Rave, Devine, Dutt, Williams...The New Radicalz?


Getting Noticed By Management
Do you think that would work? Maybe throw in Senshi instead of rave or Devine, thought i read that 1 of them may go back for special appearances. If any of these guys came to wwe, with the exception of maybe Petey, I'm not sure they'd have much of an impact. But what if they came in together? Would it have the same shock value and impact TNA like WCW was back in the day. Great talent jumping ship together? I think it could work. These guys are great wrestlers, if used properly, there would be some great matches. To make an impact, maybe they attack Legacy, or Miz and Morrison. What you guys think?
There is a possibility it could work but not on the same level as the Radicalz as there is not a big time star like Benoit was at the time. Also Malenko, Guerrero and Saturn were well known at the time where as the TNA wrestlers are not on the same level as them with the exception of perhaps Senshi as a similer level to Saturn and Eddie.
Well Senshi is already in WWE in their developmental place. It could work but I don't know if it would make the same amount of impact as the actual Radicalz cause for one Dutt, Devine, Petey, & Rave are not big names like Benoit, Saturn, Malenko & Eddie were. The only one that comes close to being as big as The Radicalz is Senshi. To sum it all up I think it would work but not the same amount of impact or shock value as the original Radicalz.
Absolutely not. The Radicalz were a bunch of well respected, accomplished wrestlers before coming to the WWE, which is why they had an impact. They had lots of exposure in WCW, and Benoit was hot coming straight off of a world title win in the rival company. Rave, Divine, Dutt and Williams are nothing more than a bunch of mid-carders at best who had nothing going for them in TNA. A large majority of the WWE audience wouldn't even have a clue who they are, and most of the TNA fanbase didn't care for the guys anyway, so it would be nothing short of pointless.
It would be interesting to see them all come out one night and attack some face wrestlers from the crowd. Would almost make the audience think that there was some sort of an invasion taking place. The only problem with that would (I guess I shouldn't say only, as there are countless problems with that). but the problem that it make attract people to TNA. Fans I think would be interested in a sort of invasion like story, fans and people in general love those type of story lines. Maybe those four attack the Colons. Then later that night, attack M&M. You could set up a great story that they could band the tag teams together, and have a four on four match. Then after a while, break it up, and have at least one new tag team and two new single wrestlers out of it.
The differencebetween these four and the radicalz is that TNA let these people leave at their own accord, whereas the radicalz almost forced their way out of the company.

In terms of quality and interest there is no comparision. The least over of the Radicalz was probably Perry Saturn and he had a hell of a lot more going for him than anyone on the list above.

By the time they moved, Benoit was the WCW champion. Here you just have a load of X-divisioners, and not even the best ones. TNA draws less than ECW, so stealing their top talent is not worth the feather in the cap that taking WCW's talent, which at the time had ratings comparable to Raw's.

This kind of angle could still work, but you'd need much bigger players than these 4. If it was 4 from AJ, Abyss, Consequences Creed, Samoa Joe, MCMG, LAX , Beer Money and maybe Petey Williams then it would be good, because it would be taking TNA's top homegrown talent from under their noses, in exactly the same way that happened to WCW.

However, the amount of persuasion it would take, for the minimal impact it would make, means that even that probably wouldn't be worth it. Remember much of the Radicalz impact came from the fact that many former WCW fans, who had seen them before, were glad to see them again. Also, they brought some fans with them, particularly those interested in technical wrestling. The same wouldn't happen now. Chances are, if you are a TNA fan, then you have at least a casual interest in WWE programming.
I like the idea of bringing these guys in. Tell me what you think of this idea-

Have the 4/5 of them come in WITH the cruiserweight title. They can say that THEY are the only 4/5 cruiserweights good enuff to carry the title. And they wanna have a "ladder match" type match for the title. Put the title hanging from the ceiling. Then as the match is goin on... more WWE cruiserweights start joining the match IE: Kendrick, Bourne, wang yang(give him a ninja-like gimmick) maybe even chavo and santino. The next thing u know, your watching one HELLUVA ladder match for the new cruiserweight title!

This would have to be something done on a "big stage" And what bigger stage is there then Wrestlemania?? Start the whole PPV off with these "TNA rejects" doin this. Ultimately leading to this rediculous ladder match. PERFECT!!

Tell me THAT wouldnt create a helluva buzz around the arena to start the show!! People would start off confused- not knowing who these "new guys" are. But by the middle of the match- people are gonna be like "HOLY SHIT" this is AWESOME!!!

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