Raw Week 2........

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Dark Match Jobber

The pyro hits as RAW GM Shane Mcmahon heads to the ring

SHANE-It is time that I show every one around here just who the hell I am! You see a few years back, the WWE was on the right track with "The Attitude Era". And since then alot of the wrestlers around here have went soft. And alot of them of just sorta of done their own thing. Well after Royal Rumble, alot of you will be looking for a job! Because I am sick of all the dam whining around here! And alot of you don't deserve to be here on RAW. So, with that being said I have two other matches to announce for the Royal Rumble. HBK, over the last couple of weeks I have seen you go from one of the best around here to one of the most deranged and crazy wrestlers to be here on RAW, and the only man that has been crazy enough to say anything about it is your opponent at Rumble.......The Rock! Next is going to be a match for the WWE Championship. It will be a three way dance for the title.....the first man in will be of course your WWE Champion, John Cena. The second man in this match will be the unstoppable monster Kane! And the last man in will be none other than the King of Kings....HHH!

HHH music hits as the former champ heads to the ring

HHH- Well, well, well. Look like you have finally seen the light. Putting me in that match at Rumble was the smartest thing you have done since becoming the new GM. And don't worry, after I become WWE champion again, I won't forget this decision. You see, after I climb back on to my throne, you and me together can rule over this petty little kingdom known as RAW together!

SHANE- Wo, wo, wo. You might be able to get over with all the other GM'a that have went through here, but I take no side with anyone! The only reason I brought Cena back here was it wasn't fair how he was fired by my dad. But don't think by no means I have any, or will ever have any favorites here on RAW! Now, unless you want to lose your job here get the hell out of my face!

HHH- Looks like somebody has actually grew a pair. But, lets just see what happens after I win my title, and you might just be sorry for that little comment!

HHH music hits again as he heads to the back, after he gets backstage HHH calls someone on his cell phone

HHH- Hey, looks like we have to go to plan B. Don't worry I'll win the title at all cost at Rumble, you just be here with the boys afterwards on RAW. Alright, later.

Who was HHH talking to? And who are the boys?


As we come back from commercial break the Midnight Express is in the ring for our first match

Match starts off with Dupree & Rikishi in the ring. Rikishi sends Dupree into the corner and follows him in with a clothesline but Dupree raises his foot and hits Rikishi in the face knocking the big samoan back. Dupree makes the tag to "Gorgeous" Grenier who nails Rikishi with a high knee to the chin. Grenier sends him into the ropes and nails him with a flying forearm. Just as the Express has the momentum going in their favor, Test & Edge head out to the ring. As Edge distracts the ref Test sneaks in and nails a big boot on Grenier. As Dupree enters he gets nailed with a Samoan sidekick from Rikishi. As Grenier is down Meng climbs to the top rope and jumps off nailing a flying headbutt to Grenier. Rikishi covers "Gorgeous" for the win.

After the match Test, Edge, Rikishi, and Meng continue their assault on Dupree and Grenier when..........Bobby Eaton, Dennis Condrey, and "Sweet" Stan Lane hit the ring weilding chairs along with Jim Cornette! The original Midnight Express just save the New Express's asses! Edge and the others retreat to the back as Cornette grabs a mic

CORNETTE- What wrong? What, the WWE Tag Team champions & their hired hands can't handle 3 40 year old men and a couple of young bucks? Tell you what, next week RAW GM Shane Mcmahon has made a 4 on 5 elimination match for Heat before the Rumble. It will be Edge, Test, Rikishi, and Meng Vs The Midnight Exprees Family! And if my team wins, "Diamond" & "Gorgeous" get a shot for the WWE Tag Titles!

As we cut backstage The Midnight Express Family is staring down Edge and his partners


HBK is shown entering Shanes office

HBK- Shane, HBK and I want you to make the match between Rock and me to be a handicap-straight jacket match! Where the loser is taken off in a straight jacket and suspended until his mental health is better, not that I need it, but Rock is losing his damn mind! so make Shawn Michaels & HBK Vs The Rock!

SHANE-Shawn, you are......nevermind. Fine, the match at Rumble will be a loser leaves town Straight-Jacket match! Now get out of my office.

HBK walks out of Shanes office but as he does so Rock is waiting for him, and nails HBK with a chair! Rock stands over HBK smiling.......

Very good match. Both men trade moves back and forth but Kane gets the momentum in his favor when Booker goes for a side-kick and misses and Kane drops him with a sidewalk slam. Kane then climbs to the top-rope and nails a clothesline from the top-rope taking Booker-man down. Kane then signals for the chokeslam. As Booker turns around Kane grabs him by the throat lifts him up and.......Chokeslam! But Kane isn't done. He motions for another chokeslam and nails it! As Booker lays motionless Kane covers him for the three count.

As Kane heads to the back we head to another commercial break


As we come back from commercial Hardcore Holly and Chris Masters are fighting in the back Holly gets the upperhand when he sends Masters into the concrete wall. Holly then grabs a chair and nails Masters repeatedly in the head busting the I.C. Title holder wide open. Finally security guards break up the havoc. Masters is left busted wide open as we head back to the ring for our next match.

RVD and Sandman go back and forth but just as it looks like Sandman will get the pin, Hardcore Holly hits the ring weilding a chair. Sandman goes to stop him but gets nailed by the chair. RVD gets back to his feet only to be met with a chair shot. Holly grabs a mic.

HOLLY- I believe that this proves who is the best champion here on RAW. ME! I completely destroyed 3 of the top talents in less than 5 minutes. And 1 of them was another champion, if you want to call him that, Chris Masters! Alot of you are wondering why the hell I have been completely trying to destroy my opponents, not just beat them, but utterly destroy them since returning to RAW. Well, it is to prove I am the most dominate force on RAW! And I believe I.......

Before Holly can finish Chris Masters sneaks in the ring still bleeding from the attack just 5 minutes earlier by Holly, and takes Holly down! Masters goes for the MasterLock but Holly escapes and heads towards the back

MASTERS- Whats wrong Bob?! Don't like a fight when its face to face?! Well get used to it because after Rumble where I will make sure you don't win, it will be Masters Vs Holly on RAW with both titles on the line! See you at the Rumble!


Kurt Angle is shown talking with Haas, GoldDust, and Carlito

ANGLE- Ok, fellas. At the Rumble one of us could win a shot at the WWE Title at Wrestlemania. All we have to do is watch each others backs. If all of us watch out for each other there is no way we shouldn't be the final four in the ring! And then you 3 could let me win, hows that sound?

CARLITO- SO, what your saying is Haas, GoldDust, and myself let you win huh?! Well, uh...thats not cool! I have no problem making sure we are the lat 4, but just letting you win.....I don't know abot that.

GOLDDUST- OHHH, dream match.....The wrestling machine Vs Sex machine...oh I'm sorry you said something Kurt?!

HAAS- Dude, your a freak! And Kurt I know you , and there is no way I'm going to trust you! So yeah I'll be watching my own back!

GOLDDUST- Ill watch it!

CARLITO- There is something seriously wrong with you!

ANGLE- ENOUGH! Fine you guys won't help me, then he will!

As Angle says this Big Show comes from behind and takes out GoldDust and Haas, and then both men double team Carlito. Angle and Big Show walk off as GoldDust, Haas, and Carlito are left lying on the floor.

We head back to the ring for our Main Event

Pretty decent match but the end comes quick as Cena lifts HHH up for the F-U, HHH reverses it and slides off and as Cena turns around, HHH kicks him in the stomach and goes for a pedigree, but the lights go out and flames surround the ring! Kane hits the ring and takes out HHH and looks to tombstone Cena but HHH attacks Kane and all three men are going at it when HBK and the Rock are shown fighting through the curtain onto the ramp and eventually enters the ring! HBK goes to nail Sweet Chin Music on the Rock but he moves and HBK nails Cena! Holly hits the ring with a chair in hand and goes after the laid out Cena, again wanting to prove he is the best champion on RAW, but Masters makes the save as Angle and Show hit the ring! Haas, GoldDust, Carlito, RVD, The Midnight Express, Edge & Test, and the rest of the RAW lockerroom hit the ring as all Hell is breaking loose as RAW goes off the air!!!!!!!


One thing is make your matches longer and make your promo's longer. then the show will be better., and give more time on the mic for your superstars
Great show man... the beginning was a nice way to build hype for the rumble! The matches are great... My fav match was Booker T vs Kane, then Cena vs Triple H would be next. It was nice seeing Kane come out... because obviously he's one of the 3 men in the World Title match at the rumble lol. Can't wait till the Rumble.

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Fusion Episode 9 (click there < to see full show)
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