Raw AE & Raw PG


Dark Match Jobber
Yes back in the day of the golden era there was a little cursing of the word ass. And yes there was blood in some matches. Where nowadays there is no blood what so ever.

So this is for the people who loved the attitude era and hates the pg era. Now lets say the wwf never had an attitude era and still won the Monday night wars. Would you still hate the pg era thats around today?

I would love to hear some thoughts on this.
It is a misconception to think that the AE fans hate the PG era only due to lack of blood. As a golden era fan and also as an AE fan, I can tell you that even if the AE was not there, I would still have hated the PG era. Remember Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon ladder match or Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels iron man match? In the PG era, apart from the Taker vs Shawn classics, what other match has given you a touch of that good wrestling? Who are the heroes of the PG era? Guys like cena who can't wrestle? Then what is the point of watching it?
I don't think blood and bruises just for the purpose of seeing blood and bruises makes a good match or makes any match entertaining. But you almost have to chuckle at the idea of a PG mindset to this stuff. I mean, look at what the product is here. We're talking about the simulation of a bunch of adults, whether they are "real" people (Ric Flair, Bret Hart, etc.) or "fantasy" characters (Undertaker, Kane, etc.), beating the hell out of each other. The idea of grown men going at it but nobody gets hurt borders on ridiculous. As for the mic work, I think that, PG or not, the restrictions have gotten a little bit too extreme. Trust me, kids are hearing a lot worse than "ass" and are seeing a lot more than the "Stone Cold finger" in school.
All these threads discussing PG need to stop.

Here is the way I look at it, and I think this goes for most people. We only refer to "hating the PG era" as a convenient way to label the current time period in the WWE. We don't always hate it strictly BECAUSE of the PG material. It's the booking in general, the hit-or-miss roster these days, the lack of variety in the ring, everything. We just use the "PG" label for convenience, instead of constantly having to say "gee I really don't like this period of time in the WWE that started around...oh.... 2005" oh whatever. TNA is proof that just because you have blood and a few swear words doesn't mean you have a good product. Quite the contrary.

Examples of good booking are few and far between, but we have had decent successes like the original Nexus attack, all of that happening while still in a PG format. PG programming CAN be good.

Would the attitude era even make sense these days? The whole "generation X" thing that we experienced in our society is over with. For a while there, everything was about being edgy and different. The WWE may have even contributed to starting that whole movement in the first place. But things are different these days. I can't help but think of the game BulletStorm that just came out, I haven't played it yet, but apparently it's all about crude humor, F-bombs every three seconds, etc, and most of the reviews just say it comes across as being cheesy and a desperate attempt at being controversial. Which is exactly how TNA comes across these days with saying a$$hole just because they can. For WWE to go back to sex and violence and everything else would need to happen for a reason, not just for the sake of sex and violence.

The original question in this thread is kinda worded strangely anyway, but no, whether or not there ever was an attitude era in the first place, wouldn't change the fact that the current programming is pretty dull. Like many WrestleZone columns touched on, it's NOT a good thing that someone like The Rock can come back and make your entire current product look like garbage in one promo. Bringing back guys like The Rock and Austin are only such a big deal because of how terrible things are now. Sure it's always great to have a legend appear on TV again, but it shouldn't overshadow everything you're currently doing. How excited would we be for Miz and Cena at WrestleMania if The Rock wasn't wrapped up in it? How many people are going to make more of an effort to watch tonight's Raw because of Austin? The current product can't really stand on its own.
I think the reason for why the AE fans hate PG has to do with the lame storylines and poor booking. It is pretty common sense. Can people really say that WWE has been putting on the same quality matches that it used to earlier on, apart from the HBK vs Undertaker matches like mayankeagle said. Can people really say that WWE has been giving the fans interesting storylines like it used to? The only recent storyline that really kept me interested was the original Nexus debuting and beating people up, but I think that storyline lost its momentum after a while especially after Summerslam. Before Nexus, the other storylines that interested were Evolution and the Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle fued. Just because WWE is PG doesn't mean WWE has to be crappy. The PG rating shouldn't be an excuse for crappiness. It is hardly an excuse at all.
Gee another AE vs. PG thread how original. For those of you who are still stuck in the Attitude era, I'm going to tell you the same thing I tell my fellow Canadians whenever the screw job is brought up. GET OVER IT, IT's OVER DONE.

Now I really enjoyed the attitude era, but it wasn't as perfect as everyone seems to want to remember. THere were some really bad and cheesy storylines back then as well (Val Venis having is weiner cut off, May young giving birth to a hand, Katie Vick and many more bad storylines like that), but no one seems to want to remember those, they only seem to want to remember the good stuff.

One of the most over groups during the Attitude era was Too Cool and Rikishi, they got some of the loudest pops, but I bet if they were to have debut during the PG era everyone would have said they suck, just because it's cool to diss anything in the PG era.

I think the biggest problem of the PG era is the IWC, the IWC barely existed during the Attitude era, but has now grown so large and people in the IWC think it's cool to Boo the faces and Cheer the heels.

Overall listen to the pops John Cena gets and while yes most of them are Women and children, you also see many men in the audience cheering. Do you know who are the people in the audience booing and saying Cena sucks are, it's the members of the IWC who are in the audience and think they are cool because they are going against the crowd
I call it the 2 extremes. On the one hand during the AE, WWE pretty much had no limitations on what could be done or said, and to take it a step further, guys were blade-ing too much imo. The other extreme is the PG era where nothing is allowed. The divas are saints compared to the shit they went through in the AE era (that's not a bad thing imo, there are enough things that degrade women in this world), the wrestlers can't do shit on their own, they can't even say ass, and then they are willing to stop a match on the dime if someone starts to bleed. WTF!? The tale of 2 extremes is what it is, and I really think that if they just do things down the middle, people won't really complain as much. Allow cursing here and there when it is suitable, not like TNA where every other word is asshole, and honestly at this point Anderson is fucking annoying to me. If a guy bleeds don't stop the fucking match, I mean come on that was crazy. I don't think guy should blade, others may disagree, but blood usually comes around naturally enough in wrestling to the point where you will get it in doses. There are good and bad from both the AE and PG are's, and I just think WWE has to find the equilibrium, and honestly I think they are there right now. You don't hear everyone cursing on Raw just because it's getting closer to WM, it is being used in the correct way, not too much and at the correct time.
Big difference. I agree with markyangle on the fact name one other 5 star match we have gotten since they went PG other than Taker/Michaels....you can't because there isn't one.
I've been watching wrestling since 1983 and lived through the Hulkamania era, AE Era and now the PG era. This is by far the worst Era in storytelling and booking.

I don't think this has anything to do with the Gen X thing unless you are mentioning DgenX.

I do think that we are seeing the Rock and Austin right now to get the buy rates up for Wrestlemania. I mean how many of us were really looking forward to Wrestlemania until the Rock showed up and said he was the Host of WM. I wasn't and I really am not right now due to the matches I am seeing right now.

If there was no AE we would still be in the Hulkamania era because Hogan would never have left to make Hogan knows best, or Vince would have never let him go he would have kept shelling out the money to keep him going and he would have. People got tired of Hogan's gimmick both of them because there was no change and it wasn't different. Heel Hogan was like Face Hogan only he cheated. No Difference.

I think WWE needs to do add a few more gimmick wrestlers like the Undertaker (the person must be good) to fill his void when he leaves. I also think they need strong managers to help with the stories like in the 80's like Jimmy Hart, Bobby the Brain, and Mr. Fuji. Runjin Singh will never be a top manager ever. Think of where they could have taken the Hart Dynasty with a really good manager along with Nattie.

The main issue with the PG era are the storylines suck the majority of the wrestlers suck and the matches are too short on tv except for the diva matches.
i wouldnt say i hated the PG era compare to the Attitude era... for my i think its more down to realism

yes i know its scripted etc

but seriously growing up we all know every1 is prone to a swear word here and there and ass ? really isnt that bad compared to some words used on daily basis elsewhere...

bloor never really bothered with it but yea it can happen with bumps ...its good they are looking after the wrestlers but minor injurys am sure even the wrestlers sometimes think ...lets just get done here first and deal with it later...

PG era has seen more wrestling compared to gimmick matches i think with the like of JoMo , Ziggler , Danial Bryan , Kofi , Swagger decent and great talent at wrestling...hell i even give the miz credit . love him or hate him he still produces more moves than the face of the company and gets over to an extent.
The AE and PG era. I've been a fan since the 80's. Both the WWF and NWA. The 80's in the WWF imo, was entertaining. It was like watching a weekly movie. The NWA had the best wrestlers. It was for the people who wanted to watch a sport. They didn't have the bright lights, flashy customes like the WWF. They were straight down the middle fun. Thats what made the Flair the best champ ever, imo. He didn't have superpowers or big muscles, or say anything like Hogan. He was a normal guy who did what it took to win.

When Hogan left to go to WCW in the 90's, that's when things changed. Hart became a champion and they became a product I think. Hogan went to WCW and got the belt in a snap. They became what WWF was in the 80's, which I think sucked. You had a champ in WWf now who cared about being champ in Hart. Not a flashy or big guy, just a guy who wanted to perform for the people. Take on all comers. He never pretend to be what he wasn't. That made WWF more entaining imo with Taker, Razor, Deisel, Shawn, and Austin.

Times started to change and things started to get edgier. Hall and Nash left to go to WCW and the NWO was born, which was a kick in the ass to the wrestling world. They started the whole thing. Atttacking people, scarying people with bats, etc. When the WWF started to go this way, it made them better. They had a guy that was a heel that did what he wanted, say what he wanted and raised hell. The fans started to catch on and Austin and the whole AE took off. The Rock got better, Taker and Kane. Foley and DX. They kicked ass. They buried WCW which started to become lame.

The AE had edgy storylines. Yes they had half naked women and dumb stuff like Mae Young, but who cared. You had a program then that people wanted to see and could relate to sometimes. What guy or girl,doesn't like looking at women? What person didn't want to tell there boss to F-off? This was the best time. You talked like a normal person. If a cuss word came out, so what. Peope talk like that. We don't live in a PG world like all the right wing people want. We live in a world where things happen. Fighting, cussing, naked women, people hatein people. That's what made the AE great. People could relate. They wanted to see what was going to happen next week. The matches felt real. You really thought they wanted to kill each other. Thats what made Austin and The Rock the best ever.

Now, in the PG era, you have a lame boring product. No storylines. Orton was close to the AE roster, now he's watered down. No real feuds. Nothing. They act like all the other stuff isn't real. You have a company man who sucks. Every year, in the title match at Mania? Sorry, that gets old. Not even Hart, Michaels, Taker, Rock or Austin did that. Yes he may get pops, but be real. The PG era sucks. The writing, booking team, and roster everything. No blood, come on. When your getting your ass kicked, don't you bleed? When you talk or get mad, don't you cuss, sometimes? Be real people, this is the WORST ERA ever.

Cena, I'm sorry, I can't stand him. The WWE loves him, I don't know why. They had a title made for him and they're still using it. That is the uglyest belt ever made. People are gonna say, "so, Austin had the smoking skull belt". True, but did they use it everytime? No. They used it when he was champion and then they stopped. He started to use the normal title like the other champions did.

The product sucks, the face of the company, the booking, everything. I'll read about the raws, but not watch it. From a 6.5 rating in the AE to a 3 rating? What does that tell you. I'll admit, I watched the last couple of weeks because of the Rock. He came on a the ratings jumped. Not alote, but they went up. When he talked, he made you beleave what he was saying. He talked like a normal person does when he gets mad or called out. Cena and the product can't do that because of the PG. They might as well go on the Nick or Disney channel. I'll be watching 2night as I'm sure millions of people will. Not because of the product, but because of Austin. The WWE and AE, myself included, better enjoy this month because of The Rock and now Austin, because when Mania is done, their not going to be on again and we'll be stuck with the suck ass PG era and super sorry ass Cena winning all the time. Even when he had his thug thing, imo, he still sucked. Trying to be a baddass like Austin and say cool stuff like the Rock, sorry, he still sucks no matter what. HELL YEAH
i wudnt say the wwe sucks at the moment or anything like that as i still watch it but at the same time i just dont know how anyone can even try and argue that pg wwe is as good as attitude wwe i would watch religeously every episode up until this pg stuff came in it started getting more and more watered down to the point were it was almost embarassing to watch at times it seems to be improving slightly now tho to be fair

the attitude era was just plain entertaining it may have had some crap aswell but most of that was just done for the comedy and shock value i know i would rather watch val venus get his dick chopped off and mae young giving birth to a hand then some of the hornswoggle type shit they kept giving us but the attitude era is over sadly i just would rather they didnt water it down as much as they did it just made the show look childish and pathetic at times
From a 6.5 rating in the AE to a 3 rating? What does that tell you.

Ok this is another HUGE misconception about the ratings. Back in the 90s there wasn't as many TV stations and such to spread out the audience so the share was far different in the ratings.

I'm also sick of the PG debate. Blood and chair shots to the head don't make a product better. Plus I like my wrestlers to be safe and not blade every week or take serious shots to the body.
It is a misconception to think that the AE fans hate the PG era only due to lack of blood. As a golden era fan and also as an AE fan, I can tell you that even if the AE was not there, I would still have hated the PG era. Remember Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon ladder match or Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels iron man match? In the PG era, apart from the Taker vs Shawn classics, what other match has given you a touch of that good wrestling? Who are the heroes of the PG era? Guys like cena who can't wrestle? Then what is the point of watching it?

Dude the Michaels/Ramon matches and Hart/Michaels Iron man match were before the attitude era when there wasn't swearing or much blood yet. WWE was PG before the attitude era too. Blood and swearing doesn't make wrestling any better, especially when it's been done to death. People's small brains just think: "Blooooood cooool, OMG he said ass haha!" yada yada yada. You're not a true wrestling fan if thats all your stupid ass wants to see. Go watch MMA if you want to see blood, there's plenty of it. The WWE is about the story, period. The wrestling could be better I agree, but I feel it's more a booking issue than the wrestlers themselves. If they let the wrestlers be creative and step outside their signature moves (which they really only do on PPV's) they could be better. But I'm sick of hearing stupid assholes saying we need blood and swearing because that's all our puny brains can comprehend. It's not gonna change for awhile if ever so give it a fucking rest already!
The big issue is with the AE is that most of the wrestlers making the impacts then were still seasoned vets.... from stunning Steve Austin's journey to being the "ring-master", to the original "stone cold" gimmick to the penultimate rattlesnake... a very young Rocky Maivia getting boo'ed out of the building for being the instant-babyface... the fact Farooq/ Ron Simmons had already had one hell of a legacy in WCW, and "Justin-Hawk Bradshaw"?... Taker had been paying his dues since the golden era, as well as Kane under varies gimmicks... Every big attitude star had been fighting to get to the pinnacle of their careers since before "Attitude" was even conceptualized... Diesel/ Kevin Nash... remember Vinnie Vegas? Big Scott Hall had been doing his thing in NWA before Razor Ramone....

I could go on forever, but the difference is, the few sorted young bloods of the Attitude Generation either burned out early in their careers, were neglected and bumped down or wound up the Cenas and Ortons of today-

But when youre trying to climb the ranks and youre following the footsteps of guys like Hogan, Warrior, Roads Warriors, Sting, Flair, Hart and Andre, Earthquake, Yokozuna.... youre gonna get Stone Colds and Rocks.... why? Cause it was HARD to not be overshadowed.

Following a Rock or Stone cold departure..... well... you get the Miz....

This is a PG era because we have the YOUNGEST, most GREEN champions in wrestling history.

There are no more Icons forcing the young generations to really carve out their niche... except in TNA where they are busting their asses in a now (mediocre) product...

Bare with it, the next era will be captivating, if WWE can survive the ten years it'll take.
Ok this is another HUGE misconception about the ratings. Back in the 90s there wasn't as many TV stations and such to spread out the audience so the share was far different in the ratings.

I'm also sick of the PG debate. Blood and chair shots to the head don't make a product better. Plus I like my wrestlers to be safe and not blade every week or take serious shots to the body.

Funny, in the late 90's you still had MNF and NBA and your cable movies, etc. Don't know what your trying to say. As for blood, I didn't saw everyweek. TNA does, but I did mention TNA cause, well, they don't matter. Your always gonna to have the AE people compare cause we miss it. Its no different then your fav sports team. You compare when your team were winning championships or winning and now there not. Sorry, it's the way it goes. All the AE fans are saying, stop going for the Disney channel and come back to reality. Make it more better. More entertaining and stop with the superhero Cena. Again, as long as you like something, a sport, movie, whatever, people are always going to compare. Thats just my opinion.
Make it more better.

Youre not allowed to talk anymore.

I think the main problem AE fans have with the WWE right now is Cena. They are trying to recreate Hulk Hogan for the new era of fans. What's so wrong with that? The guy is a hardworker and he really cares about the WWE so let him be. He's not my favorite either, but I've loved seeing him get screwed by the Miz and dissed by Rock lately. People who think that blood and swearing is necessary in wrestling will always have blinders on to anything good while PG is in effect. Best just to ignore their dumbasses and enjoy the show.
I don't want to see blood and stuff every week but WWE is now too childish. It always ends up having Super Cena win in the end no matter who he is against just to please 6 year olds. Cena isn't even entertaining he does 2 or 3 moves then wins the match even if he is against the most talented wrestler in the world WWE will always make Cena win. People like Orton and CM Punk cannot be as good a character as they would have been in the attitude era because they have to do everything so that it is suitable for 6 year olds.
Cena aside.... blame it on budget cuts and predictability....
Even if they were pushing... and REALLY pushing the younger talent....
Things that made AE great weren't really the blood or cussing, but the total chaos AND humor involved...
From Stone Cold's beer truck vs Angle's Milk truck incidents.... Vinny Mac's car getting filled with cement, big show trying to push cars on top of other wrestlers, backstage brawls, *CROWD PARTICIPATION* etc...

Cena is only top dog 'cause he can sell merch- but on the same note, the last couple events I went to (even smackdown) were pretty much ONLY selling Cena merch.

They just need to shake things up a bit- Morrison, Sheamus and Punk are the next big things, so long as nobody decides to bump them down.
just noticed a lot of peeps saying that its not neccesary to see blood constantly and there absolutly right it loses its effect after a while but i miss seeing it every now and again if used in moderation it can make matchs fueds backstage fights ect ten times more epic sorry but its true i think a lot of people are trying to convince themselves that it isnt needed coz lets be honest who doesnt miss seeing a fued end in a brutal hell in a cell match or a street fight
I like how people forget anything after the Invasion 2001 then all of a sudden 2008 popped out of nowhere. But anyway...

Times started to change and things started to get edgier. Hall and Nash left to go to WCW and the NWO was born, which was a kick in the ass to the wrestling world. They started the whole thing. Atttacking people, scarying people with bats, etc. When the WWF started to go this way, it made them better. They had a guy that was a heel that did what he wanted, say what he wanted and raised hell. The fans started to catch on and Austin and the whole AE took off. The Rock got better, Taker and Kane. Foley and DX. They kicked ass. They buried WCW which started to become lame.
And during most of this period the WWE was rated TVPG. Including PPVs.

From a 6.5 rating in the AE to a 3 rating? What does that tell you.
That the Attitude Era was a fad. Ratings in the bulk of the 90s were the same as today's.

To answer the question I would still hate this era. Not because it's PG, but because
-wrong guys are getting pushed while the talented guys they do have are either buried, have their style of wrestling toned down to make them suck(Del Rio?) or let go
-Overscripted promos
-Dropped the ball on potentially good storylines
-Same sets for Raw/SD while the brand split still exists
-Insult the fans' intelligence every other week
-Childish environment and presentation(WCW/NWO and Smackdown 2000-present were PG yet they weren't this childish, and neither was the New Generation or late Hogan era). Stupid Khali kiss-cam, Hornswoggle shoved down our throats, too many camera shots at children in the audience, dance contests, etc.
The single biggest problem regarding fans that harp on and on about how good the Attitude Era was is that they remember it as being much better than it actually was. From the way you hear some posters talk, including a few in these threads, the Attitude Era was some shining beacon of what wrestling should ultimately be like. In their minds, every feud was a heated grudge, every match a 5 star classic, every promo was greatness of Shakespearean proportions. BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUULLLLLLLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!

There were plenty of awful feuds, matches angles and storylines that went on during the Attitude Era. The AE revolved a lot around shock value, doing something outrageous just for the sake of popping a rating. Sure it was exciting seeing Divas running around wearing as little as possible allowed by law. Today, it's no big deal. Some of the stuff the Divas did circa 1999 seems rather quaint compared to what's out there these days. Pornography is readily and easily available so the stunts involving bra & panty and pillow fight matches just can't compete. You had segments involving Vel Venis getting his dick chopped off by Kaientai, Steve Austin throwing the IC title off of a bridge and into a river, most episodes of Raw were little more than promo fests with very little wrestling taking place, we all remember the Katie Vick storyline, we all remember Vince McMahon making women strip down to their underwear when they "didn't want to", we remember Vince McMahon's kiss my ass club, and so on and so forth. At the time, a lot of that seemed great but going back and looking at it, much of it was so bad that I was embarassed that I thought some of that stuff was good at one time.

Another big problem is that many of us older posters grew up watching Austin, The Rock, HBK, Triple H & The Undertaker. We came of age watching them do their thing and it created a lot of great memories of hanging out with our friends on Monday nights or all of us getting together to go watch a live taping of Raw when it was in the area, etc. There are a lot of great wrestlers on the WWE roster, they're just not the wrestlers we grew up with. And, in the minds of some of us, they're never going to be as good as The Rock or Austin. When those two started to make big names for themselves in the WWF, my old man said that they were pretty good but they'd never measure up to guys like Ric Flair or Hulk Hogan or Randy Savage.

As for blood, it doesn't make or break a match at all. The WWE has shown for several years now that you can have great, quality cage matches or no DQ matches without blading. TNA uses blood on a fairly regular basis and it doesn't do anything to help the show. The problem with them isn't the usage or lack of blood, it's the product in and of itself. If someone isn't all that crazy about the WWE product, that's all well and good. But the Attitude Era wasn't this unparalelled time of greatness where all was right with the wrestling world, not by a long shot.
People just look at the Attitude Era as the holy grail of a wrestling show for one reason's. They grew up in it, and they loved it, but can't move on from it.

Seriously, you know what I hate, people who just constantly bash today's WWE product without watching it. Becuase A, there's no blood. B, there's no boob's. Or C, there's no Stone Cold.

Why are people even comparing the Attitude Era to the PG Era. One was used for shock value becuase of a desperate move to gain fan's from WCW. The other is the transition period, building up guy's while the veteran's leave to have for the next ten year's.

Sure, it's not edgy, it'a not pushing the limit. But's it's good quality television. If you actually realize it's 2011, Cena's the top face and a great wrestler, and Steve Austin is never wresting another match again.
I don't dislike the PG era because it's PG. It just that the story and characters were written better in the AE era. Plus the titles meant more back in the AE. The tag team division was high, the mid card was pretty high, and well it seemed like everything matter.

You can put that in the PG era, but the creative team either lost their mojo or lack the motivation.

The Monday Night Wars is probably force the WWE had to make things interesting and wanted to be to be edgy to get ratings. It's not like that anymore. The PG era isn't bad, but it's not for me much.
i am a huge ae fan and it is taking me back in time to see The Rock, and Stone cold on tv again. The rock is bringing back a lil different version of the AE. But dont get me wrong i still love the product were given today.

As fare as the blood goes, its not the blood i miss...Its the violence. its the aggression. The matches then were more fierce, had more meaning and well attitude. Matches like Foley and The rock in the falls count anywhere.
Vincent Kennedy Mcmahon pushes pg product, but to enhance the ROAD TO WRESTLEMANIA he has to hire huge stars from the ATTITUDE ERA to get bigger buys?

I'm sure there will be more attitude era guy's that will make appearances at WRESTLEMANIA also. So far it's been a proven fact that the ROCK alone jumps the ratings 1/2 to 3/4 of a point. now we have STONE COLD, JBL, HHH in the mix to boost the hype of MANIA, and ppv buys of course & major star power.
What I do find interesting is that VINCE has been letting THE ROCK & STONE COLD do all of their ATTITUDE ERA "attitudes" on a pg show... it's absolutely awesome to see THE ROCK & and his "BARNEY'S ANUS" and STONE COLD "DRINKING BEER" for the kiddies. Incredibly good pg tv for the kid's.

Besides better rating's & WRESLEMANIA of course, why is VINCE letting the guy's like the ROCK, and STSA do their non-pg skit's when the company does not endorse it? There have been people that have lost their job's at the WWE because of things they have done either at the show's or on their own time because WWE follows more strict rules becuase of the pg ,and VINCE turn's around and let's these guy's bury PG just to get better ppv buy's. Is VINCE a hypocrit when it comes to benefiting him?

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