raw or smackdown???


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as of right now which of the 2 shows is your favorite???
on raw you have John Cena, Rey Misterio, Chris Jericho, Randy Orton, Priceless, Shawn Michaels, JBL, The Mcmahons, CM Punk, Kofi Kingston, Santino Marella, Beth Phoenix among others, and raw has been the show since 93 until now

on smackdown you have Triple H, Edge, The Undertaker, Jeff hardy, Vladimir Koslov, The Big Show, MVP, Shelton Benjamin, The Colons, Chavo Guerrero, Maryse , among others and smackdown has been on since 99 and lately it has become pretty equal to raw as far as storyline and wrestling quality goes and in their last battle of supremacy Smackdown won.
so...which of the 2 shows is you favorite???
i love Orton and Jbl and Jericho as well as hbk on Raw but i think smackdown is better because they have better mid carders plus taker, Triple H, Edge, Jeff hardy, the big show, Koslov i defintely like smackdowns high card roster roster. but with that said yes they are very even because raw has punk koffi, Rey, Cena, Batista and Rhodes and Diebiase jr
who absolutely love! i guess i must say im incredibly happy with wrestling as a whole right now
Well, the competitors from both shows have been switching between the brands so much that it seems as if that they want to go back to the "classic" style of booking, but they probably wont. I would say Smackdown is the better of the two brands at the moment, mainly because they have the two World Champions and they have Shelton and MVP who are great athletes.
I like them both but I get a little more excited when I watch Raw. Smackdown does seem to have a slighty better roster in my opinion but Raw's live atomsphere makes it must see tv for me. I do hope that sometime in the future that they will stop taping SD on Tuesday's and broadcast it live on Friday nights.
latinoheat has it spot on, the atmosphere of Raw is totally different and makes for more compelling viewing.

However, talent wise, it is very close.

Raw has Cena, HBK and Batista as top faces, SD has HHH, Taker and Jeff Hardy. Heel wise, RAW has Orton and Jericho compared to SD having Edge. Yes, JBL, Kozlov, Big Show and kane are in there too, but they are not on the same level as the other three, giving RAW the edge in the Main event level.

Midcard wise, SD has the edge. Matt Hardy, Umaga, MVP, Shelton Benjamin, Kennedy, TBK, R-Truth, Helms, Chavo, Carlito, Primo compared to Punk, Kofi, Knox, Regal, Santino, Shad, JTG, Cody and Ted. Have I missed anyone important? Even if I have, SD has the edge there. However, SD is failing to build these mid-carders into main event players. MVP and Benjamin, especially, are being held back. Their feud needs more air time, with more promos.

So talent wise, SD wins, storyline and tension wise Raw wins, so I'd have to plump for Raw.
i think that they are both very equal,the only edge raw has is that it is live.what i like about SD! is that you will usually see more wrestling.last night we had over 40 mins of wrestling on SD! which we dont sometimes get on raw.however i still feel that they are very equal although sometimes one show has something that the other doesnt.
Smackdown is my favorite show of the 3 WWE brands . Edge is my favorite WWE Superstar so my favorite show is which ever show has The Rated R Superstar !!!
I don't really have a favorite show but even if I did it wouldn't matter much considering you see wrestlers constantly crossing brands. Personally I think this is the best the WWE has been in quite a few years, as far as the brand extension goes. I like how it's not unheard of for a Raw guy to be on SD or vice versa, and the ECW guys seem to show up everywhere (ie. Miz and Morrison)
TBH for me theres only one wrestler that keeps RAW interesting for me and thats Jericho. The hippocrite calling hippocrite is the best heel that WWE have seen in a long time. On SD! however there are more interesting characters and has more mid-carders plus more wrestling whereas RAW has less mid-carderd, less wrestling but more interesting storylines.
Over this past 4 years ive always said that Smackdown has been the better show and i still think that now. Better quality of wrestling, more wreslting on the show and better main eventers at the minute. Raw has good stars but atm not as good as Smackdown whereas it did have the upper hand in talent in previous years. However Raw has one thing going for it , its live, spontaneous. But yet I still prefer Smackdown i think they tried to make it be set up more like Raw in the past year but yet Hayes booking won out in the end with his solid wreslting cards and the balance between wreslting , charcter build up, storyline buildup and better stars atm. Smackdown has the perfect balance but Raw does have a bigger platform for PPV build up where i reckon then WWE should be brandless to a degree , have the wreslters on specific brands but allow so mnay cross overs a week. ALSO SMACKDOWN HAS THE TAKER WHICH MAKES IT WIN HANDS DOWN
right now i think they are both pretty even. i really love raw's live atmosphere as well which it makes it a must see. SD! has a lot more talent in the mid card range but raw's got them beat in the more main event guys. i don't think i'll be able to decide until christian gets out of ecw. whatever brand christian moves to will become my favorite brand. by the way, anyone have any idea of when his new theme will come out SOMEWHERE?:boobs::wwf:
SD! has better talent, but I'd rather watch RAW due to multiple factors including live airing, better atmosphere, presentation (theme music, entrance ramp, colors), flagship show (better storylines), no spoilers 3-4 days before airing.. etc etc
SD! has better talent, but I'd rather watch RAW due to multiple factors including live airing, better atmosphere, presentation (theme music, entrance ramp, colors), flagship show (better storylines), no spoilers 3-4 days before airing.. etc etc

I agree. I also believe that even though Smackdown has better talent, RAW has more Main Event wrestlers. The writing, the story telling is better on RAW, plus the McMahons are all over RAW. When was the last time they were on Smackdown?
Usually when I watch, I think I can stay glued into RAW! more. SD seems abit bland and boring to me, although I used to like it more.

Like somebody before me said, I think more time and design is put into RAW and it just is more exciting overall...There is just something cool about it that makes you want to keep on watching it, when I watch SD all I think is, "Hmmm, cant wait until ________ is on"
I agree. If I see that Jeff Hardy, Undertaker, Edge, and/or HHH aren't wresting, or more than one won't appear I won't bother watching it. Half their main events seem to be The Great Khali vs MVP.

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