Raw's 20th Anniversary


I was looking on the calendar a few minutes ago and it suddenly occurred to me that the 20th anniversary of the first episode of Raw will be coming up in a little more than a month. Raw debuted on January 11, 1993 but the 11th of the month falls on a Friday this year. So, I'm assuming that they'll have Raw's anniversary celebration the following Monday, January 14.

I'm thinking that WWE will do something along the lines of an old school Raw in which they'll invite some wrestlers tha've been part of WWE throughout the course of the last 20 years. I see another possible reunion of DX, I see The Rock making an appearance, possibly The Undertaker, maybe Rowdy Roddy Piper. Maybe some guys in the mid and undercard like Tatanka and some others.

It wouldn't surprise me if Ric Flair made his return to WWE on that night. It's just a matter of time before Flair returns and I think the writing is on the wall.

At any rate, I think the show will be filled with a lot of nostalgia, which can be fun every now and again.

Given the recent situation regarding CM Punk's knee injury, I have a feeling that they'll give Ryback his title shot on the anniversary show. It'd generate a lot of buzz if The Rock is going to appear on the show, which I think he would if his schedule allows it.

If WWE does have some sort of celebration for Raw's 20th anniversary, what would you like to see happen?
Raw’s 20th Anniversary. Well, it has to be big, but not bigger than the Big 4. Some of the things I would like to see are:

• The return of Rob Bartlett!!

• Bobby The Brain Heenan spending 3 hours outside the arena trying to get in.

• Mr. McMahon announces the new GM of Raw…Booker T.

• About 20 Doinks all over the arena.

• The “Rematch” Undertaker vs. Damien Demento…with Damien Demento getting the win. Hey, it’s not WrestleMania and the Undertaker has lost matches before. Let’s get some Shield interference to help the injustice from 20 years ago.

• Miz TV with guests MVP, Edge, Roddy Piper, Carlito, Dude Love, Brother Love, Shawn Michaels, Jerry Lawler, and anyone else who has had an in-ring interview segment on Raw in the past, except Chris Jericho, because of the...

• 4th viral ad for the return of the Best In The World At What He Does.

• Kane and a partner of his choice vs. Daniel Bryan and a partner of his choice for the Unified WWE World Tag Team Championship. Surprise, they actually pick each other!! Hug it out and change the name to Team Hell Yes!! HAHA!!

• The return of Ric Flair and the debut of the new Horsemen. Don’t call them the 4 Horsemen, so that there could be 3 or 5 or any other number of members in the group.

• CM Punk and Brock Lesnar with Paul Heyman vs. Triple H and Mike Tyson with Shawn Michaels. It’s not real fighting, it could work.

• John Cena and Randy Orton vs. The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin. Shield interferes and makes it a 4 on 4 match. Yes, by this time, Shield should have a 4th member, maybe Brad Maddox.

• Fatal Four Way Elimination match. WWE Champion vs. World Champion vs. Intercontinental Champion vs. United States Champion, whoever the Champions may be at the time.
With the show in Texas. Could this be the return of a certain Rattlesnake? I hope so. Imagine the pop Austin would get from his home town fans. Could even be a teaser between a possible future Punk v Austin fued. Not saying Austin would wrestle a match, i think WWE would save that moment for a Wrestlemania, but an in-ring segment would be a must see for me.

Another possible angle is have Punk and Rock building thier Royal Rumble match (which takes place the following Sunday) Austin interupts and announces that he will be the special guest ref or enforcer.

Be good to see some old faces again, but i would be dissapointed if Austin no shows this event, especially as it's coming out of his hometown.
PWInsider.com reports WWE is trying to get some wrestlers who appeared with the company in the earlier years to either make cameos live or pre-record something.

I'm not getting excited about this. They always bring back the same ole Roddy Piper, Ted DiBiasi and Slaughter.

Bring back some new people and give them a paycheck for the evening. Lord knows the WWE can afford it. But I don't see it happening. It will be the guys they already have signed under LEGENDS contracts.

Also, have something big happen. Punk taking out the Rock was okay, but I want something that's going to make my jaw drop.
I'm not getting excited about this. They always bring back the same ole Roddy Piper, Ted DiBiasi and Slaughter.

Bring back some new people and give them a paycheck for the evening. Lord knows the WWE can afford it. But I don't see it happening. It will be the guys they already have signed under LEGENDS contracts.

Also, have something big happen. Punk taking out the Rock was okay, but I want something that's going to make my jaw drop.

I thought they did a really good job of this with Raw 1000, almost all those guys I never would've expected: Vader, Sid, DDP, Rikishi, etc. Those aren't the kind of guys that show up to every nostalgia show.

I agree though, I never get tired of seeing the classics, but I would really love for them to dig a little deeper. Maybe some guys we haven't seen in a long while like Jake Roberts, Damien Demento, Hakushi, if you really want to shock people...Ultimate Warrior, the Godwinns maybe. People that were in the first 5 years of Raw that we really haven't seen make any appearances since then. That would be a trip.

Honestly though, I don't think a whole lot of effort is gonna go in to this show, because Raw 1000 was treated like such a big event. I think they would've probably already started promoting it by now if that was the case.
Austin is the big question mark. Is he healthy and interested enough to show up?

I think we will definitely get a ton of RR build with The Rock going nose to nose with most likely Punk or whoever is champ. Will get some of the usual nostalgia. Vince and HHH will probably be there. Lesnar should show up by then. HBK will make an appearance. Trish too. I'm kind of surprised they haven't built this up further like they did with 1,000 but right now it seems they are more focused on selling TLC.

Some dream scenarios are a Flair return of sorts. Rock and HBK altercation. When does Hogan's contract end with TNA? UT makes a return to let the world know he will be at 29. I answer all three questions correctly and get to become Damien Sandow's apprentice.
I was looking on the calendar a few minutes ago and it suddenly occurred to me that the 20th anniversary of the first episode of Raw will be coming up in a little more than a month. Raw debuted on January 11, 1993 but the 11th of the month falls on a Friday this year. So, I'm assuming that they'll have Raw's anniversary celebration the following Monday, January 14.

I'm thinking that WWE will do something along the lines of an old school Raw in which they'll invite some wrestlers tha've been part of WWE throughout the course of the last 20 years. I see another possible reunion of DX, I see The Rock making an appearance, possibly The Undertaker, maybe Rowdy Roddy Piper. Maybe some guys in the mid and undercard like Tatanka and some others.

It wouldn't surprise me if Ric Flair made his return to WWE on that night. It's just a matter of time before Flair returns and I think the writing is on the wall.

At any rate, I think the show will be filled with a lot of nostalgia, which can be fun every now and again.

Given the recent situation regarding CM Punk's knee injury, I have a feeling that they'll give Ryback his title shot on the anniversary show. It'd generate a lot of buzz if The Rock is going to appear on the show, which I think he would if his schedule allows it.

If WWE does have some sort of celebration for Raw's 20th anniversary, what would you like to see happen?

Quite frankly, I think they should have saved everything for the 20th anniversary show as opposed to the 1000th show. Honestly, 20 years is a lot bigger IMO.

I would love to see another "old school" Raw though. And of course you know they will be playing montages throughout the show.
At the 15th anniversary, they did a Gimmick Battle Royal featuring guys like Flash Funk, Skinner, Brother Love, The Goon, etc. I thought that was a great idea and it is something that definitely be used again. It's a way for 20-30 guys from the past to make an appearance, not have to do a lot of heavy work, and not have to many big spots. Even bring back Howard Finkel to announce the competitors.
I think it will be the usual WWE, they have the oportunity to make something really big out of this, but i have a feeling that in part they will have some awesome segments, but they will blow it in some other segments, and in some ways they will do the same old things, like a DX reunion, the usual legends like Pipper, DiBiase Sr., Sgt. Slaughter Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Doink and the Brooklin Brawler will make an apearance, along with Dusty Rhodes and Arn Anderson, probably Ric Flair, they will probably have Mick Foley questioning CM Punk's credibility as a champion, The Rock will make one of his wanna be funny promos, and cameo apperances from superstars from the 90's, and the actual fun segment will be when Stone Cold Steve Austin appears, and is innevitable that he and Vince McMahon have a confrontation, but then again, they can surprise us, like many people say, they haven't made a buzz about the 20th anniversary show, and in a way, i think they don't want the IWC to start spoiling it for everyone, maybe they actually are planning something big, but so far, those are our opinions, i sure hope i'm wrong......
  • Undertaker to return and cutting a promo than Brock Lesnar returning and giving him an F-5 setting up their match at Wrestlemania.
  • Goldberg returning and spearing Ryback
  • Evolution reunion
  • Paul Heyman cutting a shoot promo on PG and sports-entertainment
  • CM Punk and The Rock face to face setting up their match at Wrestlemania for the WWE Championship but interrupted by Stone Cold Steve Austin who announces that he will be the special guest referee for their match at Wrestlemania and giving stunners to both of them.
I dunno what I would like to see happen with the legends, just seeing any of them return is enough for me, but I'd rather Dolph Ziggler cash in his briefcase here than at TLC. If Ziggler doesn't cash in at TLC then I think he will definitely do it here. I just think it would be cool that they build the future on a show where they are celebrating the past.
I'd like for Raw to have a simple feel to it in terms of production like the old days. Old school superstars I'd like to see back are Bret Hart, Diesel, HBK, Flair, the Outlaws & X-Pac, HHH and Undertaker. I'd love to see Scott Hall back but WWE might still consider him too high of a risk to have on live tv. Unfortanately, a lot of stars from that era have passed away but they could show a video package paying homage to them (Macho Man, Bulldog, Owen, Eddie Guerrero, Yoko, Ravishing Rick, Bam Bam etc...). Vince & King doing commentary. I wanna see Brock & Austin there. I'm sure we'll see The Rock there to promote the Rumble. A new WWE title belt. NO ROB BARTLETT!!! He was horrible.
Quite frankly, I think they should have saved everything for the 20th anniversary show as opposed to the 1000th show. Honestly, 20 years is a lot bigger IMO.

To me the number of episodes in this case is bigger but I am fully understanding of why you feel otherwise. As we know, a scripted prime time show lasting 20 years has only happened twice other than with Raw, in America at least, so it is a huge accomplishment no matter what. However, less episodes were produced per year to get to that point so to me, the fact that Raw involved 51-52 per year is potentially more relevant than the number of years that it took to reach those episodes. (I say 51 cause if I remember correctly, Raw used to miss an episode each year for the dog show, or was Raw just on another night?) Law And Order for example had a little over 450 episodes over 20 years, and Gunsmoke six hundred and something, but Raw doesn't have the hiatus and therefore has over 1,000. Either way both are nice accomplishments and WWE is in a league of its own when it comes to having the distinction of being able to have both milestones with scripted prime time programming.
I for one am quite excited for Raw's 20th anniversary as I was for Raw 1000, but much like Raw 1000 I will be sincerely disappointed if I wait three hours for the glass to break and it doesn't. I love nostalgia, but the ultimate wrestling nostalgia for me is Stone Cold. When you have an episode guaranteed to center on nostalgia not having Austin makes it a disappointment for me and I'm sure others.

It is however nice to see the other legends. I would love to see The Rock, HHH, Undertaker, HBK, Foley, New Age Outlaws, Piper, etc, etc.

Isn't it about time for Kane to tombstone Pete Rose again?

All in all I think it will more then likely be one of the better Raw's of the year, but in the end I think WE WANT AUSTIN!
I thought RAW 1000 did a wonderful job of integrating the legends with the next generation of wrestlers. I hope it continues on the 20th anniversary.

Having the legends who are still capable of putting on great matches have a go against the new generation would be fantastic. I know it's a pipe dream, but how about Bryan/Lesner, Rock/Cesaro, and HHH/Sandow on the show?
Isn't it about time for Kane to tombstone Pete Rose again?

I'm hoping for Tiny Tim to come back to life and call Jerry Lawler the "Dairy Queen" once again.:blush:

Actually, the 20th anniversary is a good excuse to build a special show, but won't it essentially be the same as the 1000th episode in terms of what they can do? If there are performers from past shows they haven't brought back yet, that would be a good thing. Giving them something to do would be even better.....the program some of them ran with Heath Slater last Summer was a real treat.

What I'd really like is for them to stage the show in the Manhattan Center, where they did the first 28 episodes of Raw. Of course, that would allow for a much smaller crowd in attendance, which probably rules it out as a possibility.
Do you guys think they'll do something special at all? If it'd just be a rehash of Raw1000, I don't know if it'll be all that great... I don't know how they would improve...
• Bobby The Brain Heenan spending 3 hours outside the arena trying to get in.
^^^^THIS!!!!!!! HAHAHA!!!!!! I would love to hear the Brain commenting on 3 hour RAW's!

Honestly after the "extravaganza" that was RAW 1000, I like your idea of just doing something simular to an Old School RAW, especially since we haven't had anything like that in awhile (was it just me or did everyone else think when switching to 3 hours that RAW would have alot more "specials" like Old School RAW? It seems like if anything they put those shows like appreciation nights on Smackdown to gain more viewers for the b-show).

Have some classic foes clash for that night, throw out a couple of Legends, & maybe even another nod to Sexual Chocolate & Mae Young's child, and it seems like a solid, nostalgic, anniversary show to me.
sadly Bobby Heenan is never gonna be on TV again, there's no chance of that ever happening, if they wont let JR on TV for Bells Palsy they certainly aren't gonna put Heenan's now deformed face on TV again it would scare all the kiddies ;(

as for everything else, where does the looking back at the early years stop, there's been so much more then those first 5 years. i think the legends over and over again looking back at the shock moments has had it's day, time to look at some newer stuff, but who would they chose is the question with alot either dead, on bad terms with WWE, retired or in another company

Obviously they will do a bit of everything as they do every time, i think this one will be a fizzer tho with maybe one or two great moments. Everything has been rehashed b4 time after time

Maybe a PPV Raw.
Some of the suggestions so far have been interesting (however unlikely it might be, a Warrior appearance and "wrestler vs. entertainer" promo between him and Punk would be great even if it would force Warrior to actually speak in complete sentences instead of awesomely bad gibberish about dragging Punk back to Parts Unknown). However, my guess is that WWE doesn't want two non-PPV landmark events in the same calendar year. There will probably be the usual legends, though having a collection of guys under contract who became big names in WCW adds some element of surprise. My assumption is that the Raw 1000-esque show will be the 25th anniversary of Raw.
First of all, i know its been said that Ziggler can only cash in on the WHC, but this is WWE and if they wanted to pretend that rule was never in place, then they would.

Cena beats Ziggler at TLC, on the RAW 20th anniversary main event The Rock and Punk are in the ring with Heyman cutting a bad-ass promo when Punk and Heyman try to jump Rock, but he gets the upper hand and Rock-Bottom's Punk before walking up the ramp, suddenly Cena's music hits and he walks out with the briefcase, passing The Rock along the way, who tries his best to look cool as he realises its Cena and not Punk that he will face at the Rumble, Cena continues to the ring and after a slight struggle wins the Championship right in front of Heyman, imagine the look on Heyman's face.

This leads to Punk and Heyman getting involved in the title match at the rumble, leading to it ending in a draw or some other stinky finish, WrestleMania: Cena vs Rock vs Punk. So much better than Rock vs Cena II

Don't worry about Ziggler in this scenario, he'll go crazy after losing MITB, leading to a mean streak, dumping Vickie, a Royal Rumble win and walking out of WrestleMania as WHC.
I think it would be great if all the Raw theme songs were played at the 20th Anniversary..it would be amazing! Could you imagine the ovation when Nickelback comes out and performs "Burn It To The Ground"

I'm getting goosebumps.."Thorn in your eye" is good as well but man oh man, "Burn It To The Ground" is one of the best written songs in history.
It won't be as big as RAW 1,000, but I expect them to bring back some old school guys. Piper and Foley will probably get mic time. 'Taker will probably make an appearance, never too early to start his Mania storyline. I expect The Rock to be there, probably building up his match with Punk. Trips may build up a potential rematch with Brock.

I'm sure Shawn will be there in his usual capacity. Pop, pander to crowd, mid level heel interrupts, SCM, exit.

Just for the lulz I'd love to have Slater job to a legend. I'd like a gimmick battle royal as well, those are always good for nostalgia. Like most others I will be disappointed if I don't hear some glass break.
According to a report on PWInsider.com, WWE is indeed having a 20th anniversary celebration for Raw that'll be held on January 14, 2013. The report also confirms that the current plan is for CM Punk to defend the WWE Championship against Ryback on the show.

As there's still more than a month until the show, I can't help but wonder how they're going to end the match. Ryback won't be winning the title, Punk vs. Rock at the Royal Rumble is simply a much bigger money match than Ryback vs. Rock. The Shield could somehow be involved, which is the most obvious assumption. If The Rock is at the show, I could see him making his presence known in this match, maybe even outright interfering so that Ryback doesn't win so he can avenge himself for Punk laying him out at Raw 1,000.
I mentioned this on another forum a few months ago and I just remembered it now, but I'm dying to see a backstage segment take place between Daniel Bryan and Stone Cold Steve Austin, where Bryan confronts Austin and he talks about YES! killing off WHAT? or something along those lines, and they start getting into it, both of em yelling YES! and WHAT? at each other, one after the other, for about a minute, with the crowd in the arena chanting along with the both of them, then Austin & Bryan stop and stare across the room, cameras shift across the room and we see Ron Simmons standing by the door, looking back at the two, shaking his head at them before yelling out DAMN!

That would be so awesome.

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