Rear View! Seriously??

Prince Vee

Better than I think I am
This isn't so much intricate and I'm not gonna imply and hatred on someone specifically. But do you think a pathetic move like Rear View can be good enough to win the Divas Championship?? Its much like Cobra can win Santino Marella the World heavyweight Championship!!

Look at Niki Bella's moveset. She can or cannot be a great wrestler but her signature moves and finisher is badass enough to make her look like a strong champion! Hard elbow, Spinebuster, Alabama Slam and Devastating Rack Attack!

Does this stupid Rear View can be good enough? Does it even feel like a finisher to you?
I'm assuming we're talking about Naomi. It's one of the worst finisher's I've come across. You jump up and hit the person in the face with your butt. Okay then.

Naomi is a bit of a let down anyway. I was watching some of her older matches, and while she's very athletic, she's also very sloppy in the ring. It's almost like she's too athletic for her own good. Anyway her finisher sucks, and she should definitely come up with a better one.
I'm almost 100% positive she has this move as a nod to her extremely plumb booty. With that said, as a finisher it does suck and should be changed. Someone with her ability could have a top rope finisher. When is the last time we had a diva with a finisher off the ropes? Lita?
The move would work better if instead of doing it while both gals are standing, she did it while her opponent was in motion. It would increase the impact and look more devastating.

I'm not a big Naomi fan, but I get why she does it. She got an ass thicker than a bowl of oatmeal, so the psychology is that her butt hitting you in the face would hurt more than a girl with an average butt hitting you in the face. Much like Big Show's KO punch is implied to be more devastating than a normal punch due to his size.
While I'm in agreement that the way it's done now isn't the greatest of finishers. But what if they kept it and she did it to an opponent sitting in the corner. That could be a much better finisher (or used as a setup to a top rope finisher that she could add).
The move would work better if instead of doing it while both gals are standing, she did it while her opponent was in motion. It would increase the impact and look more devastating.

I thought that's how she did do it (with opponent in motion). I think people would find it more devastating if the announcers would take 5 seconds off from selling us networks & apps, & busting each others balls & actually explained why it's such a devastating move.
I like to call this move the "arse-to-face". That being said, I don't like this move at all. It's quite degrading to both her, & whomever she pins after hitting the move. I know the mindset is "haha her ass is super big and probably quite firm, lets have her ram it into other girls' faces", but it just really sucks to see that be a finisher.

As others have already said, she is a really athletic woman (although she does seem slightly sloppy sometimes), and her legs are just as notable as her arse, so I say she would do much better with some type of kick/leg finisher. I'd suggest some cool-looking top rope move, but there's too much risk in that. Maybe give her a superkick, or some type of leg-drop. Maybe even a submission in which she uses her legs to choke someone out.

So, to answer your questions more shortly: no, it's not good enough, and I do not view it as a finisher. Besides, ramming a firm arse like that into the head of another woman? Dangerous stuff, ban the move. Could risk concussion or neck-injury. ;)
The move is lame, no question, but it's nowhere remotely as stupid as The Cobra. When it comes to horrendously idiotic finishers, The Cobra is in a class all on its own. It's the worst of the worst as far as I'm concerned.

With that being said, it's still a lousy finisher; it was lousy when Iceman King Parsons used it in WCCW, called the even more idiotic "Butt-Butt", and it's lousy now. Finishers like this are insulting, in my opinion, because it stretches suspension of disbelief beyond absurdity; as if people are supposed to believe running into someone's ass can knock someone "unconscious" or, at the very least, stun them long enough for them to lose. It's a woman's ass for God's sake, not a friggin' brick wall.

It's even more pathetic when you consider the fact that Naomi's now a heel. It's a lousy finisher no matter what, but it just simply does not work as a heel's finisher. It's just another one of those "sports entertainment" type of finishers. With some new entrance music and a new finisher to match her new attitude, she'd has a good chance of being a good heel, or at least as good as Vince will allow her to be at any rate.
Why must you people underestimate the power of butts!? You're all just like Harley Race. He thought that a butt couldn't hurt him, and then he wrestled against Ice Man King Parsons. Skip to 20:40:


Now don't you feel silly?
Yah not a fan of the Rear View never have been at all.. If you go through the history of worse finishers this has to be up there,granted Santinos Cobra is probably the worse of the bunch,but this one cant be far behind..

Suspension of Disbelief am I correct? How in the hell can anyone over the age of 2 months suppose to believe that running into her Arse is supposed to Knock you Unconscious or at least stun you? She needs a new finisher ASAP a nice painful submission hold!

ITs a crap finisher and insults the intelligence of the audience
REALLY, REALLY.........REALLY?! There are FAR worse finishers in WWEs past & present than the rear view. So you say that it isnt "believable" (yall do know this stuff is Fake right?! It's not the UFC but it is sort of believable.....I will address that in just a moment) but it 100% fits her ability/agility, character & body! So you are going to tell me that if you are running full speed & a woman with an ass like that jumps and busts you in the nose that it couldn't do some MAJOR damage?! What a bunch of idiots!! I have seen similar moves in Cage fighting (aka Reality) break guys noses, knock men out cold, and give major concussions!

In a "Lame Duck" WWE that gives people moves like The people's elbow, Zig Zag, Bull Hammer, KO Punch, Shell Shock, AA, etc - this is far from the worst finisher! Don't believe it would hurt.......give it a try!

"HEELS HAVE THE MOST FUN" Quote from Mr. Wonderful
This isn't so much intricate and I'm not gonna imply and hatred on someone specifically. But do you think a pathetic move like Rear View can be good enough to win the Divas Championship?? Attack!

Does this stupid Rear View can be good enough? Does it even feel like a finisher to you?
Who cares? Finishers tend to not be realistic and/or completely arbitrary. The Big Show just punches someone in the face and it is his finisher. The Undertaker put someone's face in his crotch. HBK kicked his opponents in the face. Randy Orton politely asks his opponents to fall to the mat with him.

It's a signature move. It being effective enough has nothing to do with realism and hasn't for a very long time.
Yeah, it's a good finisher. It's unique, it's athletic, and makes use of the performer's most distinct assets- literally. It's much better than generic diva finishers like DDT anyway (which we saw a lot in the PG era). And what can be better than watching a Bella lose her title after getting knocked out cold by a solid pair of ass-cheeks?

Adding my smarky two cents to that, she could try using the "outta nowhere" factor and use it as a standing signature move at times, like the standing moonsault, but catching the opponent totally off-guard unlike the moonsault but more like an enzuigiri. Then she can do a submission where she sits on her opponent's face and cuts her breathing totally (thanks to her voluptuous ass-cheeks again) and call it the Rim-view... Okay, that probably wouldn't work out too well. But hey, what if Vince comes across my post somehow?
Yeah, it's a good finisher. It's unique, it's athletic, and makes use of the performer's most distinct assets- literally. It's much better than generic diva finishers like DDT anyway (which we saw a lot in the PG era). And what can be better than watching a Bella lose her title after getting knocked out cold by a solid pair of ass-cheeks?

Adding my smarky two cents to that, she could try using the "outta nowhere" factor and use it as a standing signature move at times, like the standing moonsault, but catching the opponent totally off-guard unlike the moonsault but more like an enzuigiri. Then she can do a submission where she sits on her opponent's face and cuts her breathing totally (thanks to her voluptuous ass-cheeks again) and call it the Rim-view... Okay, that probably wouldn't work out too well. But hey, what if Vince comes across my post somehow?

:suspic: I should call Vince or Hunter.

But (no pun intended) anyway, why not use Rear View as a signature move to set up a painful armbar? Armbar submission finishers are underused in my opinon.
In general her moveset is weak on the whole, but she actually has a decent finisher when she doesn't botch it.

She does a head scissor on a kneeling opponent, twists and slams their head into the mat(did it at SS) and it looks good, looks impactful and works very well as a finisher.

Hitting someone with a soft and jiggly bottom is just sad and doesn't sell, add to that she seems to barely connect with it most of the time and the commentators don't sell it because I think even they can't bring themselves to sell such a pissweak move.
It's a signature move. It being effective enough has nothing to do with realism and hasn't for a very long time.

Doesn't make it RIGHT. Back in my single days, I would have been perfectly welcoming to Namoi performing her finishing maneuver on me. Doesn't speak well for the effectiveness or perceiving of effectiveness.

For someone who didn't appreciate the Diva segment on the podcast, you sure spend a lot of time defending them ;)
In a "Lame Duck" WWE that gives people moves like The people's elbow, Zig Zag, Bull Hammer, KO Punch, Shell Shock, AA, etc - this is far from the worst finisher! Don't believe it would hurt.......give it a try!
I'd agree with her move, and a couple you've listed. The Bull Hammer can look impressive, but anyone who poo-poos the KO Punch should volunteer to let Paul Wight punch him in the face as hard as he can. It's probably the most realistic finisher in the business from that perspective.
Hey, the cobra can legitimately dangerous move, fingers thrust into the larnax

The Rear View, hey it worked for Jumping Jim Brunzell as the Bee Sting with the Killer Bees
Doesn't make it RIGHT.
The entire evolution of a finisher isn't right, in my opinion. But, as far as today's wrestling goes, there's nothing wrong with it.

Back in my single days, I would have been perfectly welcoming to Namoi performing her finishing maneuver on me. Doesn't speak well for the effectiveness or perceiving of effectiveness.
And I suspect at some point Michelle McCool has appreciated the Tombstone position. I don't have a problem with that as a finisher either.

For someone who didn't appreciate the Diva segment on the podcast, you sure spend a lot of time defending them ;)
Oh, the little I've seen of Naomi in no way suggests to me she's anything beyond mediocre. My defense is far more about criticizing the idea of "realism" in a finisher anymore.

And, in my defense, you spent a significant amount of time talking about how bad the Divas were. A terrible division...that you spent a lot of time discussing. I think my critique is valid. :)
This isn't so much intricate and I'm not gonna imply and hatred on someone specifically. But do you think a pathetic move like Rear View can be good enough to win the Divas Championship?? Its much like Cobra can win Santino Marella the World heavyweight Championship!!

Look at Niki Bella's moveset. She can or cannot be a great wrestler but her signature moves and finisher is badass enough to make her look like a strong champion! Hard elbow, Spinebuster, Alabama Slam and Devastating Rack Attack!

Does this stupid Rear View can be good enough? Does it even feel like a finisher to you?

No but it works in the Divas Division. She's definitely talented enough to win the Divas title. Naomi is more talented than Nikki. I like them both though.
No but it works in the Divas Division. She's definitely talented enough to win the Divas title. Naomi is more talented than Nikki. I like them both though.

We as a fan get complacent with the Divas division that's the reason why its turning out into a shit! It doesn't work for divas division either! Look at the finishers of other Divas! RamPaige, PTO, Rack Attack, Brie's Jumping Facebuster and among this where does their Bum bump would fit? Give Divas a Chance has gone into just a Hashtag for time being!

Recently on the main page I read something a former creative writer talked about the divas division! In the creative's perspective Divas are just of mentally unstable crazy chicks and there isn't any face or heel among them!! Asinine!! #GiveDivasAChance?
We as a fan get complacent with the Divas division that's the reason why its turning out into a shit! It doesn't work for divas division either! Look at the finishers of other Divas! RamPaige, PTO, Rack Attack, Brie's Jumping Facebuster and among this where does their Bum bump would fit? Give Divas a Chance has gone into just a Hashtag for time being!

Recently on the main page I read something a former creative writer talked about the divas division! In the creative's perspective Divas are just of mentally unstable crazy chicks and there isn't any face or heel among them!! Asinine!! #GiveDivasAChance?

I agree with you totally. I just accepted how the WWE writers/producers are. Unless they get somebody from TNA who books the Knockouts division, I doubt we'll see anything different than the norm with the Divas Division.
If you go through the history of worse finishers this has to be up there,granted Santinos Cobra is probably the worse of the bunch,but this one cant be far behind..

Granted Santino's Cobra was ridiculous, but it fit him nicely as he was a comic character. Giving him a serious finisher would have looked even more silly. It was perfect for him.

And nice pun there at the end.

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