RAW Ropes


Savior of Unwashed IWC\\\\
I apoligize if someone already discussed this thread in the past but like whats with the white ropes. Isnt RAW RED?!?!? That does not match raw

so ur thoughts on this plz.
should they keep it or bring back the red ropes?
Since when does the color of the ropes affect anything? just because Smackdown's logo is black and Raw is red don't mean the ropes have to be the same color. White's a neutral color so it fits. it's not like its bright pink or something.
From what I've heard and read, they're white because of the cameras. The red rope were too distracting, hell i don't even notice that they are white to tell you the truth. But like another poster said.......Why should it matter what colour the ropes are?
I like how the guy asks a simple question and people respond with, "LOL WHY DOES IT MATTER IT DOESN'T MATTER SCRUB"

When I first started watching wrestling back in the late 90s, Raw's ropes were always red and smackdown's would always be blue. When I'd watch PPVs, the ropes would always be different colors, so it was a little something special to have oddly colored ropes, such as white or black. In a way, you knew that what you were watching was no ordinary event if the ropes were different than normal.
Are you serious? I didn't even realize the color of the ropes had changed. Maybe because I don't jump at every single fucking thing to try to pick apart, especially something as irrelevant ring rope colors.

Seriously guys, you're grasping at straws here when you start bitching about the color of the ring ropes. If they were some weird color like pink or purple, I would cut you some slack. But this is ridiculous.
I found that watching RAW with white ropes as opposed to the red ropes was a lot easier to look at asthetically as I thought there was too much red especially with the red lighting on the crowd, red RAW logo on the apron etc, the white just balances it out and makes it easier to watch. SmackDown doesn't have this problem as the blue isn't so much of a bright, in your face colour compared to red.

But at the end of the day it's just so it's asthetically more pleasing. I garantee if the ropes were red, the same thing would have happened on RAW last week and the week before that and the week before that etc etc.
LOL, I honestly never noticed the white ropes. Maybe thats the point. White makes it easier to focus on whats in the ring and not a eye distracting red rope. Nice noticing but I couldnt even tell you when they started it. At least at every Bragging Rights we get half red, half blue ropes, which I could easily notice, see my point, colored ropes are quite the distraction.
I noticed this too and i believe that the ropes changed color when the stage sets changed, the chairs went black etc. I read in an article that it all changed when wwe entered the hi def era, its because they wanted to make all of the surroundings standout, or pop if you would.
We have discussed this before, it is a relevant question though. truth is I never noticed until the last time someone posted about it. Still some executive was prob paid $200,000 a year to think of it :)
I actually like the white ropes. Looking back I do think the red ropes were kind of distracting, too much color on screen, but I wasn't aware that was the reason they had actually decided to change it. Whenever they had SNME shows or other stuff with white ropes I always thought it looked nice so I was glad to see it on Raw.
I think its a similar thing to Football (soccer to some of you) in that white nets are used in goals as they are easier for fans to see past. Coloured ones you're more likely to look at the colour.
Personally, I preferred the red ropes. As a previous poster said, Raw was red, Smackdown is Blue(which it still is) and PPVs were different colours(white/black) which made those shows look a little different and little more special.

It's not as if I'm overly frustrated at the white ropes but I feel that Raw looked better with Red. Smackdown has a blue ora to it each week and Raw should have a red ora but it doesn't. If smackdown has blue ropes then why can't raw have red? And on that point, why aren't smackdown's blue?

If anything, I find the white ropes stand out a lot. Because the crowd is shown in subtle red lighting so the white ropes contrast a lot more but eh, it's just my perception and my opinion.

At least at every Bragging Rights we get half red, half blue ropes, which I could easily notice, see my point, colored ropes are quite the distraction.
You just want to think that and you're just saying that now because you it helps prove your point. It stands out because it's two separate colours. It couldn't not get your attention when you first see it, much like how the Great American Bash was Red, White and Blue Ropes.

Also noticed that Raw has steel coloured posts and steps rather than black. It used to be Smackdown's colours steel and blue, with Blue decal and steel posts and steps while Raw's colours were red and black.
You're joking right? I didn't even noticed until you mentioned it. You know you need something to b*tch about when you complain about the ring ropes. Maybe it's to build up until Mania, idk.
I like the red ropes because I just got used to them. I did notice the white ropes, and didn't like them, but I barely notice. I know that for WM3, and probably a bunch of other events, they were red, white and blue...I kind of prefer that. But as most people are saying, it doesn't make a ton of difference, and this is probably the longest I've even thought about it.
They changed April 19 2010, the night of Monday Night SmackDown! when the RAW crew was stuck in Europe because of the volcano. I thought they changed just for the night, but the next few weeks went by and they stayed white and it still makes me uneasy. It is a completely trivial thing to nit pick, but from an aesthetic standpoint, the red looks better. When they did Old School RAW and they showed just the top red rope, I really did feel much more at ease because it seemed completely natural. Now I'm not saying they can't use white at PPV or if they create another show, but for RAW, it only seems proper for them to be red.
Aesthetics would be my guess. With RAW being in HD, the red ropes really pop out. I noticed this the other day watching with a friend of mine and we had a similar discussion.

THis past Friday watching Smackdown I noticed for the first time that the refs are wearing ref shirts and not the blue. Don't know when that happened.
Are you serious? I didn't even realize the color of the ropes had changed. Maybe because I don't jump at every single fucking thing to try to pick apart, especially something as irrelevant ring rope colors.

Seriously guys, you're grasping at straws here when you start bitching about the color of the ring ropes. If they were some weird color like pink or purple, I would cut you some slack. But this is ridiculous.

WOW! I dont think the guy was bitching all that much about it or at all. He was just asking a question. And I did notice this and its not a big deal. But im not gonna rip on you for this post.
I rarely watch Raw anymore because i'm more of a TNA fan (yeah yeah sue me), but my guess is that they change the rope color because they (WWE) liked it better with white ropes instead of red ropes. Anyways does it really matter what color the ropes are? For all i care they could be green.
I personally don't like it. It makes me feel like I'm watching a WWE PPV/special event. It doesn't have that "RAW" feel to it. I don't see how the red ropes were distracting at all
Even though its not a big deal, i prefer the red roped to the white ropes. The white ropes are just shite. I SAY BRING THE RED ROPES BACK !!!!! :D
I don't give two shit's about the white ropes. People who complain about them just want to nip pick at anything. I noticed they were white like, a few month's ago. Sure, red was cool, but now it's the HD era, and white makes it easier to see.

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