Redemption: Drake Callahan vs. Matt Tastic - World Title Six Pack Qualifier

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management

Two men who have been impressive for a long while finally get their opportunity at the biggest prize in this industry, the World Heavyweight championship. However, Drake Callahan and Matt Tastic will have to face each other first before they make their way into the Six Pack Challenge where only the winner can advance. This will be a tough contest as both men have the potential to be World champions and they want to be the next champion just as bad as each other.

Deadline is Wednesday, July 25th at 11:59 PM Central Time.
Another night. Another run down hotel in the middle of nowhere. It's amazing what you can get used to, when you repeat the same thing over and over. Was it so long ago that he'd eagerly hopped on a jet to fly back home between shows, departed only reluctantly at the last second? It felt like centuries. More than that. It felt like an entirely different life. Something he'd heard about, read about, something that had happened to another man. Not him. Not Drake Callahan.

With a heaving sigh, he tossed his bag on the floor and flipped the light on. He shook out his hair, wet from the pouring rain outside. The room was dirty, but then again, so was he. It didn't much matter anymore. If the bed held up through the night, he'd call it a good deal and more. He sat down on it, found it surprisingly sturdy for what he'd paid. He tried not to think about what might have transpired on this particular bed. He leaned forward to flip on the small TV, surprised to find it even worked. Well, sort of. He could make out the local news between the static. He thought he could. He flipped it off again. Useless. There'd be nothing to distract him tonight.

He glanced over to a mirror hanging on the wall and considered his appearance. His beard had grown out, wild. There were bits of foodstuffs in it. He scratched it idly and crumbs fell out. He'd had a reason to shave, that other man had. But he didn't, not now. His hair had gotten greasy, longer, increasingly unkempt. His clothes hadn't been washed since....well, he wasn't entirely sure since when. He shook his head violently. What did it matter? He was trying to avoid sleep, thinking about useless things like this. His dreams were unpleasant lately. Never another meeting with Outis, fortunately, but he was there, one way or another. Sometimes a softly spoken word here and there, that could come from no other voice. Sometimes a shadow in the corner that was unmistakable. Sometimes just a stiff breeze where there could be none, to remind him his own head wasn't entirely his. It was...challenging, to sleep, of late.

He laid back on the bed despite his better judgment and stared at the ceiling. He thought now of what was coming in just a few day. Redemption. He snorted back bitter laughter. They thought they were cute, with that name. All the losers from Kingdom Come get a shot at redeeming themselves, do they? They thought winning the world championship would be redemption for him, or Matt Tastic, or Steven Kurtesy, or anyone. He knew better, now. Still, it wouldn't stop him from trying. It wouldn't stop him from winning. What else did he have, now?

He supposed he shouldn't get ahead of himself. Tastic came first. His fists clenched just a bit when he thought about him. One of his hands unclenched and felt at his head, a lump still there from the bastard's chair shot. He thought he knew what it was to lose? To be frustrated? He had no idea. He was the darling of the company, constantly being thrown opportunity after opportunity. Oh, here you go Matt, have a Eurasian title match. Drake? No, Drake will wrestle Brad Bomb. Hey, you just attacked a man in cold blood with a steel chair? Why not have a shot at the world title? It was enough to make Drake sick. The son of a bitch had no idea.

And his little girlfriend. Alisha. She was the worst. Always there, with a comforting word, an encouragement, feeding Tastic's ego. The stupid bitch. She should stand up to him, throw his lies in his face. His illusions that he would ever be more than midcard fodder. That he ever should be more than that. The mere idea that he stood on Drake's level. Reinforced by his fawning girlfriend, and WZCW's conspiracy, and every single person in the company who was either too stupid or too blind to know the truth. That Tastic was no one next to Drake. Just a stepping stone.

Drake: "I'll show him. I'll show her. I'll show both of them, all of them. Everyone."

He turned over on his side, bracing himself for sleep. It would have to come eventually. Just as he closed his eyes, a rapping came at the door. Timid, yet oddly urgent. His eyes shot open and he with them. Anyone at his door at this hour could mean nothing good. Not at this place. He tried to sneak a glance out of the window to see who it could be, but the darkness and the rain obscured the figure too much. He tried to look out the peephole, but it had long ago been damaged and unsurprisingly was never repaired. He took a deep breath and threw open the door.

His heart very nearly stopped as Kate, wet and bedraggled from the rain, stood in front of him, a smile exploding on her face. Before he could say a word she had thrown herself at him, kissing him deeply and passionately.

He couldn't say how long they stood there, locked together in that moment. No more than seconds, but at the same time, years. But all too soon, he thought, they had separated, Drake gasping desperately for air and trying to sort out his reeling head. Kate herself was out of breath, but her smile never left her face. She stood there, biting her lip, and Drake forced the words out of his mouth.

Drake: don'

It was all he could manage. Kate, incredibly, looked confused.

Kate: Joe, of course. He called me last week and said that if I wanted to find you, to fly out here, and he'd have your hotel room. I assumed he was staying with you. Is he here?

Joe? How could Joe know where he was? Wildly, he pushed past again, avoiding meeting her eyes, and stared out into the rain. The old man had to be following him. For how long? And how? He had to have been tracking him since Kingdom Come, if he'd found him here. He'd left no hint to anyone where he was going between shows. Impossible. And yet, here was Kate.

Kate: I thought you'd be happy to see me, Drake.

He turned slowly, but kept his eyes just averted from hers. No need for that. He forced a smile onto his face that did not begin to reflect the sea of emotions roiling inside of him. Fear, anger, confusion, joy, elation, and above all the incredible desire to run away and never look back. God, how could he face her?

Drake: I am, I am. Really. I am. Just...I didn't expect you.

He motioned for her to sit on the only chair in the room and took the bed himself, staring at his feet. She sat across from him, staring at him intently. Finally, she spoke.

Kate: We need to talk, Drake. I'm tired of you dodging my phone calls and it's obvious you're never coming home. What's going on with you?

Drake: I don't know what you're talking about.

She reached over and before he knew what was happening, she'd slapped him across the face. Anger rose in him and a snarl flashed across his face, but he suppressed it. Any other time, it was welcome. But now now, not here. It was too dangerous. He barely rose his head, still not wholly looking at her.

Kate: It's enough that you're going to run away from everything we had, and carry on like a madman on television, but now you're going to lie to my face? You have some kind of nerve, Drake Callahan. How dare you?

Ashamed, and angry, and still confused, and a million other things all jumbled up, Drake stared at his shoes and mumbled.

Drake: I'm sorry. Maybe you should just go.

He looked up fleetingly and saw her arm tense as if she were ready to slap him again. He hoped she wouldn't - he wasn't sure he could stop himself if she did it again. But she stopped.

Kate: I came all the way out here, and after one minute, you want me to leave? What the hell is wrong with you?

Drake ran a hand through his hair and a sudden flash of anger took him.

Drake: What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you!? You come in her, smiling and kissing me like it's the happiest day of your life, and now you're screaming at me and hitting me? Jesus, Kate, what the hell do you want?

He regretted the words even as he said them, but he couldn't stop the torrent once it was begun. Sorrow, sadness, shame, hurt, anger, everything in a chaotic mess slamming around his head. It felt as if his skull would burst soon. He heard her inhale deeply before beginning.

Kate: I'm sorry. I'm...I'm confused too, Drake. You ran away without ever explaining anything to me. We've barely spoken since Kingdom Come. I don't understand. God, I'm so happy to see you, but I'm furious, Drake. How would you feel?

Drake: I...I didn't mean to hurt you. I just...

He threw up his hands and could say no more.

Kate: What? You just what?

It sounded like there were tears coming soon. It took him long moments before he could summon the will to say anything, separate any emotion out of the jumble in his head. When he did, his words were jilted, hesitant.

Drake: I've just been in a fog since Kingdom Come, Kate. So many lost opportunities. I thought I could sort it out if I was alone. I couldn't...I couldn't deal with the idea that you would hate me for failing. I'm sorry.

Kate: I don't hate you, Drake. I just want to be part of your life. I thought we had something, and then you ran away.

He had nothing to say to that. How could he? She was right, but how could he explain it? He couldn't have borne to look into her eyes and see himself reflected in them, a failure. It would have been too much. Too much to bear. It would have broken him beyond repair. But maybe, now...

Kate: We need to talk about what's been happening in the ring, Drake.

He nodded slowly, reluctantly.

Kate: What the hell is wrong with you? You're acting like an animal out there.

He grimaced and felt a twinge of anger. And something else. You're winning, aren't you? You're doing what you must.

Drake: I need to. I need people to understand that I'm not a pushover.

Kate: No one ever thought you were a pushover, Drake. But now they think you're a bully, and they're not wrong.

A bully? You're no bully. Just a man fighting monsters. Your cause is just.

Drake: You don't understand. Everyone thinks they can treat me like nobody, toss me second rate opportunities and laugh when I fail. I had to prove I was more than that. I had to prove that they couldn't treat me like that anymore.

Kate was shaking her head.

Kate: Drake, what's wrong with you? You never talked like this before. You never got treated any differently than anyone.

Drake: So what? I just failed? Is that what you're saying? I'm just a failure?

Nonsense. You were plotted against. Cheated. Robbed of what's yours.

Kate spoke gently, yet firmly.

Kate: Drake, it's okay. Everyone fails sometimes. You just have to get up and keep trying -

Drake was on his feet, an emotion finally standing out strong in his head. Anger. The blissful anger that gave clarity to everything at times like this.

Drake: No, Kate. No. You just don't get it. This company is filled with monsters. People who stab each others' backs every day, looking for any advantage, and get rewarded for it by corrupt management. It's a conspiracy in WZCW, Kate, and I have to rise above it. I have to rise above it by stopping the monsters from getting what they want. Beat them when they come to me, and make them remember me. Don't you see?

Kate stands up slowly, ponderously. She grabs Drake's chin and tries to move his head to face her, but he jerks away. Why wouldn't she see?

Kate: Drake, please. Just listen to me. How can you believe what you're saying?

Drake: Because it's true! Stop questioning me, Kate!

His shout hung in the air. He'd never raised his voice at her. Not before.

Kate: Drake, listen to me. There is no conspiracy. You're letting your frustration get the better of you. You just have to calm down and think about this clearly.

Drake shakes his head violently.

Drake: No. No. This is what's true, Kate. There's a conspiracy, and if you can't see it, then maybe -

He cut himself off from what he was about to say. Kate pales for a moment, but then comes back at him, now angry herself.

Kate: Maybe what, Drake? Maybe what!

He shifted his jaw back and forth, mulling it over.

Drake: If you can't - won't! - see it, like the rest of them...maybe I don't need you, either.

It all happened as if in slow motion, the world unfolding frame by frame. Her arm coming at him. The ringing slap, twice as hard as the first, hearing it before he felt it. Searing pain, his jaw shifting, maybe even broken. His head turning, his arm tensing, raising, fist clenching, what was he doing? A rush of air. A scream, a body falling to the floor. His knuckles, stinging.

The world resumed its normal motion. He wished it hadn't, had hung suspended forever.

This was what could not - must not be.

She was there, on the floor, sobbing.

This could not be.

But it was.

Trembling, Kate looked up at him from the floor. Their eyes met for the first time. He would have given his life to erase the bright right spot on her face, already bruising, her broken lip, the blood on her face. He would have given more than his life to have never met her eyes.

He had expected disappointment. He realized now he'd even been prepared for it. Anger, even. But not fear. Not terror. He realized, only now, he could have recovered from her disappointment. Her anger. But not her fear.

He was damned. Damned by this existential moment when he saw himself as she saw him, reflected in a mirror of agony. To know that everything you feared about yourself was true, that the lies we all build up around ourselves are false, to be confronted and revealed as the weak, sad, pathetic man he could not stand to be, was unbearable. His heart and mind shattered in this eternal, damning moment. He had stared into the abyss of self and staring back was the monster within. He felt as though someone was laughing at him.

He ran. What else could he do? He left her there, hating himself for it. But staying could make nothing better. Not for her, and certainly not for him.

He told himself so, anyway.


The rain continued to beat down as he rested at last from his dead sprint through this unknown city. He sat on the curb of an abandoned street, staring up into the dark sky. He began to speak, addressing nothing.

Drake: It's funny what happens when you let the world in.

He clenched a fist, still with smears of blood on it. He sucked on the bruised knuckles.

Drake: We all start off the same. Happy, not than any of us know it. Wanting something. Thinking we need it. You want something, and you see where it is. It's never home. So you go after it. You leave home. You leave happiness. You go on a journey. They say there's supposed to be something magical about journeys. They write books about that kind of thing. Coming of age. Heroic epics. That kind of thing. It's all garbage, in the end. It starts slow. You get your feet wet, find out a few things about the world. You have your troubles, but you persevere. You tell yourself you're learning about the world. Like that's a good thing.

He rubs a hand across his face and barks a short laugh.

Drake: Little by little, you and the world get a thing going. It asks a little bit. Just a little. Change the way you think about this - after all, your little small town ideas can't be expected to hold all the way out here in the big bad world. Just do this little thing that makes you feel funny - hey, it's what everyone has to do to get by out here. It asks so little, and you give it. Little by little, you put yourself into the world, and you take the world back into you.

His fist clenches hard again.

Drake: Until one day, you're standing there, wondering what happened. You swore it wouldn't change you - but it did. It gets to everybody. It makes everyone the same in the end. It takes your happiness - that blessed happiness you never knew you had, desperately wish you could get back - and turns it into hunger. Hunger for money, power, women. Whatever. Pick your poison, or have it picked for you. You're there in the middle of it - your big magical journey - and you realize you've wound up where you swore you'd never be. See, when you set out on the journey, you always think you'll come home. But that's a crock. You never make it home. Even if you can get back to the place that's supposed to be home, it isn't, because you're changed too much.

He shakes his head and a sad, angry, ironic smile comes on his face.

Drake: So there you are. Hopelessly changed, ruined by the world. And there in front of you is what you went out looking for to begin with, only now it doesn't matter anymore. It's a tiny prize next to what you want now. You want what the world's told you to want. You want everything. And most of all, deep down, you just want back everything you lost. So what do you do, when you come to this insignificant prize? You do the only thing you can. You take it anyway. You take it because at least, in the end, it's something. It won't help - not really - but it's better than nothing. And you hate how the biggest prize in your life, what you ruined yourself for, is just that. Better than nothing.

He sighs and looks up into the rain.

Drake: My name is Drake Callahan. All I've ever wanted in my life was to be world champion. I fought so hard for it, and along the way, I got so much more. Friends. A beautiful girlfriend. And I tossed it aside for something I thought was worth more. It's all gone now. Everything I ever had. All my happiness is lost. I once accused everyone in this company of being a monster, but I understand them now. They are monsters, but so am I. We've all been corrupted by this filth. This world championship. In the end, this golden idol is what's dragged us all down into the mud.

He laughs then, mirthless but deep.

Drake: But I'm going to take it anyway, because I have to. Because what else am I supposed to do? If I go back now, everything is for nothing. I've found the difference between me and them at last. It's not that they're monsters and I'm not. It's that I know what I am. I hate it. But because I know it, I understand what I need to do. Make note of that. I need the world championship. That's what separates me in the end. There are monsters who think they are men, and they want it. But there is one monster who knows better, and has to take this. The world championship is what I gave myself away for. It's what I became a monster for. It will be monument to my sin, an idol to monstrosity, and I will wear it in shame. But I will wear it all the same.

He stands, now, the rain growing stronger as lightning flashes.

Drake: Matt Tastic is a roadblock, and I will end him. I'm sorry, Matt. I don't hate you. I understand you more than you can understand yourself. But all the same, I will defeat you, and I will not make it pleasant. And then, Showtime, Kurtesy, Barbosa...and whether it's Celeste or S.H.I.T., Titus or will just be us six, us six wretches, us six monsters. And I want to apologize to all of you too. I'm sorry. I don't hate you, truly. Not even you, Showtime. I understand why each and every one of you has done what you've done. But I still cannot allow you to keep what I need more than life itself.

One more flash of lightning and a ripping peal of thunder resounds.

Drake: Make no mistake. I have no hope that I will be saved at Redemption. Redemption is a lie. But I will do what I must, and no more than that. I know the difference, now.

He hangs his head solemnly.

Drake: I wish I did not.



As a voice in the background echoes, the scene opens. A playground filled with kids playing and enjoying themselves. One can assume it's a school as the kids are all in uniform. One child in particular is quick to stand out though. Sitting on the ground by himself looking onward with no real particular interest. Not sad, not happy. Just looking on with nothing to do.




The voice continues to echo as the focus shifts towards a particular group of kids. One taller than the rest towers over a boy with his lunchbox who looks to the ground in an innocent sense of fear. Other kids are right there, but are reluctant to pay attention to whats going on...

"I'm hungry. Gimme what's in the lunchbox."

" This is mine."

"I don't care. I ate mine and I'm still hungry, so I want yours."



The two boys begin to fight over the lunchbox as the other kids in the playground catch on to whats going on. We see the sitting boy finally respond and then stands up with his fists clenched tight.




The voice echoes again as the kids struggle with the box. The rest of the kids surround the issue and watch on. However...

"YO! Big boy! Who the heck do you think you are?"

Everyone turns their attention. The odd boy who was sitting by himself was the one yelling. Directing himself towards the two fighting boys and going through the crowd.

"The lunchbox is his. Just because you're big and a total pig doesn't mean you can have it. You are not above than him."

"WHAT?! Who are you calling a pig?"

"You, you food-stealing, over-sized PIG. Leave him alone."

The kids all start laughing at the odd boys words. The big kid now turns his attention towards him and heads over fists also clenched.

"I can do whatever I want!"

"So can I, but I don't like to be a jerk about it. If you just asked for food anyone here could have given you some. But you think that because you're taller than us you can do whatever you want."

"I just said that. Are you gonna stop me?"


The big kid shoves the odd kid as the tension to the situation continues to build. However, as it seems things are going to get physical, the odd kid punts the big kid between the legs.


As the boy falls on his knees holding his crotch the odd boy looks on angrily once again tightening his fists.

"Don't try to get the simpy of the people. You tried to steal his food. You get no simpy from me."

The boy delivers a full force punch right to the face of the other kid knocking him out cold. The other kids look on in disbelief as the odd boy shows utter rage in his expression with his fists still held tight. He turns to see everyone else look on scarred at him. His violent actions aren't welcomed. The reception of fear seems to take a while before finally getting to him. Going from enraged to somewhat saddened by the fear shown by his peers. He releases his fists and slowly walks away as everyone looks on with a mix of fear and disapproval.




The scene goes dark and the echoing voice becomes familiar as it continues to speak...

"Drake Callahan is a monster... They told me..."

Ascension 51 said:
Callahan: I should've headlined Ascension 50. Instead, I got to face Brad Bomb. What the hell has Brad Bomb done in his entire career. And after I decimated him guess what my award was for this week? A match verse The Masked Gentleman. What the hell is that? This guy is literally a nobody. Both as a wrestler... and the fact nobody knows who he is. I'm sick of fighting these scraps. I'm sick of fighting these nobodies. I deserve to be in the main event, but you want to know why I'm not. It's all a big conspiracy to keep the unstoppable Drake Callahan down. I've seen guys like Blade and Matt Tastic get chance after chance and fail each time. Those guys are nobodies. Where are my chances? They ain't coming to me so I'm going to start demanding they be brought to me. Nobody is going to stop me from getting my title sho...

.....I've seen guys like Blade and Matt Tastic get chance after chance and fail each time........

.....Matt Tastic get chance after chance and fail each time......

.....Matt Tastic.....

.....Chance after chance.....

.....Fail each time.....

More like a whiner, really. I might have failed, but I don't piss and moan. I get right back and get right back on track. Steamy can gladly agree as any other who's seen me bounce back after each major loss. After all, that's what Super Saiyan does. When we lose, we recover and become stronger. His words were harsh and pretty accurate, but my anger is a bit... harsher."

Ascension 51 said:
Anderson: Here is your winner; Drake Callahan!

Connor: This match took more twist and turns than a country road. But at the end of it all, it was Drake who came out on top.

Cohen: I must say, Cat, I was shocked at how The Masked Gentleman handled himself here tonight. If he was up against anyone else, this might have been the best night of his relatively short WZCW career.

Connor: The future is remarkably bright for The Masked Gentleman but it was Drake Callahan who relied on his experience to get him through this one. Drake puts another win in the record books and moves onto Redemption.

Drake gets to his feet as his entrance music begins to play. The referee garbs his hand and hoists it into the air. A smug and satisfied Drake looks down at his masked opponent with a look of caution before exiting the ring. Drake decides not to go up the isle and instead grabs a steel chair near ringside.

Connor: Oh no, Drake's not going to do what I think he's going to do.

Cohen: It's all in the name to stop the conspiracy.

Drake slides into the ring a pushes the ref away. He grabs the chair and raises it up when...


Connor: On my god, Everest is back.

Drake drops the chair and looks up the ramp. The music keeps playing, but Everest is no where to be seen. Drake laughs and then picks up the chair.

Cohen: Everest isn't coming. No one is coming to save The Masked Gentleman.

Drake raise the chair above his head, suddenly it's taken from he hands. He turns around and Matt Tastic is there chair in hand. He takes the chair and smashes it over Drake's head. Drake falls to the mat and rolls out of the ring. He holds his head and then fakes climbing back into the ring, but hops down as Tastic takes another swing at him. The crowd is cheering Tastic loudly who holds the chair high above his head. Ty Burna appears on the ramp and seems pleased.

Burna: Excellent, excellent. This is what I was talking about Drake, I knew someone would come up and want a piece of you and now we found out who. So the last qualifying match will be Drake Callahan vs Matt Tastic. Two Mayhem legends, it should be a bloody brutal match.

Ty's music hits as he leaves the stage. Drake looks back at Tastic who points the chair at him.

Connor: So now we know who Drake's opponent will be. This is a golden opportunity for Matt Tastic.

Cohen: Yea, and another screw job that will happen to Drake....

"Drakey might want to go hide behind his ponies again now. Because he really, REALLY pushed my buttons. Trash-taking while I wasn't looking, attacking a beaten man who did nothing wrong, constantly complaining about the opportunities he claims he's never gotten... Funny, I wonder if it has to be with his vanishing act before I showed up. Or maybe there's more...."

The scene reopens with Matt Tastic at the park by a bench in an exercise parka, hood overhead, with Alisha sitting by. Her short-shorts catches the eyes of a few male park-goers, but a glance from Matt's "missmatched" eyes quickly scares anyone away. Matt lays in push-up position with the bench as an aid as Alisha counts on....

143... 144... 145... 146... 147... 148... 149... 150.

Matt gets up and grabs a bottle of water Alisha hands over and drinks. He flips over the hood and cleans off the sweat with his hand and sits.

"*Pant* *Pant* Another one. Jeez, another match with 6 people in it. Except this time, I have to qualify for it. I should be thankful though. Of all people, Ty Burna was the one to give me the green light. And it's my 3rd one."

"I can't believe he entrusted you to give Drake a challenge. He has some confidence you'll shut him up."

"I could give Batman, Broly, Jesus Christ or Galactus a run for their money. It's a totally different story to actually get the 3 count. Heaven forbid lightning shoots out of a clear blue sky just so I don't win. I have that kind of dumb luck."

"I doubt it."

"Ever since I was a kid I've caught people's attention. Whether it was with my attitude, my violent behavior or just my looks, people always noticed me. Thought that doesn't mean it was always positive things what they saw in me."

Matt gets up again from the bench and looks up at the bright blue sky, squinting due to the light. He pours water over his sweat-trenched face as thoughts run through his head.

"I'm a subborn son of a bitch. I'm not gonna stand down. When Ty said someone would step up to challenge Callahan, I had that feeling it had to be me. I didn't plan on letting anyone get in my way and I was ready to beat down anyone who'd get in my way. I wasn't expecting a chance to be in the main event of Redemption though. That was an unexpected bonus."

"I'm glad you're so focused in this match. I know you can someday win it."

"I'll maim anyone that gets in my way. It's not just one match this time. I need to compete twice in a row. But I've done so much and I'm training so much, I feel absolute confidence in myself. No worry, no doubt, no concerns, I feel perfectly clear. I've survived against 29 men, I've competed in 2 Chamber matches, I've beaten major names, the experience just keeps piling up."

The two pick their things up and walk out. Matt keeps pouring water over himself as we see the two walk down the park. They approach a nearby Jungle Gym that seems empty. Alisha heads to a nearby bench while Matt heads to the Monkey Bars. He cleans the sweat off his face again before jumping and doing chin-ups.


Matt stops suddenly and lets go, dropping to the floor. Alisha is confused as she didn't expect him to stop after a simple 5 chin-ups. But it's clear from his face that there's something bothering him.

"I've learned that I shouldn't give a damn about what people think about me. When the people had negative feelings about me, I was a reckless bastard who did anything to get his way until karma bit my ass. When the people had positive feelings about me, I'd get distracted trying to play for them. It's hard, but in the middle of this chaos, I feel I found the perfect balance of focus. The fans should like me for who I am and not what I do. If that's not good enough for them, then I'm sorry."

Matt wipes his face clean of sweat again and puts his hands on his hips and turns towards Alisha. She gets back up and see's him and focuses on his words.

"I've been thinking about my big match... Well, matches if I win. Winning my first one-on-one PPV match since Unscripted nabs me my first PPV main event. A World title shot. And so many options of opponents too. I'd like to say I can beat Kurtesy, but it's been so long since that time me and Gordito put him and Doug Crashin on a stretcher... He's obviously not the same as back then. Showy... I once fought him for the Elite X title. Sadly, I came short. And Barbosa. I once beat him. Not that it matters, he became a World Champion already."

Matt turns and looks up to the sky, arms still in his hips. He then uses his left hand as a shade to keep looking up as his thoughts continue to pour out.

"Titus and I have some business I'd like to finish, but quite frankly I don't think he cares. S.H.I.T. is just plain weird and James King... Damn. Now there's a lucky break. Then there's Celeste. I'll be honest. I'm worried to wrestle her."


"Because if by some chance I end up on her ass or chest, I don't think I'd be able to respond properly."

Alisha bounces up showing clear jealousy towards Matt's words. She hastily puts her hands on her own hips with a pouting face, but Matt doesn't seem worried or concerned over angering her.

"Relax, you know you're the one for me. But it is a genuine concern. It's probably why women aren't normally allowed to fight men. There's so much. A world of possibilities, but I should be happy. It's a lot of fresh blood for me to go through and beat. I should be used to it by now. But Callahan needs to be my main focus. The faster I beat him, the better I can fight in the main event."

Alisha drops her look of anger and just sits back down on the bench while Matt still looks on at the sunset. Despite all he's said, it still seems there's a lot going on inside his head...

"We should be going. We've got that charity show we agreed to go to, remember?"

"No, not really. But thanks for reminding me."

Alisha quickly gets up and marches off carrying everything, but Matt stays still looking at the sky. Thinking.

"Celeste's boobs.... Damn. I hope she doesn't qualify...."

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

The scene re-opens at the aforementioned charity event. Packed with about 3000 people in a small city basketball court at an unmentioned town, Matt Tastic stands next to Stacy Madison for a special interview for WZCW fans in attendance. He looks pumped hoping in place as if he was ready for a match despite being in street clothes and not scheduled for one.

"It's pretty clear that to Drake Callahan all you are is an obstacle placed by this conspiracy he keeps talking about. Do you believe him? Do you really believe there is a conspiracy against him?"

"Well Stacy, seeing how Ty Burna had picked me, I am indeed aware of the conspiracy he talks about. I do know why he's being held back."

Stacy's eyes go from serious to wide open as she believes she's found huge news and pushes herself towards Matt who gets a bit startled.

"Don't keep us in suspense! What's the story?!"

"Well you see Stacy, Drake Callahan could once be held synonymous with Peter Griffin and Homer Simpson. He was an annoying drunk. Last month, he could be held synonymous with... My 8 year old sister."

"You have an 8 year old sister?"

"Stay with me, girl. Anyway, it would seem our friend Drakey found a way to keep himself sober. And.... It just did not sit well with much people. Our current owner being the most annoyed."

"What is it? What's keeping Drake sober?"

"My dear Madison, Drakey keeps himself sober by being distracted. With.... Ponies."

Stacy turns her head towards the camera, dumbfounded by the statement as Matt looks as serious as he could.


"Seriously. It's Pinkie Pie this, Fluttershy that, Equestria this, for God's sake it's where he's billing himself from. You think it was just some thing he did for amusement, the dude is genuinely hooked on this stuff. And he's even dragged guys into it. Mikey Stormrage and even our now former World Champion, Steven Kurtesy. After Ty Burna told Drakey about the qualifying match, you could hear him backstage yelling I hope someone kills that pony loving freak. So after his match, I went down there and casually bashed his head with a chair. He's not being held back for being good. Because, you know, you can't hold that back. He's being held back because he's a pony loving nut."

"What do you plan to do at Redemption?"

"You ever play Ocarina Of Time, Stacy?"

"The Zelda game? Yeah."

"Woah, you have? You didn't look like that kind of person. Anyway, you know how after whacking the horse, Epona, a few times she gets tired? Well I'm going to get a saddle, a mouthpiece, some spurs, kick Drakey's ass, put the saddle and mouthpiece on him, and spur him until he cries You're Best Pony! You're Best Pony! After that, I'll pin his weirdo ass and nab myself a 6 Pack Challenge match."

"It's going to be a long night if you do win. What do you think are your chances in the 6 Pack Challenge?"

"It's 3 guys I know, 3 that I don't. Hell one of them might be this blonde bombshell of a babe. If I'm lucky, I can make the night longer."

"Constantine could cash in on the winner, you know."

Matt shoots a bewildered look at Stacy, confused by her statement. He steps forward a bit towards her going from a confused look to a relaxed but somewhat serious look.

"......No. Thankfully he cannot until after the show. Boy would that make my night looooong. And Ironic. But at the end of the day, it's Matt Tastic doing what he does best, Delivering Kickassery. I'm going to go into Redemption, and after playing Pin The Ass of the Brony, I'm going to face 6... People. I will then proceed to do anything to FINALLY, and I mean Jesus Christ FINALLY end the doubt. They say I'm a rising star. They say I'm on my way. They say I'm going to be big someday. Dammit to hell, if I gonna staple everyone to the mat to do it, I'll do it. I'll go through damn near any extreme to show the world that day is infact today."

Matt now points at Stacy Madison and looks on with all the intensity in the world. The powerful words make Stacy bend herself back a bit in slight awe.

"I don't know about you, but I prefer to be enjoying the present, where I'm standing at, than looking aimlessly thinking about the future. Showtime, Rush and Constantine got their moments this last month. Barbosa, Kurtesy and Titus had theirs. Celeste has had chances, but was too busy courting Chris KO. And as far as I'm concerned, I'd rather die than let a robot codenamed after excrement or a guy who seems to vanish every 2 months pass me by. Not to mention they just got off beating up Ty Motherfreakin' Burna. Moment enough for them right now if you ask me. At Redemption, the day is mine and the moment WILL happen."

Matt slaps himself in the chest in an act of self-motivation and reassurance as he walks off. Stacy Madison looks on as the scene fades to black...

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