Raw vs iMPACT! ratings discussion thread

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prowrestling.net said:
WWE Raw scored a 3.6 rating. The first hour scored a 3.5 rating with 5.44 million viewers, and hour two scored a 3.7 rating with 5.77 million viewers.

So WWE didn't take a hit and in fact people tuned over from TNA in hour three for them to watch raw for hour two. This is obviously for the Hart/McMahon segment.

Decent rating for Raw considering they didn't make a huge splash of it, in fact their main outside advertisement was on the Mattel toys and not Bret returning.
I think that next week is definitely when we will see more of a change, to be honest.

I know that Hogan expected TNA to hit a 3.0 and that just didn't happen at all. The fact that Raw hasn't shifted all that much doesn't surprise me at all. To be honest it has reflected what happened on Raw. WWE decided that it didn't need to change anything and for that reason, they had a pretty average show. Not in terms of matches because they were good but in terms of the show, nothing changed. They did try and allure us with surprises or swerves and they just got on with business. As I said, the ratings next week will be the telling sign of what will happen in the future but I don't expect them to change all that much.
I figured RAW would draw well. That is a very good looking number.

The question is will future guest hosts be able to draw as well. I don't think William Shatner, or the dudes from Psych are going to cut it. It'll probably be more of the same old shit next week. I always hope I'm proven wrong.
its sad that wwe just brought in bret hart had a great success in television rating. tna has been promoting hulk hogan like no other and brought in a ton of old guys and spent so much money for a .5 increase in ratings. way to go there dixie, epic fail.
If Raw continues to tease and bring out Bret Hart, they could possibly reach a 4.0. Like SB said, there will probably be a ratings decrease with Shatner and the guys from Psych. Not to mention Tyson, John Heder, and Don Johnson. I really don't know why Bret isn't the permanent host for Raw until WM26.

Raw's rating wasn't bad, but the numbers were pretty much the same as last week. Last week was a 3.6, but reports said Monday's Raw had more viewers then last summer. So who knows about the numbers. I think TNA was a little responsible for raw not getting those extra few points.

A .5 increase on a Monday night for TNA when they usually do 1.0 or less on Thursday isn't an epic fail by the way Gballa. Especially when you consider what TNA was up against.
its sad that wwe just brought in bret hart had a great success in television rating. tna has been promoting hulk hogan like no other and brought in a ton of old guys and spent so much money for a .5 increase in ratings. way to go there dixie, epic fail.

Here are the 2009 Raw ratings

WWE RAW Ratings

- January 5: 3.4
- January 12: 3.5
- January 19: 3.9
- January 26: 3.6
- February 2: 3.6
- February 9: 3.4
- February 16: 4.1
- February 23: 4.1
- March 2: 3.8
- March 9: 3.7
- March 16: 3.6
- March 23: 3.5
- March 30: 3.6
- April 6: 3.9
- April 13: 3.7
- April 20: 3.7
- April 27: 3.4
- May 4: 3.3
- May 11: 3.3
- May 18: 3.6
- May 25: 3.2
- June 1: 3.4
- June 8: 3.6
- June 15: 3.6
- June 22: 4.5
- June 29: 3.9
- July 6: 3.6
- July 13: 3.5
- July 20: 3.5
- July 27: 3.95
- August 3: 3.6
- August 10: 3.8
- August 17: 3.8
- August 24: 3.9

WWE wasn't a great success in ratings on Jan 4th. A great success would be getting better than average ratings. It was just average. Compare and contrast from the list.

TNA on the other hand increased it's ratings above it's average.

TNA was in no way a "fail" and only benefited from Jan 4th, while Raw got the same general audience it always gets.
Here are the 2009 Raw ratings

WWE RAW Ratings

- January 5: 3.4
- January 12: 3.5
- January 19: 3.9
- January 26: 3.6
- February 2: 3.6
- February 9: 3.4
- February 16: 4.1
- February 23: 4.1
- March 2: 3.8
- March 9: 3.7
- March 16: 3.6
- March 23: 3.5
- March 30: 3.6
- April 6: 3.9
- April 13: 3.7
- April 20: 3.7
- April 27: 3.4
- May 4: 3.3
- May 11: 3.3
- May 18: 3.6
- May 25: 3.2
- June 1: 3.4
- June 8: 3.6
- June 15: 3.6
- June 22: 4.5
- June 29: 3.9
- July 6: 3.6
- July 13: 3.5
- July 20: 3.5
- July 27: 3.95
- August 3: 3.6
- August 10: 3.8
- August 17: 3.8
- August 24: 3.9

WWE wasn't a great success in ratings on Jan 4th. A great success would be getting better than average ratings. It was just average. Compare and contrast from the list.

TNA on the other hand increased it's ratings above it's average.

TNA was in no way a "fail" and only benefited from Jan 4th, while Raw got the same general audience it always gets.

WWE was successful. Looking back at all these ratings, you gotta remember, there were better storylines then, there were diff stars on Raw.

1/4 Raw-take out Bret Hart, the show is way below average.

-No Cena
-shitty divas match
-decent 4 way. DX retaining titles with help of Horny
-Sheamus squash
-Orton beating Kofi

Plus, they were going head to head with TNA, who in the 1st hr, came out guns ablazing. Also, a lot of WWE audience is so young, they are not familiar with Bret Hart, so maybe they were not that interested.

Basically, you had a very lackluster show, that if they had any of the past guest Gm's, and the stuff they were putting out the last few weeks without their biggest star, might have hit a 3.0 if they were lucky. With all they had going against them, they still had the most viewers in a long time, I consider Raw a success.
Everyone saying that the 3.6 is a success is wrong it is not a success to remain the same. If Impact would have been a 1 or 1.2 which is what it did before the changes and the head to head then it would be one thing... but to say raw could only draw a 3.6 with Bret freaking Hart's 12 year in the making return is absurd... if TNA wasnt on and the same Raw ran I would bet the number would have been over 4... I could say even I barely stay tuned to Raw because I was watching more Impact than Raw most of the night to see what happened.
Apparently the WWE is NOT as happy with the rating as the defenders on this board.


As has been said, the WWE should have done far higher then they did, at least according to their own expectations. Everyone at TNA is ecstatic with the ratings they got. Obviously it's just the first step, but even the 1,000 mile journey begins with 1 step. Here's hoping we can get some real interest in wrestling going again, and the WWE can up it's game.
Nothing really groundbreaking here. A 3.6 is just about what was expected, maybe a little below expected if anything. Still, it's not bad news for the WWE at all. Vince isn't going to panic over this and things will likely be kept more or less status quo for awhile. The one positive we get is that Bret will likely be there for several more weeks, which should be interesting.

TNA's rating was fine as well. Maybe a little below some expectations, but not bad by a long shot. However, I don't think that it'll cause them to suddenly go after the WWE and begin to takeover within the next month.

Things will likely go back to normal, at least for a few weeks.
I can't believe how brainwashed some WWE fans are. You have two of the biggest face-offs in WWE history, two events twelve years in the making, all revolving around one man. Two events that people a year ago thought would (to steal a line from Jericho) never.......ee....ee....ee....everrrrr happen. The confrontation and resolution of the most controversial story in wrestling history....and your boys in Connecticut can't out-draw an episode of Raw hosted by Timbaland the previous week.

A 3.6 with a Raw hosted by Bret Hart isn't a failure but TNA moving up from a 1.0 rating the week before to a 1.5 rating the very next week is an epic failure? Seriously!!! Let me remind you, this is a week they were in direct competition with the biggest professional wrestling company in the world. The giant on the mountaintop. TNA increases their ratings by somewhere around 50% in one night and it's an epic fail?!? This reasoning is unbelievable.

TNA had a huge success Monday night. You can say that TNA threw the kitchen sink at WWE and that WWE has yet to begun to fight.......okay what's next for Raw? If you believe the rumors for the build to WrestleMania then you're going to see feuds between:

Undertaker and HBK (awesome idea but it's been done),
Batista and Cena (good idea but they were on the same show before and couldn't hit the 4s),
Sheamus vs HHH (terrible idea and as much as I am a fan of Trips, the only reason this is going to happen is because he is HHH's workout buddy)
Bret and Vince (great idea but it better pick up because the ending between the two was terrible.....a kick to the gut, that's it?)

Now TNA on the other hand has signed two of the best and most popular entertainers to step foot in the WWE in Ric Flair and Jeff Hardy but TNA has nothing left? Are you serious? Not to mention we have Hogan, Bischoff is obviously helping run the show and is on screen, a reuniting of the most popular faction in wrestling history, the Young Bucks from Ring of Honor, a returning Sting and TNA is done.....I beg to differ. Granted TNA did bring in some terrible people such as the Nasty Boys, Waltman, Val Venis, etc but the pros definately outweigh the cons. Especially when you add in the rumors of possibly RVD coming in along with Ken Kennedy.

What does this lead to? Obviously a stacked roster, but here's where I think this is going.....two hours of live programming on Monday nights as well as Impact. This means you trim away the wrestlers who aren't going to cut it and have two more hours to feature a loaded roster that's in every way better than any one show the WWE has. While Monday night did feel rushed and thrown together like most TNA programming, I feel this will change whether another show is added or not. There was so much to accomplish the other night that they had to rush it. I think you'll see a much more fluent show next Thursday by looking at the spoilers.

You guys can keep thinking TNA failed, I say this is the most ground they have made since TNA's inception. Thoughts? Comments?
Batista and Cena (good idea but they were on the same show before and couldn't hit the 4s),

Blah. The only way WWE hits at least a 4 is The Rock Or Randy Savage come back. Everyone was intrigued with Hart/HBK/Mcmahon, but there was just something about it that didn't get enough people interested. Maybe people knew he was limited in what he could do, or maybe TNA was just that good. I agree with a previous poster, if TNA wasnt on, they might have hit for. But The Rock and Savage would bring lots of fans, because these guys are great in the ring and on the mic. The rock can do anything, and the only guy less likely than hart to come back is Savage.
Both shows probably affected the viewership of each other to some degree. TNA probably would have drawn closer to a 2.0 if they had no competition and Raw probably would have gotten the 4.0 that Vince was hoping for. TNA's first hour drew a 1.7 in the ratings and saw the most viewers overall of the night. The second and third hours of the show are the ones that went head to head against Raw and TNA lost viewers during both hours. The second and third hours drew a 1.4 and 1.2 respectively.

Head to head against Raw, TNA lost viewers while Raw gained. A 3.6 in the Nielsen Ratings is a good draw for Raw but, then again, Raw didn't do anywhere near all it was capable of against TNA Monday night.
Apparently the WWE is NOT as happy with the rating as the defenders on this board.


As has been said, the WWE should have done far higher then they did, at least according to their own expectations. Everyone at TNA is ecstatic with the ratings they got. Obviously it's just the first step, but even the 1,000 mile journey begins with 1 step. Here's hoping we can get some real interest in wrestling going again, and the WWE can up it's game.

Awwww. Poor Vince is going to throw a temper tantrum that he didn't get his 4.0 + rating he was looking for. I guess Bret Hart wasn't a big enough draw, after all.

WWE would have likely achieved it's 4.0 if TNA wasn't running a live show against them. But apparently Vince thought he should have still earned the 4.0 + rating despite Impact being on.

A 1.5 is still TNA's best Impact rating to date. And people were saying that TNA would be crazy to go up against Raw. I knew those who said that were wrong, and the proof is in the pudding, so to speak, right here with these numbers.

TNA still did it's best rating ever, despite Raw being on, and actually took viewers away from Raw.

WWE is vulnerable, and it's to TNA's advantage to strike ASAP with the momentum in their favor right now. Seize the moment. Because while in Month 1 you are doing 1.5 and 1.6's .... Month 2 you can go up to a 1.8 and 2.0. Keep it up and you will get to a 3.0 in no time as word and excitement travels.

They can do this, but they need to get on it ASAP.

Meanwhile, WWE played their ace and their ace was Bret Hart. And he proved not to be the draw they thought he was going to be after 12 years. And I think a lot of people knew going in exactly what was going to happen. We were going to see Austin vs McMahon again, except this time between Bret Hart and Vince. And to make matters even worst, all Vince did was give him one cheap shot. That was it!

WWE needs to find more ways to be less predictable and more ways to actually deliver for their fans other than offering them the same old predictable garbage every week. Because if TNA gets Impact moved to Monday Nights pretty soon, and SpikeTV officials were apparently thrilled with the rating and also feel it has a lot of potential to injure Raw, then TNA is going to give them a run for their money.

TNA and the people involved from Hogan, Bischoff, Dixie Carter, Vince Russo, Jeff Jarrett, etc. all showed that they were motivated going into Monday Night. And most seemed genuinely pleased with the rating and feel that the potential is there with some time. And it is.

With WWE, the motivation is simply not there to do well. And it's clear from watching the programming that Vince needs something to motivate him. When you watch Raw and have watched Raw for the past several years, you get the feeling from WWE "Ho hum, it's time for another Raw again", and very simply Nothing Happens.

So again, we'll just have to see.
i for one am freakin pumped that the WWE was pissed off at their ratings. All this means is the WWE is going to step it up in the booking department and that is good for us. Lets just hope that TNA keeps pressing and that Linda loses that senate race, because THAT is the only way the E is going to get back to having some decent story lines.
Awwww. Poor Vince is going to throw a temper tantrum that he didn't get his 4.0 + rating he was looking for. I guess Bret Hart wasn't a big enough draw, after all.

WWE would have likely achieved it's 4.0 if TNA wasn't running a live show against them. But apparently Vince thought he should have still earned the 4.0 + rating despite Impact being on.

A 1.5 is still TNA's best Impact rating to date. And people were saying that TNA would be crazy to go up against Raw. I knew those who said that were wrong, and the proof is in the pudding, so to speak, right here with these numbers.

TNA still did it's best rating ever, despite Raw being on, and actually took viewers away from Raw.

WWE is vulnerable, and it's to TNA's advantage to strike ASAP with the momentum in their favor right now. Seize the moment. Because while in Month 1 you are doing 1.5 and 1.6's .... Month 2 you can go up to a 1.8 and 2.0. Keep it up and you will get to a 3.0 in no time as word and excitement travels.

They can do this, but they need to get on it ASAP.

Meanwhile, WWE played their ace and their ace was Bret Hart. And he proved not to be the draw they thought he was going to be after 12 years. And I think a lot of people knew going in exactly what was going to happen. We were going to see Austin vs McMahon again, except this time between Bret Hart and Vince. And to make matters even worst, all Vince did was give him one cheap shot. That was it!

WWE needs to find more ways to be less predictable and more ways to actually deliver for their fans other than offering them the same old predictable garbage every week. Because if TNA gets Impact moved to Monday Nights pretty soon, and SpikeTV officials were apparently thrilled with the rating and also feel it has a lot of potential to injure Raw, then TNA is going to give them a run for their money.

TNA and the people involved from Hogan, Bischoff, Dixie Carter, Vince Russo, Jeff Jarrett, etc. all showed that they were motivated going into Monday Night. And most seemed genuinely pleased with the rating and feel that the potential is there with some time. And it is.

With WWE, the motivation is simply not there to do well. And it's clear from watching the programming that Vince needs something to motivate him. When you watch Raw and have watched Raw for the past several years, you get the feeling from WWE "Ho hum, it's time for another Raw again", and very simply Nothing Happens.

So again, we'll just have to see.

bret hart WAS a massive draw. RAW drew in 5.6 million viewers, the highest in four months.
bret hart WAS a massive draw. RAW drew in 5.6 million viewers, the highest in four months.

Will you please get off your WWE PR spin? Raw has been averaging a 3.4 and 3.5 for several weeks now. They increased their rating by a .1 or .2.

So, Nope. Doesn't sound all that impressive to me. Yes, they did increase their rating, but after pumping someone like Bret Hart on the show, clearly they were expecting even higher than that. It really isn't too much more impressive than what they normally draw.
Will you please get off your WWE PR spin? Raw has been averaging a 3.4 and 3.5 for several weeks now. They increased their rating by a .1 or .2.

So, Nope. Doesn't sound all that impressive to me. Yes, they did increase their rating, but after pumping someone like Bret Hart on the show, clearly they were expecting even higher than that. It really isn't too much more impressive than what they normally draw.

I find it hilarious you're talking about PR spins while showing clear hypocrisy while you do it. RAW only increased their rating by a .2? Wow. TNA's former best rating was a 1.3 and this past week they got a 1.5. That would be a .2 increase. And that's with Hulk Hogan! That's with all those amazing surprises, shocks, and hype going in. Please, don't praise one company and then try to take away from the other for the exact same argument.

You're going on about TNA starting at that 1.5 and just having to work and take advantage of their momentum ASAP to climb up that ladder to a 2 and beyond. What were TNA getting at this same time last year? 1.3. You know what that means? After an entire YEAR of having the chance to build their product, find a direction, develop a bigger fan base and do exactly what you're telling them to do now.. and with additions like Mick Foley, and Hulk Hogan, and Ric Flair.. they've only gone up .2.

It's a beautiful thought, really.. and we should all hope for the best and pray that somehow, someway, TNA does exactly what they continually don't do. But from past history, and it keeps repeating itself, you won't blame me for not being very optomistic.
I find it hilarious you're talking about PR spins while showing clear hypocrisy while you do it. RAW only increased their rating by a .2? Wow. TNA's former best rating was a 1.3 and this past week they got a 1.5. That would be a .2 increase. And that's with Hulk Hogan! That's with all those amazing surprises, shocks, and hype going in. Please, don't praise one company and then try to take away from the other for the exact same argument.

You're going on about TNA starting at that 1.5 and just having to work and take advantage of their momentum ASAP to climb up that ladder to a 2 and beyond. What were TNA getting at this same time last year? 1.3. You know what that means? After an entire YEAR of having the chance to build their product, find a direction, develop a bigger fan base and do exactly what you're telling them to do now.. and with additions like Mick Foley, and Hulk Hogan, and Ric Flair.. they've only gone up .2.

It's a beautiful thought, really.. and we should all hope for the best and pray that somehow, someway, TNA does exactly what they continually don't do. But from past history, and it keeps repeating itself, you won't blame me for not being very optomistic.


What amuses me about this is that you're basing Raw's success on their average rating and bashing TNA's based on their previous all time high. TNA didn't average 1.3, it was their highest rating. TNA's average is usually the 1.0-1.1 region so a 1.5 would be .5/.4 rise from the average. But screw averages and screw all time highs. The previous episode of RAW with Timbaland drew the same numbers as Bret Hart, so think about that for a moment; WWE could have brought in Lady Gaga and they'd have probably scored the same. The previous epsiode of impact (not the Knockouts special) drew a 0.99 so Hogan upped the rating between those two episodes by .51, Bret Hart kept the rating for Raw at the exact same place it was it didn't go up it didn't go down, what that says to me is that RAW didn't change anything about themselves. TNA's rating pulled more viewers than they've ever had and if you go by the 1/4hr breakdowns they had an influx of viewers for the AJ vs. Angle match, that to me says a a portion of the people who switched over to see Bret weren't that impressed and came back to Impact.

So yeah, it isn't really putting a spin on the situation when a company who averages a 1.0 jumps half a point in the ratings on a single night, that's big news. What isn't big news but sad news is a much larger company with name value and a ton of advertising giving fans what could've been an industry defining moment and finding that they'd have gotten the same rating with an RnB producer being the guest host.
So, TNA obviously impacted Raw in some way. However, it was no where near as much as the TNA marks wanted or expected. I also assumed TNA would gain more viewers actually, what with the hype on forums and people begging others to watch TNA. All in all, I think this is pretty good. With Hogan AND Hart, the views for the shows don't seem to be changing that much, showing that it takes more than 1 big name to make a show successful.

WWE are disappointed with this, and I can see why - Hart was expected to be a major draw. But he served his purpose well. People still watched the WWE, as opposed to tuning into TNA, who lost viewers as Raw went on.

Not a major fail for either company. TNA could not have expected more, and WWE held their ground well. I wonder what the next few weeks will bring.
I was actually a little disappointed that Raw did not score higher than it did. Perhaps it had to do with people switching back and forth between Raw and Impact? Impact apparently scored the highest rating it's ever had and that's saying a lot considering it went up against Raw. I expected higher ratings on both shows though. Closer to a 2.0 for TNA and at least a 4.0 for Raw. Oh well, both shows still did a good job and hopefully both of them score higher the next time they go up against each other because both federations put on a good show and I'm sure they will maintain that momentum in the future. In my opinion, monday was nothing short of amazing because I got to see 5 hours of wrestling. First Raw live, then the taping of Impact right afterwards. It was awesome and felt like WWF vs WCW back in the day again.
I find it hilarious you're talking about PR spins while showing clear hypocrisy while you do it. RAW only increased their rating by a .2? Wow. TNA's former best rating was a 1.3 and this past week they got a 1.5. That would be a .2 increase. And that's with Hulk Hogan! That's with all those amazing surprises, shocks, and hype going in. Please, don't praise one company and then try to take away from the other for the exact same argument.

You're going on about TNA starting at that 1.5 and just having to work and take advantage of their momentum ASAP to climb up that ladder to a 2 and beyond. What were TNA getting at this same time last year? 1.3. You know what that means? After an entire YEAR of having the chance to build their product, find a direction, develop a bigger fan base and do exactly what you're telling them to do now.. and with additions like Mick Foley, and Hulk Hogan, and Ric Flair.. they've only gone up .2.

It's a beautiful thought, really.. and we should all hope for the best and pray that somehow, someway, TNA does exactly what they continually don't do. But from past history, and it keeps repeating itself, you won't blame me for not being very optomistic.

So let me get this straight.

First of all, Impact has not been pulling in 1.3's as of late. It has been scaled back to 1.0's and even dipped below that once or twice. But it has been a 1.0 average. And that is even running un-opposed without competition from WWE.

And then they actually run AGAINST the WWE while the WWE (the unquestionable leader and more established company) is on the air at the same time, and they still manage to increase their rating from a 1.0 to a 1.5 WHILE RUNNING AGAINST RAW, and in the process scoring their highest rating ever, and you don't think that is impressive?

We heard all the WWE Universe fans say that Impact going on against Raw was a terrible idea because the fans that tune in to see Impact were going to watch Raw instead and blah, blah, blah. But, if that were the case, then Impact's rating should have been like a .5 then, shouldn't it, since all the Impact viewers would have bolted for Raw? That really wasn't the case. Rather, TNA stole away viewers from Raw.

So yeah, I think it was quite an accomplishment for TNA, and it's no wonder that everyone in TNA along with SpikeTV are quite happy with the rating. Because they can analyze the reality of the situation with what exactly happened, and see the potential to happen down the road, as opposed to looking at it from the simple perspective that "we ran against WWE and lost". Nobody expected TNA to win on Monday because they still have a problem with their image and awareness level amongst wrestling fans taking them seriously. Their goal Monday was to help change that image and I think they made remarkable progress.

So, yeah.
I think it really speaks to how much of a draw Bret Hart was that Raw was able to pull off a number not to far off from what they normally do on a night when the wrestling audience was split. Raw's rating grew as the night went on from the looks of hour one and two's overall rating while TNA's ratings revealed a drop after the first hour. If anyone was stealing viewers from anyone, it was Bret Hart stealing viewers from Hulk Hogan.

How does one explain the above average number of fans tuning in for iMPACT? Old Hulk marks tuning into wrestling for the first time in years doesn't sound too far off. I've seen that loyalty to Hogan from old fans on a few boards I've been on. So TNA earned the loyalty of those fans and other anti-WWE fans. Props to TNA on a good night for them, but from the looks of things Vince took a bite out of their viewing audience from the first hour.
Ratings, ratings, ratings. Here we go again. Bret Hart was not going to draw big numbers. Sure, he is apart of the biggest swerve in wrestling history, twelve years ago. Aside from us not many casual fans remember that. I had to sit and try to explain to my friends what had happened, and it was very difficult. These people watched wrestling back then but still didn't understand why it was a big deal. It was a draw for people like us, that's about it. Maybe Flair was right about Bret.

It is important to remember that ratings are only as important as the number of ppv buys they garner. Sure, making the extra money in advertisments is nice, but the program is only seeing some of that, and I don't even know how much that is. It all boils down to TNA raising their rating and ppv buys. Without the latter they can try all day but it won't really matter. Bischoff and Hogan know this. Hell, Hogan definately knows this. That's where the majority of his money came from in his WCW run.

So let me get this straight.

First of all, Impact has not been pulling in 1.3's as of late. It has been scaled back to 1.0's and even dipped below that once or twice. But it has been a 1.0 average. And that is even running un-opposed without competition from WWE.

And then they actually run against WWE while the WWE (the unquestionable leader and more established company) and they still manage to increase their rating from a 1.0 to a 1.5 WHILE RUNNING AGAINST RAW, and in the process scoring their highest rating ever, and you don't think that is impressive?

We heard all the WWE Universe fans say that Impact going on against Raw was a terrible idea because the fans that tune in to see Impact were going to watch Raw instead and blah, blah, blah. But, if that were the case, then Impact's rating should have been like a .5 then, shouldn't it, since all the Impact viewers would have bolted for Raw? That really wasn't the case. Rather, TNA stole away viewers from Raw.

So yeah, I think it was quite an accomplishment for TNA, and it's no wonder that everyone in TNA along with SpikeTV are quite happy with the rating. Because they can analyze the reality of the situation with what exactly happened, and see the potential to happen down the road, as opposed to looking at it from the simple perspective that "we ran against WWE and lost". Nobody expected TNA to win on Monday because they still have a problem with their image and awareness level amongst wrestling fans taking them seriously. Their goal Monday was to help change that image and I think they made remarkable progress.

So, yeah.

How can you really say anyone "stole" viewers from anyone? I get it, obviously, some people who normally watch one watched the other, vice versa, or watched both. DVR and tivo play a role and whatever. But we are adding a few million people to the ratings here. All in all more people watched wrestling Monday than normal. That's what everyone wants isn't it? Whether a fan of one or the other. If Raw had viewers stolen it wouldn't dropped in numbers, unless it added new viewers. Same goes for TNA. They didn't split anything. They garnered new viewers. That's a good thing for everyone.

I'm not stupid. I understand what you are saying when mentioning that TNA stole viewers from Raw. However, I think it's important to remember though that Raw didn't drop in ratings. Therefore, whether TNA actually stole away part of Raws normal viewership won't be known until a closer look is taken at demo, and quarter hours. In the end, you still have Raw pulling numbers on their normal high end of average, and TNA setting a record on their first Monday show.

There are still many questions to be answered. Does TNA intend to promote as much as they did for this show for every Monday show they do? They hyped this show for at least a couple to a few weeks. They put alot of money and time into it. Would they see a big dip if they didn't hype the way they did?

For the WWE, they gained viewers from hour one to two. They could be very worried if they had lost viewers. That would mean they truly did lose people to TNA. The question on their side remains to be whether they can find a way to make people interested in Bret Hart again. Add that to the continued push on younger talent and that's a start.

What amuses me about this is that you're basing Raw's success on their average rating and bashing TNA's based on their previous all time high. TNA didn't average 1.3, it was their highest rating. TNA's average is usually the 1.0-1.1 region so a 1.5 would be .5/.4 rise from the average. But screw averages and screw all time highs. The previous episode of RAW with Timbaland drew the same numbers as Bret Hart, so think about that for a moment; WWE could have brought in Lady Gaga and they'd have probably scored the same. The previous epsiode of impact (not the Knockouts special) drew a 0.99 so Hogan upped the rating between those two episodes by .51, Bret Hart kept the rating for Raw at the exact same place it was it didn't go up it didn't go down, what that says to me is that RAW didn't change anything about themselves. TNA's rating pulled more viewers than they've ever had and if you go by the 1/4hr breakdowns they had an influx of viewers for the AJ vs. Angle match, that to me says a a portion of the people who switched over to see Bret weren't that impressed and came back to Impact.

Since when have I praised RAW's ratings or claimed anything about RAW doing good numbers with Hart? For me to be a hypocrit, as you implied, I would've had to be doing so and I ask you to find where I've ever claimed RAW's rating was a big increase, a huge number, or something to get excited over. You clearly missed my point entirely, which was Sidious praising and excited over a 1.5 as if it's a huge number and a huge accomplishment, while downplaying RAW's ratings which by no means were terrible.

So yeah, it isn't really putting a spin on the situation when a company who averages a 1.0 jumps half a point in the ratings on a single night, that's big news. What isn't big news but sad news is a much larger company with name value and a ton of advertising giving fans what could've been an industry defining moment and finding that they'd have gotten the same rating with an RnB producer being the guest host.

In fact, you're STILL putting a PR spin on it with your final comment. The overall rating is an average of the entire show, it's the meat within the overall that really shows the insight into how well either company did. RAW didn't do the same rating as with Timbaland at all. They did a 3.5 the first hour and a 3.7 the second hour, and they had the highest number of viewers for RAW since sometime last August. Obviously Timbaland wasn't a guest host last August, was he? So no, clearly by the rating break down and the fact they did their highest numbers in FIVE months they didn't get the same rating.

When TNA Impact went head to head with RAW, and those are the only numbers that matters for this point because of the TNA fans who are saying Impact took away viewers from RAW and somehow gained anything at all.. the 2nd hour of Impact they started off quite well going in, but then by the end of the hour they lost any new audience they could've possibly gained and ended up with a 1.16. That number fluxuated but remained rather consistent for the final hour and Impact ended with 1.3 rating in their main event. You know what that is? Yes, that's their former best number and an audience that's already been there.

RAW's final hour was an averaged 3.7 compared to Impact's final hour which averaged a 1.2. So if you want to talk about growth in the audience and proper insight into the ratings they ended up with, and if you certainly want to compare the two companies head to head and talk about TNA taking viewers from RAW.. there you go. And as you can see, the second two hours of Impact they didn't take any audience from WWE, their numbers were consistent as ever. All that happened was their previous, loyal TNA fans chose TNA instead of watching WWE RAW. No big insight there!

I’m not praising RAW’s ratings at all, but that IS the reality. Timbaland didn’t do the same numbers as Hart at all, the audience not only stuck around but actually grew for the final Hart/McMahon confrontation. Just saying!

So let me get this straight.

First of all, Impact has not been pulling in 1.3's as of late. It has been scaled back to 1.0's and even dipped below that once or twice. But it has been a 1.0 average. And that is even running un-opposed without competition from WWE.

And then they actually run AGAINST the WWE while the WWE (the unquestionable leader and more established company) is on the air at the same time, and they still manage to increase their rating from a 1.0 to a 1.5 WHILE RUNNING AGAINST RAW, and in the process scoring their highest rating ever, and you don't think that is impressive?

We heard all the WWE Universe fans say that Impact going on against Raw was a terrible idea because the fans that tune in to see Impact were going to watch Raw instead and blah, blah, blah. But, if that were the case, then Impact's rating should have been like a .5 then, shouldn't it, since all the Impact viewers would have bolted for Raw? That really wasn't the case. Rather, TNA stole away viewers from Raw.

So yeah, I think it was quite an accomplishment for TNA, and it's no wonder that everyone in TNA along with SpikeTV are quite happy with the rating. Because they can analyze the reality of the situation with what exactly happened, and see the potential to happen down the road, as opposed to looking at it from the simple perspective that "we ran against WWE and lost". Nobody expected TNA to win on Monday because they still have a problem with their image and awareness level amongst wrestling fans taking them seriously. Their goal Monday was to help change that image and I think they made remarkable progress.

So, yeah.

See my above response to Reddannihilation for your answer.

So, as you can see by the numbers, you’re still doing a PR spin. Unopposed to RAW, yes, TNA did great numbers for one night but going head to head with RAW they lost all their audience except for what they’ve been averaging for years now. Sure they had dropped numbers to 1.0s recently, but they only got those fans that had previously stopped watching back over the course of the final two hours of RAW. RAW didn’t lose any audience from previous weeks, they in fact had a larger number by the end of their show, which is clear proof that TNA did NOT take viewers away from them as you claim with your “Rather, TNA stole away viewers from Raw”.


Now if TNA can get even the slightest audience that came for the first hour and to share some memories with Hogan, but left because of the product afterwards, back to try the product out again this Thursday or in the weeks to come, then they may accomplish something. They just have to work to do what they weren’t able to this past Monday and KEEP the audience.
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