Rebook all the Wrestlemania Main Events


Getting Noticed By Management
WM I - Hulk Hogan, Mr. T and Jimmy Snuka vs Roddy Piper, Paul Orndorff and Bob Orton.
WM II - Hulk Hogan (C) vs Bruno Sammartino - Title vs Career
WM III - Hulk Hogan (C) vs Andre The Giant
WM IV - Randy Savage vs Ted Dibiase
WM V - Randy Savage (C) vs Hulk Hogan
WM VI - The Ultimate Warrior (C) vs Hulk Hogan (C)
WM VII - The Ultimate Warrior vs Hulk Hogan
WM VIII - Ric Flair (C) vs Hulk Hogan
WM IX - Bret Hart (C) vs Randy Savage
WM X - Lex Luger (C) vs Bret Hart
WM XI - Owen Hart (C) vs The Undertaker
WM XII - Bret Hart (C) vs Shawn Michales
WM XIII - The Undertaker (C) vs Vader
WM XIV - Shawn Michales (C) vs Stone Cold Steve Austin
WM XV - The Rock (C) vs Stone Cold Steve Austin
WM 2000 - Triple H (C) vs The Rock
WM X-Seven - The Rock (C) vs Stone Cold Steve Austin
WM X8 - Stone Cold Steve Austin (C) vs Triple H
WM XIX - Brock Lesnar (C) vs Kurt Angle
WM XX - Shawn Michales (C) vs Chris Benoit
WM 21 - Triple H (C) vs Batista
WM 22 - Edge (C) vs John Cena vs Triple H vs Rey Mysterio - Elimination Match for the WWE Title
WM 23 - Batista (C) vs The Undertaker
WM XXIV - Shawn Michales vs Ric Flair - Career vs Career
WM XXV - The Undertaker vs Shawn Michales
WM XXVI - Triple H (C) vs Shawn Michales - Title vs Career
WM XXVII - Wade Barrett (C) vs John Cena vs Randy Orton
WM XXVIII - John Cena vs The Rock
WM XXIX - Cm Punk (C) vs John Cena.
WM XXX - The Undertaker vs John Cena
WM XXXI - Brock Lesnar (C) vs Roman Reigns vs Seth Rollins
WM XXXII - Roman Reigns vs The Undertaker
You don't have to explain. I didn't have time to write my explantions, but if someone wants them for a specific mania I will gladly write ones.
WM1 Hogan vs Piper
WM2 Hogan vs Sammartino
WM3 Hogan vs Andre
WM4 Hogan vs Savage
WM5 Savage vs Hogan
WM6 Hogan vs Warrior
WM7 Savage vs Warrior
WM8 Savage vs Flair
WM9 Hitman vs Savage
WM10 Hogan vs Hitman
WM11 Savage vs Michaels
WM12 Hitman vs Michaels
WM13 Hitman vs Austin
WM14 Stone Cold vs Michaels
WM15 Austin vs Rock
WM16 Rock vs Austin
WM17 Rock vs Austin vs Triple H
WM18 Hogan vs Rock
WM19 Hogan vs Austin
WM20 Benoit vs Michaels vs Triple H

Can't really tell you anything after that because I stopped paying attention to WWF after this..
WM1- Hogan, Snuka, Mr T v Piper, Orndorff, Bob Orton
WM2-Hulk Hogan (c) v "Rowdy" Roddy Piper
No problems with WM3, 4, 5 or 6.
WM7-Ultimate Warrior (c) v Hulk Hogan II
WM8-"Nature Boy" Ric Flair (c) v Hulk Hogan
WM9-Hulk Hogan v Bret "Hitman" Hart
WM10- Lex Luger beats Yokozuna for WWE Title earlier in the night
-WWE Title-Lex Luger (c) v Bret "Hitman" Hart
WM11-Diesel (c) v "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels (I know it was the title match, but it should have gone on last, not LT v Bigelow)
WM12-HBK v Bret Hart (60-Min "Ironman" Match, but with more pinfalls, say 6-5 in overtime)
WM13-WWE Title-Bret "Hitman" Hart (c) v "Stone Cold" Steve Austin (Submission Match)
WM14-Fine as it was.
WM15-WWE Title-The Rock (c) v "Stone Cold" Steve Austin v Mankind (Triple-Threat)
WM 2000-WWE Title-Triple H (c) v The Rock
WMX7-Fine as it was.
WMX8-"Stone Cold" Steve Austin v "Hollywood" Hogan
WMXIX and WMXX -fine as they are.
WM21- Triple H (c) v Randy Orton (Batista got it too soon).
WM22-SD Title-Kurt Angle (c) v Randy Orton
WM23-SD Title-Batista (c) v The Undertaker (would have put this last on the card, and put Cena v HBK earlier on the card).
WM24-Fine as it was.
WM25-HBK v The Undertaker (should have gone on last)
WM26-Fine as it was.
WM27-WWE Title-John Cena (c) v The Rock
WM28-Fine as it was.
WM29-WWE Title-The Rock(c) v John Cena v C.M. Punk
(Punk gets his WM main-event)
WMXXX-WWE Title-Randy Orton (c) v Batista
WM31-WWE Title-Seth Rollins (c) v Roman Reigns v Dean Ambrose (Shield Triple-Threat Match)
WM32-WWE Title-Roman Reigns (c) v Dean Ambrose
WM33-John Cena v The Undertaker
1) Hulk Hogan vs Roddy Piper. I understand why they had the tag match with the mr T involvement. This would have been the match tho. I probably would have had Piper win the title earlier to set up Hogan winning it back here.

2- 6 Same

7) Hulk Hogan vs Rick Rude. I like the top face and the top heel going face to face. I do think the slaughter Angle was done well but this is my pick.

8) Real Worlds Champion Ric Flair vs WWF Champion Hulk Hogan. This throws off a lot of great moments like Flair at RR92, it could still play out almost identical but wouldn't be the same without Hogan and the title on the line. We'd also miss Flair/savage. The atmosphere of Hogan/Flair title for title at WM is just too much for me to pass up.

9) Savage vs Hart. This would be the passing of the torch (officially) to the new generation and its leader Bret Hart. I'd have Hogan out over Yoko in the semi main event.

10,11,12 same

13) Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels 2. I wish we got the best of 5 or 7 series trading wins like they originally planned

14/15 Same

16) Triple H vs Rock. Get rid of show and Foley. Get rid of the McMahon

17 Same

18) Same but I'd have Hogan and Rock close the show. Jericho deserved the title match and Triple H just returned and was completely over as a face. I think if you switch the placement of these matches, H/Y2J would be remembered better

19/20/21/22 Same

Didn't watch regularly 23-27

28) Same. I'm glad Punk/Jericho didn't go on last or we would have the same situation as Hhh/Y2J from 18.

29) CM Punk vs Rock. Let Rock win the rumble and have their rumble match at mania. That was the match that year. Cena Taker co main events

30-32 Same
WM2 - Hogan (C) vs Piper

WM7 - Rude (C) vs Hogan
WM8 - Flair (C) vs Hogan
WM9 - Hogan (C) vs Bret
WM10 - Bret (C) vs Owen
WM11 - Diesel (C) vs HBK

WM13 - HBK (C) vs Undertaker
WM14 - Bret (C) vs Austin III

WM16 - HHH (C) vs Rock
WM18 - Austin vs Hogan

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