Raw Tonight


Occasional Pre-Show
I've just been getting back into watching Raw. I'm just wondering what everyone is expecting tonight.

Is there is a good chance Triple H makes an appearance? I get the impression this is going to be a pretty great show with the whole Vince work/Lesnar thing that just popped off.

What will be the storyline/matches for guys like Ziggler and Y2J tonight if you had to guess? Is Ziggler on Raw or only Smackdown?

When will guys like Ambrose from the SHIELD start getting a solo push?
I'm pretty sure he is a BIG TIME future heel. Something about his face that just reminds you of heath ledger from the Joker or something. He looks CRAZY and might be one of my favorite characters right now. Looking at all 3 guys from SHIELD I get a good feeling the WWE plans on pushing all 3 of these guys as separate solo acts. Possibly Ambrose as solo, and Reigns and Rollins as tag team?? That would be great. The SHIELD vs Rhodes Scholars in tag team action would be great.


If Amrbose just keeps working hard there is no telling what he could turn into.

I'm hoping we get a good show with some great wrestling tonight and less goofyness than we had with the Raw Roulette, and was kinda wondering what to expect tonight. But of course, don't want spoilers ha..
I've just been getting back into watching Raw. I'm just wondering what everyone is expecting tonight.
Expecting an ok show. Hopping it will be a good show to build up the Chamber.

Is there is a good chance Triple H makes an appearance? I get the impression this is going to be a pretty great show with the whole Vince work/Lesnar thing that just popped off.
I'd say their is a good chance of that happening.

What will be the storyline/matches for guys like Ziggler and Y2J tonight if you had to guess? Is Ziggler on Raw or only Smackdown?
All wrestlers can appear on RAW and I think Smackdown sometimes but mostly RAW. I think that Ziggler will have Big E attack Y2J...

When will guys like Ambrose from the SHIELD start getting a solo push?
I'm pretty sure he is a BIG TIME future heel. Something about his face that just reminds you of heath ledger from the Joker or something. He looks CRAZY and might be one of my favorite characters right now. Looking at all 3 guys from SHIELD I get a good feeling the WWE plans on pushing all 3 of these guys as separate solo acts. Possibly Ambrose as solo, and Reigns and Rollins as tag team?? That would be great. The SHIELD vs Rhodes Scholars in tag team action would be great.
Sheild vs. Rhodes Scholars will never happen. Sandow and Rhodes are no longer together.
HHH will definitely appear. They need to progress the story with Lesnar quickly. I really don't think the Shield will split anytime soon. There would be no-point before Mania. There will be big plans for them at Mania featuring the likes of Orton, Ryback and Sheamus. I think we will see Cena call out the Shield which will be interesting. I would imagine that Cena faces one of them, if not all three, at the EC PPV and they would may put that in stone tonight.

I would like to see if there will be a second Elimination Chamber match but it doesn't look likely. Also the progression of Del Rio and Big Show. It looks likely that they will face off again at Elimination Chamber so I am intrigued to see what stipulation they add to it.
I would LOVE to see Heyman come out with Punk, Lesnar and the Shield. Now that the whole situation has been exposed, now is the time to have "Team Heyman." have their presence felt. It's also a good time to get Punk and Lesnar together to maybe start a slow build to a match up between those two.

With Taker being questionable for Mania, it might be a good idea to do HHH vs Lesnar at Elimination Chamber and set the scene for Punk/Lesnar at Wrestlemania (doubt it will happen but it's a good use of Lesnar for Mania if their original plan of Taker/Punk can't happen). Also lets get the Shield in the mix as competitors and not just hired thugs. They can really progress them now that the puppet master has been revealed.

Obviously we will get ADR/Big Show and Jericho/Ziggler progression tonight. I think we will also see some more cracks in the Daniel Bryan/Kane team tonight (maybe lose another match to Mysterio/Cara). I would not be shocked to see them drop the titles at Elimination Chamber and they will culminate the story with a match at Mania (where Kane HAS to put Bryan over.)
Trips will either appear on Raw tonight or it'll be revealed and built up during the night that he'll appear on Raw for next week. In my opinion, it's more likely to be the former rather than the latter.

They'll probably announce one or two more matches for Elimination Chamber. There've been rumors that WWE might field a six man tag at the ppv featuring Cena, Sheamus & Ryback against The Shield.

Paul Heyman is scheduled to be on Miz TV tonight. If Triple H is on the show tonight, he might come out and interrupt things. If that happens, Trips might be the latest guy to get beaten down by The Shield. Brock Lesnar is advertised for tonight's Raw on the arena website. At any rate, I think we MIGHT have The Shield moving forward beyond the various attacks.

They'll probably also do something with CM Punk & The Rock. I don't know if Rock will be on the show tonight. If not, Punk will probably cut another strong promo at least.

They'll announce another HOF inductee. On the WZ main page, the story was broken a while ago that a truly major name has finally agreed to be inducted into the HOF. They might announce it tonight or do it next week in order to prepare a really great video package. I'm not saying the wrestler's name because it might count as a spoiler or it might not. At any rate, we all know who it is.

I think Raw will be good tonight. I expect a couple of strong promo segments on the show, so if they toss in a couple of very good matches on the card along with one or two solid ones, create some good hype for EC and progress storylines, then tonight's show ought to be strong.
5 predictions for RAW tonight:
1. Triple H will appear on the show to confront both Brock Lesner and Paul Heyman, before being beaten down by the Shield.
2. CM Punk will cut a promo about The Rock being the People Champion but not appearing every week while he wrestles everynight to be the best in the world. Punk will be interrupted by the Royal Rumble winner John Cena.
3. Ryback, Sheamus and John Cena vs The Shield inside the Elmination Chamber wil be announced for the PPV
4. Alberto Del Rio will attack the Big Show and get revenge for the attack on Ricardo
5. Bo Dallas will attack Wade Barrett and set up a match between the two at Elimination Chamber
pretty decent start so far. CM Punk... Ryback vs Cesario tho I missed a little of the match. Cesario is pretty funny as a foreigner who loves America. Now the Shield? Not bad not bad. Still waiting on some good stuff like Ziggler, Y2J, Rhodes, Sandow, Barret, Del Rio...Getting a big match tonight no matter what of course with punk vs whoever the WWE universe picks.
Fingers crossed for a decent Divas match tonight. Hopefully we'll get the No.1 contender so there can be a couple weeks of build-up.
At any rate, I think we MIGHT have The Shield moving forward beyond the various attacks.

Moving forward for storyline purposes, yes. Finally moving backward as a force allows us to see them advance beyond the random attacks and into a pattern that will incorporate the chinks in their armor displayed last night. It's not that they showed weakness, but their giving up the fight when faced with equal numbers surely takes them down a few pegs, indicating that, like most bullies, they stand down when they don't have the numerical advantage. It's a good thing because it allows them to enter the mainstream by fighting in wrestling matches rather than standing on the periphery, taking potshots whenever they want. There's been quite enough of that.

Also notable last night: This is the first time in the last two years I can recall a Raw without Dolph Ziggler. It didn't even occur to me during the show; only afterward......and no, I don't think it's an indication that Dolph is being demoted; rather, it could be he's about to be launched on his MITB cash-in, leading to a world title reign. I still see him as a mid-carder, but believe Vince McMahon has been grooming him for the main event for years to come.

You could argue with this, saying it's just coincidence Dolph wasn't used last night, with everything else going on during the program. It's just that whatever management had planned the past couple years, Dolph was always featured. An interesting occurrence.

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