Rebooking Survivor Series 2000

King Patrick Star

K. O. T. R. 2007 -€“ Team Undisputed
I’m assuming since the Survivor Series is over and we’re headed to the TLC, that MMK isn’t going to continue this series. Since I’ve typed up “Rebooking Survivor Series” up to 2001, I thought I’d continue it. Here goes my version of Survivor Series 2000.

Women’s Championship Title Fatal Four Way match
Women’s Champion, Ivory vs. Lita vs. Trish Stratus vs. Molly Holly

Naked Mideon, Steve Blackman, and the Holly Cousins (Hardcore Holly and Crash Holly)
William Regal, Perry Saturn and T & A (Test and Albert)

D-Generation X – Billy Gunn, Chyna, Road Dogg, and K-Kwik
The Radicalz – Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko, and Perry Saturn (with Terri)

The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von Dudley) and The Hardy Boyz (Matt and Jeff Hardy)
Edge and Christian and Right to Censor (Bull Buchanan and The Goodfather)

Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, The Undertaker, and Chris Jericho
Kurt Angle, Triple H, Kane , and Rikishi,

I tried to keep everyone that was on the original card on my version. Instead of two 4-on-4 traditional Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team matches, a Six-Person Mixed Tag Team match, and 7 singles matches, I made it four 4-on-4 matches and a Fatal Four Way for the Women’s Championship Title Belt.
Head Cheese (Steve Blackman & Al Snow) and The Holly Cousins (Hardcore & Crash) vs. William Regal, Taz, Raven, and The Big Bossman

A.P.A (Bradshaw & Farooq) and Too Cool (Grandmaster Sexay & Scotty 2 Hotty) vs. T&A (Test & Albert) and Right To Censor (Steven Richards & Val Venis)

I'd keep everything else on the card the same.

Austin vs. Triple H is an underrated match and overshadowed by it's finish and the 3 Stages Of Hell at No Way Out 2001.
I just realized that I have Perry Saturn in two matches on my card. I’d leave him in the Radicalz. So my opening match would be:

Naked Mideon, Steve Blackman, and the Holly Cousins (Hardcore Holly and Crash Holly)
William Regal, T & A (Test and Albert), and a mystery partner (I really just can’t decide on who I’d like to see fill in the fourth spot on this team)

During the Survivor Series, where was Al Snow, Taz, Raven, Big Bossman, The APA (Bradshaw and Farooq), and Too Cool (Grandmaster Sexay and Scotty 2 Hotty) anyway??
During the Survivor Series, where was Al Snow, Taz, Raven, Big Bossman, The APA (Bradshaw and Farooq), and Too Cool (Grandmaster Sexay and Scotty 2 Hotty) anyway??

They were still around, they just weren't used on the PPV.

Snow, Taz, Raven, and Too Cool all appeared on the Thanksgiving episode of Smackdown following Survivor Series and Raven helped Regal defeat Hardcore Holly at Armageddon. The APA were out with kayfabe injuries at the hands of T&A, the two teams were feuding at the time. T&A had taken out The APA, took over their office, and renamed it "The T&APA". APA returned at Armageddon to get payback on T&A but I would've brought them back a month earlier for my fantasy card, maybe as mystery partners for Too Cool's team. And Bossman was wrestling on Heat/Jakked before he was out with an injury and returned in late 2001.
Honestly the only thing I'd probably do different from the original card is having Stonecold vs Rikishi instead of against Triple H as, seeing as Rikishi drove the car, they went through that to get to the person behind it far too if Rikishi had been dropped like Austin was meant to have dropped Triple H, no-one would've really complained if he'd been off of tv for a month or so, unlike Triple H's complete bollocks not a scratch on him return 8 days later.

Hell, could even have Triple H in Rikishi's corner (seeing as he was behind the hit and run) and have The Rock as the special referee (seeing as Rikishi "did it for the Rock"), would've possibly added a bit of intrigue and, with all the added distractions, might've helped ease Austin back into the main event work mode a bit quicker.
I thought this was an ok ppv tbh, it could of gone better and they only had 2 traditional elimination matches where they should of had a few more, my rebooked card for this would be:

Sunday Night Heat
Ivory (C) Vs Lita Vs Trish Stratus Vs Molly Holly
Fatal Four Way Women's Title Match. Have this on SNH with Ivory getting the win and retaining her title.

Main Card.
1) Headcheese & Holly Cousins Vs William Regal, Bossman, Mideon & Rios
8 Man Tag Team Elimination Match. I would have Regal bring in Bossman, Mideon & Rios, I'm scrapping the bottom of the barrel here and I would have Hardcore and Blackman survive the match.

2) Chris Jericho Vs Kane
Singles Match. Stays the same, I enjoyed this match.

3) The Radicalz Vs Billy Gunn, Road Dogg, Chyna & K-Kwik
8 Man Tag Team Elimination Match. Stays the same EXCEPT I would have all four members of the Radicalz survive the match and look dominant.

4) The Rock Vs Rikishi
No Dq Singles Match. Stays the same.

5) T & A, Val Venis & Steven Richards Vs Too-Cool & Lo-Down
8 Man Survivor Series Elimination Match. I would have this on the card with both members of T & A surviving the match and goading the APA to come out even though they know they're injured, I liked T & A I thought they should of been pushed a little harder.

6) Kurt Angle (C) Vs The Undertaker
Wwf Title Match. Stays the same.

7) The Hardy Boyz & Dudley Boyz Vs Edge, Christian & Right to Censor
8 Man Tag Team Elimination Match. Stays the same again, I liked this match.

8) Stone Cold Steve Austin Vs Triple HHH
No DQ Match. I enjoyed this match, I would keep it as it was.

That's my card and I think with one or two more matched added it could of been decent.

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