he approaches a large brown brick house with trees lining property. He opens the gate and walks toward the house, up the stairs and onto the front porch. He grasps a large brass knocker and thuds it onto the door. After a few seconds of silence, a familiar face, Sam’s brother, Scott opens the door. The two men embrace momentarily.

Scott: It’s nice to see you, brother. Come on in.

Sam: How’ve you been, Scott? Where are the wife and kids?

Scott: Great, lately. They’re out with her parents, told ‘em to come home soon, to see their Uncle Sam.

Sam: Still not quite used to that.

The two men chuckle for a bit, while walking through Scott’s home. They approach the back yard and sit down on the back porch with some beers.

Scott: Big things are happenin’ for you, Sam. Nervous?

Sam: I’d be a liar if I said I wasn’t, but at least I’m ready.

Scott: Winters any good?

Sam: He’s damn good, he’s the Elite X Champion for a reason. It’ll be a huge test of my abilities all around.

Scott: Jones gonna give you any trouble?

Sam: Not with Phoenix in my corner. I trust Phoenix to have my back, because he knows that if I win the belt, he’ll be my first challenger. He’s not only looking out for me, but for himself, he won’t screw it up.

Scott: Makes sense, man.

Sam: Just like anything else in life. Wrestling isn’t that complicated.

Scott: True. You save me some tickets for the show?

Sam: Naturally.

Scott: Good. I’d like to be there when my brother finally becomes champion.

Sam smiles a bit.

Sam: It’s more than just about the belt, it’s about my lifelong dream. Remember when we were kids, I always had that big, gaudy, plastic championship belt around my waist?

Scott lets out a loud laugh.

Scott: How could I forget? That thing was hideous.

Sam: Still, even at that young of an age I’d wanted to be champion, I’d wanted to be a wrestler, and the end of the road is finally here. I gave it all up. I gave up a job at the best law firm in the world, millions of dollars, power, everything, just to follow my dream. What’s Winters given up, hmm?

Scott: I don--

Sam: Nothing. He’s used WZCW as a platform to get more powerful. He doesn’t love wrestling like I do, he’s only here for the fame and the glory, so he can spread his religion across to even more people. If I was champion, I’d better WZCW, and I’d be damn proud to say I was Elite X Champion.

Scott: Easy there, Sam. Don’t get too fired up. He’s gettin’ under your skin.

Sam: Oh, I got under his too. The winning pinfall in our match last week, it’s gotta be on his mind. He’s thinking about it, you know he is. You know he’ll be as cautious as ever, because he doesn’t want to get pinned for that belt. He’s showing his weakness, I’ll be there to exploit it.

Scott: However you do it, just win.

Sam: Count on it.

Scott: Oh, I almost forgot, I talked to Dad yesterday, told him ‘bout your match. He seemed happy for you, give him a call.

Sam scoffs at the idea.

Sam: No. Why would I?

Scott: Enough is enough, Sam. When’s the last time you two even talked?

Sam: When Mom died, so… about seven years now.

Scott: Jesus Christ, end it, Sam.

Sam stands up and his voice gets louder.

Sam: No. He blamed ME for not doing something, when it was his fault that Mom died.

Scott: Sam…

Sam: She was on her death bed, but he still refused to stop drinking and constantly working. He broke her heart, Scott. She was already sick, it was the last straw.

Both men pause for a moment, Sam’s entire body is shaking.

Scott: Sam, you know that’s not the truth. You’re just using it as an excuse. He loved her as much as we did, there was nothing he could do. Just maybe consider calling him.

Sam: Whatever. I have to go, see ya later, Scott.

Sam walks to his car, still distracted by the discussion. He pulls away from Scott’s house, but just as the house is out of view, he pulls over. He pulls out his cell phone and dials a number. The phone on the other side rings, but is finally answered, a man’s voice can be heard on the other line.

Sam: Hey Dad, it’s Sam. We have to talk…
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