Redemption Discussion: Elite X Title Match

Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW

Matt Tastic earned his championship opportunity by defeating three other superstars on Ascension but shortly after his victory, Vance Bateman announced the updated rules for the Elite X Championship which will begin at Redemption:

"The Elite X champion must defend the title in every match he participates in and will do so for 7 straight rounds, should he managed to retain every week. Once the Elite X champion successfully defends the title on the 7th round, he will forfeit the championship and be granted a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship."

Should S.H.I.T retain, he will be one match closer to a World title shot. However, should Tastic win, the counter will be reset and will have to endure 7 different challengers to get his title win. Both men will need to step up their game should they wish to see a World title in their near future.
I'm all for the change to the Elite X system by the way. Even if it results in the title switching hands every other week, who cares? That's fun. I'm also pretty confident that SHIT is going to be able to reach that magic number 7, even though Tastic has been hot of late. I really think you can count on one hand the number of people capable of taking Miko down right now.
I am really loving the Tastic heel turn, but SHIT isn't going to roll over to just anyone. I think from a booking standpoint, Tastic winning the title would make sense if only to further push Tastic's urge to take out the comedy and wacky characters of the fed one title defense at the time.

Really tough to call, expect this match to steal the show RP wise.
I'm going with Matt Tastic to win this one. It's a toss up but I think Tastic will be able to steal the win and the title here.
Matt Tastic is nursing a baby at the moment. By that I mean he's fresh as a heel and he's got his thing going on so he's trying very hard to nurse the character he's creating for himself. That said, this might be a case for him where losing is more beneficial than winning. In my opinion, a win here for Tastic will take the focus away from his developing persona and instead thrust the limelight on the new Elite X rules and concept.

I think S.H.I.T. however is the perfect candidate to hold this title. He's a guy who is incredibly believable as a potential championship contender and having him steamroll a plethora of adversaries would set him as well as the title concept up perfectly. However, perfection is a hard thing to come by in WZCW and it very rarely pans out the best possible way with wins and losses.

This is a tough one to call, but I'll go with my gut and say S.H.I.T. to win and keep the two seperate plot threads chugging along nicely.
Despite who wins, I think both men are prime candidates to really test the waters with the new defense system. I see the victor here really pushing the limits from the get-go.
Both guys are great RP'ers, and I'm really looking forward to this match, but I'm going with Matt Tastic here, just because S.H.I.T is the PRIME person for Tastic to face with his heel turn. He's everything that Tastic hates, the gimmicky, cardboard robot that has had more success than him and this is his redemption. I wouldn't be surprised if S.H.I.T wins either though, as Miko is a great RP'er too and his RP's have been top notch recently.
The guy who's in my top five characters, or only man who's ever beaten me. Decisions, decisions.

Killjoy, if you've been watching your Bully Ray tapes, well done. I almost wish you could change your rep to him. And the last win, scoring wins over Izzy Stone, Stevens, and Cooper proves you should be here.

SHIT has been on a roll. Hell, he took out KO, and with style. I think SHIT rolls here, and goes on to face his tag team partner for the big shiny.
S.H.I.T. will win this match and I believe he'll win it easily. He's a level above that of Matt Tastic.
I'm a Matt Tastic fan - always have and always will be; a smark until the end, baby. I've always wanted Tastic to achieve something more than the Mayhem championship and although he's been knocked out of the Gold Rush tournament, Killjoy has a chance to redeem himself. Unfortunately, its up against Miko who has turned a completely comedic character into one of the most feared competitors on the roster. S.H.I.T definitely deserves a title around his waist and honestly, I don't think he's going to lose to Matt Tastic during his first title defense. I believe in Tastic but S.H.I.T's just too good.

Prediction: S.H.I.T
I voiced my complete agreement with Funkay during the podcast chat - Matt Tastic should not win this match. I would almost go as far to say that even if Tastic was to win the vote, he should not be given/take the title. Him losing to the man in the box is too perfect for his angry heel turn to throw it away.

What I would say though is that even if Tastic does not win the title, Tastic vs SHIT in an extended feud over the title would be a good story as it not only gives fuel for Tastic to complain but would also be a good challenge for SHIT - unfortunately, the new Elite X rules seem to make sure that this does not happen (one of the main reasons I do not like them).

As for the match, Miko has been on such a roll since god knows when that it will be difficult for Killjoy to displace him, even with the ammunition that his heel turn provides.

Barbosa's Choice: SHIT retains

Barbosa's Real Choice: SHIT retains when Tastic loses it and gets himself DQed, preferably through a massive beatdown to prove that SHIT is just a man in a box, setting up a prolonged feud.
Tastic winning would be lame considering the amount of material both men could have later on if he were to lose. However if Tastic loses he won't be getting another shot until SHIT loses the belt correct? Yeah I definitely see why some don't like those rules.

If SHIT were to retain I honestly see the belt becoming nothing more than praying to god SHIT gets those title defenses and nothing more interesting than that.
Honest question. Just how many times does my character need to lose his shit before it stops being interesting?
I agree with, but like Funks and Barbs about losing being cool for Tastic, but as mentioned before... only if it leads to a longer feud. If he loses and then feud with let's say a Daggershield or Krypto (if he loses to Runn or Blade/Beard) then the loss IMO does absolutely nothing for him.

tastic winning could work if creative decided to give him as many of the more over the top characters in a row as his title defenses... like vs Dags, vs Krypto, vs Fallout, vs Coberer and so on and so forth. Not to say he'd easily defeat all of them, but he's certainly capable of it... and it could lead to a re-match between he and either SHIT or Dr. Zeus (the only loss on his record), and his persona would only be strengthened at that point... win or lose.

With all that said... I've got Miko anyways.:shrug:
I'd love to see a Tastic win here but I'm not convinced. SHIT is likely the flagship for this new idea and probably isnt going to be sacrificed for Tastic or anyone in the contenders match.

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