Raw Elimination Chamber Thoughts

Who Becomes Number One Contender

  • John Cena

  • King Sheamus

  • Randy Orton

  • CM Punk

  • John Morrison

  • R-Truth

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Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
So, at the Elimination Chamber Pay-Per-View, we will see two different Elimination Chamber Matches. The Raw Chamber is to determine the Number One Contender for the WWE Championship. As always, the match will be exciting and hopefully, unpredictable. The 6 Men taking part in the Raw Chamber are;

John Cena vs King Sheamus vs John Morrison vs R-Truth vs CM Punk vs Randy Orton​

Looking at that line-up, I say that 5 out of the 6 guys have a definite chance of winning the match, even if there's an obvious winner. It could go any and every way, but let's take a closer look at why each man could win.

Randy Orton - The man has currently come off the tail of multiple failed attempts at winning the Title. Maybe this is his chance? Who knows. He's been "Runner-Up" at the New Year's Revolution Chamber in 2005, but was beaten to it by Triple H. Orton has participated in 3 Elimination Chambers to date, with Sunday's being his 4th. Maybe it's his time to shine and get one more shot at that Title?

John Cena - Possibly the Wrestler with the best shot at winning the Chamber. 'Cos he just is. Taking part in his first Chamber in '06, which he won, only to lose his Title right after the match and taking part in a Second Chamber in 2010, which yet again, he lost the Title right after in an impromptu match against Match against Batista, which was set up by Vince McMahon. With no Title on the line, the crowd on his side and natural Elimination Chamber skill, this man is a shoe-in to become Miz's Wrestlemania Opponent, unless we see The Rock that is.

King Sheamus - Recently, we've seen King Sheamus go on a wrath against Mark Henry, taking chances to beat him down, so that he can keep his place in the Chamber. Which he did. So, is there any possibility of Sheamus winning? Of course there is, any man could win it. Sheamus is a beastly human being with size and strength on his side. He participated in last years Raw Elimination Chamber, which was won by John Cena. This years will be the second for King Sheamus, so maybe he'll get lucky this year?

CM Punk - Now, Punk is part of the New Nexus. It'd be hard for these guys to get involved in the Chamber Match, UNLESS they beat down the strongest opponents before they get into the Chamber. Not sure how it would work. Anyways, there is a possibility of Punk getting an upper hand from these guys. Punk has participated previously in an ECW & Smackdown Chamber Match, making this his Third, also making him the only man who competed in a Chamber for all Three Brands. Punk, being embroiled in a feud with Orton currently will probably be more focused on taking him out rather than winning, but there's nothing to say that he can't win.

JoMo - Recently, this man has been just amazing. No other words to describe it. He's displayed an In-Ring Skill that not many have seen before, courtesy of the use of Parkour. He's become more aggressive, as seen on Raw the past Monday, where he looked ruthless on McGillicutty & Otunga. He's also had a failed title match against Miz, in a brilliant Falls Count Anywhere Match. This is Morrison's first ever Chamber Match, but it should be a great one. Expect multiple crazy jumps and flips, courtesy of the Chamber Walls & Cells. There's a possibility of seeing a Morrison win, as Miz vs Morrison would be pretty exciting as a Title Match. But at Wrestlemania, it just wouldn't have the Star Quality to it.

R-Truth - Now recently, R-Tru. Who am I kidding, he's just filler.

So, who do you think will win this match?
Is it obvious (Cena), or less (Morrison/Punk)?
Vote on the Poll & Explain why.

(Smackdown to come soon)
Konnan, this is building up Wrestlemania. If Elimination Chamber didn't happen, then they'd just have a boring way to name Number One contender's or Champs. It's an interesting PPV, with some good matches this year.
Why rid of it?
I like the Elimination Chamber. It is one of the only "Gimmick" PPVs that I enjoy. Not that there are many Hell In A Cells or Ladder Matches, but there hasn't been too many Chamber Matches. Plus, you NEVER see them at all during the rest of the year.
John Cena wins this, the only way someone else wins this EC match is if The Rock wrestles one more match against Cena at mania and I don't see that happening much to my dissapontment. If the Rock wrestles one match against Cena then I see John Morrison winning and facing his former tag team partner in The Miz on the grandest stage of them all.

I am dreaming that The Rock does face Cena at mania for three reasons one being I love the Rock and would love to see him wrestle one more time two would be because i would really enjoy seeing Morrison vs Miz at mania being the wwe championship match and three being I don't won't to see Cena in another main event at wrestlemainia.:banghead:

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