Raw Announce Team. Kings gotta go.


Is it just me or is this 3 man announce team not working. References from about 50 years ago, I have a hard time believing many people get. Talk about random bullshit that has nothing to do with anything. It's just not very entertaining or enjoyable to listen to.

But the biggest culprit has got to be Jerry Lawler. I like the guy and all he's done but it's time to retire buddy. He's not even trying anymore and he phones it in every monday with the same terrible joke after terrible joke.

Like on Raw, I'm not sure if I missed something but he said something along the lines of "This chick broke my heart, so I broke her jaw". I mean dude, not funny, bordering on downright disturbing.

If people wanna talk about stale, it's Jerry Lawler, no doubt. He's been bad for a long while now but the sad part is he probably won't get canned. In part because he's been around so long and also cause it would look bad to fire a guy who recently had a heart attack. He pretty much will decide when to step aside and by the looks of things it doesn't seem to be any time soon.

Jerry's 63 years old. There just comes a point (which we've past long ago) where the guy probably doesn't connect with the majority of the people watching. Imagine in 5 years listening to a 68 year old man. YIKES!!!

I say it's time to give William Regal a shot, who has been doing dandy work on commentary in NXT. His jokes are actually funny and his accent is just fun to listen to.

So Spam Zoners, will you stand beside me in this quest to dethrone the King?

P.S. - Forgive me for rambling on in the spam zone (this may have made a good non spam thread, butt fuck it), I just had to get my random thoughts down somewhere. Also I'm sorry about any grammatical errors (me very tired).

Alright, Thanks.

How do people end these?

Goodnight freakshows.
Couldn't agree more. I'm glad you mentioned his age, because I looked up Jim Ross' age, and Good Ol' J.R. is two years younger. Why the younger, more engaging, more talented commentator was sent out to pasture while the older, more off-putting, less talented commentator is allowed to hang around is beyond me.

Jerry Lawler is terrible. Younger viewers have no clue what a shell of himself he is. His references are dated, his jokes aren't funny, and his whole demeanor is that of a moron. Everything he sees is something he's never seen before. Every show, movie, app, or product WWE plugs is met with overacted enthusiasm (and yes, I know that he's supposed to be putting these things over, but he goes way over the top and is as unnatural as can be).

Above all it's just time to move on. The man is a relic. This is a new day and age, and King just doesn't fit in. I haven't read or heard one bad critique of William Regal's work, and what I've heard of it has been brilliant. He's fresh, he's funny, and he puts over talent and the action very well. I wish he'd have stayed with Stacy Carter or retired after the heart attack scare, because each comeback has brought diminished returns. I don't know what kind of a deal he has with WWE, but I can't imagine any focus group telling WWE that they want more Jerry Lawler.
Replacing Lawler with Regal would be like replacing a beat up old station wagon with a brand new lamborghini. I'm all for that change, someone go get this trending on twitter so WWE will take notice of it.
Michael Cole said in an interview before WrestleMania my exact response to this thread.

WWE tell the announcers two thirds of what to say on television. They want The King playing that role so why would they do away with him? Wouldn't make any sense. That's his character, the goody two shoes good guy commentator all about defending the good guy. WWE want him in that role so he'll be staying and doesn't need to leave.
Ross was rightly put out to pasture. Lawler should've been years ago as well. But purely through name alone he brings more credibility than anybody they could replace him with.
I think JBL and Cole would work fantastic together. I think the King is good, it's just the character he has to play sucks hardcore. The WWE force feeding lines has gotten to an obnoxious point of no return. Lawler should have went with JR. Those two were a tremendous team, and King really needs JR to play off of.

Give me a heel JBL with Cole, and put Matthews and Regal on Smackdown. Two solid announce teams.
I would love to see Jerry go. Cole and JBL would do a fine job without him. But if he is replaced, it should be by someone better, and Josh Mathews or that guy from Superstars- Scott Stanford is not the answer. And it should not be Jim Ross either; I find him to be more boring and of the over-reacting sort than even Jerry Lawler. Only good thing is that he doesn't crack jokes.
You had me until you mentioned Regal. I know this is going out on a limb but HHH would be a great color guy. He's funny, quick witted, bright, on top of everything WWE, can switch heel and face up seemlessly, and can be put in the occassional feud when needed. I'm not sure if he'd be willing to do it, he still has a somewhat active in-ring career and he's certainly busy with other things.

Nash is another guy although I'm not sure how trustworthy he is. Cole and JBL would be fine on their own as well. I really like JBL at the table.
The commentary went to shit ever since Michael Cole took over as lead announcer. Cole's delivery and reaction to big spots are flat and unrealistic. Jerry "The King" Lawler clearly is not the man he used to be back in the day. He's not funny anymore, he's become corny because of the current direction of the product, and it's sad. JBL is the most entertaining person on that announce team right now.

If it was up to me, Jim Ross would be back in a heartbeat. Even with The King being as corny as he is now, the chemistry between him and JR is undeniable. They could still go out there and provide great commentary. Send Cole and JBL to SmackDown.
I would love to see Jerry go. Cole and JBL would do a fine job without him. But if he is replaced, it should be by someone better, and Josh Mathews or that guy from Superstars- Scott Stanford is not the answer. And it should not be Jim Ross either; I find him to be more boring and of the over-reacting sort than even Jerry Lawler. Only good thing is that he doesn't crack jokes.

Matthews and JBL > Cole and JBL, every day of the week. More often than not JBL and Matthews are the best thing about Smackdown.
I'm the only one but I think JBL is hideous on commentary. Miz is even worse...I think you're correct about Lawler in the long term but I can't see anyone replacing him right now...Cole is fine, wish he would focus more on the action in the ring though.
I like it as it is. JBL is great + to Cole and Lawler but both of them have their ussual roles. Face it, how would we laugh all promotional stuff about WWE app and other things they try to promote in the name of WWE. :lmao: Trouble is that I can totally see RAW without Lawler and cant see too much wrong in that. That means he can be replaced and no harm would be done...

Now if he retires(which I cant see happening especially after he had heart attack and still doing that job without retireing) I can see that Raw anounce team would be just Cole and JBL. And as much as I dont like Cole it would be fine just like that. :)
The announce team is great just like it is. Michael Cole has truly developed into one of the best announcers the WWE has ever had, Jerry works great serving the various roles he serves (both on the headset and advancing storylines) and JBL is exactly the best way to balance Cole and Lawler out.

Jerry Lawler now is better than he was in the Attitude Era. God, I got so sick of hearing "puppies".
I find Josh Matthews the worst commentator in the WWE right now. Bring Matt Striker, at least he tries to explain why the moves hurt.
Striker exposes how silly wrestling is when he tries to apply logic to why certain moves are impactful.
Striker exposes how silly wrestling is when he tries to apply logic to why certain moves are impactful.

It's better than "I talked to Cesaro earlier today, and he said he drinks water before yodeling"... (he didn't say that, but that exposes the silyness of the guy too). It's really tough to be a commentator.
If you need someone to explain to you why moves hurt, then you are a fucking stupid fan.

The thing that bothers me most about Lawler is that for a guy who had a heart attack on national television less than a year ago, he seems to be eating a lot of greasy fast food at ring side.
If you need someone to explain to you why moves hurt, then you are a fucking stupid fan.

The thing that bothers me most about Lawler is that for a guy who had a heart attack on national television less than a year ago, he seems to be eating a lot of greasy fast food at ring side.

Ventura used to do it, and I liked it... It helped the illusion and at least they had a "explanation" for a "rest and please make some noise hold", now they don't and it saddens me. I liked the old duo of Monsoon and Ventura, and I'm gonna cry now.

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