Redemption: Mayhem Championship: Eric Derf vs. Milenko


I Am The One Who Knocks
Eric Derf vs. Milenko


Now that Everest has been stripped of the Mayhem championship, the title needs to be fought for. Eric Derf and Milenko were both drawn at random. Will Derf finally be able to win a match and take home a championship? Or will Milenko add some gold to his waist? Find out at REDEMPTION!

Role Plays are to be in on Monday Nov. 24th at 11:59 p.m.
The scene opens in a dimly lit room. The walls are made out of logs, making it obvious the room is in a log cabin. There is a fireplace at the back wall, unlit. A leather sofa in the middle of the room, end tables at both sides. In the far corner of the room is a door with a small window on it, letting just enough light in to cast a small half moon shaped shadow on the floor. A window near the door is letting in more light to cast a second light shadow on the floor, next to the first. The room is dead quiet. There is not a sound to be heard whatsoever.

The light shadows on the floors become inturupted as someone passes by the window, then stands in the door, but his face in the window is too blurry to make out. The silence is broken, barely, by the sound of keys jingling, then the door opening with a loud "CREAK". As the door swings open, light fills the room, making the figure in the door seem almost like a shadow himself. But in the calmest of ways, the figure walks into the room, holding a bag, and closes the door behind him. The room is dark again as footsteps can be heard, but only for a few seconds as a lamp light is soon turned on, filling the area with a small ammount of light, just enough to see that the figure is Eric Derf.

Wearing a suit and tie, he grabs the tie, loosens it, and pulls it off. Walking towards an empty doorway, he drops the tie on an endtable and presses a button on a large phone with the number 2 blinking on it.

You have 2 new messages.

As the messages begin playing, he walks into the empty doorway, flicking on a light, revealing a bathroom sink and toilet. He looks in the mirror without saying anything as the answering machine continues.

Message 1: Hey mate, Daniel Stokes here. You did good mate. You were bloody oath close too, better luck next time ... Yeah you tried your best, keep doing that and you'll get there in no time. Cheers. Talk to you later.

The message ends with a loud "BEEP" as Eric exits the bathroom, no longer wearing his shirt. He walks across the room to a table with a computer on it, and presses a button on the moniter. As the moniter slowly begins to light up the room, the answering machine continues.

Message 2: There are muffled sounds, then a "BEEP", indicating a hang-up.

As the answering machine stops speaking, Eric sits behind his moniter, now with the screen fully lit. At the bottom of the screen, two yellow tabs are blinking, both with the MSN icon next to them. One reads the name "Mr Myles", indicating Chuck Myles has left him a message. The 2nd is "Micheal Anthony", which is a name unknown to the WZCW fans. Eric sits at his computer for a moment without clicking either message. He then gets back up and turns the moniter off, leaving both messages unchecked.

He goes to the leather sofa and sits down. He is expressionless for a few moments before reaching for a TV remote, and clicking on a rather small TV. Slowly the TV light replaces the moniter light, and a erriely familiar sound fills the room: The sound of an episode of Meltdown.

As Derf taunts to the crowd, Stokes runs towards him. He flips through the air at Eric, catches him in a Hurracanrana position, and flips him right out of the ring onto the floor!

Harrys: Eric Derf has been eliminated.

Cohen: Ouch. I take it partly back. He obviously doesn’t have what it takes to win the Sprint, but this guy has more talent than I thought.

Almost as soon as this happens, Eric, in the first real sign on life we have seen, tosses the TV remote at the television.. It hits the screen, but mearly bounces off, leaving both the TV and remote undamaged, as the show continues. Eric simply sits there watching with an angry face before finally muttering words from his silent mouth.

I can't take it anymore.

He moves his way to the corner of a couch where one of the end tables are. He reachs into the table, looking for somthing, before pulling out one of the most feared things in the world: A gun. A small magnum. He takes it, and pops the barrel out, then takes all the bullets out of it for some reason. He sets them all on the end table, all but one. The last one he places back in the barrel, spinning it before snapping it into place. He then puts the gun to his head, and holds it there. Moments pass, and he hasn't moved from this position. But the light from the TV is shining on his face, and more of his now reconizable tears are drenching his cheeks. He looks back at the end table, and reachs for it with his free hand, grabbing a picture frame. Whats in the picture is unclear, as he's holding it tightly against his chest. He's now sobbing quite loudly.

I'm sorry... I love you...

He sets the picture down, and with the gun still to his head, he screams.


He pulled the trigger, but with no bullet. Still sobbing, he screams again.


He stands up in front of the TV, still screaming. At this very moment, just like at "Sprint for he Spot", the lights go out, making the room dark, and the only two noises that can be heard are the fans on the TV, and another scream from Eric.



The room fills with silence as everything goes black.



A cell phone starts ringing...?


At that very moment, the silence in the room is broken as dozens of voices begin speaking. The room is suddenly filled with lights. But the most drastic sudden change is Eric Derf, who stands back up, perfectly fine. As the camera zooms out, it reveals that the log cabin is actually nothing more then a movie set, also indicating that everything we just saw was simply, a movie.

A man with a short white beard walks up to Eric Derf on the set, whos covered in fake blood.

Eric, my man, that was fantastic acting! You wrestlers always seem to do a good job of it. Oh, I can't wait till "The Wrestlers Suicides" hits theatres, it's gonna be a blockbuster!

Eric, while whiping fake blood from his face, replies in a casual tone of voice, somthing we havn't heard from him in quite some time.

Well us wrestlers are actors after all. So we've already got that under our belts... (pauses as he looks back at the set.) So, think the opening scene I just shot is gonna be a good one?

Good one! Well I'd say! Your scene may have only ben the opening scene, but when Tom Crooze starts filming tomorrow, he's gonna have to step up his game if he wants to-

He's inturupted by a female voice.

Excuse me, Mr Derf?

The two men turn to see a long haired blonde reporter, whos already busy scribbling things down before Eric has even said anything.

Oh yeah, my interview. Listen Mr Craven, I gotta go. I promised this woman an interview about the movie a while ago.

Mr Craven nods his head.

Well, this shot is perfect. Thanks for your time, and next time I'm doing a WZ Production, I'll give you a shout for a cameo, or maybe even the lead role.

The two men shake hands before Eric begin walking with the blonde reporter.

So, what would you like to know, Ms....

The woman doesn't answer with her name, but instead jumps right into the questions.

This sunday, at Redemption, you have a shot at the Vacated Mayhem Title. What are your thoughs?

Eric is a bit thrown back by a wrestling related question as opposed to a question about the movie, but answers anyways.

Well, Mr Bateman though that if Everest was going for the World Title, he shouldn't be holding the Mayhem title. So he strippd it of Everest, and "at random", he selected two of the greatest stars in WZCW that had yet to be included on the card, that being myself and Milenko.

Now, Everest, in my opinion, is one of the greatest wrestlers in this business, as well as most respected. So if I win your Mayhem Title, and for some reason you don' win the World Title, I would be honored to defend it against him.

The reporter is busy scribbling down every word he is saying, and without looking back up, or replying to the answer, she simply askes another question.

Ahuh, Ahuh... What are your thoughs on Milenko?

Eric stops walking and puts his hand to his chin to think about the question, and the reporter continues walking anoher 6 or 7 feet before she realizes he stopped, and turns around embarrassed, even if the only way to tell is her bright red face, as she's still just scribbling away.

Milenko. I don't know much about him, I havn't had a chance to do any real research on the guy yet. I just know what he's done in WZCW with his brother Alex Bowen. But appearently, Milenko had a bad life. He was beaten as a child, so he ran away from home. Years passed, and he went from a normal little boy with a bad childhood to, well, that guy.

But you see, I don't know exactly how that happened. I mean, I had a bad childhood too. I had an abusive father, a pushover mother, and two sibblings that were always getting into trouble, as was I. I had it bad too, but I didn't turn out the way he did. I mean, I look at this guy.... I look at him, and he reminds me of myself 5 minutes ago. He seems like he doesn't care for anything or anyone, including himself. He looks like he's constantly on the verge of suicide, or maybe even homicide. The man is scary. I-

The reporter, thinking he was done talking, inturups with yet another question.

Do you have any real stragety for this title match?

Eric nods in agreement.

Yep. Simple. Every match I've had so far, I've lost, but never entirely cleanly. I've been in matchs with multiple opponents. I've been hit over the head with steel chairs. And I had to fight a giant, whom no one has ever beaten. But in this match, there are no giants. There are no other men to beat on me. And there is no reason I shouldn't be expecting a chair shot. This is the Mayhem Title. Unsanctioned by WZCW. Anything goes, and from Milenko, I'd expect nothing less. But Milenko better be ready. I might not fight dirty in my wrestling matchs, but this won't be a wrestling match. And I don't think theres to much practice involved with swinging a chair around.

The reporter continues scribbling.

By the way, you never did give me your name.

The reporter stops scribbling, and puts her notepad and pen into her purse and extends to shake Erics hand. Eric shakes her hand, still waiting for a responce.

Thanks for your time.


The reporter walks away as Eric stands there, still covered in blood, a sight that could become real... at Redemption...
The camera turns on and we see Milenko sitting alone in a small dark room with a life size cut out of Eric Derf standing in front of him. Milenko looks up at the camera and starts talking in a whisper.

At Redemption I have a chance to win the vacated Mayhem title. The only thing standing in my way is Eric Derf. Derf you think you have a chance to win this match but let me tell you something, you have no chance in Hell to win this match. This match is perfect for me, I can Maim and Cripple you and no one will be able to stop me.

Milenko takes a very sharp pocket knife and a butane lighter out of his pocket and cuts an arm of the Eric Derf cut out and sets it on fire and lets it fall to the ground. The fire lights up Milenko's face as he smiles a sick smile.

My whole life has been Hardcore. From being beaten and locked in a cupboard by my abusive, alcoholic step-father to being thrown off the Top of a Steel Cage when I was in E.W. There is nothing you can do to me that hasn't been done before.

Milenko takes the knife and and cuts off the other arm and sets it on fire. it lands on top of the other arm that is still on fire and the fire on the floor gets bigger. The smile on his face turns from sick to sadistic.

Derf What I have planned for you shouldn't be shown on T.V. You should call you loved ones and tell them to turn away when our match is on because I promise you there will be blood and broken bones.

Milenko leans down and and cuts one of the legs off and watches it fall to the ground. He sets the leg on fire and drops it in the pile of body parts and watches as the fire grows a bit bigger.

I joined this company because I wanted to inflict as much pain and misery as I could and i started by taking out my brother Alex Bowen. Derf you're next on my list, you're staring in movies and people love you. You've led a normal life and that infuriates me.

Milenko picks up the mutilated Cut out and cuts off the last leg and tosses it in the fire and smiles an evil Jokeresque smile.

Derf what I did to my brother was personal but what I'm going to do to you isn't only for the Mayhem Championship it's also for fun. I am going to enjoy cracking open your skull with a steel chair, I'm going to enjoy hearing the flesh tear from your body. Above all though I'm going to enjoy standing over you mutilated body as I am declared the new WZCW Mayhem Champion.

Milenko picks up the rest of the cut out and makes jagged cuts in the torso and head before he throws it on the fire.

Derf you star in all the movies you want because because at Redemption you will lose. I said earlier that there would be blood and most of it is going to be yours.

Milenko gets up to leave and the camera pans to the small fire on the floor as the head is engulfed in flames. As the camera fades to black the words REDEMPTION and MAYHEM flash across the screen.

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