Rebook Wrestlemania XXXII


Getting Noticed By Management
So basically Wrestlemania 32 was an abomination of a show in my eyes. that could have been a hell of a lot better with the wrestlers that they had and even with the same card.

So my question is this: Can you make WM 32 a memorable WM without adding superstars that weren't there?
You have 2 options for this rebooking:
A.Make the show good by changing the whole card.
B.Make the show better with the same match card (more challenging).

I am going to do option A. and later I'll do option B.

Wrestle Mania XXXII:

Roman Reigns vs The Undertaker
So basically this is a big one. I think Taker should have headlined this WM. I would have Reigns be booked in the same kind of way until the 2016 Royal Rumble match (which will be won by Bray Wyatt, I'll get to that) - with only one difference. At Survivor Series after The Undertaker's tag match - a mystery masked guy is going to attack Taker. After the Rumble Reigns understands that being a good guy doesn't make you the guy like he said. He said that he want to be a future HOF. He said if he's not going to be in the WWE WHC title match at WM. At Fast Lane The Undertaker costs Reigns a Fatal 4 way match for the WWE WHC title by attacking him. In the Raw after FL' it is revealed that Reigns was the mystery attacker at Survivor Series and Reigns issued a challenged to Taker for Mania that was accepted. . Reigns then destroys Taker and making him bleed. The next week on Raw Reigns talks about how in the days of The Shield he almost killed Taker, he will kill him for good now (Reigns starts to turn heel). You can have them brawl and fight all the way to Mania and the story is basically - Does Reigns have it inside of him to beat Taker and become the guy?
At Mania Reigns defeats Taker by hitting him with the tombstone on a chair to win and turn heel in the process (as he beat Taker).

Bray Wyatt (C) vs Kevin Owens in a Singles Match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship
And here is the shock. How the hell does it make sense? So here's my explanation. In the 2016 Royal Rumble match Wyatt wins the Rumble by last eliminating Triple H. That's after for almost a year The Wyatt Family will be the Authority's henchmen's of destruction - turning face in the process. The next night on Raw HHH announced that at WWE Fast Lane Wyatt will be forced to defend the title against the beast Brock Lesnar & Roman Reigns & Dean Ambrose Match. Meanwhile he said that the winner of this match is going to defend his title against a challenger of his choice who is going to be revealed at Fast Lane. At Fast Lane Owens will retain his WWE Intercontinental Championship against Sami Zayn (who doesn't retain to NXT but rather return at TLC to WWE to start a feud against Owens. At the rumble they will fight to a No Contest and then there was a LMS match announced between the two for Fast Lane). After a 20 minute Last Man Standing match Owens retains the title. Then outcame HHH and he says to Owens that he is now going to give him a choice - he can still be the IC champion and go into WrestleMania as the champ to defend his title, or he can give up the title and be his guy. Owens accepts and the IC title is announced vacant. Wyatt retains in a hard fought fatal 4 way match - Taker returned to brawl with Reigns and Ambrose and Lesnar brawled. Then in the middle of it he pinned Reigns after the Dirty Deeds for the win. This is basically an Authority vs Anti-Authority match.
About the result - you can go either way. In my eyes it should be Owens winning because as you'll see next, The Authority will be out of power after Mania so having a pro-HHH champ against an anti-HHH authority will be a good story.

Triple H vs Shane McMahon in a Hell In A Cell Match for full control over the WWE.
This is basically the same storyline. Only that I am going to have HHH lose here allowing Shane to take over Raw.

Dean Ambrose vs Brock Lesnar in a Street Fight
Have the story as a f***ing brawl out feud. They will just attack each other every where. Have promos by Ambrose on Lesnar holding down younger guys. Break the fourth wall - be creative, it can be an amazing brawl feud. I would personally have Ambrose get into Lesnar's house (not his real one) and attack him and break his house (an appearance by Sable can also be a nice adding to the feud). Then you can have Ambrose actually say that everything Lesnar can do he can do better. He breaks Lesnar's car (in shades of Lesnar vs Rollins), have him beat Big Show in 2 minutes (cause who cares) and have him brutalize opponents with chairs, bats and so on (don't tease the fans in the build when you know you aren't going to please them).
The match should have been a mess and end with Ambrose winning and getting the WM victory that he really neesds.

Charlotte (C) vs Sasha Banks vs Becky Lynch in a Triple Threat Match for the WWE Women's Championship
Keep the same only with Banks winning.

AJ Styles vs Chris Jericho
Have AJ debut in the same way in the Rumble. On Raw Styles says that he has a mentor in Jericho and they form Y2AJ. At Fast Lane they challenge The New Day for the title only to have Jericho attack AJ. Have the feud between the 2 be intensive in a young blood vs has been legend kind of thing. Have AJ mock Jericho's entrance, do the trash can burn that Jericho did in reality. I would personally have Styles handcuff Jericho to the post and beat him until he accepts his WM match challenge.
At Mania have Jericho win here by cheating (almost like in reality) and have Styles beat him down after the match. Then have the 2 face off at PayBack in an "I Quit" Match and have Styles win to end the feud, and then him align with Anderson and Gallows reforming the Styles club heading into a Summer feud against a debuting Finn Balor (with Anderson and Gallows turning on AJ at Summer Slam).

The New Day (C) def. The Usos and The Dudley Boys in a Triple Threat TLC Match for the WWE Tag Team Championship
The build pretty much build itself. Usos and Dudleys were feuding, New Day feuded with both The Usos and the Dudleys in the past. The match pretty much builds itself and that would be an amazing Mania opener. New Day will fully turn face the next night on Raw.

Enzo Amore and Big Cass vs The League Of Nations (Sheamus and Rusev)
Have Enzo and Cass debut (with Carmella!!!) at Fast Lane and face off against the LOA. Fun first feud to get LOA on the card.
Have Enzo and Cass go over here but have them attack Enzo and Cass after the match. Then have the Austin, Foley and Michales save to have a WM moment.

Sami Zayn vs Cesaro in the Tournament Finals for the Vacant WWE Intercontinental Championship
Have an IC title tournament for the vacant title. Cesaro returns a little earlier and 2 weeks before mania the Zayn vs Cesaro final is announced. The feud builds itself.

Andre The Giant Memorial battle royal
Have Corbin win here like in reality.

Kickoff show: Kalisto (C) vs Sin Cara for the WWE United States Championship
I can't change Kalisto's title run. But if they have him as champ, I am going to have him go here against Sin Cara who is going to turn on him for the US title. Kalisto retains here only to lose the title to Corbin the next night on Raw.

Kickoff show: 10 Diva Tag Team Match
Keep the same. It's a good thing to have 2 divas matches on the card.

Final Match Card:

0. Kalisto (C) def. Sin Cara to retain the US title.
0. Team Lana def. Team Bella in a 10 divas tag team elimination match.
1. The New Day (C) def. The Dudley Boys and The Usos in a Triangle TLC Match to retain the WWE Tag Team Championship.
2. Sami Zayn def. Cesaro to win the vacant WWE Intercontinental Championship.
3. Chris Jericho def. AJ Styles.
4. Dean Ambrose def. Brock Lesnar in a Street Fight.
5. Enzo Amore and Big Cass def. The League Of Nations.
6. Sasha Banks def. Charlotte (C) and Becky Lynch in a Triple Threat Match to win the WWE Women's Championship.
7. Baron Corbin won the Thirty Man Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal by last eliminating Mark Henry
8. Shane McMahon def. Triple H in a Hell In A Cell Match.
9. Kevin Owens def. Bray Wyatt (C) to win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.
10. Roman Reigns def. The Undertaker
Option B:

Pre Show stays the same

IC Title Ladder Match:
I would have put Zayn over here. If the plan was for Ryder to win it only to be irrelevant again the next few weeks then honestly, what's the point? Zayn winning would have got just as big of a pop and the feud with Owens could be made even more personal after Owens cost Zayn the title to The Miz.

AJ Styles over Jericho. Again, if the plan is for Styles to be in the title picture the next ppv, why does he lose to an out of prime Jericho and how am I suppose to believe he can beat THE guy? Same match, but Styles wins after hitting the clash.

New Day goes over LoN. Most over team in years should win at WM. LoN attacks afterwards. Not only does Austin, Foley and HBK make an appearance but also Rock and Cena to teach LoN how unfun it is to have the numbers advantage against them and this saves us from having to watch Rock play around with a flame thrower for 20 mins later on.

Lesnar goes over Ambrose but not as easily as he did. The match goes an extra 15 minutes with Ambrose actually getting in some offense and making us believe he can pull it off. Ambrose kicks out of two F5s in the match and just like in the actual match Lesnar goes for an F5 on a chair but Ambrose reverses it into Dirty Deeds. 1, 2, Lesnar grabs the rope at the last second. Ambrose goes for a 2nd Dirty Deeds but this time on thumbtacks. Lesnar reverses by grabbing unto the ropes thus Ambrose falling on the tacks. F5 on tacks Lesnar wins. Afterwards bloodied Lesnar looks at Ambrose in shock at the fight he put up. He decides Ambrose has earned his respect so he tries to help him up only for Ambrose to push him off and motion to bring it. Lesnar looks at him like you are a really crazy motherfucker and leaves Ambrose alone in the ring to which he receives an ovation from the crowd.

Sasha goes over Charlotte and Becky. Same ending almost only when Ric is trying to hold Sasha from getting back in the ring he takes a clothesline from Big Cuz Snoop Dog. Sasha gets back in break up the figure eight, her and Charlotte have a two minute exchange with it ending after Sasha hits the backstabber and makes Charlotte tap to the bank statement.

Another thing I would change is match placement. If I booked it Reigns vs HHH is the next match which ends with the same result.

I'd book Sandow to win the battle royal to make up for the win he should have got last year and I'd start a push for the damn man!

The mainevent is Shane vs Taker in Hell In The Cell. I wouldn't change much. Taker would wrestle like a heel. I'd have Shane kick out of a tombstone before they exit the ring and the same spot with Shane jumping of the cell but instead Taker doesn't move out of the way. Both men lay almost lifeless when Triple H appears, having already lost the world title and not ready to lose his control of RAW. Both Taker and Shane crawl to the ring. Shane hits his patent elbow drop but Trips prevents him from making a pin and pedigrees him. As he's dragging Taker to Shane the lights go out. They come back on and it's Bray Wyatt. Crowd starts a holy shit chant as Wyatt and Triple H stare each other down. This is the official face turn of Wyatt as Triple H tries to attack but is given a Sister Abigail. Wyatt gets on his knees and says follow the buzzards. Lights go off again come back on and Wyatt is gone. Triple H is out on the outside and Shane and Taker are both getting back to their feet. Taker attempts another tombstoned but Shane gets out and low blows Taker. He then puts Taker in the corner and hits the coast to coast. Hes so close to making the cover but as soon as he crawls to Taker a masked man enters and pedigrees him. Shane and Taker get up at the same time and Takers hits a tombstone. 1, 2, 3. Taker does his usual schtick and meanwhile on the stage Triple H and Stephanie are celebrating with the masked man who revels himself to be Rollins who for the 2nd year in a row has made his presence felt in the main event on the grandest stage, Wrestlemania.
Option A:

Pre Show:

Kalisto defeats Sin Cara to retain the US Title
Sandow wins the Andre The Giant battle royal last eliminating the Miz
Emma wins a six woman number one contenders 15 minute scramble against Paige, Nattie Naomi, Brie Bella and Lana

Main Show:

New Day defeats Enzo & Cass to retain the WWE Tag Titles. New Day doesn't turn face at Fastlane and instead of being interrupted by Bore of Nations they're interrupted by the debuting Enzo & Cass. New Day cheats to win.

AJ Styles defeats Chris Jericho in a 2 out 3 falls match. Since the match has already happened several times I made it a 2 out 3 falls to add a little interest. Styles the first fall after reversing the walls into a rolluo. Jericho wins the 2nd fall the way he actually won in reality. Styles wins the 3rd fall after Jericho attempts a frakensteiner from the turnbuckle only for it to be reversed into a clash.

The Undertaker defeats Finn Balor. At Royal Rumble The Undertaker is the surprise first entrant. The second entrant? None other then Finn Balor. Two of the most intriguing epic entrances back to back. They have a awesome back and forth encounter until number three enters who happens to be...... The Boogeyman. They both eliminate him quickly and continue fighting. Around the middle of the match Balor shocks everyone and eliminated Taker. Taker looks at Balor from the outside the same way he looked at WM 25 when HBK kicked out of the tombstone. Later on at the end the final six are Reigns, Ambrose, Triple H, Lesnar, Jericho and Balor. Balor is starting to build momentum hitting everyone that moves. He even reverses an F5 attempt from Lesnar and heads to the top looking to deliver his double foot stomp but Taker's gong hits and the lights go out. When they come back on Balor is still on the turnbuckle looking confused and then is eliminated by Jericho. Balor challenges Taker at WM but Taker doesn't accept until Fastlane. Balor puts up a good fight and seems to have Taker beat at one point but after the ref has been knocked out. Taker wins after Balor passes out to Hell's Gates.

Sami Zayn defeats Kevin Owens in a ladder match to win the IC title. If this match had happened Zayn probably would wrestled the best two matches from the while WM weekend. I can only imagine how amazing this match would be and it sucks we got the same clusterfuck of a match that we got at WM 31. This match would have meant so much more in the long run and would have been up there with HBK/Razor and E&C/Dudley's/Hardy's as far as ladder matches.

Roman Reigns w Shane McMahon defeats Brock Lesnar w Paul Heyman and Vince and Stephanie McMahon to give Shane full control over RAW. At Royal Rumble Reigns is forced to defend his title in the actual Rumble. The final four are Reigns, Lesnar Ambrose and Triple H. Reigns eliminates Lesnar, Triple H eliminates Ambrose and Reigns eliminates Triple H to retain the title. At Fastlane Triple H books himself against Reigns for the title. Just as it looks as Reigns is going to regain and defend his title at WM the beast appears and starts suplexing Reigns and F5s him. Triple H wins the title. Lesnar costs Reigns the title because he's pissed Reigns eliminated him at the Rumble. The whole story behind this match is that the previous Mania Reigns took a beating from Lesnar and according to Heyman had Rollins not cashed in he would have not beat his beast. Meanwhile Shane O Mac has returned and wants the Authority out of control. Reigns couldn't agree more so the added stipulation is that if Reigns wins Shane gets full control of Raw. If Lesnar wins, Reigns cannot receive a title shot for a year and Shane is banished from WWE forever. Weeks leading up Reigns can never get the upper hand over Lesnar and gets his ass handed to him weekly to sell him as an underdog.Shane even recieves an F5 the RAW before Mania.The match is no dq so it's an all out war. Reigns starts to come back after being supplexed for awhile but Legue of Nations come out and attack Reigns. They beat up on him for a moment until, If You Smelllllll, The Rock makes his way down to the ring to help his cousin but they get the better of him as well. Theyre beating the shit out of Rock and Reigns until the lights go out. They come back on and the Wyatt family is in the ring. They have a stare off with LoN. Wyatts gives a smile as if they're on the nation's side but as the nation starts to attack Rock and Reigns again The Wyatts turn in them and clear them out. Meanwhile Brock takes a Superman punch and falls into the corner. Reigns motions for a spear but stops. He drive by kicks Lesnar to keep him in the corner then grabs a trash can and motions to Shane. He puts the can in front of Lesnars face and Shane hits a coast to coast. Reigns then hits what will be his third spear and beats Lesnar. I liked seeing Shane jump off the cell but that match overall wasn't great. What better way to get fans on Reigns side then to pair him with Shane? Getting Rock and Wyatt involved opens the door to possible Rock/Wyatt vs Lesnar/ Triple H matches

Sasha defeats Charlotte and Becky to become women's champ.
The only thing I'd change about this match is the ending. Read my last post.

Dean Ambrose defeats Triple H to become WWE World Champ. The seeds for this match are planted at the Rumble when Triple H eliminates Ambrose. It's decided that since the Rumble didn't decide who got a title shot at Mania this year there will be a tournament and the winner will face the winner of the Reigns Triple H match. Ambrose wins the finals against Owens at Fastlane. The story around this match is how Ambrose can never and will never be world champion material. Pretty much the same storyline with Triple H and Bryan. One week Ambrose paints his Anarchy symbol on WWE headquarters. The next he steals the title from Triple H. Triple H gets it back at Roadblock though when him and Lesnar defeat Reigns and Ambrose then beat them to a blood pulp. At WM Ambrose beats Triple H clean and finally has his moment. WM ends with the lunatic fringe celebrating and fireworks in the background.
Well firstly I would actually call it "Wrestlemania 32" instead of just "Wrestlemania" ziiiiinggggggg!!!!

As for the card itself I mean I guess you have to give the bookers the benefit of the dobut that they were working with a depleted roster.

That said there are some changes that can make it better

Triple Threat Match: WWE World Heavyweight Championship
Roman Reigns vs. Triple H (c) vs. Dean Ambrose
- I don't like Triple Threat but Reigns vs. Triple H was going to be a weak match and it was. Ambrose at least ads someone fans can get behind. Basically we have a double DQ at Roadblock setting up a Triple Threat Match. The match isn't long perhaps 15 mins tops. Basically near the end Ambrose almost has Triple H beat but Reigns goes for the interruption, Stephanie has the chair and is about to hit Reigns but Reigns grabs it then smashes Ambrose. Reigns and Triple H then gang up on Ambrose, then Reigns pins Ambrose winning the Title. Triple H then grabs the title and hands it to Reigns then boom heel turn!!!

Chris Jericho vs. The Undertaker
I can't believe we never had this match on PPV before. Well now we do so yeeey!!!!

Brock Lesnar vs AJ Styles
Styles beats Jericho at Roadblock so that series is over. So we move on with Heyman having an open challenge, then Styles appears and takes the challenge. Lesnar wins here but let's give this 20 mins.

Women's Championship: Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte vs. Becky Lynch
Same match better finish. I am ok with either Sasha or Charlotte winning here.

MITB Ladder Match
Same participants but lets just have the MITB at WM. MITB isn't strong enough concept to have it's own PPV. Owens wins it here.

Then you can probably fill the other matches after this.
WWE World Title: Roman Reigns (c) vs Dean Ambrose
I would have done face vs face with obviously the crowd siding with Ambrose. Ambrose wins the Rumble and challenges Roman who faces and defeats Triple H at Fast Lane. The build up to Mania is trying to determine which of the two could possibly be working with the Authority. The assumption is, is that it's Ambrose prior to the match with Reigns being booked in unfair situations which he manages to keep overcoming. During the match HHH comes out and looks to pedigree Reigns but takes out the ref puts his shirt on, Reigns spears Ambrose who's in shock and does the quick pin. Monster heel, Ambrose is solidified as a main event player. Everybody's happy!

Hell in a Cell: Shane McMahon vs The Undertaker
Keep this the same but give us an actual reason on why The Undertaker would want to fight for Vince. Maybe Vince obtains his urn and sort of turns Taker heel but by the end of the match, Taker wins and manages to "overcome" the power of the urn. Use this moment for Cena to make his appearance by having a stare down with Taker to begin their WM 33 feud.

Kevin Owens vs Sami Zayn - Intercontinental Title
I really don't understand why they used this title for Mania's feel good moment and not the US title. Kalisto was champion and nobody could care whereas Owens was doing wonders for the IC belt. I do like that the belt is now on The Miz as he's doing a pretty good job but Zayn vs Owens should have happened at Mania. It would have been the IWC's match and drawn interest from that end of the spectrum.

6 man US Title match: Kalisto vs Chris Jericho vs Zack Ryder vs Jack Swagger vs Rusev vs The Miz
Ryder wins this, moving on

Women's championship: Triple threat
The same match, Sasha Banks wins.

Tag Team Championships: New Day vs Alberto Del Rio and Sheamus vs Dudleys vs PTP
Utilise how many tag teams you had at the time which was like none anyway but still. The tag match they went with was an embarrassment. New Day retain.

AJ Styles vs Brock Lesnar
Styles comes out on the RAW after Fast Lane after his finishing his feud with Jericho saying he wants a challenge. Whoever is GM says if he wants the world title he has to face the best. Out comes Brock and this is booked as a no.1 contenders match. AJ actually wins thanks to the Wyatts who decimate Brock and set up Wyatt vs Lesnar for Summerslam.

Just throw a load of jobbers on the pre show.
Here’s my version of WrestleMania 32. I cut it down from 12 matches (3 Pre-Show matches) to 8 matches (1 Pre-Show match) to give each storyline and each match more time.

Pre-Show match
NXT Champion, Finn Balor and NXT Tag Team Champions, American Alpha (Jason Jordan and Chad Gable) vs. Samoa Joe and The Revival (Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder)

Welcome to WrestleMania!!

Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal
Baron Corbin, Sheamus, Alberto Del Rio, King Barrett, Rusev, Fandango, Damien Sandow, Shaquille O'Neal, Big Show, Viktor, Diamond Dallas Page, Konnor, Tatanka, Jack Swagger, R-Truth, Goldust, Curtis Axel, Adam Rose, Heath Slater, Tyler Breeze, Mark Henry, Bo Dallas, Darren Young and Kane
This match stays the same, except I added the League Of Nations to the match.

10-Diva Tag Team match
Team Total Divas (Brie Bella, Paige, Natalya, Alicia Fox and Eva Marie) vs. Team B.A.D. and Blonde (Lana, Naomi, Tamina, Emma and Summer Rae)
This match stays the same.

8-Man Tag Team Hell In A Cell match
The Wyatt Family (Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper, Erick Rowan, and Braun Strowman) vs. The Undertaker, Brock Lesnar, The Rock and a mystery partner (John Cena)
This could Main Event, but I didn’t want to take anything away from the match to determine control of the WWE and for the richest prize in this industry. If the Wyatt’s are going to job, this is the way to do it.

WWE Intercontinental / United States Championship Title Unification Ladder match
WWE Intercontinental Champion, Kevin Owens vs. WWE United States Champion, Kalisto vs. The Miz vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Zack Ryder vs. Stardust vs. Sin Cara vs. Sami Zayn vs. Ryback vs. Dean Ambrose
Now this is how you book a mid-card Championship Title Ladder match!! I would have had someone who has never won the Intercontinental or United States Championship Title win the match, either Sin Cara or Sami Zayn.

WWE World Tag Team Championship Title Fatal Four Way Elimination Tag Team match
WWE World Tag Team Champions, The New Day (Kofi Kingston and Big E) (w/ Xavier Woods) vs. The Usos (Jimmy and Jey) vs. The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von) vs. Y2AJ (Chris Jericho and A. J. Styles)
This is how the WWE World Tag Team Championship Title match should have been booked. I would have had Y2AJ either win or break up here.

WWE Women’s Championship Title Triple Threat match
WWE Women’s Champion, Charlotte (w/ Ric Flair) vs. Sasha Banks vs. Becky Lynch
This match stays the same, except I’d have Becky Lynch win. I would have then started a storyline where Charlotte is still the Divas Champion and Becky is the Women’s Champion.

WWE World Heavyweight Championship Title match and for control of the WWE
WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Triple H (w/ Stephanie McMahon) vs. Roman Reigns (w/ Shane McMahon)
The result is the same, Roman Reigns wins, but in my version, Shane wins control of Raw, and by default, Stephanie gets control of only Smackdown. Weeks after gaining control of Smackdown, Stephanie decides to make Smackdown live to really compete with Shane and Raw.
With the WWE roster so pitifully thin because of injuries at the time, I've kept my version more similar to the original, and made relatively minor changes.

Kickoff Show 1 - 10 Diva Tag Team Match - Team Total Divas (Brie Bella, Paige, Natalya, Alicia Fox and Eva Marie) vs. Team B.A.D. and Blonde (Lana, Naomi, Tamina, Emma and Summer Rae):

Match stays the same, winners stay the same.

WINNERS: Team Bella

Kickoff Show 2 - The Lucha Dragons vs. Enzo Amore & Colin Cassady:

Throw some NXT guys on the Kickoff Show to get the fans of that show happy.

WINNERS: Enzo & Cassady

PPV card:

1 - Submission Match for the United States Championship - Alberto Del Rio (C) (with King Barrett) vs. Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter):

Del Rio never should have lost the title to Kalisto, so that mistake is fixed. Open the show with a technical clinic to get the crowd fired up. Swagger gets the tapout victory and retribution for his WM29 loss.

WINNER, and NEW United States Champion: Jack Swagger

2 - Chris Jericho vs. AJ Styles:

No changes here.

WINNER: Chris Jericho

3 - Street Fight - Dean Ambrose vs. Brock Lesnar (with Paul Heyman):

Add a good 10 minutes to this match, and have Ambrose actually DO something. As much as I hate him, Lesnar winning was the right call in this case.

WINNER: Brock Lesnar

4 - Ladder Match for the Intercontinental Championship - Kevin Owens (C) vs. Zack Ryder vs. The Miz vs. Sami Zayn vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Stardust vs. Kane:

Kane replaces Sin Cara for this match. As much as I'd want to FINALLY give Ziggler his long overdue WrestleMania moment, Ryder winning was such a huge shock that it was perfect.

WINNER, and NEW Intercontinental Champion: Zack Ryder

5 - Erick Rowan (with The Wyatt Family) vs. The Rock:

There's really no need to wait until almost the end of the night for this. It was funny and good for a break right before another major match.

WINNER: The Rock

6 - Hell in a Cell Match - Shane McMahon vs. The Undertaker:

No "If Shane wins he controls RAW" crap, since we all know how that turns out. Undertaker gets the win in a quicker and more decisive match.

WINNER: The Undertaker

6 - Triple Threat Match for the vacant WWE Women's Championship - Charlotte (with Ric Flair) vs. Becky Lynch vs. Sasha Banks:

Charlotte is the top heel in the division for now, and the win made the most sense for her storyline-wise, so it stays.

WINNER, and first-ever WWE Women's Champion: Charlotte

7 - 3rd Annual Andrè the Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Other than Kane and Swagger missing, this would be all the same people, plus Xavier Woods, who would be banned from ringside for the tag title match coming next, and Ryback. But there was no reason for Baron Corbin to win. It's not the Barry Horowitz Battle Royal. Give the win to Mark Henry in his home state for his final WrestleMania. Not having him win was a disgrace.

WINNER: Mark Henry

8 - Fatal Four Way TLC Match for the WWE Tag Team Championships - The New Day (C) vs. The Usos vs. The Dudley Boyz vs. Rusev & Sheamus:

The Usos deserve to finally make it to WrestleMania, after being in the company for more than half a decade and being permanently relegated to the kickoff show. The Dudley Boyz being left off the PPV card was absolutely ridiculous as well, and there was no reason for the tag team titles to not be defended. For the first time since 2001, a tag team title changes hands on the Grandest Stage of Them All, and one of the best tag teams of all time finally get a win at the biggest event of the year.

WINNERS, and NEW WWE Tag Team Champions - The Dudley Boyz

9 - No Disqualification Match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship - Triple H (C) (with Stephanie McMahon) vs. Roman Reigns:

Triple H is one of the few people who can get a good match out of Roman, but this match was booked all wrong. With a No DQ stipulation, everyone would expect interference and cheating from The Game...but it doesn't happen. Triple H battles Roman Reigns with no help, and ultimately lands the Pedigree for the win. The crowd goes home happy and WM32 has a much better ending.

WINNER, and STILL WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Triple H
WWE World Heavyweight Championship match - Dean Ambrose (c) vs. Brock Lesnar
Reigns gets vengeance against HHH for beating him for the title at RR by interfering in the HHH/Ambrose title match at Roadblock, costing HHH the title which makes the HHH/Reigns feud personal.

No Holds Barred match - Triple H vs. Roman Reigns

HIAC match - Shane McMahon vs. Undertaker

United States Championship match - Kalisto (c) vs. Ryback

Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Intercontinental Championship Ladder Match - Kevin Owens (c) vs. Sami Zayn vs. Stardust vs. The Miz vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Chris Jericho vs. AJ Styles
Owens has history with AJ and Zayn going back to RR. However, Jericho won't leave AJ alone. Ziggler, The Miz and Stardust remained in the IC title picture.

Women's Championship Fatal Four way match - Charlotte (c) vs. Sasha Banks vs. Becky vs. Natayla
After Charlotte cheated to beat Natayla at Roadblock, Steph added Natayla to the triple threat match at WM.

Fatal Four Way Tag Team Championship match - New Day (c) vs. League of Nations vs. The Usos vs. The Dudley Boyz
The Usos and Dudleyz been going at it for weeks. However, The Usos want to get back in the title picture after failing to beat New Day earlier this year. Meanwhile, The Dudleyz adopted a new mean streak and want another shot at New Day as well. Therefore, they're added to the League of Nations vs. New Day match, making it a fatal four way/
Such a difficult Mania to fix, with all the top talent on the shelf at the time (Rollins, Cena, Orton and Wyatt). This was easily one of the worst 10 Manias of all-time. In my opinion, the only bright spots were the IC Title match, Women's Title, and Styles vs Jericho. It's a nearly impossible task to repair this card, but I'll take a stab at it.


1. Enzo & Cass def. Sheamus & King Barrett

They missed out on an opportunity to make the fans blow the roof off AT&T Stadium right off the bat by having Enzo & Cass debut in an unannounced match to kick off Mania. Granted, fans were still filing in, but it still would've been a huge pop. I would have moved up their debut 1 day and given them the win in the opener.

2. Team Total Divas def. Team B.A.D. and Blonde

Though I think Paige deserved a spotlight in a singles match, I'll keep this match the same and let all the women get some exposure.

3. Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal: Damien Sandow

I might be in the minority, but Corbin does nothing for me and I thought there were far more deserving guys than him to win the trophy. Sandow, Henry, Kane, Ziggler, Ryback and Rusev are just a few of the names I'd have rather seen win it.

Main Card:

4. Intercontinental Championship Ladder Match: Kevin Owens (c) def. AJ Styles, Sami Zayn, The Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Stardust, Zack Ryder and Albert Del Rio

Though it was cool to see Ryder get his WrestleMania moment, it was clearly just for shock value and was pointless if they were just going to have him drop it to Miz the very next night. I thought it was much too early for Owens to drop the ttile unless they were going to move him up to the main event picture, which obviously wasn't the case. So in my version of WM32, Owens retains and there's an even 8 in the match as Styles and Del Rio enter and no Sin Cara, who had no business competing for the IC Title to begin eith.

5. The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin and Mick Foley w/ Shawn Michaels def. The Wyatt Family (Rowan, Strowman and Harper) w/ Bray Wyatt

This segment between Rock and Wyatt was money, but it had the potential to be even better. When Wyatt orders his men to attack Tock, Austin and Foley (and Angle if I had my way) would out to even the odds. Then in an impromptu 6-man tag, all the stars of the Attitude Era hit their finishers on a member of the Wyatts of their choice. For those of you who will nitpick and say Harper was injured, yes I know. If he was unable to take a quick finisher, then I'd throw Wyatt in the match. Though I'd rather keep him on the outside looking in to save himself an 0-3 start to his Mania career.

6. United States Championship: Cesaro def. Rusev (c) by disqualification

I nearly put Ryback in this match as the challenger, but with hindsight being 20/20, I figured why waste a spot on a guy who will disappear from WWE tv soon after? Cesaro's comeback happens 1 day sooner than it did in reality, and wins due to outside interference by Lana...but doesn't win the gold.

7. Tag Team Championship Fatal 4-Way: The New Day (c) def. The Dudley Boyz, The Usos and Lucha Dragons

Why in the hell did they not have New Day, one of their most popular talents on the roster, defend the titles on the biggest ppv of the year? This made zero sense to me, not to mention their opponents, League of Nations, who they had already beaten at Fast Lane. Along with the HIAC match, I think this one baffled me the most in terms of just downright illogical booking. Though I kind of would have liked to see The Dudleys win their 10th team gold here, I wouldn't want to risk New Day's momentum hitting a speed bump. Let them retain.

8. Hell in a Cell: Triple H w/ Vince and Stephanie McMahon def. Shane McMahon

I'll spare everyone the long rant about how random and nonsensical a Shane vs. Taker match was. I think we all know it. For one of Taker's final Mania matches to be more or less thrown away by putting him up against a non-wrestler and to have him fight for Vince in an angle that had nothing to do with him...*sigh* like I said, I won't even get going on that subject. Though I thought Triple H was maybe their best option to go into WM32 as champ with Rollins unavailable, he also was the only logical man to fight Vince's battle for control of the company. Same match with some of the nice high spots, only with Hunter instead of Taker to keep the WWE in The Authority's control.

9. Women's Championship Triple Threat: Charlotte (c) w/ Ric Flair def. Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch

Loved this match. Loved the ending. You can make a case for this being the match of the night. It's tempting to I've the title to Sasha, but a nice long title run for Charlotte will make it mean that much more when Sasha does become new champion, likely at Summerslam. This is only the 2nd match where I'd leave everything the same.

10. The Undertaker def. Chris Jericho

Though I liked the Styles/Jericho match just fine, it was the 4th time we had seen it. And a Taker/Jericho matchup at Mania was long overdue. There have been a lot of questionable booking decisions when it comes to Taker's WM history (see my "Rewriting The Streak" thread if you like), but maybe none more than the way he was (mis)used at WM32. I nearly booked the Taker vs Sting match we all wanted to see at some point, but with Sting announcing his retirement the night before, I guess technically that wouldn't be allowed.

11. World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat: Roman Reigns def. Brock Lesnar (c) w/ Paul Heyman and Dean Ambrose (with special guest referee Seth Rollins)

I really struggled with who to put in the main event here. I flip flopped several times between this and a Triple H/Taker/Lesnar triple threat, but then came to the conclusion that you almost can't put Taker in a match that doesn't involve him winning and who wants to see him as champion these days? It's a damn shame that they didn't involve Rollins in the show at all, even if it was just for a backstage interview. I'd make him the ref and of course have your typical shenanigans between him and his former Shield brothers and Lesnar. As much as I dislike Reigns, I'd have had him drop the belt at the Rumble just as he actually did, only to Lesnar instead of Hunter. I'm just taking the main event of Fast Lane and pushing it back. First off, I'm totally against a ppv in between the Rumble and Mania. That 6 to 8 week period should be used building all Mania storylines. Although I'm not a fan of triple threats in the WM main event, but Reigns vs Ambrose or Lesnar in a 1 on 1 has already been done. Much like WM31, Lesnar would lose the title w/o getting pinned. Reigns would get the 3 count on Ambrose. This card is by no means bulletproof, but with the available roster at the time, it's nearly impossible to create one that is. I do feel it's quite a bit better than what we saw in reality though, and on paper it would have improved the show greatly.
Wrestlemania 32- Main Card Only - Build up to WM has obviously been much different.

Show opens with Y2J and his Super Special Wrestlemania Highlight Reel. His guest is none other than HBK. Jericho and HBK exchange barbs and are interrupted by Edge and Christian. All four exchange barbs until Mr. McMahon saunters out to the ring. It's the first time Vince has been seen on television in a long, long time. He rants on about each man's career then tells them to get the hell out of his ring, including Y2J. Vince then tells the WM crowd that he knows what they came to see, he takes his shirt off and starts flexing, Stone Cold comes out and stuns Vince, drinks some beers and yells AWWW hell naw!! On the mic.

Kalisto vs Sin Cara U.S Championship. Kalisto wins a high energy, high flying match to retain U.S Belt. Is attacked post match by Rusev to beats the hell out of both Lucha Dragons and applies a double Accolade on them.

New Day vs USOs vs Dudley Boys. Tag Team Championship. Dudley Boyz become new champions. Post match table other teams after brief celebrations.

Interview with Ryback backstage. Complains about not being in the main event and promises to win Andre the Giant Battle Royal. Big Show tells him not a chance.

Charlotte vs Becky vs Sasha Charlotte retains clean, Ric Flair gets banned from ringside mid match after getting caught cheating. Sasha slaps the Nature Boy, who turns around, walks normal in the opposite direction and does a face plant.

A.J Styles vs Kevin Owens - Intercontinental best 2 out of 3 falls. Kevin Owens wins 2-1 by cheating after a long, 45 minute match. Shane McMahon comes out and restarts the match. A.J Styles wins and becomes new I.C Champ. K.O viciously attacks Shane McMahon.

The Rock is interviewed in the ring by Michael Cole. The Rock makes fun of Cole then League of Nations comes out. The Rock lays into the League with a tongue lashing. The League surround The Rock, then The Wyatt's come out and brawl with The League. After The League leaves, Bray Wyatt talks to The Rock and then attack, John Cena saves The Rock.

Andre the Giant battle Royal. It comes down to Big Show, Ryback and Damian Sandow. Ryback puts Big Show in a fireman's carry and dumps him over the top rope in a impressive display of strength. He then throws Sandow around the ring, hits him with the meathook clothesline, then Shell-shocked. He throws Sandow over the ropes but he is caught by Big Show. Ryback is celebrating in the ring. Show tosses Sandow back in and he eliminates Ryback with a flurry of punches and a final clothesline for a huge win.

Undertaker vs Dean Ambrose - Career vs Title Shot Hell in a Cell. Ambrose takes the big cell dive. Taker saves his own career for the win.

Brock Lesnar vs Cesaro - Cesaro defeats Lesnar. Paul Heyman jumps on the mic and starts yelling at The Beast. Brock Lesnar is then attacked from behind by Paul's new client...Samoa Joe.

Sami Zayn vs Triple H vs Roman Reigns for the Heavyweight Championship. Sami earned his shot beating both men in separate matches leading up to Wrestlemania forcing them to change the main event. After a chaotic finish. Roman Reigns spears HHH and pins him. Vince McMahon, visibly pissed off and holding his neck, comes out and shows everyone that Triple H had his feet on the ropes. He restarts the match. Triple H hits a pedigree on Roman Reigns and pins him. Stone Cold comes out and says Roman Reigns had his hand on the rope and screams in Vince's face if he has an objections to restarting the match again. The match gets restarted again. Sami Zayn hits Heluva Kick on Roman, turns around but gets put in a Pedigree, he reverses the Pedigree with a holding back drop and bridge. But the referee gets knocked out by the move as they land right on him. Stone Cold runs over to the ref, tears his shirt off and puts in on, he slides in the ring, he counts but Triple H kicks out.
Roman misses a spear on Sami and knocks Stone Cold out of the ring and SC falls on Vince taking him out too. A shirtless ref staggers back in the ring as Sami has Roman in a roll up. 1,2,3. Sami Zayn overcomes tremendous odds as the new guy and is the new WWE Champion.
There's a few things I would have changed. The US Championship match should have been on the main card. Title matches should NEVER be on the pre-show! That is an insult to the title as well as to the champion. AJ Styles should have defeated Chris Jericho. Ambrose should have gotten in some more offense during his match with Lesnar and there should have been more spots with the weapons. Becky Lynch should have won the Women's Championship match, she would have benefited the most out of the three. Granted, Charlotte is in the middle of a massive push now 3 months later, but it's not like she couldn't have won the belt back for this push. Becky deserved the big win. I would have also cut some time from both Shane VS Taker and from Triple H VS Reigns. The matches dragged on for far too long. Other than that, the show was about the best it could have been considering how many were unavailable due to injuries.
I totall agree that it was an abomination and that The Undertaker and Roman should have main evented.

Option A:

WrestleMania 32

The Undertaker vs Roman Reigns (c) - WWE Title

-I would've had Reigns vs HHH at Fastlane. They were trying to make it a top notch ppv, so why not have them square off when the timing was right, and not drag their feud on? Reigns takes on Steph (on the mic), Vince (superman punch), HHH (Fastlane), and wins.

So McMahon kinda goes retro and forms a "Corporate/Authority-Ministry" with bringing in the Undertaker to take the title back from Reigns. I posted this here at the time, and who knows, maybe a writer stole it and had Vince use this storyline for the Shane match lol.

They could've even had Demon Kane come back to the Authority to join his brother in dismantling Roman, and even had a Raw match with the Brothers of Destruction vs Reigns and The Usos.

Shane McMahon vs Triple H- Hell in a Cell

-keep the storyline the same, but incorporate what the Authoritative Ministry is doing with Reigns as a point that Shane references when sayin how Steph, HHH, and Vince are ruining the company. When Vince disowns Shane, just have him say Hunter is his real son...the son he's always wanted, and for Shane to get his claim, he's going to have to take it from HHH himself.

Charlotte (c) vs Sasha Banks vs Paige vs Becky Lynch- Women's Title

- I think a fatal 4-way would've been better than the triple threat to be honest. These are the 4 best women wrestlers in the biz.

*The Rock, Stone Cold, HBK, Foley vs The Wyatt Family* (segment/quick fight)

- someone above had this idea...thought that was gold. Would've been perfect to just have some mic time from each legend, a scuffle, finishers getting hit, and some more creativity to look good, and it's a money segment.

Dean Ambrose vs Brock Lesnar -Street Fight

-the build to this was pretty sweet, but the execution was horrible. They could've had a longer and more fair fight. Also maybe used some more props/weapons. A shame, but I was hoping for more of a throwback attitude era type fight...was fooled by Foley and Terry Funk endorsing Dean and giving him crazy weapons.

AJ Styles vs Chris Jericho- (One time Only)

-this match happened way too much. They should've wrestled only once and at Mania. This feud turned to crap real quick and got boring. This would be the first and final time.

Sami Zayn vs Kevin Owens

-former best friends and now the worst of enemies...that's got Wrestlemania written all over it. They missed the boat on that one.

New Day (Kofi & Big E) vs The Dudleys vs The Usos vs LON (Sheamus & King Barrett) - Tag Title TLC Match

-A Fatal Four Way Ladder match would've been sweet with these teams. Much better than the 2 tag matches we had.

Ryback vs Rusev (c) - US Title

-This would've been a lot better than Kalisto vs Ryback. These two in a Mania match where they take it outside of the ring and throw eachother through barricades and other equipment by the stage would've been cool.

The Miz vs Ziggler vs vs Del Rio (c) vs Kalisto vs Stardust vs Zack Ryder - IC Title Ladder Match

-Yep...2 ladder matches...that'd be sweeeeeeet.

Pre Show:

Andre Battle Royal

Divas mixed tag match
This was a pretty bad Wrestlemania for me, I did not like the majority of the card and I would have changed a lot of the card, I would keep Reigns in the main event but have him built up slowly over the previous months. In the build up to Mania Rollins had to vacate the title due to injury, I would have had the World title stay vacant till the Royal Rumble which is won by John Cena, he wins his 16th world title in the Royal Rumble, it sounds stupid but I would have him win the title there.

Then you have an 8 man tournament over the coming weeks to determine the number one contender which leads us to Reigns vs Ambrose Vs Lesnar in a triple threat match to determine that contender which is won by Reigns due to interference by Wyatt costing Lesnar the match, I'm scrapping the six man tag match which was pointless tbh and putting the titles up for grabs in a TLC match. My updated card is:

1) Kalisto (C) Vs Sin Cara.
WWE United States Title Match. I would have this on the pre-show still except have it against Sin Cara instead and give it sometime to let them showcase their talents, Kalisto retains.

2) Paige Vs Natalya Vs Tamina Vs Naomi Vs Brie Bella Vs Emma.
Number 1 Contenders Six Pack Challenge Match. I've changed this match to a six pack challenge match with Natalya getting the win and moving on to a shot at the title.

Main Card
1) Kevin Owens (C) Vs Zack Ryder Vs Starrdust Vs Dolph Ziggler Vs The Miz Vs Sami Zayn.
WWE Intercontinental Title Six Pack Challenge Match. This is another six pack challenge but I'm taking the ladder away and putting that into another match, I would still give Ryder the win here just to give him that Mania moment, I would have him keep the title for a month and then drop it to Miz to start his decent run, I would have had Owens keep the title for a long time building him up to be a credible champion without even getting pinned.

2) Chris Jericho Vs AJ Styles.
Singles Match. I would keep this the same and I don't mind who wins, it would go on to be a hard fought match.

3) Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal Match.
This comes down to Baron Corbin, Kane, Sheamus & Ryback. Four big guys with Corbin getting the win still and eliminating Kane to get the win, Corbin is a surprise entrant and comes out to his own music.

4) Brock Lesnar (with Paul Heyman) Vs Bray Wyatt (with the Wyatt Family).
Singles Match. As stated before Wyatt costs Lesnar a shot at the title which results in this match, I would have Wyatt get the win finally giving him a Mania moment but with the help of the rest of the family.

5) Triple HHH (with Stephanie McMahon) Vs Dean Ambrose.
Street Fight Match. I would have had this one take place instead, Ambrose was red hot at the time and giving him the win over HHH would only elevate his career, it would be an all out brawl with weapons flying everywhere finally ambrose gets the win with Dirty Deeds.

6) The New Day (Kofi Kingston & Big E.) (C) (with Xavier Woods) Vs The Uso (Jimmy & Jey) Vs The Dudley Boys (D-Von & Bubba Ray) Vs Rusev & Alberto Del Rio (with Lana).
WWE Tag Team Titles Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match. This should have been on the card, I would keep the Dudleys as faces and put Rusev & Del Rio in there, give this some time with New Day retaining the titles.

7) Charlotte Flair (with Ric Flair) Vs Sasha Banks Vs Becky Lynch.
WWE Womens Title Triple Threat Match. This stays the same with Charlotte winning the title, except this Charlotte holds the title from Mania to Summerslam losing it to Sasha Banks, Banks then loses it to her at Hell in a Cell and from there Charlotte keeps hold of the Title till Wrestlemania 34 losing it to Bayley after being built as a credible champion instead of playing hot potato.

8) The Undertaker Vs Sting.
Hell in a Cell Match. I want to see Taker Vs Sting at Mania inside Hell in a Cell, I would give this one to Taker with Sting winning the rematch at Summerslam.

9) John Cena (C) Vs Roman Reigns.
WWE World Heavyweight Title Match. I would have this as the main event with Cena winning the title at the Rumble and Reigns winning a tournament to get here, before hand build Reigns up as a credible star, for me this would be his first Mania main event and when he wins the gold this would be his first world title instead of winning it from Sheamus, CHANGE Reigns attire and music in the process altogether, after a hard fought match Reigns finally gets the win and it's sort of a passing the torch match.

Aftermath is Miz holds the IC title for a long time, Charlotte builds up the women's division and Reigns is built as a credible champion in the process and loses it to Rollins at MITB.

After Mania I would have the Club debut as planned except take the entire tag team division out instead of just the Uso and have them win the titles at Summerslam and let them have a long reign as champs.

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