Raw Rating


I Am The One Who Knocks
3.1 Overall

3.2 in it's normal timeslot.

Kinda depressing seeing how awesome the show was last night. Still not bad though.
Not a bad rating at all, really. Consistent, and the important thing is that people tuned into the second and third hours and stayed tuned in. Not like ratings mean much, but I'm interested in next week's ratings.
I want to see the splits though. It probably was short on viewers during hour 1, and I could see the show being polarizing for others. Plus, Mike Vick decided to play the role of football gawd last night, so that didn't help matters either.
Hour 1 did 2.74

By Dave Scherer on 2010-11-16 18:23:31

The 11/15 edition Old School Raw did a 3.1 rating for the entire show and a 3.2 rating in the show's normal timeslot. The show did hours of 2.74, 3.2 and 3.22. They did 4,527,000 viewers overall and 4,758,000 viewers in the normal time slot.

The 11/13 edition of AM Raw did a 0.47 rating with 516,000 viewers.

Recent Ratings

Raw Rating Viewers Hour 1 Hour 2

10/4/2010 3.3 4,777,000 3.26 3.39
10/11/2010 2.9 4,285,000 2.87 2.92
10/18/2010 3.1 4,475,000 3.06 3.12
10/25/2010 3.1 4,641,000 3.06 3.08
11/1/2010 3.3 4,860,000 3.27 3.24
11/8/2010 3.1 4,503,000 3.01 3.18
Not bad considering it was up against Monday Night Football and the Eagle absolutely CRUSHING the Redskins.

If anything that would help Raw's rating because blowout games always do lesser ratings than a close and competitive game.

Decent rating I guess. I don't really give a shit about week-to-week ratings anymore.
If anything that would help Raw's rating because blowout games always do lesser ratings than a close and competitive game.

Decent rating I guess. I don't really give a shit about week-to-week ratings anymore.

It's pretty much the equivalent of a morbidly obese person hopping on the scale to weigh themselves everyday.

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