Real Never Before Seen Gimmicks you want to see

Total Impact

A Poster Name Total Impact
The one gimmick I would like to see a wrestler start doing is actually tweeting before, during and after a match. It has to my knowledge never been done before in wrestling and is something that could get a guy over quick as Rock calling his own matches & Ken Kennedy doing his own introductions.

It would be cool as the guy do a nice move in the ring & tweet about right after it happens or even get him a valet to tweetpic it or whatever it's call. In the day of the Internet it one cool thing that could happen. I would love this gimmick either done by Zach Ryder or Miz in WWE or Motor City Machine guns in TNA.
Another cool part of the gimmick is that he can use “Follow Me” as catchphrase. And every week on TV he could be seen at different parts of the arena from the outside to even in the stands with the crowd, he says “Follow Me” his music hits and & goes to the ring.

It would be a sub gimmick just like when The Rock used to leave the ring & go over & do Color Commentating on his own match, it s a sub -part of his gimmick. And since Tweeter/Facebook is the "it" thing now it would go well with connecting with the crowd & would be cool to see a guy post a tweetpic in the middle of a match.

It would be cool to guess where will the guy show up this week. It's something different & cool in my opinion.

So what are some of your never been seen before gimmicks that you would like to see that could really happen.

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