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This is the new title for Eminem's newest album. "Relapse 2" was originally supposed to be the title, but a few weeks ago he tweeted; "There is no Relapse 2." The new name, is of course "Recovery." The album is due on shelves June 22nd and is supposedly different from "Relapse." He said in a article that "Relapse" was for the core Eminem fans, and that Recovery is more for everyone. There's been a single released so far, the name of it is "Not Afraid" produced by Boi-1da. The song is pretty catchy, the beat is cool. I like the hook, it's damn catchy. Eminem's flow is decent, but nothing mindblowing. I as a huge Eminem fan can of course also criticize my favorite artist. :p He also said there would be no skits on the album, so it can focus on the music and not the skits and whatnot. What do you think of Eminem coming out with another album? Hype about it? Indifferent? Hesitant?

Here's the new song:

I'm totally into it.

Eminem has been my favorite rapper for years. Im 27 and I find that 98% of hip hop is trash and besides a chosen few like Lupe, I dont really listen to hip hop as much.

''Not afraid'' pretty much tells you in his verse, He said ''I ran the accents into the ground''. Stating that the ''accents'' from relapse are gone. Which to some is a big relief.

I personally didnt mind it. Especially on songs like Stay wide awake, The wordplay was some of the best of his career.

I dont like the sudden flood of eminem fans coming back to the helm (Not you Freddy), All of a sudden he does tracks with Lil Wayne, and now they love him again? Hypocrisy at its finest, but thats hollywood.

I can't wait for this album. And I hope more verses like ''Underground'' will be all over it.
I am really feeling ems new song, it's a new em you can definately hear the pain from all the shit he's been through.I reaaly have a disdain for the fair-weather fans didn't wanna support him when he was recovering from a drug problem, and losing his best friend. em never fell off he just went through some shit and now he's got something to prove to the world and that is great, because when he has that chip on his shoulder his musical genius really shines.
I totally feel the song. It's got a nice sound to it and it's catchy as hell.

I've been a fan of Eminem since he first came out with the Slim Shady LP and it's a sigh of relief that he's one of the only good rappers in the mainstream scene, since almost all of it is filled with complete and total shit.

I also like the name change of the album and the fact that there's gonna be no skits is something that I don't think Eminem has ever done on an album as far as I can remember. Either way, I'm glad that he's got a new album coming out because I as a fan of his, want to hear any type of new material from him and I always anticipate when that material comes out. Plus, I truly believe that this will be a good album (other than Encore, he hasn't had a bad album at all) and I will be getting this shit once it comes out.
I've been listening to Eminem - Not afraid for the past few days, grown to like it a lot.

He said "That last Relapse Cd was eh" which I have to admit i completely disagree on, seeing as I'm one of the "Die hard Eminem fans" that he made the CD for, and I think he did amazing with it, but that doesn't mean that I won't be hyped to hear what he brings to the table with Recovery, I've loved everything Em has ever made, so I have my doubts he'll be able to disappoint me with Recovery.

And I actually think that the twitched Slim Shady accent he came off with was pretty fresh, it caught my attention, while I know it certainly wasn't "Slim Shady" it was something different, something that excited me, and even though it's quite clear that many people hated it, I'm crossing my fingers we won't be hearing the last of it.
The accents were alright at first. They got old quick though. This song is so different for Eminem, it's like inspirational sorta. Listen to the lyrics, really listen to them. Eminem is pretty much on top of his game with this song. It's gonna blow up, and is a great start-off single for Recovery. June 22nd, damn. Can't wait. :worship:
I think perhaps "top of his game" is a stretch, sure Em made a great song, I'll give him that, but it's by far not his best work if you ask me.
Some of his greatest work from my point of view has got to be the stuff he gave us with The Eminem Show, which I think is a shame that it really got branded as Eminem going mainstream, but Eminem still produced some of my favorite songs from him on that album.

But I agree, I can't wait neither, I'm definitely getting this album, and I'm excited to see what else he can throw at us, cause Not afraid is a very nice start of a potentially great album, as opposed to Relapse and "We made you" which actually had me totally off the album, I listened to a few of his other songs a few months after the release and realized "so.. it's just the first single that sucked"
Wow, just wow. I'm listening to a leaked copy of Recovery. This. Album. Is. Sick. Like, forreal. Eminem put everything into this fucking cd. The beats are absolutely on point, the flow is perfect. Eminem is at his best, some of his flows rival some of the old Eminem. No stupid ass accents, no dumb corny songs. Pure skill, pure talent, pure rap. I REALLY can't wait til' June 22nd now.
Certainly, this is the best album of 2010.

Whether it is Eminem's best album of his career, is very debatable but it is certainly a fucking brilliant effort. I am not that big of a rap fan and don't really like a lot of the more hardcore rappers. However, this album has got me hooked already and I have listened to it non-stop since I downloaded the leaked copy. For me, it is an immense mix of both contemporary pop tunes and modern popular rap. No one can listen to this album and think that it is one-dimensional. There is collaborations from Rihanna, Kobe, Pink and Lil' Wayne and even a sample from Ozzy Osbourne!

Seriously, I haven't felt this way since Green Day brought out their last album. Every song on the album is incredible and Eminem's lyrics follow his trend of just being a genius. My personal favourites on the album are too many to count but I would likely say "Going Through Changes" and "Almost Famous". However, all of the album is brilliant and there really is something for everyone on here. Definitely worth a listen in the future.
After listening to the leaked copy of "Recovery", I've come to the conclusion that this has to be the my 2nd favorite album of all-time. That album is just amazing... you really could not ask for anything more from Eminem. He knew that "Relapse" was not what he wanted as his comeback album and he did something about it. The songs on the album all have a strong, lyrical, musical meaning towards and behind them. Eminem is just a fucking beast when he wants to be.

As a huge fan of rap, and a semi-big fan of Eminem, I really could not be more satisfied with this album. It's not secret that I hated "Relapse" and all shit about it, so I couldn't wait for his next album, hoping that it would be better, but still a bit worried it wouldn't be. Now, it took a while, but it sure as hell was worth the wait. The album is pure genius and I like mostly all the songs on it. Congrats to Marshall for it!
Honestly the cd is amazing. Nothing short of it. Eminem has always been at the top of my favorite rappers list, but hes always been about even with a few others, but after hearing this cd there is no doubt he is #1. Every single song fucking brings it. Eminem let his heart out for this cd, and it pays off. This is the Eminem I love when he pours his heart out in songs. Seriously i've listened to all of the songs on the album, and pre-ordered it on itunes. God I cannot wait for tomorrow because this has already become my favorite cd of all time.
So I've been known by many of my fellow hip hop fans on here to hate on Em a bit. Don't get me wrong, I've always liked the guy and had respect for him, I grew up on his first two records just like every other teenager on the planet probably did, but it's the greatness of those two albums that made me become so critical of his last few albums which were all in my opinion ranging from mediocre to absolutely terrible.

So, when I downloaded Recovery, I was skeptical obviously. To me, I don't know, maybe it was the drugs or his personal life but I hadn't heard the fire in Em's voice in a long time, that is, until I started listening to this album. The first two tracks, "Cold Wind Blows" and "Talkin 2 Myself" are both two of the best Em songs I've heard in about a decade, both with that same fire I remember from his early days that made me love the guy so much when I was younger. Those first two songs single-handedly have given me great hope for Em to still put out great music, something I was honestly starting to become skeptical about.

Now, don't get me wrong, there is some filler on this, but the tracks that are good outweigh those that are bad and easily make this in my opinion Em's best album since the Marshall Mathers LP. I could do without the Pink and Rihanna and other crossover attempts, but overall, good album, very pleasantly surprised when I listened to this. I'd probably give the album something like ***1/2 stars. Not quite a classic, but very good.
It's good. It's very good. I'd say at the moment, it's my second favourite album of the year so far (I prefer The Adventures of Bobby Ray) but that's not to say it's not incredible. I (along with most in this thread) hoped that the accents would be toned down, as it did definitely get old after a few songs, as well as hoping that the subject matter would be a bit more serious-I wasn't disappointed in either aspect.

When I first heard the leaked version of Not Afraid and later, No Love, I thought this is the Eminem that everyone loves. I was initially sceptical about the Wayne/Em collabs, but since they began, I've enjoyed all of them. As well as the Wayne feature, I think that all the other features on the album are just as good. Eminem and Rihanna should not be good, but it's one of the more emotional songs on the album in my opinion and it's fantastic. There are a few songs I don't love (yet, I've still got to listen to it more) such as W.T.P., but it could grow on me, not sure yet about that though.

All in all, I'd say it's a great album by him. That's to be expected, the only one I've disliked has been Relapse. I'll keep listening to see what I think of the songs I'm not convinced on, but a very solid effort here. Eminem is back!
This is probably the most personal and emotional album from Eminem. Gone are the pop songs, mom rants and celebrity disses. Not only is his flow fire with the majority of the disc, but his lyrics are much more profound and mature. Songs like "Going Through Changes," "Space Bound," "Love the Way You Lie" and "You're Never Over" are evidences of this. I also found hints of MMLP with songs like "Almost Famous." That energetic delivery was classic Eminem. I definitely enjoyed this album more than last year's "Relapse" which only had a handful of tracks I felt. But, I don't feel as bad about it as Eminem does. He seems to be bashing it quite a bit, even going so far as saying it's in his trash lol. For me, this is the best he's dropped since "The Eminem Show" which I personally think was very solid. Musically, "Recovery" is a step up. I love that damn acoustic. I'm glad this record is a positive surprise.
I really love this album and to X's comment about the cross over attempts, i thought they were good to give a rock feel to some of the songs, bringing Pink on the Won't Back Down track was a nice touch. But lyrically, subject matter and emotional wise the entire album is excellent. Special mention to "Cold Wind Blows", Going Through Changes and "Space Bound". And as for Relapse, i enjoyed it as did most people, its a shame he bashes it. As i felt Relapse was mix of his old style and new style, but both it and Recovery have been Em's best efforts in a long time.
I finally got the chance to listen to this all the way through, and that's the first time in years I can say that about an Eminem album. Throughout his first three albums, I was such a huge, huge fan. I knew he was going to be huge and bought The Slim Shady LP the first day it came out. I was always a huge fan, but then he released Encore and Relapse and they were both below average albums. Through that stretch, I thought the best song he put out came from his Greatest Hits album of all things, when "When I'm Gone" was a bonus track.

I love this album. He gets real honest about the quality of his last two albums throughout this one, and it just raises my respect for him even more. I also how he gets real and says he was going to diss Wayne and Kanye out of jealousy, and was glad that he never did because he would have been owned. Sure, there are some mediocre tracks, but nothing truly terrible like most of the tracks off the last couple albums have been. There's a lot more good than bad... which I'm very glad about. "No Love" is incredible (as is any song that he and Kanye collaborate on) and "Almost Famous" might be my most favorite song by him that he's ever put out... at the very least it's top 5. "Talking to Myself" is also another great track... and as much as I can't stand Rihanna, I love her work on this album too. "Going Through Changes" might be as depressing of a song as "When I'm Gone" is... and I mean that in a good way. I'm also real glad that he's cleaned up and that he's healthy now. He's making some great music.

If you've been apprehensive about checking this out because of his work over the last couple of years, check this out. It's the closest he's been to his previous greatness since The Eminem show.
I am a big Hip-Hop fa...I AM HIP-HOP! And I was a fan of Eminem for awhile in the beginning stages of his career. But after that whole "Just lose it" video where he took various jabs at the king of pop Michael Jackson (R.I.P.), I was no longer on the Eminem team. In the video if you recall Em was dressed up as M.J. playing with young boys on a bed. And in the song he threw a hot one out there on Mike about "playing with little boys". That wasn't cool at all!

And after that some music channels (BET) did not play that video anymore due to Michael Jackson's request that they didn't. But MTV & VH1 kept on doing against Mike's wishes. Why, I don't know?

I do know that after awhile Eminem has had a string of bad luck in his life. First he get's divorced from his wife Kim, again. And his best friend Proof (R.I.P.) was murdered in their hometown of Detroit, MI. So Eminem has really had a very hard few years now. And the recovery LP may be what Em needs to help him focus more of life and live it to the fullest.

As far as Eminem trying to "save Hip-Hop", good luck to that man because Hip-Hop isn't dead at all! But I'll buy the new album before I ever give in to Drake & Kanye West!
Well, he's projected to sell between 700-750K albums from this first week of release.

Offering conclusive proof that Marshall still matters, Eminem’s aptly named Recovery will score the year’s highest sales debut. Look for a total of between 700-750k for the Shady/Aftermath/Interscope album, easily beating Sade’s 503k back in February. It should also beat his last album, Relapse, which sold 608k in its first week in May ’09.

Good for him. That many album sales this day in age is INCREDIBLE. He absolutely deserves it for getting clean and turning out his best album since The Eminem Show. I cannot stop listening to it, and I can't remember the last time I listened to an Eminem album all the way through without skipping any songs. The Rihanna song has really grown on me as well. It's a shame that it's going to get played to death on the radio in a few months.
this album is off the charts good, every song on the album is good, especially no love with lil wayne, where he mentions why should team with other rappers if beat them, i spit on these pu**ies before i eat em. on of the best albums in long time, i did give a drake a chance and boy did his cd suck ass. i can't stand kanye, and lil wayne never liked any of them. this coming from a huge fan of hip hop, since day 1, the rappers out now are very weak, then you have the greats like jay z and ludacris making there 5th or 6th album and they have run out of stuff already. the last album i would have to say was as good as recovery was the marshall mathers lp or moment of truth by gangstarr
Really solid album. Driving around for work this week I had a chance to listen to the album two or three times through, quality stuff. A few gripes.. some beats leave a lot to be desired, well some are out of this world good. Space Bound and Seduction have great beats.. this is off the top of my head, dont have everything memorized.. the Dr. Dre produced song, Im Bad or something.. weakest Dre beat i've heard in some time. There's a few more songs I don't really enjoy. It's never because of subject matter, flow, or lyrics though, just the beats. It plays through really well because the beats sound pretty much the same, little slower tempo so he raps fast. That's a problem for an Eminem CD though because when you actually try to pay attention to what he says, you notice the backdrop sucks. there's no peaks and valleys.. just one steady wave length all the way through. A comfortable and confident Shady, but also still a work in progress on how to create THE album. (you know, a classic.)
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Very, very good album. I would have to say Eminem is finally back, because I was starting to doubt him after the Relapse album. This album was sick from beginning to end.

"Almost Famous" has to be the best song on the album. I haven't heard Eminem kill a track like that in a long time. I wasn't too excited when I heard about the songs featuring Rihanna and Pink, but I changed my mind after listening to them. Both Rihanna and Pink were perfect choices for the choruses, and Eminem's verses went well with both songs. I also really liked the song with Lil Wayne, but the song they sampled drives me crazy, because every time I hear it, all I can think about is The Roxbury Guys from Saturday Night Live. Also, DJ Khaled as a producer on this album was kind of a surprise, but every track played a part in was very good.

The Marshall Mathers LP is still my favorite Eminem album, but Recovery was a nice way for Eminem to rebound after Relapse. I really hope his next album will be this good, because after Recovery, I'm really looking forward to it.
very good album 8 out of 10 im luv slim shady and i only disliked one song on the album ehich was seduction because it was a boring sex song which isnt his sttrong point
i loved no love, space bound and ure never over, despite hating lil wayne (he bores me)
i luved his song with em it was brill slim is back to his old ways relapse is completey forgotten
by far the best album of the year. this is the fist time i have actually BOUGHT a CD in years. and dont regret it one bit. there have been very few CD's i have ever been able to listin to not only start to finish, but more than once, but this is one of them. The flow, and lyrical style are hard, gritty, raw and real. way better than everything else out right now.
Honestly, I don't consider myself a fan of rap music or even a fan of any material as honest and gritty and graphic as the stuff than Eminem releases. A friend used my computer to burn a few CDs, and didn't delete the Eminem CD. So it made it's way onto the ipod and it's grown on me a bit, there are still some songs that I may cringe at every now and then, but I feel like I've grown to appreciate his honesty, intensity, and the quality of the lyrics the he's put out on this album.

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