Raw's New Theme Song.....

Mr Mikey Mike

Occasional Pre-Show
Not sure if this song is just gonna be used tonight or if it's raws new permanent theme.


Love it - hate it?
For me, the sound of wrestling will always be shite rock music. This isn't, and is therefore not as good as Nickelback.
WWE Twitter said its the theme for solely tonight. Its not bad, could be worse, could be Machine Gun Kelly. I wonder if that guys has eaten a sandwich since Mania?
Eh. I only care about what happens after the music is over. They could play Justin Beiber for all I care. I mute it 90% of the time or miss it anyway.
I don't care what the theme is, I never get home until the show is half over anyway, long after the shitty theme has played.
This theme is better than the last one and I believe it's the first hip-hop song to be used for Raw. Hip-Hop now has a place in wrestling :cool:

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