Raw House Show at MSG Results 12/27/11


Dark Match Jobber
Well I am not going to go into much details about the matches but the matches were nothing like the match. cards they had online.

Starting with the Miz being Miz saying how he is going to beat CM Punk in that nights steel cage match. Then R-Truth Music plays Miz Expecting him from the Ramp and instead Truth Comes from the crowd and lays him out.

Next was the Battle Royal for the Number 1 Contender for the US Championship. Participants included. Airboom, Mason Ryan, Dolph Ziggler, Santino, JTG, Tyler Reks and maybe some other can't remember.

Ziggler Wins after Santino hit him with the cobra causing him to roll out of the ring (but not over the ropes). Then returning at the end of the match.

Then there was a match with Alex Riley and a Superstar making his debut. Don't remember his name but he is from South Africa. Riley Wins after hitting his finisher which I don't know what its called but its like an F-5 but the person is swung the opposite way.

There Was a Divas Championship Match. Eve Vs Beth with the Bellas as Special Referee and time Keeper. Beth wins after one of the Bellas stop counting at 2 when even got the pin allowing Beth to hit the Glam Slam.

Mick Foley comes out but then interrupted by Jack Swagger. Then Foley introduce Lawler as Swagger's Opponent. During the match Swagger attacks Foley. Lawler pins Swagger. And Foley brings and old friend back Socko and hits Swagger with the Mandible Claw.

Santino had a match against Michael Mcgillicutty
Santino was the Winner.

Ziggler vs Santino for the US Championship.

Dolph Ziggle gets the three count but reverses his descions after he sees Ryder's foot on the Rope. Ryder hits the Zig Zag and Wins.

AirBoom vs Hunico and Primo for the Tag Team championships

Airboom wins after hitting a trouble in paradise followed by a 450 Spalsh.
(Would of had more details but Rosa Mendez was at Ring Side ;) )
Kane Vs. Cena.

Cena won by DQ After Kane hits Cena with a chair. Follow by that Kane hits the Choke Slam on John Cena. During the match the Lets go Cena chants and Cena sucks his strength shifted based on which chant was being said. And Kane leaving the ring decides to go back and punish Cena more Cena saddle manages to get the AA on Kane.

CM Punk vs Miz in an Cage Match.

Alberto Del Rio should of been apart of the match but due to his injury it just became a 1 v 1. Punk wins by Pinning Miz after hitting the GTS.

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