Raw LD 9/7/12 - Don't anger the crazy chick!

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Getting Noticed By Management
Last week’s Raw SuperShow redefined the word “fallout” when AJ’s lip-lock with WWE Champion CM Punk ended with her putting both Punk and No. 1 contender Daniel Bryan through a table. Elsewhere, Alberto Del Rio responded to becoming No. 1 contender to the World Heavyweight Title with a veritable rampage through the roster. And one of the most exciting Money in the Bank Ladder Match participants picked up a surprise win last week that cost him dearly. How will things play out this Monday on Raw SuperShow? We have a couple of ideas …

Kiss of Death

Don’t cue the Kiss Cam just yet: AJ’s smooch with CM Punk last week was less a declaration of affection than a harbinger of doom, as the befuddled WWE Champion soon found himself airborne until Daniel Bryan and a table broke The Second City Saint’s fall. The Geek Goddess followed up that bit of business with a far more ominous play on SuperSmackDown LIVE: The Great American Bash when she kissed both Bryan and Punk, who, uncharacteristically, seemed more moved by The Geek Goddess’ affections than he has in recent weeks. As she prepares to guest referee Punk and Bryan’s WWE Title Match at Money in the Bank, it’s safe to assume AJ is up to something. The question is: what is it?

Del Rio's rage

The WWE Board of Directors gave Alberto Del Rio what he’s been asking for and named him No. 1 contender to the World Heavyweight Championship, and The Essence of Excellence responded with an uncharacteristic streak of brutality. He beat Sin Cara down before their match on Raw could even begin, and slammed the hood of his car on World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus’ torso on SuperSmackDown LIVE. Who’ll be the next Superstar to face The Mexican Aristocrat’s wrath on Raw SuperShow?

Keep an eye on the Kidd

It’s safe to say the WWE Universe is starting to get a good idea of what Tyson Kidd is about. The dynamic former Tag Team Champion has been on a roll since winning his way into the World Heavyweight Championship Contract Money in the Bank Ladder Match. But his latest victory – a quick roll-up of Tensai – came with a cost as the towering expatriate administered a vicious beat down on him in the locker room afterward. Kidd has tweeted he won’t be kept down by the attack, but is a rematch in order between the two?

(Prime) Time is of the essence

The Prime Time Players have ducked out of not one, but two matches since becoming the No. 1 contenders to Kofi Kingston & R-Truth’s Tag Team Titles. Kingston has called out PTP’s manager, A.W., on Twitter for not allowing the teams to battle it out officially, but there is a more important issue at work here: A.W.’s previous clients, Primo & Epico, lost their own No. 1 contendership when the smooth-talking manager failed to utilize their rematch clause after Kingston & Truth took the Tag Titles from them. A.W. needs to make his move soon, or risk his dynamic young tag team losing their greatest asset toward tag-team dominance.

Who's running the show?

We know Zack Ryder will be taking over SmackDown for the week, having Woo-Woo-Wooed his way into the blue brand’s GM’s office by winning the Battle Royal on SuperSmackDown LIVE. But while The Ultimate Broski gives SmackDown – err, ZackDown – his own unique spin, Raw is left without a figurehead for the week as of yet. Who’ll take over the reins for the red brand when Raw reconvenes Monday? Tune in and find out!
3 things.

1. What did I miss last week? I was on a cruise.

2. This weeks Slater-Hater is.....
Bob Backlund.


3. Check out ma new name, yo.
Amazing how AJ has become THE star of the WWE over the past month or so. I think she's gotten more tv time than anybody by far.
If somebody told me a year ago that AJ would be the hottest WWE Superstar in the company, I would've suggested psychiatric help. Think about it, AJ is more over than Punk, Cena, and Bryan. Craziness!
I predict a 'pregnancy' storyline in the future. It should be Kane's for shits and giggles.

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