Rectal Preparations: Why the taboo?


Is a thin rope
Hello my friends I'd like to talk to you about the wonderful world of rectal pharmaceutical products, and ponder on the reason they're not more used.

What are they?

In short, they are pharmaceutical products (i.e. drugs) that are inserted into the rectum via the anus (i.e. sticking drugs up your bum).

What's the point?

There are actually a few benefits to this. Firstly, if you've got a problem in the area, treating it locally has obvious benefits. Secondly, if you can't take drugs orally (and there are many reasons that this may not be possible) this is a viable alternative (it's easier and safer than injections, for example). Thirdly, many drugs can cause stomach ulcers. Bypassing the stomach means no stomach ulcers. And fourthly (and perhaps most importantly) the blood supply in the lower rectum is different to the rest of the gastro intenstinal tract (GIT).

That's so special about the lower rectum?

Simple (or perhaps not), everywhere else in the GIT, the blood goes to the liver (via the hepatic portal vein). As anybody who drinks can tell you, the liver does a lot of metabolising (that is, breaking stuff down into harmless waste products), which reduces the amount of drug you have available for biological use. However, the lower rectum the blood goes straight to the Vena Cava, and from there to the heard and the rest fo the body where it can have its effect. More available drug = more effective.

So why isn't they used more often?

You tell me.
I don't think the unpopularity of this type of therapy has anything to do with morals/ethics. From a practical standpoint, having anything up your ass feels really uncomfortable (everyone has jumped into a pool feet first without clenching their butt cheeks first). Also, while I'm no medical expert on this matter, I intuitively believe that anything that got stuck up my butt would be shat right back out; there's a few women in porn that would agree with me on this point :wtf::wtf::wtf:.
I don't think the unpopularity of this type of therapy has anything to do with morals/ethics.

Fair enough.

From a practical standpoint, having anything up your ass feels really uncomfortable (everyone has jumped into a pool feet first without clenching their butt cheeks first).

Suppositories don't stat solid after application. They're made of a wax (these days, usually Witepsol H15 or Witepsol E75) which is molten at body temperature but solid at room temperature.

Also, while I'm no medical expert on this matter, I intuitively believe that anything that got stuck up my butt would be shat right back out;

Shitting before insertion solves this problem. And as mentioned, it melts in the body so the drug can dissolve in the water and pass through the gut wall and into the bloodstream.

Also, in some cases, that's the point. Glycerin suppositories, for example are used as a remegy for constipation.

there's a few women in porn that would agree with me on this point :wtf::wtf::wtf:.

There is no shit in the rectum after dropping the kids off at the pool.

In conclusion, the reason you'd prefer to take drugs orally is because you think it would feel uncomfortable to have drugs inserted into your back passage?
Fair enough.

Suppositories don't stat solid after application. They're made of a wax (these days, usually Witepsol H15 or Witepsol E75) which is molten at body temperature but solid at room temperature.

So, instead of having something solid in my rectum, I'm going to have something that could leak...I don't like mudbutt either.

Shitting before insertion solves this problem. And as mentioned, it melts in the body so the drug can dissolve in the water and pass through the gut wall and into the bloodstream.

I'm not sure if you're arguing from the standpoint of a specialist or a recreational drug user; if you are arguing this from the standpoint of a recreational drug user, then I think Irvine Welsh already has a majority of you thinking that you'll have to fish out suppositories from disgusting pub loos should you decide to go that route.

There is no shit in the rectum after dropping the kids off at the pool.

Why do people get enemas then?

In conclusion, the reason you'd prefer to take drugs orally is because you think it would feel uncomfortable to have drugs inserted into your back passage?

In conclusion, the reason you'd prefer to take drugs orally is because you think it would feel uncomfortable to have drugs inserted into your back passage?

It really seems that you're saying this would be a ******ed reason to not want to take these types of drugs. You realize this is probably the most popular reason and a valid one? I for one am not a fan of having things stuck up my ass. That might be your cup of tea but it's not for me. It might be healthier and less dangerous but still, if you don't like things being inserted into your rear you don't do it. Stated previously, it might not necessarily be the fact that it's taboo it's just not the most pleasant thing in the world and when there are alternatives that are just plain easier and less, well you know where I'm going with this.

Plus some people can't reach there on their own and may not want somebody helping them. Even asking a spouse to do this would be somewhat humiliating. "Excuse me hun? Can you come stick this pill up my ass? No, it's cool really. I swear...................I wiped like a thousand times." That's a conversation I can't wait to have.
I agree with the rest here, the obvious reason that people would rather take medication orally is because no one likes to shove something up their ass. I know I don't, it's uncomfortable, awkward, and leaves a.......... Odd feeling that sticks around for a time.

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