Raw 20 Jan 14


Occasional Pre-Show
So I'm planning on going to Raw on Monday, January 20th. I'm stoked about it because it's got all the big names...Bryan, Cena, Lesnar, Orton, etc...it's also Batista's return to WWE, and the go home Raw to the Rumble. I expect it to be a great show.

So I have a couple of questions for ya'll:

I haven't been to a WWE event in a few years. The last one was a crappy house show in North Carolina, and before that it was back when HBK and HHH were doing the DX thing against "The Spirit Squad" w/ the McMahons.

What I don't want, is to be a part of another crappy raw where the fans are total crap. So give me some pointers...what can I do to help with this? I want to do all that I can to make sure that Raw doesn't suck for you, the viewer!!

Second...has anyone here ever gotten the free military tickets offered at most live WWE events? A couple buddies and I are going to grab a few. What kind of seats do you generally end up with? I'm not expecting front row...but I'd hate to sit in the last row.

It's Wrestlemania season, a major star is returning and it's a televised event. I highly doubt it would suck live somehow. Just enjoy it.
I hope you don't get stuck next to annoying people.

At a Smackdown I was at a few years ago some late teens kid kept talking about behind the scenes stuff to anyone that would listen including some little kid that seemed to look sadder and sadder as this kid said more and more stuff. Essentially ruining the show for the younger kid. Any time someone tried to talk about storyline stuff this guy would interrupt them and pretty much just talk about stuff on the dirt sheets.

I should have cunt punched the dude for being annoying.

Like Killjoy said with Batista coming back the crowd should be somewhat fired up already. People seem to like him for some reason.

Don't be afraid to get into it and clap and make noise and stuff if that's something you're willing to do. That kind of stuff is usually contagious.

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